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The final manga volumes I look at for this series and it's for The Last Game!  These last chapters aren't....EXACTLY....like the anime, so they're definitely worth talking about!  

Special thanks to AnimeAnnie and Truk for their help translating so far!
Here are their channels -- give them a shout out or sub if you can:  

Truck: https://www.youtube.com/ @Trukki   
Anime Annie: https://www.youtube.com/ @animeamm    

Thank you for watching with me and for all the support!


Kuroko's Basketball: LAST GAME MANGA Reaction & Review!

**PLOT CHANGING HEADPHONE WARNINGS** The final manga volumes I look at for this series and it's for The Last Game! These last chapters aren't....EXACTLY....like the anime, so they're definitely worth talking about! Special thanks to AnimeAnnie and Truk for their help translating so far! Here are their channels -- give them a shout out or sub if you can: Truck: https://www.youtube.com/@UCVQT80NDXvr8ZSGbyfbdXzw Anime Annie: https://www.youtube.com/@UCDMBWt1hNXSWwOf4U_9jUjA Thank you for watching with me and for all the support! Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RomaniaBlack My Anime: https://myanimelist.net/profile/RomaniaBlack Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/RomaniaBlack You can mail me a letter or anything (except food, please) at this address: Romania Black PO Box 768 Harrisburg, IL 62946 USA


