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After a bonkers season finale, Romania Black sets out to read and react to Volumes 19-23 and up to Chapter 110 of the manga, to see what was left out, what was drawn well, and what we can look forward to seeing retconned possibly by the manga and hopefully anime to come!  

The BSD content isn't over for fall, but let's talk about some of the amazing art in these volumes of this awesome series!   

Thank you for watching with me and for all the support!


Bungo Stray Dogs: Season 5 Manga Review!

**ILLUSTRATED HEADPHONE WARNINGS** After a bonkers season finale, Romania Black sets out to read and react to Volumes 19-23 and up to Chapter 110 of the manga, to see what was left out, what was drawn well, and what we can look forward to seeing retconned possibly by the manga and hopefully anime to come! The BSD content isn't over for fall, but let's talk about some of the amazing art in these volumes of this awesome series! Thank you for watching with me and for all the support! Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RomaniaBlack My Anime: https://myanimelist.net/profile/RomaniaBlack Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/RomaniaBlack You can mail me a letter or anything (except food, please) at this address: Romania Black PO Box 768 Harrisburg, IL 62946 USA



Awesome reaction and commentary!! Loved your sunglasses and your energy in the intro XD I liked Kenji's rampage in manga much more than in anime. It felt so much scarier and real there! In my opinion, in anime it looked a little goofy. Love how Kenji is basically a natural catastrophe in human form!! I really disliked how they shortened the Dazai and Sigma under water scene. Sigma being desperate for air and thinking that Dazai is betraying him and all that was such an important moment for them I feel. I think it added so much tension and then shock to Dazai seconds later sacrificing himself for Sigma, who thought so badly of him moments before. And I feel like it was such a big moment for Sigma's character and had such a huge impact on how he sees Dazai and his worldview, for someone to be ready to sacrifice himself for him this readily. (But on the other hand. If Chuuya isn't really a vampire this would make it to be so much more of a cruel move from Dazai to manipulate Sigma's feelings this way...) But also, don't know if you noticed, but in anime they took out Dazai killing the guards in the control room, in anime they were only knocked out and there, they are clearly dead with blood all over the place (or maybe they are not dead, bc of bsd characters immortality rules). I think it say SOMETHING about Dazai's character though. Because even thought he changed for the better, even if he is on the good side now and even though he is working to ACTIVELY be a better person, he still has a dark side to himself. He still has that ruthless, cold streak, even if now its used for good. Also, one more minus point to the Fukuchi's plan in last episode. What was up with his whole spiel to Jouno then? If Fukuchi wanted him as his ally then why didn't he just explain his real plan to Jouno just like he told Teruko? Why bother with the lie? Makes no sense. Also. The fact that in the manga it was FUKUCHI who split the sakura petal, not it splitting by itself... Symbolizing his own fult in destroying their relationship... Some more symbolism incoming!!! Also, I was a little disappointed that anime took out the "At long last" line of Dazai's at being shot in the head. And the panel of him just slumped back, with what seems like a hole in his head... Nightmarish!! I feel like the last few chapters have suffered the most with the content getting cut or speeeded up. Like, there is so much tension in some scenes in the manga, compared to the anime. For example, I feel like Fyodor faking the split personality was so much more uncertain and tense in the manga, with it not being all broken up with another scene like in anime and keeping the truth hidden a lot longer. Also, the Aku and Atsushi scene felt a lot more emotional and hopeful when Aku seemed to break out of it for Atsushi, only to then be hit by despair when it turns out to not be the case. I feel like they rushed too much through that scenes in anime, not giving the emotions time to settle down and for viewers to have doubt or hope that about those situations. They didn't let anything sink in before rushing to another scene or ending the tensions prematurely. Also whats stupid about the whole Chuuya not being a vampire thing if it turns out the same in the manga, it would be why did he soot Dazai in the shoulder??? Bc that shot clearly went through!!! hejvkbfev Love your reaction to the end XDD We were all so distressed when the last chapter ended like that!! We were all suffering!!! There were no longer manga readers and anime watchers, we were all joined in our suffering XD


Hahahaha, after Episode 11 of season 5, we had to have some energy like that, right? Thank you for the kind words and comment! I think overall the manga for BSD does make the “goofier” moments in the anime MUCH darker and more threatening! I’ve noticed that a few times, now, and with Kenji it’s no exception. I am torn, as well, because I really liked that underwater scene as well and how Sigma and Dazai’s relationship has been built – if Chuuya is a fake vampire and Dazai’s known all along, I agree, it will make that seem WAY more manipulative…of course, Dazai HAS been quite manipulative in the series, so would it be out of character? Especially considering the dead from the control room (which hit me that they were only knocked out in the anime)! Probably not but I still want Sigma and Dazai’s relationship to keep evolving like that of Atsushi and Dazai, but maybe something different. I guess we’ll see, eh? YES, I agree, the spiel to Jouno makes no sense if he truly wanted him as an ally – just – Fukuchi – WHY? And Fukuchi splitting the petal in the anime, when HE IS THE ONE that seems to be hung up on Fukuzawa?! Excuse me?! I think I was too befuddled at the non-physics moment of Dazai being able to SPEAK after being shot in the HEAD that I didn’t notice that – I just…that took it out for me. But it is nightmarish! Aku seeming like he was going to snap out of it was REALLY well done in the manga! I agree, I would have rather they spent more time in the anime on those moments rather than try to rush a “complete” season end. I honestly cannot believe the manga ended there! It’s where I said in the Ep 11 discussion where I thought it ended so at least that was proven right! Now I get to wait to see what’s going down…but at least I’m “practically” caught up! ;)