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Just when we think we have this working theory that I spend nearly a half-hour with before the reaction even starts, the series decides to go yet ANOTHER route with the story!   

Qian is on the move, Lu is on the move, and now Cheng and TianXi are on the move...but to where?! To what point?! How are we still getting MORE clues but no answers?! This series is wild and I'm loving the mind-bending ride!   

LINK TO REACTION: https://share.vidyard.com/watch/WGQ9EFV6STraqNbw7CspVT?

Thank you for watching with me and for all the support!


Link Click Season 2: Episode 6 Reaction! LI TIANXI?!

LINK TO REACTION: https://share.vidyard.com/watch/WGQ9EFV6STraqNbw7CspVT? **SIBLING-ESQUE HEADPHONE WARNINGS** Just when we think we have this working theory that I spend nearly a half-hour with before the reaction even starts, the series decides to go yet ANOTHER route with the story! Qian is on the move, Lu is on the move, and now Cheng and TianXi are on the move...but to where?! To what point?! How are we still getting MORE clues but no answers?! This series is wild and I'm loving the mind-bending ride! Thank you for watching with me and for all the support! Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RomaniaBlack My Anime: https://myanimelist.net/profile/RomaniaBlack Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/RomaniaBlack You can mail me a letter or anything (except food, please) at this address: Romania Black PO Box 768 Harrisburg, IL 62946 USA


Anime Annie

I laughed so hard that everything in black was to do with my comments 😂 This show is definitely making me theorise so much! It's definitely one of those shows that really likes to hurt your brain. We never see Liu Lan's eyes when she kills Li Fan. So what if Lu Guang losing contact with Cheng Xiaoshi is because Li Tianchen's control ability activated and that in turn led to him activating Li Tianxi's possession ability (if my theory on them having switched is true)? Then one or both of them possessed their mother and managed to kill Li Fan. Because of Li Tianchen's ability potentially disrupting the link between Lu Guang and Cheng Xiaoshi, and/or because he was already possessing Li Tianxi's body when her power was activated, it's possible that Cheng Xiaoshi was also pulled into Liu Lan's body but as a third party and so only able to be in the form of an onlooker and not able to move or speak. Then the abilities were deactivated when Liu Lan got stabbed and Cheng Xiaoshi ended up coming out of the photograph. Just a little blatant product placement with that bit with the Coke. With the way they did that whole scene I think the description "Li Tianxi" gives for it (which gets translated to 'water of joy') might be a tagline used in adverts for Coke. Also I am amazed at them guzzling three cans of Coke one after the other. I love Coke but I drink like three cans throughout the day, not downing them consecutively. I truly love how confident Xiao Li is in Wang Juan's abilities. He doesn't say for a woman she's strong, but rather that she's better than some of her fellow male police officers. It's just a little thing, but I feel like it highlights how Xiao Li doesn't hold to stereotypical sexist views within the police force. Definitely getting the same vibe as you that Season 2 is Act 2, and that some of our questions may not get answered until the next Season or the next one after that. With the voice acting this episode that voice for the kid Li Tianchen is friends with I definitely feel like there is the possibility of that moment on the bench the kid was being possessed by someone else (potentially Cheng Xiaoshi or Qian Jin going back into the past). Also the way the voice was and the lack of tears for "Li Tianxi" when they were recounting them having a sensory processing disorder (they don't come out and call it that, but the description for sounds and feeling stares etc. definitely comes under as "Li Tianxi" potentially having said disorder), it makes me question the truth on them having that disorder...also could be a sign of them being (or having tendencies towards being) a psychopath or sociopath. It's very possible that they don't feel safe unless covered up because of that night, but just with the voice actor's line delivery in that scene I am suspicious both about what was said, and that they were potentially faking their sadness all as a way to manipulate Cheng Xiaoshi into letting his guard down so that "Li Tianxi" could take control of him. This episode some scenes I had to go back on because of the subtitling errors or timing issues. At several times they put the subtitle up before the line was spoken and then followed with the next line as the first one was actually being said. It did frustrate me a little. The evolving conversation alongside some people just being born monsters/with a predilection for evil, it did make me think of the abilities being a potential evolutionary quirk in that some people are born with that potential to awaken such an ability. And there's the possibility that the hammer to his temple is what awoke Li Tianchen's ability. I did squint about the whole Li Tian X1 for the English title of the episode (both in the donghua and Crunchyroll's title) but when I checked what the Chinese title is it translates to simply being Li Tianxi. So either that's a red herring for the English viewers or a mistake. I feel like my theories can get pretty convoluted, but I do agree that with how things have been so far it could be very simple and we're just making more of it. Similar to how in the OP and ED there are moments that could have significance but are potentially just a stylistic addition and hold no meaning to the actual contents of the series. I don't know about the pyjamas but the phone charm is product placement for the show. Lu Guang has a cat charm, Cheng Xiaoshi has a dog charm, and Qiao Ling has a bunny charm to correlate with their animal versions in the chibi series. Chinese dates are the same as Japanese as far as I know so year/month/day. So Li Tianchen and Li Tianxi were born on the 11th June. Considering they're twins them being Geminis is potentially linked with that. From what I know of the typical personality of a Gemini I wouldn't say it's a star sign that fits them both (from what we know of them so far). Potentially Li Fan had never hurt the kids before and so I could see that Liu Lan just snapped after Li Fan hit Li Tianchen with the hammer and still continued to be so delusional. She definitely seemed to be very maternal so I can see her protectiveness of her children resulting in her murdering her abuser. But considering the way it was shot with us not being able to see her eyes, and that Cheng Xiaoshi felt like he was seeing things from Liu Lan's perspective, I am on the bandwagon that it was someone possessing Liu Lan that brought about Li Fan's death. Now whether that was Cheng Xiaoshi or one/both of the twins (and Cheng Xiaoshi just got brought along incidentally), I don't know. Also I went back to look to see about the knife that killed Liu Lan. It's nowhere to be seen in any of the shots and the drawer Li Fan opened to get the hammer just has other DIY tools like screwdrivers etc. in it. It's made me suspicious on who killed Liu Lan/how did she die because I don't know how Li Fan after being hit in the head could open a drawer, grab a knife, and then stab her before dying himself (and I doubt he'd have hunted for a knife over just trying to grab the hammer from Liu Lan when he's not severely injured). Link Click leaving us with so many questions! 🤣


