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This episode was incredible -- a conclusion to the Mahito vs. Todo vs. Yuuji battle I did NOT see coming...on SO MANY FRONTS!   

Yuuji has decided to accept his "role" and become the monster needed to fight Mahito...but what will this spell for Yuuji in the future? Will Geto "save" Mahito? Will Todo be able to ever Boogie Woogie again?!  

LINK TO REACTION:https://share.vidyard.com/watch/7GhSJkyuKGjzWGB9FjDEk2?

Thank you for watching with me and for all the support!


Jujutsu Kaisen Season 2: Episode 21 Reaction! METAMORPHOSIS!?

LINK TO REACTION: https://share.vidyard.com/watch/7GhSJkyuKGjzWGB9FjDEk2? **CHRYSALLISED HEADPHONE WARNINGS** This episode was incredible -- a conclusion to the Mahito vs. Todo vs. Yuuji battle I did NOT see coming...on SO MANY FRONTS! Yuuji has decided to accept his "role" and become the monster needed to fight Mahito...but what will this spell for Yuuji in the future? Will Geto "save" Mahito? Will Todo be able to ever Boogie Woogie again?! Thank you for watching with me and for all the support! Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RomaniaBlack My Anime: https://myanimelist.net/profile/RomaniaBlack Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/RomaniaBlack You can mail me a letter or anything (except food, please) at this address: Romania Black PO Box 768 Harrisburg, IL 62946 USA



Awesome reaction and discussion!! And amazing Todou cosplay!! The body suit was hilarious XD Talking about this episode, I was also so afraid Todou was gonna die there when I first read this part in manga. The constant stress that Todou was going to die there AND DEAL EVEN MORE MENTAL DAMAGE TO YUUJI was real and true. I think if Yuuji lost another person this soon after seeing Nobara getting decimated would be his final straw and he would just go mad. Also!!! Mahito using the same exact wording as the narrator did before when Gojo did it to refer to the 0.2 second domain was soo twisted!! "Desperate gamble" AAAAA uhdefb "The more inhuman villain character looks, the more likely he is to die" is so funny when talking about bleach bc of Aizen and his final butterfly of creepiness form XD Nothing can kill the lord Aizen, not even the anime tropes XD "He lost all of his sex appeal and became Hanami's brother" BHJBECJBRH THAT LINE MADE ME LAUGH SO MUCH I CAN'T. LITERALLY MADE ME HAVE TO PAUSE REACTION I LAUGHED SO HARD XDD Todou was so big brain in this episode when he bluffed Mahito with his clap without his hand. He is just. Such a good character!! And when he started to have those fantasies about his idol XDDD I just burst out laughing. AND THE CUTE IDOL SONG THAT WAS PLAYING IN THE BACKGROUND OF THAT SCENE XD Also. I looove how Yuuji is so important to Todou that he has HIS PHOTO is his necklace... He is just so adorable in his friendship with Yuuji. He truly loves him and its just so wholesome!!! Also the whole speak Yuuji gave reminded me of this quote from a different fandom. Basically, paraphrasing it, its "There is no meaning to be found in living. Meaning is something other people find in our lives after we die". The way Yuuji talked about being cog in the machine... The good jujutsu sorcerers live their lives trying to make things better for people who come after them. Its really depressing concept, to deny yourself your own happiness for others. To live your life only to serve some greater purpose, without thinking of yourself. Sacrificing everything you are for greater good of everyone else. Even if Fushiguro says that jujutsu sorcerers aren't heros, that seems to be pretty much a tragic hero trope if I ever seen one. Also Yuuji talking about meaning to be found in his cation really reminded me of the conversation between Geto and Gojo in the episode 4 post credit scene. The question if killing has to have a meaning. If its important. Love the thematic consistency of that question. One thing that shocked be was that Yuuji was being a lot more cruel than we are used to seeing him. Like. Literally psychologically torturing Mahito, in a way. The slow way he follows him, the way he just watches as Mahito sobs and wails in fear, the way he kicks him, doesn't kill him as soon as he has a chance... All of it was so out of character for our usual Yuuji, showing just how far past his breaking point Mahito pushed him. Also. The predator vs prey, rabbit vs wolf metaphor... It slapped so hard!! And the way everything was in cold and cool colors, in light blues and whites. And then there is the jarringly intense red of blood on Yuuji's face... I love that imaginary sooo much!!


Yuji rocking that Sukuna hairstyle, not but really, that has to be intentional, he had it like that the whole fight, never once it returned to his normal hairstyle, and his overall vibe at the end, really interesting. Mahito said in episode 18 (if I’m remembering right) that until Yuji accepts that they are the same, Yuji won’t defeat him, and what do we see? He accepts it and defeats Mahito xD It’s really interesting how usually in a fight of ideologies, when the protagonist wins, their ideology also wins, but here Yuji won the physical fight but he kind of lost in the ideology fight, since he accepts that Mahito was right, which is kind of tragic. Fun Fact: the fight was so even, Gege mentioned once, had Yuji not landed that black flash before Mahito's transformation, he would’ve lost, so Todo brought in that win for us. But Mahito is a problem, Nanami said it in season 1 too, it’s too dangerous keeping him alive since he learns and evolves so quickly, like what do you mean the villains gets a power up? XD I’m so anxious and excited, only two episodes left ^^


Yessss, Yuuji accepted he and Mahito was the same and here we are! That's interesting about the hairstyle, though! And yes, it's sad for Yuuji to believe he has to be a monster to defeat Mahito. And Nice - Todo bringing in the win! But yes, Nanami acknowledging Mahito is not something they can just let go...oof....what do we do now? I am VERY anxious we only have two episodes left, as well! HOW? JUST. HOW!? Penultimate next week? NOT ready! Thank you for the kind words and comment!


Hahaha, I’m so glad y’all enjoyed the Todo cosplay! :) I appreciate it! I am still concerned for Todo, but yes, I was really nervous for him, too! Let’s just knock on wood and hope Todo makes it to the end of the season! Mojito copying Gojo was INSANITY. Hahahahaa – I’m so glad you found that line about Hanami’s “brother” funny because literally, HE LOOKS LIKE IT, RIGHT?! Todo’s scenes were hilarious, bonkers, and just the right amount of chaos and warmth I would expect. I love him. And of course! Yuuji is Todo’s BEST FRIENDO AND BRUTHA! I agree, Jujutsu Sorcerers do seem to lead a sad existence if they are to fight to end curses, protect humanity, and often die in such gruesome ways…often, alone. And YES – I hate seeing Yuuji being so cruel – I miss our sweet summer child! It felt so out of character, but that’s where he’s been broken and pushed too and it’s so sad! The entire “winter scene” and the white against the red – I agree – POWERFUL STUFF. Now I’m nervous for the rest of the season! Thank you for the kind words and comment!