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The Game against Team X is underway and with their "King" leading them, they seem to be easily able to overcome our "Z" boys! Clearly...something needs to change...but what? This episode had LOTS of explanation, action, chaos, and...fan service for people younger than me! HA! But still -- what a good episode!  

NOTE: I KNOW I said Bashira and Bayou instead of Bachira and Barou most of the discussion...but....are they really THAT bad of name substitutions? ;)   

LINK TO REACTION: https://streamable.com/z9lqle

Thank you for watching with me and for all the support!


Romania Black - BLUE LOCK: Episode 3 Reaction! SOCCER'S "ZERO?!"

LINK TO REACTION: https://streamable.com/z9lqle **KINGLY HEADPHONE WARNINGS** The Game against Team X is underway and with their "King" leading them, they seem to be easily able to overcome our "Z" boys! Clearly...something needs to change...but what? This episode had LOTS of explanation, action, chaos, and...fan service for people younger than me! HA! But still -- what a good episode! NOTE: I KNOW I said Bashira and Bayou instead of Bachira and Barou most of the discussion...but....are they really THAT bad of name substitutions? ;) Thank you for watching with me and for all the support! Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RomaniaBlack My Anime: https://myanimelist.net/profile/RomaniaBlack Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/RomaniaBlack You can mail me a letter or anything (except food, please) at this address: Romania Black PO Box 768 Harrisburg, IL 62946 USA



Great reaction and discussion!! And you officially met one of my fave characters!! Barou is here! I love all the Willy Wonka references you keep making XD Also love all the math you are doing for this XD I am having flashbacks to the early jjk season 2 reactions. I what I found fascinating about Barou and the way he played is that he didn't order anyone around. He didn't say "hey, you do this, you do that, i decide what we do". It was his teammates that organized themselves to match Barou's pace. They, not Barou, started to give themselves the roles that would support Barou. And everyone on that team had fun while playing. They were laughing and by the end of the game, talking and joking mong themselves, with Barou standing with them if not talking to them. And I liked that very much. Just how much of that was just the choice that teams's X players took upon themselves, not something Barou has imposed on them. XDD Yeah, it was so funny that you thought it was Kira in the opening. I was waiting for you to realize! Also, fun fact about VA's I forgot to mention last week! Jingo Raichi, the blonde guy with sharp teeth is voiced by Yoshitsugu Matsuoka, who also voices Mechamaru from jjk, Teruki Hanazawa from mob psycho 100 and Inosuke from kimetsu no yaiba! And yeah, Barou is voiced by Junichi Suwabe! Another very big name. Blue lock has a REALLLY beefed up voice cast, with so many famous and great voice actors in it. They really went all out with budget on that!! Fun fact, in the Additional Time scene, there was a japanese word play joke about Kunigimi sneaked in. Isagi called him Kunigimi Kinnikun wchich is a pun on "kinniku" meaning "muscle". So Isagi called him something like Muscled Kunigami XD. Also, I found Igarashi (monk guy) faking an injury and being so over the top about as so funny because football players tend to act really ridiculous and over the top at the smallest injury.


