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This volume is SO GOOD -- the reveal with Marco, Bertholdt's Solemn resolve, Reiner's strength, Erwin's strategy, and everything slowly coming to a build - oh, and the Cart Titan is revealed and I am SHAKEN! This volume was amazing and reliving the experience through it is so perfect! MORE, PLEASE!   

NOTE: My power sadly went off about halfway through this reaction, and I was able to recover and salvage the first part of the recording, but the audio may sound and look a little "off."   

Thank you for watching with me and for all the support!


Attack on Titan: Manga Volume 19 Reaction! THE WARRIORS' RESOLVE!?

**THUNDEROUS HEADPHONE WARNINGS** This volume is SO GOOD -- the reveal with Marco, Bertholdt's Solemn resolve, Reiner's strength, Erwin's strategy, and everything slowly coming to a build - oh, and the Cart Titan is revealed and I am SHAKEN! This volume was amazing and reliving the experience through it is so perfect! MORE, PLEASE! NOTE: My power sadly went off about halfway through this reaction, and the first portion is the salvaged recording, which is why it may sound "off." Thank you for watching with me and for all the support! Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RomaniaBlack My Anime: https://myanimelist.net/profile/RomaniaBlack Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/RomaniaBlack You can mail me a letter or anything (except food, please) at this address: Romania Black PO Box 768 Harrisburg, IL 62946 USA


Melisa Erkaya

I just love how you‘re just cracking up about the cart titan😂


Hahaha!! Thank you for the comment! SERIOUSLY, I love the cart titan but that initial design...muahahaha -- I can't help but find it funny!

Christopher Pettersson

Yeah, not the most fear inducing titan i've seen i must say... but it makes me wonder if it changes looks later? There are several different occasions in season 4 where the Cart Titan transports one or more people in its mouth, doesn't seem like the current look will allow for that?

Christopher Pettersson

I'm not that bothered by Reiner transfering his consciousness but i agree that if it never comes back at all it will feel contrived. On the other hand i can't really think of a moment when it definitely should have been used again so we will see if it's something waiting to pop back up (and maybe one could argue it's later what allowed Porco to survive getting half is skull caved in... if it's portrayed the same way in the manga). We have talked before about the titan powers and how much they really have defined rules or how much Isayama just uses them (or atleast bends the rules) however he wants. All we can do is go on what has been shown and told to us and it does seem certain people or families have an affinity for titan transformation as we hear Marley talk about how suited some people are for certain titans of The Nine. We also have different instances where several people from the same family is chosen and we of course have the Founding Titan that definitely is tied to a specific bloodline. So it could be the case that from the start all of them were associated with certain families/bloodlines, i hope that isn't the case and it's just that particular genetic traits and/or personalities manifest the different titans in varying ways. I guess Ymir was a case of someone not particulary suited for the titan she got (or perhaps just for being a titanshifter at all) as she hardly changed form at all and we later are told that Porco is much more powerful in his Jaw Titan form. Not that we know why there are even nine powers to start with, original Ymir only had three daughters and The Nine are definitely not different aspects of the original Ymir titan like i had speculated on before we actually saw her (and her titan). We also have all that bottle "nonsense" of making people into very different dumb titans and/or giving different abilities to titan shifters. Gross seemed to have the ability to make different size titans at will, is it the amount they use? the way it is administered? or did they have different batches of spinal fluid with them? When Zeke turned Ragako village it seemed to make quite the menagerie of titans, so giving it in gas form perhaps not the most consistent way? (we also have Rod Reiss licking it, but that was perhaps very special spinal fluid so not a good data point) but atleast we didn't have Reiner crystal hardening a top his already armored body as he did in the anime (unless i missed it?), that was weirder than the conscious transfer in my mind. In the end, does any of this really matter in the intricate story Isayama as laid out before us? Not at all but i guess it can be fun to speculate and argue about until we reach the conclusion. 😊


Yeah, it's going to be interesting to see if Isayama "course corrects" with the design as we go, because the anime version looks MUCH different and like you said, the functionality almost "requires" a change down the road...hm.


It's so complicated with the titans -- I always thought the "pure titans" were just random and that the sizes just depended on the individual, since Ymir is "creating" them all essentially. With the nine, it gets more complicated, because yeah, they don't seem to be based off Ymir specifically -- I'm hoping the manga gives us more with the daughters and the nine, but I agree with you so far. I thought that Marley was just picking kids at random for the "Warrior" program, so I don't know why they would have a draft if they had specific families already in mind, but maybe it was a front? That's definitely something I'll want to bring up in a future discussion for sure! I'd like to think it's just the particular bloodlines, though! And yeah, Reiner doing armor on top of armor? Strange indeed. Do we suggest that Isayama *gasp* may have some plotholes or flaws in this seemingly immaculate series? ;) I'm fine with that. I feel at the end of the day, Isayama has bigger fish to fry, but it's definitely fun to note those and discuss them; that's for sure! Thanks for the comment! And who knows -- maybe Isayama will give me answers, I'm just not there, yet! :)

Christopher Pettersson

Well i think they do just have a "draft", but we have the Galliards, the Grices and Reiner and Gabi so it seems quite often it does go to the same family. When we see the four, well six, titans Marley sent to Paradis (conquering some other nation) they seem to suggest they find candidates particularly suited for specific titans. Maybe they just meant people being good soldiers and seemingly being loyal to Marley, but i just always took it to mean something more.


And maybe they found that at the time of Zeke being a kid, the other families were the "compatible" titan families they were looking for, so they just stuck with it? At least in the case of the Grices and Galliards and then Reiner and Gabi? It's like they preferred the nepotism? I could see that.

Christopher Pettersson

Although choosing several warrior/warrior candidates from families with know ties to the resistance movement was perhaps not the greatest idea. I don't want to be the one to tell a corrupt authoritarian dictatorship how to run things but (as mentioned) shipping off the whole family of caught troublemakers to Paradis does seem the more prudent way... evil but prudent.


Hahahahahaha -- yeah, it's almost like they were trying to "have the last laugh" with that, but...maybe not the best idea?