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Okay, Mr. Qian is officially the most mysterious and intriguing character for me in this new season! We learn a LOT about his backstory this episode, but that just sparks even MORE suspicion about his motives and whether or not he actually has an ability!   

This episode was a lot less "confusing" than last, but even more insane because of the questions answered but so many asked along the way -- is the Red Eyes XiXi? What happened in the past with the photo? Why did they bring the photo to Lu? WHY do they want to speak only to Cheng?! I'm getting a nervous feeling about all this...  

LINK TO REACTION: https://share.vidyard.com/watch/vKygVHv8ksBHxm94Qiw1Ma?

Thank you for watching with me and for all the support!


Link Click Season 2: Episode 4 Reaction! THE PHOTO OF THEM?!

LINK TO REACTION: https://share.vidyard.com/watch/vKygVHv8ksBHxm94Qiw1Ma? **PHOTOGRAPHIC HEADPHONE WARNINGS** Okay, Mr. Qian is officially the most mysterious and intriguing character for me in this new season! We learn a LOT about his backstory this episode, but that just sparks even MORE suspicion about his motives and whether or not he actually has an ability! This episode was a lot less "confusing" than last, but even more insane because of the questions answered but so many asked along the way -- is the Red Eyes XiXi? What happened in the past with the photo? Why did they bring the photo to Lu? WHY do they want to speak only to Cheng?! I'm getting a nervous feeling about all this... Thank you for watching with me and for all the support! Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RomaniaBlack My Anime: https://myanimelist.net/profile/RomaniaBlack Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/RomaniaBlack You can mail me a letter or anything (except food, please) at this address: Romania Black PO Box 768 Harrisburg, IL 62946 USA



I know that this is a really tense episode but Qian Jin doing spins on the office chair at the start never fails to make me giggle a bit... also lu guang not wanting to show the photo to cheng xiaoshi because he knows that it'll put cheng xiaoshi at risk :,)) it reminds me of when they first met the chief and lu turned down working on Emma's case for Cheng's sake... We love a consistently protective boyfriend! (but communicate a little more please :,)) Also, around 20mins in I love the ost design so much - the gentle piano, the leaves rustling in the wind - ITS SO NICE!!


My chaotic friend watching this episode with me: so Qian's lost a pregnant wife, and officer Chen's widow is pregnant, can we let them for a family together? Me: (shocked) WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU?! Jokes aside, this episode gives us loads of clues about all those people like the backstory of Qian (he's already this hot as a cop, how can he be even hotter in suits?) and the pink-hair family. 'Liu' is like, one very common surname in China, just like 'Smith' or 'Miller' in the US, so it's a bit far-fetched to say they're all closely related. Feeling the patient's pulse is one of the mysterious stuffs in traditional Chinese medicine, it's believed that through the patient's pulse the experienced doctor can tell all kinds of illness from a cold to organ problems to pregnancy and even the number of babies in mama's belly. Cheng's ability seems to be able to be flexible in certain occasions, in this case the girl's hand has left the camara as she took the picture with her mom and the ability still recognized her has the photographer rather than having Cheng to jump in as himself to freak everyone out just like with surveillance footages. It's possible that Liu Min's father wanted his phone because there might be clues inside regarding the 'lost fortune' Liu Min mentioned before him trying to choke Emma to death. And the Red Eye may want the phone because they used Liu Min's body to do the serial murder and maybe there's evidence left inside that phone that can tie them to the case.

Anime Annie

For Cheng Xiaoshi's ability wasn't that the same with the two ladies and the noodle restaurant? They used a tripod to take the photo that was used for the dive. It's based I think on who presses the button as to who's recognised as the photographer, doesn't have to be them holding the camera/phone.


The spin in the office chair is so bizarre a movement, but it is really funny! And I agree, Lu definitely seems torn between wanting to protect Cheng, but also knowing that Cheng is going to want to get involved no matter what...oof...as much as I like the protective trope, I agree, we need more trust and communication up in this place! Especially when there's these shady folk around! Thank you for the comment and kind words -- I agree; the OST is so wonderful in this!


Your friend ships a dangerous, dangerous game, hahahaha! I wondered if Liu was a common surname -- I mean, it's really weird that of ALL the surnames, you chose the same one as one of the main characters in this, but maybe it's a red herring -- this show loves those! That's interesting to know about the pulses and its cultural significance here! Thank you for that info! :D I feel that Cheng's ability, like Annie said, still applies as long as he's entering the one that took the photo, because of that previous episode, too. Ahhhh, I forgot about the Lost Fortune! That would make a lot of sense! Thank you for bringing that up -- I'll have to mention that with episode 6! Thanks for the kind words and comment, too! :D

Toni simi

It could very well be that Liu is a common name in china but there is the chance that it's intentional. I think the dad really just doesn't care about his youngest son but how he himself looks to the public. The chair twirling was funny. It really seems like Qian broke with his pregnants wifes death. And I for sure feel bad for him but what he does right now is just so wrong. Yeah, it could be that Qian was so angry and jealous for Chen Bin, that he didn't care if he would be killed in this plan. It would be a great missdirect if Qian didn't kill the murderer. But I can't imagine anyone else having done that. I'm curious why when Qian enters his home when he has the flashbacks, Qian saw his wife getting murdered. Was ist just how he imagined it when he saw his dead wife? Or is it something else? A hint that he actually does have supernatural powers? That was so weird. They mentioned multiple times this season that Lu Guang is mature for his age. SHOW! Don't fool us. Wish you a wonderful day!


I agree, I feel so badly that Qian suffered losing his wife and child, but it doesn't necessarily excuse all the bad and suffering he's causing now. I wondered too if he saw into the future or into the past maybe? Does he have powers like Lu? And can see forward and backward into the past/future but can't do anything about it, so he wants Cheng who actually CAN travel into the past/possibly future? So many theories! And YES, SHOW, do not mess with us! hahaha Have a wonderful day, too!