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Oh, we're not even to the penultimate set, and this story is HARD, y'all! Denial is everywhere about Kagari, the Sybil System, Shogo is tested and my SHIPPPP is as well! Kogami and Akane's relationship is pushed to the breaking point and things are getting more and more tense...so when's it all going to snap?  

LINK TO REACTION:https://share.vidyard.com/watch/RphN81LuEpGjuwdiVHvUVg?

Thank you for watching with me and for all the support!


Romania Black - Psycho-Pass: EXTENDED Edition: Episode 9 Reaction! A PROMISE WRITTEN ON WATER?!

LINK TO REACTION: https://share.vidyard.com/watch/RphN81LuEpGjuwdiVHvUVg? **SLIPPERY-SHIPPERY HEADPHONE WARNINGS** Oh, we're not even to the penultimate set, and this story is HARD, y'all! Denial is everywhere about Kagari, the Sybil System, Shogo is tested and my SHIPPPP is as well! Kogami and Akane's relationship is pushed to the breaking point and things are getting more and more tense...so when's it all going to snap? Thank you for watching with me and for all the support! Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RomaniaBlack My Anime: https://myanimelist.net/profile/RomaniaBlack Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/RomaniaBlack You can mail me a letter or anything (except food, please) at this address: Romania Black PO Box 768 Harrisburg, IL 62946 USA



Loved the reaction and discussion! Such an excellent episode. I’ve said this already, but I really appreciated the Kagari-love, he was an important element within the squad and the show DOES feel empty without him – thank you for noting this. 😭 I think they timed it so well in terms of showing the aftermath of the “helmet-riots,” so everything was eerily quiet, not just the PSB. And I absolutely agree regarding the manipulation (from the Chief) – it is just further injustice perpetrated against him. I love the way they structured the last third of the ep, how Shion and Masaoka just know what’s going on without it being an explicit conversation with Kogami - since he’s already made his decision. I wanted to highlight the OST in this episode. The composer for the show is Yugo Kanno, am a huge fan of his work (one of those composers for whom I’ll check out a series just based on their involvement). Here is a link to the track playing at the end of the episode, specifically the Kogami, Shion & Masaoka scenes and then the voiceover as Akane reads the note (static no-spoiler image in links, comments are off): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4H4ZHvZFb1w We heard different versions of it a few times in the previous episodes (mostly in Kogami/Akane scenes), it is a version of the familiar main Psycho-Pass theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rKI7F1hhWSo And the way it transitions into that sting of the ED song in Akane’s scene at the end – blessed angst. Looking forward to next week! 💙


I really miss Kagari! He definitely was a HUGE role in the squad and having him not there feels so empty, I agree! And it's so "quiet" in the episode at the start, I think that it just makes it hit harder! And I loooooooove how Shion and Masaoka know Kogami so well -- I would say Ginoza knows him so well, too, but he's in a constant state of denial about SO many things right now, that he doesn't want to imagine Kogami's decision even being a thing, it seems. Ooohhh, thank you for the links to the OST tracks! The music in this show is really, really good! And UGH, the angst of Kogami and Akane separating and going their separate ways...it definitely hurts to be here in that regard! EXCITED for this coming week! Thank you for the comment! :D :D

Anime Annie

I love that we the viewers know the truth regarding Kagari, but also what the Sibyl System truly is. It does make you all the more nervous for the other characters as well as makes you want to cheer on Division 1 for being able to learn the truth. Also adds so much frustration for us the viewers with them holding Kagari's "disappearance" over Division 1's heads. It's so interesting to see that Makishima did give an ever so slight reaction to the death of Choe. It's barely a flicker of change but it's more than what all the other deaths he's seen/taken part in have wrought. This show just loves to make you flinch or give you jump scares. Kougami knew things weren't over with Makishima yet, hence (in my opinion) why he saw Makishima right next to him just before said man called him up... Chief screwed up showing she had the ability to hack the Dominator into changing modes. So many witnesses to a change only the Sibyl System should be able to do, and only when there's been a change to the person's crime co-efficient. Getting to be a habit, Akane beside Kougami's hospital bed 😅 I did figure the Shinkane ship would just tick so many of your boxes. So glad I was able to predict how hard you'd fall for their ship. But the show really gives us so much content for them that it'd just be wrong not to ship them 🤣 Touma's brain on watching your reaction immediately made me think of Brain-kun too! It definitely adds to the comparison that Sakurai voices both Makishima and Geto/Brain-kun. Kagari definitely leaves such a hole with his death 😭 Akane is Lawful Good, Makishima is Chaotic Neutral, and I'd maybe put Kougami as Chaotic Good because he's willing to break the law in order to create a positive result (i.e. killing Makishima would remove his criminal mastermind skill from society preventing more crimes in the future, and also provides a suitable way of dealing with him that won't leave Makishima a chance to escape again [at least as far as Kougami is aware]). Totally understandable not to pick up on Masaoka being Ginoza's father just because he called him by his first name. Yes I could understand that if Ginoza was the only person Masaoka addressed in a more informal way. But he's also quite informal with how he addresses the others too. He usually always refers to Akane as "Ojou-san" or "Ojou-chan" and Kougami is always "Kou". Yeah Ginoza and Kougami definitely give me sibling vibes too within their little Found Family. Psycho-Pass is definitely one of those shows that you can really see so many links to other anime.


The tension between what the audience knows and Sybil System knows is SO true! But yeah, definitely missing Kagari in the series! And yesssss, that flicker with Makishima – fueling my Cho x Makishima ship, even if it’s sank to the bottom of the sea, now! T_T Also, the jump scares this show gives, yes! I’m easily scared so I don’t watch a lot of horror movies because of those darn jump scares, but this series definitely makes it “work.” The Sybil-System getting somewhat “sloppy” alongside its obsession to get what it wants is INTERESTING indeed! And yessss, I’m not complaining about any moment that lets Akane and Kougami be together…just TALK YOU TWO! *screams into pillow* But yes, I’m kind of all about this ship; it really does tick so many boxes for me! OF COURSE Makishima and Geto’s VA gets a connection – it’s so creepy, though! I wonder, since this was recorded first, if Sakurai - when learning the JJK twist - was like, “Ahhh here we go again…” XD That is a good lining up with Kogami as Chaotic Good and Makishima as Chaotic Neutral! Akane is for SURE Lawful Good to a “T,” though. NO doubts, there. Masaoka being so informal and him and Ginoza NOT looking like father and son off the bat definitely made the reveal that much better! But I agree, Kogami is like the foster brother of Ginoza with their vibes for sure! I love Psycho-Pass tying to other shows but being so brilliant on its own. It’s definitely wormed its way into my heart! 🙂Thanks for the kind words and comment!