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This series is already unlike any Sports Anime I've watched, but I'm ready to drink the blue Kool-Aid and join in this madness! Isagi is an intriguing protagonist and Ego has me alllll kinds of intrigued and Kira has my heart!   

What chaos and insanity is going to come from this series?!
I'm ready to find out with you all!   

LINK TO REACTION: https://streamable.com/gli6x7

Thank you for watching with me and for all the support!


Romania Black - BLUE LOCK: Episode 1 Reaction! DREAM?!

LINK TO REACTION: https://streamable.com/gli6x7 **KIDNAPPED HEADPHONE WARNINGS** This series is already unlike any Sports Anime I've watched, but I'm ready to drink the blue Kool-Aid and join in this madness! Isagi is an intriguing protagonist and Ego has me alllll kinds of intrigued and Kira has my heart! What chaos and insanity is going to come from this series?! I'm ready to find out with you all! Thank you for watching with me and for all the support! Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RomaniaBlack My Anime: https://myanimelist.net/profile/RomaniaBlack Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/RomaniaBlack You can mail me a letter or anything (except food, please) at this address: Romania Black PO Box 768 Harrisburg, IL 62946 USA



I love Blue Lock I'm so excited!


I'm so glad that you're reaction to Blue Lock, its my favorite spokon for more than three years now. I remember when I went from Blue Lock to Daiya it was actually hard, because the mentality and way things worked was so different, maybe that is why I never did get to connect with Sawamura(? so its entertaining watching you go through the same but in inverse. Isagi is the only MC from a spokon that is my favorite character of the series, he isn't so appealing as others MC and even in the series his design is plain compared with others but I hope you give him a chance<3 One of the reasons I wanted for you to react to BL was that since its anime was released it gained a lot of popularity but a lot of people hated it because the message wasn't 'good' but I swear that to fully understand Blue Lock you have to look under the surface, that things aren't so literally and you have to take your time to think and there is something that you pointed out that a lot of people ignore and is the fact that 'ego' isn't just being an asshole but having confidence in yourself, specially if you're in charge of scoring the goals, so I'm happy that you take your time to understand and not take thing at face value. Finally, as a piece of advice for you to fully enjoy Blue Lock: 'just go with the flow', sometimes you may wonder how legal BL actually is but just go with it KJSDJAKJDAKDJA COMING FROM A PERSON WHO FOLLOWS THIS MANGA FOR THREE YEARS KJDAJDKASK I'm happy to travel along with you through BL (yes, thats the short version of BL lol), I hope you like it as much as your others spokons, have a nice day<3


