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This series DOES. NOT. MISS. and this episode is right up there as one of my favorites in terms of romance, mystery & intrigue, and leaving me both stumped and hungry for more!

Guts and Griffith SEEM to have a plan for this "ball" that has been put on to celebrate the end of the war, but what surprises are in store for us?! I'm on the edge of my seat, y'all, as we start the final "act" of the anime!   

LINK TO REACTION: https://share.vidyard.com/watch/zU4JNpyENuV9xAgnPNhkGT?

Thank you for watching with me and for all the support!


Romania Black - BERSERK: Episode 17 Reaction! MOMENT OF GLORY?!

LINK TO REACTION: https://share.vidyard.com/watch/zU4JNpyENuV9xAgnPNhkGT? **GLORIOUS HEADPHONE WARNINGS** This series DOES. NOT. MISS. and this episode is right up there as one of my favorites in terms of romance, mystery & intrigue, and leaving me both stumped and hungry for more! Guts and Griffith SEEM to have a plan for this "ball" that has been put on to celebrate the end of the war, but what surprises are in store for us?! I'm on the edge of my seat, y'all, as we start the final "act" of the anime! Thank you for watching with me and for all the support! Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RomaniaBlack My Anime: https://myanimelist.net/profile/RomaniaBlack Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/RomaniaBlack You can mail me a letter or anything (except food, please) at this address: Romania Black PO Box 768 Harrisburg, IL 62946 USA



There have been many ideas to the lineage of Guts and if Zodd is his father. It’s the spiky hair! But, Gambino had a similar hair style so, it’s just what Guts grew up with. It is fun to speculate on this. There is definitely some mystery in his origins, it may not even matter in the end. Who know? The Ball! Berserk does put on a good shin dig! I love how everyone looks in their party cloths! Guts looks really uncomfortable in them for sure! So does Casca! Now, in the movie Casca’s dress is white. Personally I like the red better, she rocks it! I know you want to see them dance together, we all do! Maybe they do in another version …🤔 Poor Rickert being manhandled by all those women! 😅 it’s a bit disturbing! Hahahahah! But really, who doesn’t want to put him in their pocket and keep him safe! So in the manga, the translation is a bit different for names. Even in the Dub version it’s a bit different. Just something to keep in mind. In this version It’s Sir Raban. In English it’s Sir Laban. There is also Tudor and Chudor. These are the same things just a different interpretation of sounds. Watching you trying to figure out what’s going down is great! I can’t wait for next week’s resolution and review! Red wedding? 🤔

A mere Almond

Sir Owen and Sir Raban. They are true nobles (morality wise). Every other nobleman has been depicted as power hungry, jealous, classist, sexist, perverted, cocky, machiavellian and firmly believe in the divine right to rule. But Owen and Raban are only interested in what is best for the kingdom. They noticed that Griffith could help with the war, so they supported him. And now they are worried about conflict within the court and the harm it could do. If they knew Griffith's true intentions were to become King, do you think they would still support him? By the way, it's called the "kingdom of Midland" not "mid lands" Here is the preview from episode 16 https://youtu.be/LAcm2H6-L0Y?si=e19anV7LZ55wqt5w&t=1385 Movie/memorial edition spoilers ahead Yes a Casca Guts dance would be too cheesy, cliche and it doesn't match the personality of either characters. And it does not fit their current dynamic. Casca literally mentions she can't dance. But Guts dancing? An abused orphan who's done nothing but kill for a living. Imagine the horror of an alternate universe where they do decide to dance....... The Berserk movies/memorial edition removed a lot of dialogue and character devolopement. But they did decide to add a very long exclusive movie only dance/party montage of the band of the hawk!!!! And yes, they had Guts and Casca holding hands spinning around and dancing. It just made my blood boil. Also, all of this Griffith getting poisoned plot was removed. The memorial edition/ movies do that a lot. Remove dialogue. And then add terrible exclusive scenes and extend other scenes for no reason.


Even though for girly reasons I like to see them spin around at the Ball. Yeah, they are not dancing, they don’t know how to do that. Hard agree! You described why the movies piss me off! The omission of a whole plot point in favor of some twirling? Among other things! I do not like the memorial edition either. They inserted scenes that don’t make sense because of lack of context! It only makes sense if you read the manga! So why not just read the manga……


Apologies, but this comment has been marked as having manga theories or spoilers, so I cannot read it! But thank you for commenting!


Apologies, but this comment has been marked as having manga theories or spoilers, so I cannot read it! But thank you for commenting!


No need to apologize. The theory that I mentioned was only one that you talked about in your video. I guess we will go over that later…. But it still may be tagged. I try to be very careful about spoilers. I suppose my comment was interpreted as being spoilery, but it was not. Also, I had names and what they are in the manga compared to this sub. Maybe that was spoiling? To me that’s just translation.🤷‍♀️ I also talked about ball gowns, and dancing.


Yes, anything comparing to the manga is considered a spoiler and I won't read it, since I'm going to read the manga after this and find out for myself; I want it to be a surprise, so for future reference, perhaps just don't reference the manga and it shouldn't be flagged. I have posts on spoilers on here and in the Discord if that helps! :) Thanks!


Thanks for the clarification. Yeah, I’m an old person so I don’t do discord. 😅 edit: I just learned that plate tectonics is 5 yrs older than I am! 😭

A mere Almond

OMG the spoiler policy is super strict! But it makes sense. Better to be safe than sorry. I removed any mention of the manga. But technically it does have movie spoilers. I don't think you care about that right? I guess I will mark it as movie spoilers just in case.


Yes, I want to stay blind to the series, so any comment with manga/movie/any plot or character information not talked about in this episode or before? I can't read that comment, sadly. Thanks for understanding!