Anime Annie

Thank you for your kind words. I've been happy to do this translating. Once I finish with the Kuroko no Basuke stuff I'll take a break and then might look at some other series that have material which has yet to be translated. It's been a nice little side project to do and a great way for my ability to retain and recognise most hiragana, some katakana, and a few kanji characters. For the titles the manga is called Extra Game whilst the anime is called Last Game. Both those parts of the titles were in English so it isn't a translation issue or anything. It does make me believe even more that the change to the ending was so as the anime could be seen as being fully complete, hence why they also changed the name to it being the last game and not just an extra game they played during the summer. Izuki doing his all to play wingman for Hyuuga! He is certainly not appreciated enough for trying to help them get a date. Hyuuga is such a dunderhead. They left our new first years out of the movie 😭 Like they could have included them, especially with choosing to have Kagami leave. It'd have given Seirin a smidgen of hope that they wouldn't get throttled in the competitions without Kagami and Kiyoshi. The nasty rumour reaching Himuro's ears about an American team automatically made me think of Nijimura and that that's potentially who his source was. Gotta keep that ship alive even when they're in different countries 😂 No I'm definitely with you that it's honestly so ironic how much it grinds their gears with Jabberwock looking down on their senpai when the Generation of Miracles did similarly when they were at Teiko. And, with the exception of maybe Midorima (and Kise after Kasamatsu kicked it out of him 🤣), they weren't honestly the kindest or most respectful to those specific senpai when they were on the same team. I feel like it not only shows the change they've all gone through in regards to their mentality, but also that what Jabberwock were doing wasn't just looking down on STRKY but *all* of Japan for how they play basketball. The linework in this manga, now that I can compare it to the series, is rather different in places. Reminds me more of the art I'd typically see in thriller or horror manga than I'd typically see in a shounen sport manga. Nash spitting on Kasamatsu's hand I was right there with Kaijou! You don't do that kind of thing, especially not to my captain! The final volume came out on the 4th December 2014 and that the first chapter of Extra Game was published in Shounen Jump on the 29th December 2014. So it's a big difference in art style and character design for there not even being a month between when the series was published and the publication of this. For the characters that the hair isn't quite the same (Midorima, Riko, Momoi, etc.) I feel like their hair is very smooth and flat on the crown of their head whilst the ends still sit in a similar way to how it was in the manga series. I definitely agree that parts were extremely rushed, especially the ending. "Oh Kagami's here too" I do love how with the Generation of Miracles that Kagami's like an after-thought 🤣 My AoKuro heart really loves that Aomine's the one to pick up that Kuroko isn't around and mention it. But Kise and Kagami's reactions in the manga kill me. Poor boys are having flashbacks to Kuroko stepping in with the delinquent team after the Kaijo-Seirin practice game. Kuroko's really drawn so innocent and young-looking in that moment with him confronting Nash...who is supposed to be only one year older than him! Akashi and Midorima following behind I always headcanoned it as being they were the level-headed ones and a situation like this might need brawn to get Kuroko to safety, but they'd also need brains to calm the situation down and not escalate it. Honestly feel if they hadn't come with, no matter what Kuroko said, Kagami and Aomine would have let fists start flying. For them it's not "Nobody puts Kuroko in a corner" rather it's "Nobody puts hands on Kuroko". Definitely felt way more violent in the manga. I love the headcanon that Akashi needed practice with his scissors, and Mibuchi crushing on him so hard let him go wild resulting in this travesty 😭 Considering the Characters Bible Plus came out February 2014 it does make me wonder if the change to Mibuchi's design came after some kickback from the information about them in that magazine being an "onee" (pronounced almost like oh-neigh). I have since found a person who translated the character files in the Characters Bible Plus and it *is* different from how the fandom wiki word it. It isn't even from Mibuchi's point of view but rather a note from Fujimaki. Some people have argued that "オネエ/onee" can also be used to simply describe an effeminate man (doesn't have to be gay or transgender), though any information I've been able to find that's the accepted translation if the word is written in hiragana and kanji. When it's written with katakana characters however (i.e. オネエ instead of お姉) then typically it's meant to translate with the slang meaning. But again the translator linked to another account that had posted the scanned pages, and now you can no longer access those pages to see whether Fujimaki used hiragana and kanji characters or katakana characters for the word. I'll definitely include the links to this person's translations though with the stuff I'm translating for the first Characters Bible. I love we still get Midorima's Lucky Item (it even gets it's own panel), but it's certainly not given the same grandeur treatment as the anime does 🤣 *Aomine* being the one to call Silver a ball-hog is hilarious and so ironic. I'm sure Wakamatsu is nearly foaming at the mouth on the bench if he can hear him 😂 Even in Extra Game we gotta get our slither of the MiKoga/KogaMi ship 😆 With the way Nash is portrayed in the manga I do see a parallel with Akashi, but also with another character that can control his team: Hanamiya. I love that panel with both Kise and Nash shaded out and their panels split up by panels with the rest of their teammates. It's such a great way to depict their one-on-one. With the playing around with shadows and light for Nash and Silver (and the way they play) it makes me want to add them to the list of light and shadow duos. You gotta love Kagami being the one having an issue with the cover mostly being Momoi and Riko in their swimwear. Kuroko just takes it as being an issue because they're in swimwear, but I'll take it as further proof that girls/women are not for Kagami at all 🤣 That whole moment of showing the progression through their relationship to where they are now really is an AoKi shipper's dream. I Love the switch-up in emotion on Kuroko's face (plus the fact he's actually showing so much emotion) between when he was cheering Kise and Aomine on from the bench to when he realised Kise's gameplan. I feel like Kuroko's reaction to Kise's choice is a second whammy to the feels on top of hurting over Kise being self-sacrificing. I love that Kise's trigger for entering the Zone is along the same lines as Kagami's. Both triggers are in order to win for their team/friends/senpai 🥺 Kise recognised it was the 'other' Akashi by how he addressed him. *Midorima* realised it just by his aura/bearing. Feels like a hint of AkaMido to prepare us for later in the manga chapters. I died at you calling Chapter 6's cover "The Tower of Shipping" 🤣 But it really does work funnily enough, especially as it aligns with my own preferences for Kuroko's ships. Murasakibara really should wear his hair up all the time...💜 Also his smile looks *a lot* more innocent and wondrous in manga form than how the movie animated it. The fantrans is definitely on another level with the profanity and how much certain moves sound like there are sexual connotations to them than in the official manga translation or the anime 🤣 I feel like that's because the fantrans go to one end of the spectrum in order to capture a better idea of *how* the characters are talking, whereas the official translations do some embellishing and try to make it accurate yet child-friendly and definitely don't tend to have the same care for tone. With the Japanese language and from translating some of the stuff they've said, certain characters definitely speak in a more coarser informal tone which is difficult to get across in English without resorting to curse words. One example with Kagami is that he often uses the term てめえ/temee to refer to others (he calls Kuroko that after Kuroko trips him during the Kirisaki Daiichi game to prevent Kagami from punching Hara [the one that continually blows bubbles with his bubble gum]). Straight translation of this is simply "you" and that's how it's sometimes just translated as. However it is a very rough and informal way of saying "you" so sometimes it gets translated by fans to "you b*stard" because in English we don't really have a rougher way of writing "you" than to add a curse word. Power of the OT3 prevails! 🥰 Held off on watching this until after I watched the Jujutsu Kaisen reaction where love was the downfall of Gojo so as I could have nice Kuroko no Basuke shipping feels to comfort me from the SatoSugu feels 😅 Your reaction to Nijimura's appearance did not disappoint! When you were considering the possibilities of Kagami meeting Nijimura when he goes to America I was giggling behind my screen in anticipation of you seeing who he does meet instead! Kiyoshi and Nijimura becoming friends was not on your bingo card for this manga but it's such a great and welcomed surprise, right? I'm with you on not shipping them. Definite bros just. I literally had to stuff my head into my pillow so as I didn't wake my Dad from laughing at you going "Suck it b*tches!" 🤣🤣🤣 With how fervent a KagaKuro shipper you are I knew the movie would kill you. But I knew this CANON ending would make you so happy. The only canon part of the movie ending was the canons they used to try and blow apart our KagaKuro ship 😂 And yes now you can dive into some KagaKuro FanFics 🤣 Looking forward to the audio drama reaction! The one for next week was pretty difficult to translate and it did take me longer for it than the others I did. But nevertheless it was an enjoyable audio drama.


