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Y'ALL. My crops are watered, my skin is cleared, my biscuits are baked! There was SO MUCH happening in this episode and I was fangirling over MeiMei, Toji's "return," Yuuji and Megumi's "moment," Nobara's queenliness, Choso's appearance, but let's be real, y'all....

This was NANAMI'S EPISODE. The Adult of All Adults. Beefcake Breadman Supreme. As his #1 resident fangirl, I feel the need to gush about him (and everything) else in this amazing episode!   

LINK TO REACTION: https://share.vidyard.com/watch/tYiFGZmuvYBV7MR1n2zVVC?

Thank you for watching with me and for all the support!


Jujutsu Kaisen Season 2: Episode 12 Reaction! DULL KNIFE?!

LINK TO REACTION: https://share.vidyard.com/watch/tYiFGZmuvYBV7MR1n2zVVC? **ADULT OF ALL ADULTS SUPREMACY HEADPHONE WARNINGS** Y'ALL. My crops are watered, my skin is cleared, my biscuits are baked! There was SO MUCH happening in this episode and I was fangirling over MeiMei, Toji's "return," Yuuji and Megumi's "moment," Nobara's queenliness, Choso's appearance, but let's be real, y'all.... This was NANAMI'S EPISODE. The Adult of All Adults. Beefcake Breadman Supreme. As his #1 resident fangirl, I feel the need to gush about him (and everything) else in this amazing episode! Thank you for watching with me and for all the support! Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RomaniaBlack My Anime: https://myanimelist.net/profile/RomaniaBlack Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/RomaniaBlack You can mail me a letter or anything (except food, please) at this address: Romania Black PO Box 768 Harrisburg, IL 62946 USA


Anime Annie

Late for watching this, but finally had some time today. Your femme Jogo is amazing! Loved it. It was that silence before the way Tsuda said "Arrogant b*stards" in such a gravelly tone that did it for me 😍🥰 The lack of even any ambient sound really gave more impact on just how pissed off Nanami was. I momentarily went "poor doggy" when I saw it decapitated and UiUi carelessly leaning on it, but then when it disappeared I did feel a bit better at knowing the dog was a curse and not an actual dog 😅 That poster honestly reminded me of Mycroft from YuuMori, just with Moriarty's lilies 😆 Nanami really kicked in the glass rather than take that extra second to open the door like a normal person. He's angry for real! 🤣 MeiMei not knowing about Brain-kun made me wonder if Muta/Mechamaru remains unaware that it's not Geto calling the shots and that his little surveillance bot only booted up and started working the moment Gojo was sealed. I love that how MeiMei decides that Gojo isn't working with "Geto" is that they wouldn't need such an elaborate plan to body everyone, not that Gojo would never do something like this. Yet again, Akutami giving us proof that things aren't just black and white and that our "heroes" have a little grey in them. Also love how, even though Gojo is sealed, we've still been getting a little flash of Gojo in some form every episode 😂 I don't know if you missed it but Nitta said to Nanami "So Ijichi-san is okay?" I think (and hope) this means he may somehow still be alive and Nanami got him to safety/somewhere Ijichi can get patched up before Nanami appeared where Kugisaki and Nitta were. For Brain-kun leaving the Prison Realm, I had figured with the way the box dropped and Brain-kun saying he'd have to stay that until the Prison Realm finishes fully processing all of Gojo, that box cannot be shifted (almost like it's currently magnetised to the ground and unable to be released). The "Dull Knife" title I thought could refer to Nanami's blade because he's never fought with it unwrapped (that we've seen), but also potentially MeiMei in that it's been a while since she took on a job that could endanger her life which could suggest her axe hasn't got as sharp as edge as it could have if she'd had more battles like this one she's about to face. I feel like the Toji/Grandson situation is very similar to when Geto took back control and tried to choke out Brain-kun. Could be a way of showing that a body and soul are actually intrinsically linked, and if the body or soul is strong enough they can override the one trying to control/use them. Toji's explanation though is basically the gym bro response of "I'm built different" 🤣 The moment between Fushiguro and Itadori was adorable. They are definitely my wholesome ship alongside Maki and Kugisaki for this series.


Great reaction and discussion!! I loved th Jogo cosplay!! I also loved your very flamboyant energy in this reaction!! And the simping XD Also, every time the OP plays it gets better and better. Its soo good I have the same reaction to it every time I hear it XD You cannot not bob your head too it, its just too catchy!! The hand sword is soooo gross! I was shuddering every single time it jumped or wiggled. Its so disturbing! And damn, did Nanami fans got fed this episode XD Those scenes had people simp the same abount as the Gojo's panting scenes XD Mappa really be hitting that audience. Also, fun fact! The scene where Nanami grabs the blonde guys hair and the scene where Gojo torn off Jogo's hand were animated by the same person. Like, tell us what you like, my guy XDD Nobara getting concussed and the helplessnes of that situation was really horrible. Like, imagine not being able to move when you see somebody approach you with clear killing intent. It must have been terrifying. But Nobara, even when she is hella concussed and knows she can't do much, doesn't give up! My respects for that for her. She was clearly in pain but she still came up with a plan to stall and still got on he feet and tried defeating her opponent. She is such a badass!! jfkcsfnv I love how Toji's entire deal with taking the grandsons body is just "I'm built different". This man's entire deal has basically been just that is abnormal in every way known to jujutsu's world XD Him and Gojo really are on level on their own when it comes to just, denying the rules of reality and being badasses. Gojo with prison realm and now Toji with seemingly just taking grandson's body, both happening just because they are just are themselves XD By the way, what do you think about the pacing of those last two episodes? I think the pacing really slowed down since episode 10.


Ahhh, thank you! This episode just got me GOING – I was so happy to simp and be flamboyant! And yes, agreed – the OP just gets me so much! 🙂 The sword of the blonde is creeeeeepy, indeed! I felt for Nobara this episode! 🙁And she still kept fighting! MAD RESPECT for her, I agree! The Nanami Fans were FED, YES! Mappa is just knowing what we all want and GIVING IT TO US! Toji taking possession to another level, seriously! WTF!? Probably a good thing they didn’t take parts of GOJO’S BODY and feed it to someone; they’d probably explode! @_@ As for the pacing – I think it’s not “slowed down,” but rather just stayed in ONE location rather than moved around so much or had so much exposition – but I feel the slow down here was NEEDED to give more emotional investment! Thanks for the comment and kind words!!


Ahhh, thank you for the kind words and comment! And yessssss, the “arrogant bastards” line was instantly the sign that our hearts were DONE FOR in this episode! And AHAHAHAHA, I didn’t realize that he kicked in the glass instead of opening the door! AHAHAHA OH MY GOD. That makes it all the better! The Moriarty LILIES! I can instantly see it! And yes, it was good that UiUi wasn’t leaning on an actual dead dog, but a curse. But yes, your notes on Toji were basically mine in the episode! 🙂 That is a good question with MeiMei and Mechamaru and brain-kun! And that MeiMei even CONSIDERED the possibility that Gojo would go full psycho one day is VERY interesting! That would make sense with the prison realm being stuck there; I was just (wishful) theorizing! ;) Yuuji and Megumi are definitely the wholesome ship for me! We NEED wholesome in this story for SURE! That’s a great interpretation of the Dull Knife title! Nice! And I did hear Nitta say that in the episode but it didn’t register that Ichiji was okay – I assumed Nanami just took him back out of respect for him, but if he’s still alive, that’d be great – but seriously – if getting repetitively stabbed does not kill you….what will?