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This was seriously one of the hardest things to watch in any form of media I've seen so far. The dinner scene is very brutal, so if you don't want to see content involving domestic abuse or assault, please feel free to skip that portion of the reaction. It's basically me being horrified and disgusted.  

We have a LOT to think about, though, with the events of this episode and I have theories that I already know are going to get expanded upon for the next episode! Link Click is insanely almost to the halfway point of the season and still delivering, especially on hard topics!  

LINK TO REACTION:https://share.vidyard.com/watch/hWBUW2wQEjv8a5zgFp6kzw?

Thank you for watching with me and for all the support!


Link Click Season 2: Episode 5 Reaction! LAST SUPPER?!

LINK TO REACTION: https://share.vidyard.com/watch/hWBUW2wQEjv8a5zgFp6kzw? **NOTE: HEADPHONE WARNING AND CONTENT WARNING FOR DOMESTIC ABUSE** This was seriously one of the hardest things to watch in any form of media I've seen so far. The dinner scene is very brutal, so if you don't want to see content involving domestic abuse or assault, please feel free to skip that portion of the reaction. It's basically me being horrified and disgusted. We have a LOT to think about, though, with the events of this episode and I have theories that I already know are going to get expanded upon for the next episode! Link Click is insanely almost to the halfway point of the season and still delivering, especially on hard topics! Thank you for watching with me and for all the support! Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RomaniaBlack My Anime: https://myanimelist.net/profile/RomaniaBlack Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/RomaniaBlack You can mail me a letter or anything (except food, please) at this address: Romania Black PO Box 768 Harrisburg, IL 62946 USA



Thanks for the reaction! About whether those who committed suicide would get a pension, I'm not sure since I'm not majored in this domain. In Chen's case, if it can be proved that his suicide was caused by another person, then his family may ask for compensation payments from the other person. If the other person is someone from state agencies or public officials, compensation would be provided by the state. And maybe a sum of 'relief funds' would be offered by the government to help Chen's wife and future kid to pass this tough time. As for possible insurance money, let's just hope that Chen bought his insurance at least 2 years ago because according to law: For a contract where the death of the insured is a condition for the payment of insurance benefits, if the insured commits suicide within two years from the date of the conclusion of the contract or the date when the contract is restored, the insurer shall not be liable to pay the insurance benefits, the exception is that the insured is a person without capacity for civil conduct when he commits suicide. When Cheng's in the girl's body and the brother's trying to teach her sign language, the sign for 'home' is putting the fingertips of both hands together to form this 'shelter' sign and it may be seen as a 'incomplete clap' by Cheng's ability so he's stuck between fully going back and fully stay in the girl's body, so he loose contacts with Lu until the finger's separated and the 'possible clap' no more.


Thank you for the kind words and comment! 🙂 That is interesting to know about the pension and law aspect of it – I just hope that Chen’s wife gets compensation; she deserves SOME happiness out of this whole ordeal. Thanks for sharing that insight! OOOOHHH, that’s interesting about the “home” sign and the partial clap – I’m going to have to note that for Episode 7 – thanks for the comment and info! 😀

Toni simi

Oh no, I really hope Chen Bin's death will not be counted as suicide so the wife can at least get the money to support herself and the child. From what we talked about on Discord how red eyes has two different bangs. I noticed after rewatching the person who gives Lu Guang has at some moments the bangs like the sister has and at one point the bangs like the brother and I'm not sure if this was intentional or an error. Or maybe it just looks like that because it was easier to animate it in the movement so it looks a bit different. I'm not sure. TianChen does act in ways similar to his dad but I think it's more because he always has to listen to his mother getting abused and that's why he's so overprotective and doesn't trust men. It still isn't good but that's why I at least think he wouldn't necessary turn out too smiliar to how his dad is. I at first thought the black haired guy could be Qian since in that one shot the hair looked more like his but that wouldn't add up with their ages so it must be Cheng Xiaoshi. But the voice acting sounds so different to how little Cheng Xiaoshi sounded in season 1. But I don't think anyone else would make sense. It could be Lu Guang amd he hasn't had white hair at that point. God, The neighboor playing the game and talking about killing while in the apartment next to him happens something so horrible set the mood even more. That whole second half of the episode was so hard to watch. At the start of the dinner scene when Cheng Xiaoshi was so happy to eat as a family broke my heart because I could already feel something was off and it would soon go all down. The hardest thing about this episode is that these things are happening in real life. Sadly. I'm wondering if maybe the message on the photo back wasn't meant for Lu Guang and Cheng Xiaoshi, it was there from when Xixi was little, shortly after this incident? If one of the kids died wouldn't that be in the files. But they only talk about the father and mother dying. The doctor said there is a chance Xixi could talk again. And maybe it also had something to do with all the emotional stress at home? I'm not sure if this is possible but it could be. Wish you a wonderful day.


Yesss, AnimeAnnie had a similar comment about the brother's attitude which I'm going to bring up in Episode 6, but thanks for pointing that out! And yeah, at this point, the big question is who the kid is -- that idea of it being Lu Guang BEFORE his hair possibly turned white is interesting! Yes, that dinner scene was just...heartbreaking because it was almost TOO real, but kudos for the creators for making us uncomfortable because we SHOULD be in that situation, knowing how bad it is. Ooohhh, I hadn't thought about the message being there in case information on the brother was destroyed and he HAD died...interesting. So many questions, but thank you so much for the kind words and comment and have a great day, too!