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After five episodes of insanity and despair, I'm not sure if my mind is just broken or what, but this episode was EVERYTHING I NEEDED!  

Yes, Dazai and Fyodor's adventures have taken a straight ticket to CRAZY TOWN and I am terrified for what is to come with them, but the duo of BRAM & AYA was something I had no clue I needed or would fangirl about THIS much! I am in love with this episode and seeing Fukuchi panic!   

LINK TO REACTION: https://streamable.com/tg3s7a

Thank you for watching with me and for all the support!


Bungo Stray Dogs Season 5: Episode 6 Reaction! A PORT IN THE SKY: PART 2?!

LINK TO REACTION: https://streamable.com/tg3s7a **OUTRAGEOUS HEADPHONE WARNINGS** After five episodes of insanity and despair, I'm not sure if my mind is just broken or what, but this episode was EVERYTHING I NEEDED! Yes, Dazai and Fyodor's adventures have taken a straight ticket to CRAZY TOWN and I am terrified for what is to come with them, but the duo of BRAM & AYA was something I had no clue I needed or would fangirl about THIS much! I am in love with this episode and seeing Fukuchi panic! Thank you for watching with me and for all the support! Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RomaniaBlack My Anime: https://myanimelist.net/profile/RomaniaBlack Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/RomaniaBlack You can mail me a letter or anything (except food, please) at this address: Romania Black PO Box 768 Harrisburg, IL 62946 USA



Love Dazai's 'wow', it gave Fyolai-shipper vibe XD XD. But yeah, poor Sigma. He really need to be saved, and probably need a therapy after this. I love Aya and Bram interactions, too. And that's a creative way transitioning into ED. I laugh so hard seeing that XD. Also, it's very interesting to learn more about Aya in this episode. As you know that there's no black and white in this series, however, I feel different for Aya. As I see, she's such an innocent 10-year-old girl who think right is right, and wrong is wrong. Like in the previous episode, she didn't understand why someone like Jouno being a police (actually more like special military force) as the police should be nicer person, and didn't understand the complex argument between Jouno and Fukuchi (she just knew Fukuchi turned out to be a bad guy). And this episode show that she don't quite understand what Bram is talking about, but when noticing a sword stuck in him, she then think he need to be saved, so does the world. Despite not being able to understand all those complex thing, or forgetting to turn off the flash in the previous episode, I still think she's smart at her own age to think fast and act quickly, especially when being put in the situation like this.


