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**Headphone Warnings**  

Special thanks to  @Trukki  for sending me this put together translation of the KUROFES fanbook! This was a LOT of fun to go through with character interviews, facts, and a special collaboration between Fujimaki and "Slam Dunk" creator Inoue! I had a great time reacting to this and can't wait to talk with you all about it!   

Thank you for watching with me and for all the support!


Kuroko's Basketball: KUROFES Fanbook Reaction!

**Headphone Warnings** Special thanks to @Trukki for sending me this put together translation of the KUROFES fanbook! This was a LOT of fun to go through with character interviews, facts, and a special collaboration between Fujimaki and "Slam Dunk" creator Inoue! I had a great time reacting to this and can't wait to talk with you all about it! Thank you for watching with me and for all the support! Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RomaniaBlack My Anime: https://myanimelist.net/profile/RomaniaBlack Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/RomaniaBlack You can mail me a letter or anything (except food, please) at this address: Romania Black PO Box 768 Harrisburg, IL 62946 USA



That was fun! Although the constant shade on Haizaki... '_' And speaking of shades, I love the Pokemon one! :D


The SHADE on Haizaki -- I didn't realize the mangaka didn't like him THAT much, but he really doesn't, apparently! Still, this was a fun read! And thank you! I got that blanket a long time ago, but it seems to fit there for now! :) Thanks so much for the comment on here! :)

Anime Annie

Kuroko really is like a beauty queen with how he sometimes acts 😂 Akashi looks pretty good as a knight, but you pointing out that he wasn't wearing a helmet made me think of him as one of those commanders that sat on his pretty horse far removed from the battlefields and bellowed orders at the troops to fight for him 😅 I scared Tara from laughing so hard at you pondering if Takao did backflips in the bedroom 🤣 "Mob character" is just how background characters are typically referred to within manga. They don't typically have a big role or many lines, and in some cases either don't have distinct features or any facial features at all. Love getting Midorima's perspective of Takao 🥰 Izuki giving puns for his answers honestly made me feel so bad for the translator! 🥺 Thankfully there aren't too many of his puns in the Characters Bible, but they are hard to translate across. But in a way it is impressive that Izuki can think/remember all these puns to be able to reply in puns in an interview setting. Hanamiya *is* an Uncrowned King after all, but his stats really are crazy high. I think that's what pissed Kuroko off about him so much; Hanamiya does have the ability to potentially beat his opponents fair and square but he chooses to go the path of violence instead. Furihata is a precious bean! I'm not entirely sure why or how Furihata chose Kasuga Ryuuhei specifically as the player he has his eye on. The only time they potentially had any interaction was when the Seirin members bumped into the Seihou team at the street basketball competition at the beginning of the second season. I do like the aspect of Kuroko no Basuke that a person's behaviour can change depending on the group they are surrounded by, like with Midorima playing the "responsible 'adult'" at Teikou and then considered the "bratty baby" of Shuutoku because there are reliable senpai around him that means he can actually act his age. I love that his motivation to get better at cooking is so as Takao won't laugh at him...just give me more shipping material for MidoTaka! 🥰 Also his whole family potentially being all about those Lucky Items...they live in two houses, don't they? One smaller house for living in and then the house next door is filled with Lucky Items 🤣 NijiHi crumbs with the interview, but we'll take them! Bartender Himuro immediately made me want 1920s gangster AU with Himuro working as a bartender at a speakeasy, and Nijimura being new to America and stumbles into the place by accident... Love Hyuuga just throwing Kagami and Kuroko under the bus for being the unruly kouhai 😂 Nakamura's special skill being sign language could explain why at times he was the best at translating what Hayakawa was saying. Kuroko's so mean to Kise! It's fun getting all the Nijimura snippets 🥺 And definitely furthering the MitoKoga ship that seeing Mitobe play is what got Koganei interested in the sport 🥰 Love Kagami not finding anything strange about his ability to cook, clean, and welcome guests. Yes, we need a KagaKuro surfing AU! Kagami: As if I'd make it just for you *proceeds to plan to make a food that Kuroko can eat and have lots of leftovers for* When it comes to Aomine we've also gotta have that pain, but did the fanbook *have* to put the image of his realisations that he lost to Seirin, and that he threw away Kuroko preventing his ability to enter the second door to the Zone on the same page?! They're just trying to stab me in the heart. Also you gotta love Kuroko having the same interaction with Kagami and Aomine for who they want to lose the least to. They really are too similar at times 😂 Mayuzumi just continuing to be a bit brattish...I love it. Of course Murasakibara is only willing to be interviewed if he gets snacks. That's hilarious that you've got your own 'Papa' at your school! The horoscopes are definitely quite skewed. Yay for Riko coming first for the coaches and managers! Also she looks gorgeous in the qipao, which is a Chinese dress that is sometimes also referred to as a cheongsam (though I believe the two dresses have slightly differing origins with one being Cantonise and the other Mandarin). Momoi out here just divulging childhood secrets and destroying Aomine's rough persona. I do think it's fun to get more information on all the coaches, but at the same time I wish there was more time devoted to learning about them in the manga and anime. But you really gotta love that the first four rank positions were taken by the females! MidoTaka winning for best pair 🥰 Midorima seems like he'll continue denying he and Takao are a pair even if they got married some day 😂 All my ships getting placed 😍 I'm shocked by Touou's placement! Especially like you with Teikou and Rakuzan beating them. That little panel of Kagami trying to make Kuroko look happier about winning was just way too cute. Yes Togashi-sensei is HunterXHunter's mangaka. That interview, and another interview with Fujimaki are in the Characters Bible. Just in case there are any spoilers for HunterXHunter for you I did think it might be best not to translate that part. For the mangaka interview it's eight pages with pretty small writing (in comparison to some of the rest of the Characters Bible) so I may make an attempt at translating it when I have the rest done [just 55 more pages to translate and then about 125 to edit the scans for]. All of Fujimaki's shade thrown at Haizaki makes me laugh, especially when we like him better than Hanamiya and yet Hanamiya seems to be above Haizaki on Fujimaki's likability rating 😂 But I do have to agree that potentially some of the draw to certain characters is helped by the performances by their seiyuu.