Loved the reaction and discussion! To preface, I watched Blue Lock blind and on a whim after seeing people talk about it in the discord server when the anime started releasing. I didn’t even see any advertisements or watch any trailers. I didn’t watch Koshien and was unfortunately not blessed by the barrage of BLLK ads. So, a decent portion of my comments are going to be basically me recalling my reaction to and my personal thoughts/analysis about the ep as an anime only while the anime was airing. What really stood out to me when I first watched this ep was the visuals. I absolutely love the vibrant colors and art style, it’s just my cup of tea. I can totally relate to your reaction to the name, HS grade, and soccer position of the character appearing on the screen. It’s just a very efficient way to introduce the characters that suits sports series imo, like how player profiles are displayed on TV. I also love the commercial break transition and how the blueprint or architecture of the Blue Lock facility was shown. It’s so stylish and modern/futuristic. I love the Mei, Oikawa, and Atsumu comparison to Kira. The Japanese word “kirakira” means “sparkling” or “glittering,” perfect for a pretty boy. When I first saw Kira, I was like, “He’s literally Oikawa and Suga’s lovechild.” Suga’s white-ish hair and beauty mark, and Oikawa’s hairstyle and fangirls. When Kira and Isagi reunited and Kira was praising Isagi and Isagi was blushing and all, it felt like Isagi had a celebrity crush on Kira lol and I started really shipping them. I felt SO BETRAYED at the end of the ep. What a way to end the ep! I fully supported Isagi though, loved his thought process and that whole sequence. In your Daiya ep 1 reaction, you talked about how these characters have too similar hair colors and eye colors and then you said, “Where are the characters with a mohawk or purple hair?” I was thinking, I know an anime that has both of those, ahem Blue Lock. A person with a blonde mohawk and another with purple hair are literally shown in ep 1. What a coincidence! I love the character designs in BLLK so much and lots of colorful hair like KnB haha. I’m so happy that you already like or are at least intrigued by Isagi. I personally find it difficult to get invested in a story if I don’t like or care about the protagonist (*cough cough* ep 1 Sawamura. Ep 2 was amazing though. I love him). Isagi and ep 1 as a whole really hooked me. It’s kinda anticlimactic that the protag’s team loses finals at the very beginning of the first ep since we, the audience, haven’t had the time to care about them and the context. I really like the decision to sort of subvert our expectations once again by making Isagi have a :| face and not cry with his team while the coach was talking to them post-game. Isagi not immediately being swept by the heavy emotions of that loss kind of mirror’s the viewer’s feelings about that loss since we were just brought straight into the ending of that finals match. It somehow makes Isagi feel more relatable, and I think it shows the disconnect between himself and his high school team, which partially comes from the difference in skill level like you discussed. The Eren-Isagi comparisons were great. Isagi’s feelings of hesitation and regret reminded of how Eren felt with Levi’s “No Regrets” speech, especially with Ego talking about the same situation Isagi experienced. It’s really neat that Isagi during his sunset bike walk is thinking about himself and his dreams, and second we hear and see the little kids, it probably reminds him of his teammates, so Isagi stops to repeat his HS soccer coach’s mantra from the very beginning of the ep “One for all. All for one.” (I always think of MHA when I hear this lol) and “Soccer is played with eleven guys on a team. You can’t do it alone.” Then Isagi suddenly screamed with no regards for the kids or anything else and began to cry. It always gets me when characters hide their emotions around people and then when they’re alone, they let it out. But it’s not the common reason of trying to look tough or confident, but I think Isagi didn’t feel the same way as his teammates and only until after Isagi reflects on and understands his own feelings is when he’s able to express it in which Isagi doesn’t hold back. Just a moment ago, Isagi was thinking about his coach and team, but after he lets his emotions out, he says “I really wanted to win” rather than “I really wanted *us* to win.” It’s egoistic and it helps to explain why Isagi was so moved near the end of Ego’s speech and was the first to take the leap. Some VA info! Kira Ryosuke is voiced by Suzumura Kenichi - Murasakibara (KnB) and Momo (Free). Igarashi Gurimu (aka Connie) is voiced by Ichikawa Aoi - Seiya (Tsurune) and Iguro Obanai (hashira with snake from Demon Slayer). I never would’ve guessed Connie and Seiya had the same VA lol. Btw, when Connie said “Namusan,” it’s a Japanese word that is basically the Buddhist version of “Amen” which fits his temple background.

Be Happy

Hello, Thank you for your comment and enthousiasm. Plz refrain from explaining things to Romania as to look under the surface and such, she does really deep dives in every series and this is a hint she would prefer not to read. Thank you for your understanding


Thank you so much for the kind words and comment! <3 I agree, the visuals are so saturated and vibrant! I really like the style and it stands out! Ahhh, the translation of “sparkling” for Kira makes so much sense! Honestly, depending on the year, could Kira be their love child? Kidding! But RIGHT – we get a ship started only for Ego to crush it into the depths of the…deep….blue? Wow, that feels on point. Hm. AHAHAHA – I love that my answer for character design variation was lurking in Blue Lock all along! :P Isagi is definitely intriguing and I’m more curious about his decisions than anything – I want to see what he’ll end up doing! And yeah, the fact that he’s not overly emotional for his team’s loss instantly makes you want to know more about him! And yesssss, Isagi and Eren comparisons as we’re getting literally Levi’s VA with Ego. I LOVE IT. It also works that Isagi hides his feelings until he breaks down later. And yesss, Isagi wanting to win for himself definitely connects with him going after Ego’s offer! I also was thinking of MHA with the AFO/OFA speech! Ahh, thank you for the voice information, too! That’s fantastic! I’m glad to know that and the information about Namusan! :) This series is going to be fun, I can tell! :D thanks again for volunteering to look over comments, too!

Toni simi

Yes, the petty ace of the diamond advertisement. XD I love how the parents don't know anything about soccer but still are really supportive. The red haired guy is the reason I started blue lock. It's always the guys with long hair that get me into a media. XD The opening(?) song is sung by UNISON SQUARE GARDEN, the same band who did the first opening for Run with the Wind. Wish you a wonderful day!


Ohhhh there will be ALL the petty Ace of the Diamond advertisements this season! :P The parents at least being supportive is a nice touch. Oh yeah, I LOVE the design of the red-haired man! He's so pretty! And oooohhhh, nice! I love the RWTW connection! YAY! Thank you for the kind words and comment -- have a great day, too!