The platonic version of OTP? God, if that existed, I would have SO MANY of them (which...... defeats the purpose of "one true", I guess, but still lmao) 😂😭😭😭 I just call them found family. Everyone is found family to me. Oda and Dazai are without a doubt my favorite found family/platonic ship in BSD (and one of my favorites of all time), and the buraiha trio in general :') but I just love all the groups so so much :') Like speaking of which, AYA AND BRAM. THE MOST WHOLESOME FAMILY WE NEVER KNEW WE NEEDED and now they also are one of my favorite dynamics in the series 😭😭😭💖💖💖 When I first got to them in the manga, it was just seriously "WHAT IS THIS. WHO COULD HAVE SEEN THIS COMING. WHY IS THIS THE NEW BEST THING THAT'S EVER HAPPENED TO ME IN MY BSD LIFE." 🥹 Aya, sweet, poor child, having an abusive father (here we go again), who berates her for not embodying traditional gender roles of womanhood the way her mother did, and being tough and tomboyish instead....... it makes sense why she'd try to lean into that more, to be even more what her father doesn't want her to be, because she knows she can never satisfy him, can never be the "perfect woman" (it kinda reminds me of how Tachihara kept being compared to his perfect and well-adjusted brother and how much he hated that, causing him to go in the total opposite direction and become a delinquent instead). But I really like how you pointed out something I hadn't really thought about before, that seeing a woman/girl like this is probably also something that /Bram/ isn't used to, considering the era which he comes from -- but he doesn't seem to judge her for this like her father does, he's just genuinely /confused/ by it. She's so young, too young to even use a loom (that's such a cute and sweet line I can't 😭 he's so soft 🥹), which is what any woman in his time would probably be doing, and yet she's already trying to be strong and fight and has so much determination to save the world, like any MAN would, despite how terrified she is. I feel like deep down he admires her for this.... I mean, he definitely does after she gives him the ipod alsdfjgkfd 😭😭😭 she is a GODDESS to him now. That man ASCENDED, if you know what I mean, when he got those earbuds and that music; it had me crying of laughter in the manga, and I'm overjoyed that it had me crying of laughter here as well, they adapted it so perfectly 😂😭💖 These two are THE BEST. Best family duo. Bram needs to be Aya's new dad/grandpa right this instant; he has ALREADY ADOPTED HER, and I love seeing them getting to know each other and becoming closer. They are everything to me 💖 as I said on discord, sometimes a family is a spunky little girl determined to save the world who needs a dad, and an old grumpy lonely backpack vampire on a stick who needs his cold dead heart warmed up 🥹💖 The Ango scene, the directing of that with Dazai on his shoulders, I was AGHAST, STUNNED, GAGGED, it was utterly FLAWLESS (haha flawless, get it cause cause Oda's- *cries*). We continue to get reminders of how much Ango still deeply, desperately cares for Dazai and Oda and how terribly his guilt for what he did to them still weighs on his conscience, and it just rips my heart to pieces, as this trio always does. :') 💔 In Dark Era, he prioritized his own safety over his friendship with them, and it indirectly cost Oda his life, and caused Dazai to lose everything he loved, as did Ango too; now, we see multiple instances of Ango choosing to be reckless and do less-than-legal things as acts of atonement towards Dazai and in order to help him, because his guilt has never left him, and he still regrets what happened four years ago so much. First, using the Seventh Agency to clear Dazai's records so he could freely join the ADA, and now this. The way he looks at the picture of Dazai and flicks it, smiling so fondly and saying "you're probably laughing right now, you nasty man..." (another sub I saw said "you jerk")... He loves Dazai so muuuuuuuch 😭😭😭💔💔💔 I miss the buraiha trio so much, they will never stop ruining me. I need Dazai and Ango to make up with each other by the end of the series SO badly; I won't be at peace until they do, and neither of them can get closure over Oda until that happens 😭😭😭😭 THE MEURSAULT SCENE WAS PERFECT. THE FYOLAI SCENE WAS PERFECT, OH MY GOD I was SQUEALING!!!!!! 😭🤍🖤 I am a self-proclaimed non-shipper 90% of the time, as I said earlier, but Fyolai as a ship has gotten me in such a damn chokehold, more than any other ship in this series, and it's the biggest plot twist of my entire BSD experience. 😭 Fyodor as a character by himself doesn't really do anything for me (and I hate him on his own for how much he hurts the people I care about lol), but Nikolai is one of my favorites for all the reasons I've discussed before, aka his fascinating psychology and act at being a yandere in order to break out of typical human behavior and achieve "free will" (you could spend hours delving into his mind trying to psychoanalyze him and make sense of his paradoxical desires and behaviors, to be honest, as people have lol), and it's just??? so sweet to see how much he loves Fyodor and how happy he is to see him??? They went ABOVE AND BEYOND with the hand-holding scene oh my GOD, it was SO CUTE 😭😭😭 and then Nikolai does his 180 into wanting to kill him and Fyodor is just like "ah yes, that's my Nikolai" slkfjgkfldl it was perfection. I fully blame all the Fyolai shippers for how invested I've become in them, because although canon doesn't give us much to work with, there's so many creative fanworks and interpretations of their relationship people have come up with, and I just love it all so much, it's so fascinating and complex and emotional (the potential Oda and Dazai parallels/foils..... ughhhhhh), and it makes me all the more eager to see what Asagiri ends up doing with them himself. I have a strong feeling I'm going to cry, and I'm not ready :' ) 💔 The whole scene was just so hilariously perfect though. The triumphant orchestral music (which btw is the same music they've used for Francis in the past lol), Nikolai cheering for his success at freeing them, then Fyolai making out with each other, Dazai being the entire audience in that moment looking on like "Wow 😏🏳️‍🌈", and poor Sigma just 🧍 like "why am I here" 😭😭😭 HE'S ONLY THREE YEARS OLD (years, not days! although he's still a baby 😭); HE JUST WANTS TO LIVE IN PEACE. Fyodor and Dazai are so funny because they're basically just two kids wanting to start a playground battle because they're bored, but because they're so insanely intelligent, their idea of a playground battle is an actual escape game battle to the death, but they still treat it so casually because it really is just as trivial as playfighting to them 😭💀 they really are just two dumb kids but with terrifying power, and twisted minds, and in Fyodor's case, terrifying goals. Dazai is just heartbreaking because of course he's so far from mentally stable himself, but he's still much better off than Fyodor and Nikolai, and yet being in Meursault for so long in isolation with only Fyodor for company has slowly been bringing out his worst sides, and causing him to mentally regress back to his worse and unhealthiest tendencies. 💔 He wants to survive this in the sense that he wants to protect and save the Agency members, but we of course know that he's also suicidal, and although that's gotten better during his time at the ADA, it's never fully gone away, and it never fully will, as Oda himself told him, but being put into these deadly and extreme positions is only feeding into his worse urges and desires, because Fyodor is exactly like him, and that's not a good thing -- he needs his family back, and the safe environment he's found with them. I just want to hug him 💔 he hasn't been in Meursault for too long, but it's surely felt like a century to him....... just as long as all these chapters felt to us manga readers reading them in real time lol 😭🫠💀💔 This is one of my new favorite episodes in the entire series now. It was simply perfect from beginning to end, I am enamored with it in every way imaginable. Can't wait for the next one, which is something I'm finding myself saying every week now since a couple weeks ago, and I still can't believe it lmao 😭 (but always love your discussions as usual 💖) (also yeah, WHAT IS UP WITH THAT CANDY SHOT??? I noticed how prominent it felt too, and I checked and it's not in the manga.... What is the intentional symbolism there??? BONES PLEASE EXPLAIN I NEED ANSWERS!!!)