I really loved your analyses for this ep!! When I watched this episode, I kind of overlooked Barou, but watching your reaction and discussion made me realize how cool Barou was and made me appreciate him and this ep more! It’s got the gears in my head turning. I’ve been loving seeing you do the math on Whiteboard-kun and making predictions. I really like this round robin system for the first selection since imo it makes for a more interesting watch and allows for more fun predictions than a standard tournament bracket. Your realization of that white-haired guy not being Kira in the OP was GOLDEN LMAOOO and your comment about Bachira being Teppei on steroids (with their “let’s have fun” attitude) also made me laugh 🤣 Thinking back on it, Teppei was unhinged at times hmm. Some soccer info! In soccer, a nutmeg is when a player kicks the ball through an opponent's legs. Barou did two nutmegs in a row to get past two defenders. So Chigiri said that “I don’t think everything that guy [Ego] says is right” and noted that the names Ego threw out, like Christiano Ronaldo, Cantona, and Messi, have never won the World Cup. That was true until recently, when Argentina (Messi’s team) won the 2022 WC. When I shared the egoism vs egotism definitions after ep 1, I swear I didn’t have any characters or episodes in mind lol, but I was happy and pleasantly surprised to see it come in handy for the discussion this ep haha. I absolutely loved the Barou (egoist) vs Raichi (egotist) discussion. I never thought to compare them, but it makes total sense. To add fuel to fire, I noticed that both of them wear the number 10 jerseys. Raichi Jingo is voiced by Matsuoka Yoshitsugu - Inosuke Hashibira (KNY), Teruki Hanazawa (MP100), Mechamaru (JJK), Hirano Taiga (Sasaki to Miyano). I hear Inosuke every time Raichi speaks and it’s great. I can’t remember exactly what my first impression of Raichi was, but I will say his character design is great, reminds me of Denji’s design but turned up to an 11. His eyeliner is beautiful~ Kuon Wataru is voiced by Nakazawa Masatomo - Nakayama Haruki (Given) and Futakuchi Kenji (HQ). It’s so fitting that Kuon and Haruki share VAs since they both have beautiful, medium-length hair and are like the “mom” of the team! Chigiri Hyoma is voiced by Saito Soma - Yamaguchi Tadashi (HQ), William James Moriarty (Moriarty the Patriot), Miyano Yoshikazu (Sasaki to MIyano). Junichi Suwabe!!! Barou being voiced by Aomine and Sukuna, the KING of curses, is so perfect. Barou has such a powerful and intimidating presence. We’ve got Kageyama the King of the Court and Oikawa the Great King, and now we have King Barou! Omg I love your analysis and understanding of the situation where Isagi passed at the end and Barou’s words to him afterwards. I feel like some people get swept up in the hype and don’t stop to consider the possibility that Barou could be wrong. From an outsider’s POV (like Barou’s), they might see Isagi’s pass as him running away, but he made the smart decision (albeit unconsciously) to not directly challenge Barou but rather pass it to Kunigami which resulted in a goal. Barou’s absolutely right in saying a striker needs to be confident, but I agree with you that Barou misjudged Isagi for someone who was nervous. I love how Ego described soccer and strikers in the most dramatic and epic way—using your weapon to demolish the opposing team’s system. I love how this show can be really dramatic and still have a sense of realism and be relatable with how the story takes place after Japan’s loss in the 2018 WC, the references to real life professional athletes and events, and the baseball comparison and commentary on Japanese society and collectivism. Similar to how there’s some overlap between being egoistic and egotistical, there’s flexibility in the positions in soccer unlike the distinct and defined positions in baseball. I love how the philosophy of egoism is presented in this show, and I’ve definitely applied these things to my own life and strived towards being more egoistic. So, the BLLK manga began serialization a month after the 2018 WC final. Love that some of my favorite series, the JJK, CSM, and BLLK manga, all started publishing in 2018 and are still ongoing. There’s this short and really cool interview with the manga author Kaneshiro about his feelings about Japanese soccer, egoism, and why he created the BLLK manga, which I’ll share with you when you get further in the show! ❤️ Similar to how Gege creates the storyboards for the Juju Strolls in the JJK anime, the manga author Kaneshiro writes and the manga illustrator Nomura draws the rough sketches for the Additional Times, so they’re completely canon. I love these extras so much. I love how most of this episode was just chaos with our team arguing and sabotaging each other, and then the ED is finally revealed and it shows team Z being all wholesome and happy together lol. The hint of somberness in the ED that you mentioned kinda reminded me of JJK ED 2 “give it back” which showed slice of life scenes of the characters. I saw a comment that said the ED is like the bottle of water you drink after an intense game, which is so accurate. It's relaxing and uplifts your spirit.


Thank you so much for the kind words and comment! <3 Yes, Barou! He’s definitely a presence so far! Hahaha, I love the idea that this is going to involve JJK-levels of analysis! Let’s hope it’s not TOO much math, hahaha! Not particularly my strong point! ;) That’s a very interesting note about Barou! Definitely something I’ll bring up in a future discussion, so thank you for pointing them out! Also, Barou being Junichi is just great! That’s interesting about Raichi’s VA! 🙂 I am loving the VA cast we have so far! And I’m glad we can conclude it’s not Kira at this point, haha!! Oohhhh, that’s super cute about the pun with Kunigami! <3 And Igarashi hahahaha – that’s actually interesting; I didn’t realize that about being over the top with injuries! Hm. Good to know! :D I’m so excited for the future episodes to come!


Thank you for the kind words and comment! I definitely find Barou very interesting! And yes, MATH – that is dangerous for me, hahaha, but it has been fun to use Whiteboard-kun for them! And thank you – the egoist and egotist post was REALLY helpful! 🙂 And oooh, the #10 comparison is interesting! Thanks for the VA information as well! 🙂And Barou the King alongside Oikawa and Kageyama is fun! And thank you – I definitely think it’s not the last time we’ve seen the conversation with Barou and Isagi brought up. Yesss, Teppei SEEMED so innocent, but was a bit unhinged! Definitely a bigger, more teddy-bear version of Bachira! 😛 But I’m glad my reaction to Not-Kira in the OP was fun! Thank you for the information on the Nutmeg! I love that the extras are canon as well! Them being like a juju stroll makes sense! And all these crazy good shows starting around the same time is WONDERFUL! And thanks for offering to share the interview! Oh yes, Ego is soooooooo dramatic, but there is some realism there, which is fun! And yes, despite the chaos there’s this wholesome ED to see us through! I love that description that it’s like a refreshing drink at the end of a game! <3