I’m glad that you’ve enjoyed doing the translating because honestly, it’s been so amazingly helpful! The anime changing to “Last Game” for the reason you stated makes sense (though I’m not completely treating it as canon hahahaha). Hyuuga is just…*sigh* I hope one day he works up the nerve, but seriously, Izuki is just MVP for him. I feel if they’d included the first years, though, it would make Kagami leaving even weirder – can you imagine Asahina just standing there as Kagami gets on the plane like, “GOOD. Now I get his position!” T_T OMG Nijimura sharing the info to Himuro about Jabberwock! YES! KEEP THAT SHIP ALIVE! At least Teiko never spat on a hand of a player they were playing – that would have gone too far! Yeah, the linework is DEFINITELY different…not necessarily in a bad way, but distinct! ONLY A MONTH IN BETWEEN THE END AND THIS?! BUT HOW?! That is blowing my MIND! There are some great panels of art in this, though! The AoKuroKagaKise moments in this manga! Hahaha! Wakamatsu foaming at the mouth for SURE. Nash also looks ten years older than him and not just one, haha! Kuroko with #datbabyface I love the idea of Akashi and Mibuchi having moments bonding together. I’m hoping it’s not a response to them being an onee, but rather just Fujimaki experimenting with a new hairstyle? If anything, Kagami is further proven to not like women in this manga hahaha! NOTHING will ever top the anime lucky item of that darn remote control! Kise and Kagami with the matching zone triggers - AWWW! And all the shipping in this, right? THE TOWER OF SHIPPING! I do love Mura’s smile, too and how the emotion is shown with Kuroko and his reaction to Kise! And yesssss, the power of the OT3!! Hahaha, nooo, this is NEEDED after that travesty! Yeah, the fan translations are insane! Ahhhh NIJIMURA AND TEPPEI ADVENTURES In America – I need ittttt! But yes, definitely Bros! 🙂 And AHHHHHH – TAKE THAT MOVIE! I cannot tell you how happy I was with this manga’s ending! YES! They can try to stop the ship but it’s sailing forever! <3 Thank you so much for the kind words and comment! I am excited for the remaining content but ahhh, you and Truck are so great for putting together this audio drama for next week! :) I’m excited!