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There is...a LOT going down this episode! Powers explained, rescues put into motion, questions answered, but still SO much mystery remains and this show cannot let us go without another insane cliffhanger!  

At this point, we'll see what the remaining episode(s) brings us, but this was a wild episode and I'm so proud of Ling and Cheng...I just want them all to live by the end of this!   

LINK TO REACTION: https://share.vidyard.com/watch/Ji2EYHiA4diNppzHPhXwtL?

Thank you for watching with me and for all the support!


Link Click Season 2: Episode 10 Reaction! IMPROVISE?!

LINK TO REACTION: https://share.vidyard.com/watch/Ji2EYHiA4diNppzHPhXwtL? **IMPROVISED HEADPHONE WARNINGS** There is...a LOT going down this episode! Powers explained, rescues put into motion, questions answered, but still SO much mystery remains and this show cannot let us go without another insane cliffhanger! At this point, we'll see what the remaining episode(s) brings us, but this was a wild episode and I'm so proud of Ling and Cheng...I just want them all to live by the end of this! Thank you for watching with me and for all the support! Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RomaniaBlack My Anime: https://myanimelist.net/profile/RomaniaBlack Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/RomaniaBlack You can mail me a letter or anything (except food, please) at this address: Romania Black PO Box 768 Harrisburg, IL 62946 USA


Anime Annie

The way they started out this whole episode was evil. Just continuous moments of the characters having realisations and teasing us the audience with not giving us an explanation 😂 The trouble with Qian Jin having been a police officer is that he knows the way the force and Xiao Li work on a personal level. It's a great way for the show to have him create these plans (that aren't your typical elaborate villain plans), and for them to prove effective. And then you get your more atypical villain theatrics with the convoluted plan inside the theatre (with them having to change costume, Li Tianchen's disembodied voice calling out commands, the lighting and "stage directions"). It's a really nice mix. The cinematography of the switch, and Cheng Xiaoshi's smirk and whisper to Lu Guang gave me what I needed for my shipper heart. The way they went back to certain scenes this episode to give you a full reveal honestly made me think of those people that were complaining about a lack of answers. Like we said in the discord, Link Click is the type of show that if you wait and are patient, answers will be revealed. Poor Xiao Li. The way he fell I reckon he's hit his head. Again. These cliffhanger endings really are getting worse/meaner. The mirroring between the powers of Li Tianchen & Li Tianxi with Cheng Xiaoshi & Lu Guang is so well done. But it really does just add to that feeling of a three act story, and that a Season 3 could introduce a team with abilities linked to the future. I loved that Huckleberry was so sure his toy was somewhere 😆 Dogs love to think that you're hiding the toy on purpose. For getting rid of the photos, as far as I know they meant any uploaded to social media sites that outsiders can access. If it's just saved to her phone and not posted anywhere then I think it's okay. But I was the same as you that I was so happy that photo of Cheng Xiaoshi possessing Lu Guang was the one that got used. Also great way of helping to get people interested in watching the chibi series 🤣 So long as the other mediums are available for the fanbase to access (and that they have translated versions) I agree that the fandom is dedicated enough to Link Click to devour anything we get. Definitely looking forward to both the manhua and the live action!

Toni simi

We're getting more and more answers and it feels good. I do think Ma knows not to shoot Cheng Xiaoshi. He can't be that stupid, right? So Xixi ran aways because she had to witness and feel Chen Bin's death and it all was too much for her. And I guess since she is the person with the powers that conects with the other person she could break out of that situation. I'm pretty sure now Tianchen was the one that took the phone from Ma because Xixi wouldn't have had the time to change her whole outfit in this short timespan. Qian is still salty that he got slaped. XD I'm so glad we got more good plans from Cheng Xiaoshi. I love to see that. It was so smart and I definitely wouldn't have come up with him using footage to clap himself out of the hostage situation. So clever. The expression of Cheng Xiaoshi to Lu Guang, oh that was so good. Yeah, I bet Liu Xiao will come at the last episode. Probably right at the end to tease us for the next season. I for sure can't see him not getting shown to us this season. I feel like I can't talk about that many theories for this episode because it was mostly us getting answers and "action". Wish you a wonderful day!


Right?! Getting actual answers is soooo good! We HOPE Ma is smart enough to know not to shoot Cheng! I feel we got so many answers this episode but there's still so much mystery as to what's left in the series to go over, but I agree -- having not seen episode 12 yet, I'm sure Xiao has to at least make SOME sort of appearance...right? Thank you for the kind words and comment and have a great day, too! :D


Yessss, the mixture of the macabre and the theatrical, under this guise, while we know Qian was a former police officer and capable of these elaborate plans is a good mix! My shipper heart is QUITE satisfied with the stage exchanged between Lu and Cheng! But yes, this is a show you HAVE to be patient with! And I agree, the cliffhangers are getting worse and worse and Xiao Li may need to see a doctor about a possible concussion at this point! I agree 100% that season 3's content will be based on the future -- how and to what capacity, though, is the BIG MYSTERY. Huckleberry is a monster and I throw that toy at least 1 hour a day off camera, hahaha! But he's cute so I guess I'll let it pass. Yessss, I agree -- Link Click isn't a HUGE franchise (only two donghua season), but has an avid fan base, so I think everyone will turn into the live action and read the manhua as well -- I know I can't wait to see when it will be available! Thanks for the kind words and comment! :)