My theory goes that when her dad and mom are fighting, it's the first time the girl activates her power though the photo she's been holding. And as her soul enters her mom's body, Cheng's soul residing in the girl's body is also 'flushed' together inside the mom. And there's this concept that's been there since ep1s1 'one photo can only be entered once', so if the girl has already 'used the photo' 7 years ago at that night, Cheng cannot use it again so he got booted out as the timeline changed.

Toni simi

Ohh, right we don't know who hired Lu Guang and Cheng Xiaoshi with the Emma case. That's interesting. Yeah, I can totally see it getting a third season, which it then being the last season where we get all the answers that we need. Oh, to the flashback from the first episode of this season when possed Qiao Ling said 'You can fool me but you can't fool her'.. does that mean the brother is the one possesing the people through pictures? If the brother is the one who gives Lu Guang the photo and he is the one that works with Qian then it could be that it was their plan for them to go into the picture to see what happened.. but why? Or both could be working with Qian but Xixi only does it to not lose her brother.. and that's why she wants to speak with Cheng Xiaoshi? The voice acting of Xixi was so good. Where did Lu Guang go? How did he escape, with his injuries out the window?! This man seriously needs to let the others in, in what he knows. It makes so much sense why Cheng Xiaoshi is so emphatic, especially when he just felt the pain of Xixi.


I think that theory makes a lot of sense and I agree it's likely the case with the girl's power activating! Now we just need the show to give us concrete answers! **laughs in unlikelihood** Ahhhh, that's a good point about the photo too! NICE! I'll have to bring that up in a future reaction! Thank you for pointing that out and for the comment! :D


Yesss, so many questions and I honestly think we NEED a third season at this point! Oooooohhhh, that's an interesting point to note if the brother can possess through pictures? I didn't realize at the time that it could have been the sister he was referring to and not Qiao Ling! It's interesting that we don't fully know the motivation of the siblings completely or at least of TianXi fully. And seriously, the show giving us little glimpses of action but not the full scene is pure TORTURE! But I agree, I think Lu needs to explain SOMETHING to our crew by the end of this season! Thank you for the comment!