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This season finale was everything I could have hoped for: Answers, More mysteries, character development, new characters, twists, turns, and emotion like you wouldn't believe! I hate that some folks are sleeping on this amazing series! I just love it to pieces and I cannot WAIT for Season 3!   

It's been a fun ride with you all this season but I'm ready to talk shop and prepare for what's to come!   

LINK TO REACTION: https://share.vidyard.com/watch/C2n94UuWB9MXtc3fdGCcat?

Thank you for watching with me and for all the support!


Link Click Season 2: Episode 12 Reaction! CAN'T LIVE WITHOUT A GOOD BROTHER?!

LINK TO REACTION: https://share.vidyard.com/watch/C2n94UuWB9MXtc3fdGCcat? **BROTHERLY HEADPHONE WARNINGS** This season finale was everything I could have hoped for: Answers, More mysteries, character development, new characters, twists, turns, and emotion like you wouldn't believe! I hate that some folks are sleeping on this amazing series! I just love it to pieces and I cannot WAIT for Season 3! It's been a fun ride with you all this season but I'm ready to talk shop and prepare for what's to come! Thank you for watching with me and for all the support! Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RomaniaBlack My Anime: https://myanimelist.net/profile/RomaniaBlack Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/RomaniaBlack You can mail me a letter or anything (except food, please) at this address: Romania Black PO Box 768 Harrisburg, IL 62946 USA


Anime Annie

I did giggle at you singing with the beginning of the OP hoping Cheng Xiaoshi wouldn't die 😂 Knew your reaction to Qian Jin shooting him wouldn't disappoint! That whole opening just ramped up the tension and fear for the characters in seconds. Glad we were like-minded about how hot they made Qian Jin look. His personality and villainous ways definitely helped make me less attracted to him 🤣 I can find him hot as anything but there's no further attraction 😆 Forgot to mention it in the discord, but I do find it interesting that Liu Lan had the conversation about her having considered divorce with Li Tianxi's teacher. Also shows that Li Tianxi was already being schooled at home in private and had some learning difficulties before losing the ability to speak. Really just had to go and give us even more feelings about Chen Bin with this final episode. Learning all that happened on the rooftop hurt! I loved the imagery they gave us of the twins going different paths, and Li Tianxi being bound by her ability. The photo film wrapping around her also felt very reminiscent of Season 1's OP with the tape binding Cheng Xiaoshi. Definitely heart-breaking seeing Li Tianchen being so proud of himself for being able to have the courage and strength to stop his father, only for him to gain the realisation the cost of that action through his Mum's blood literally being on his hands. Truly no wonder that he was hysterical afterwards and blamed himself for both murders. Liu Xiao talking about parallels and then they show us Xiao Li and Qian Jin (their lives were on the same course until they diverged at some point and now one remains a police officer and the other is a criminal), also Liu Xiao pulling Li Tianchen up is definitely a parallel to Cheng Xiaoshi and Lu Guang. Cheng Xiaoshi through Lu Guang's eyes is so adorable and cute 🥺 Also I love the song they used for this ED. This season so many of the insert songs are now in my main playlist. A month has passed, I think as Cheng Xiaoshi says he'd been eating hospital food for a month, the two months of rent part I couldn't quite understand and think it might actually be an idiom that just didn't translate well into English/was translated too directly into English. But with that length of time the lack of feeling about Li Tianxi's potential death could be explained by that. Also they'd only just met her and knew her for barely a day. Li Tianchen's eyes did still look a little red-rimmed but there's the potential that the conversation with him and Liu Xiao (although broken up with scenes of what's been happening in the month since the showdown in the subway tunnels) could have happened a day or two after Li Tianxi was shot. In which case Li Tianchen could still be in a state of shock/focused on revenge over letting himself properly grieve. But with Li Tianxi and Ma, I am calling the "no body, no death" rule. They might have meant Li Tianxi died and that's how Qiao Ling saw and felt what she did, in which case okay I'll accept Li Tianxi is dead but in Season 3 they then need to give us the explanation that the ability/glimpse into Li Tianxi's experiences only happened because she died. As for Ma we only see Qian Jin choke him out and take the gun, but no body so it does make me question if it's the last we'll see of him. I took it to mean that Liu Lan was getting counselling for herself too. That phone call was six months after she'd already been considering a divorce so maybe she'd thought counselling could help things improve within her family life, or with the added stress of Li Tianxi being mute she may have felt the need to talk with a therapist because she felt like she wasn't been a good enough mother. Or at least those were my takes for it. I do think that woman is the one Liu Jing is currently married to. Just the side angle of her made her look a little different. And talking with her son she's a lot less abrasive than in the other scenes we seen her in. But I don't know if the woman in the photo of Liu Jing, the woman and two boys is his current wife (and Liu Xiao's Mum) or potentially Liu Jing's first wife and possibly Liu Min's Mum [the room she's in is Liu Jing's office where he spoke to Qian Jin after Liu Min's funeral in Episode 4). Liu Xiao may have only recently become considered the 'good son' when Liu Min went off the rails and Liu Jing decided to cut him off (mentioned back in Episode 1 of Season 1 when discussing the money Quede Games was skimming off to put in an account for Liu Min, on Liu Min's orders). With the way Liu Jing's current wife spoke about Liu Min's death to Liu Xiao it does make me think that Liu Xiao was the illegitimate son from Liu Jing and his now-wife, whilst Liu Min was the legitimate son between Liu Jing and his wife at the time. At some point Liu Min's mother may have died or divorced from Liu Jing, leaving him to be able to marry the mother of his other son, Liu Xiao. With Liu Min out of the way then Liu Xiao's path to being Liu Jing's successor would be set. Yeah we were *never* going to Sherlock the meaning behind the passcode...but at least there's a meaning 😅 Why can even a passcode for a phone hurt us so?! Dammit show! 😭 I did giggle a little at you being happy at the end of the discussion about being able to see and talk about all the spoilers now. Link Click really went "Nope!" with that for releasing the new content stuff 😆


How did I miss this comment?! Oh no! I’m so sorry for just now finding it and responding to it! Cheng really made me nervous this season and this final episode I was waiting for something bad to happen, but Lu Guang clearly wasn’t ready for that to go down! @_@ It’s not fair that someone with such an attractive character design has to have Qian Jin’s personality. Yesss, that is good to know that TianXi did have some learning difficulties even before all of this went down in her past. TianChen blaming himself definitely makes more sense now that we have the full context! Also, The idea of TianXi “bound” by her ability is really interesting! You would think having a “super power” wouldn’t be limiting, but hers definitely is and ties more to Cheng in how they have to empathize with the people they “possess.” Good call about the tape and Cheng too! There IS that question of how long the conversation between Liu Xiao and TianChen was compared to Cheng and Lu getting out of the hospital; I agree, the timelines could be different there. I definitely feel sad if TianChen has not properly grieved, but I agree – “no body, no death” for now, anyway. I agree, too, that if TianXi died, we need to know that’s how Qiao Ling got those abilities or glimpse into them. And Ma..I won’t be sad if it’s the last we see of him, hahahaha, but I agree, he’s probably not down for the count yet. That’s a really interesting point about Liu Xiao only becoming the “good son” after Liu Min died. That’s VERY interesting about Liu Xiao possibly being the illegitimate son with the “mistress” who is now the wife and Liu MIn was with the married wife from back then. Hmmm, interesting, indeed! I’m glad we at least got an ANSWER about that passcode, finally! Maybe! Probably! Honestly…dang it…why this show gotta keep giving out spoilers?! Why? I need to ask you all about that in the discord soon to keep track of everything! 😛Thanks for the comment and kind words!