Kuroko is an Aquarius, so a secret beauty queen OF COURSE! I could definitely see Akashi as the commander overseeing the battlefield and giving orders to the soldiers “under” him. Pffft, I’m sorry Tara had to jump from my gutter-mind with Takao, but I agree; I like Midorima’s POV with him, and thank you for the Mob definition! That makes sense! All the MidoTaka content; I’ll TAKE IT! Honestly, you’re so right – Midorima will be standing at the altar, putting the ring on Takao’s finger, while yelling in his most tsundere-fashion how they’re just “trying on rings for fun,” or some BS like that! Izuki’s puns (and any Japanese puns for that matter) across languages would be SO hard, I feel for the translators (you included), too. And niceeeee, it makes sense Kuroko would be mad at Hanamiya for being ABLE to beat a team fair and square and choosing violence anyway. How Cersei Lannister of him. KNB is definitely that idea of setting as a “mold!” Which is really neat; also, LIVING for the NijiHi interview crumbs! Bartender Himuro – I need the AU NOW! 😛That sounds so good! Oooh, I hadn’t thought about the sign language connection with Nakamura and Hayakawa, but that makes SO much sense now! And yes, give me all the MitoKoga extra content; my body is ready! KagaKuro is such a mood at this point, and I’m living for it in this translation! And of COURSE they’re going to give us that AoKuro angst! How could they not?! Knowing how much of brats Mayu and Mura can be kind of makes me want to see the content of them together! I definitely agree that more time with the coaches and their backstories would have been fun - if Fujimaki ever did a one-shot or volume on their pasts, that’d be AMAZING! Ahhh, thank you for the spoiler-warning about the interview with Togashi! That is probably for the best! 🙂 Oh wow – take your time with the translation! 🙂I have a lot on the plate right now and it’ll be something to look forward to with KNB content, at least! 😀 You’re a saint for working on it this long, too! <3 Honestly, I like Hanamiya more than Haizaki (don’t tell Kelsey), but it’s hilarious that Fujimaki throws SO MUCH SHADE to him and NOT Hanamiya – maybe he knows that Imayoshi has him on a tighter leash than we might think. Thank you so much for the kind words and comment! <3