Oh my gosh, ALL THE SHIPPER VIBES, right?! But seriously, I feel for Sigma! And they're in Mersault -- Therapy would be NEEDED! I love Aya and Bram! It was such a cute dynamic! I live for it! And yesss, that's a really cool note about how she's just this innocent, objectively pure character! :) It's great! That's such a great perspective to point out! Thank you for that and the comment!


Oh yeah, Platonic OTP’s all day every day! I love all the Dazai ships in this series that vary SO much (more on that in Ep 7). But YESSSSS AYA AND BRAM! I LOVE THEM! It’s the dynamic I absolutely adore in any series and they just make it work so well. I was really surprised, too, that we got her backstory in this! That’s an interesting tie to Tachihara, too – BSD, let these family members not be compared to one another again, please! The “not even old enough to use a loom” line is one I’m going to use in the future any time I can! I definitely feel Bram admires and respects her for her determination and fight! AND THE IPOD! BLESS YOU, AYA! I just LOVE that plot development and it’s more than I could have ever wanted! The Ango scene is Sooooooooo good! Oooh, the idea of Ango and Dazai as a ship! Platonic or not – but the imagery, the symbolism, the expressions – they were all really great! That photo flick? LIVING FOR IT! With things as dire as they are now, though, I’m glad Oda isn’t there. Vampire Oda would DESTROY ME. Oh man, the meursault scene was insane! I could NOT imagine a scene like that in this series and it was blowing my mind! The hand holding, the glances, THE VOICE ACTING – I was in love! Fyodor fascinates me, but having Nikolai join in on this is amazing because he adds such a dynamic to the entire relationship! And poor Sigma just having no choice but to just BE THERE amidst the chaos! And I thought I heard that orchestral music before! There it is! Thank you for clarifying his age; I’ll have to make note of that! There’s definitely an enabling vibe with the group, like Dazai being an addict surrounded by other addicts and getting peer pressured in his old insanity. I agree, this episode is literally an embodiment of BSD and I LOVED it so much! Im’ so excited but also….so NERVOUS with this entire season and the rest of it will likely be no different! And that candy? WTH Bones? WHY? Hahahah! Maybe there’ll be a payoff with it? Thank you so much for the kind words and comment! I agree, this is one of my favorite episodes in the series so far!


It’s funny seeing Fukuchi (the mastermind) overthinking the flash of the phone and therefore being bested by a 10 year old xD


RIGHT?! I loved that moment because you know that in any other series, it COULD have been an elaborate plan like he said, but here? Nah, it was a ten year old forgetting to turn the flash off and I love it! Thanks for the comment!