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HOLY GUACAMOLE, this episode had a LOT going on! Threads connecting, questions answered (with more being posed), and of COURSE, Haru and Daisuke end up meeting in the middle...but things are insanely dangerous now and with all connection cut off...  

...I have no clue what's going to happen next...and I'm nervous, y'all!   

LINK TO REACTION: https://streamable.com/wbdtxd

Thank you for watching with me and for all the support!


Romania Black - The Millionaire Detective: Balance Unlimited! Episode 9 Reaction! GOLDEN KEYS!

LINK TO REACTION: https://streamable.com/wbdtxd **GOLDEN HEADPHONE WARNINGS** HOLY GUACAMOLE, this episode had a LOT going on! Threads connecting, questions answered (with more being posed), and of COURSE, Haru and Daisuke end up meeting in the middle...but things are insanely dangerous now and with all connection cut off... ...I have no clue what's going to happen next...and I'm nervous, y'all! Thank you for watching with me and for all the support! Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RomaniaBlack My Anime: https://myanimelist.net/profile/RomaniaBlack Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/RomaniaBlack You can mail me a letter or anything (except food, please) at this address: Romania Black PO Box 768 Harrisburg, IL 62946 USA


Anime Annie

I feel like showing all that blood and how it was splattered across the floor along with the smudged handprints in the previous episode is a very good tool to show how brutal Cho-san and Takei's deaths were, without showing a gory sight of their dead bodies. Also they don't give you a moment to decompress in order to accept Cho-san and Takei's deaths, which puts viewers on an even keel with the characters as they don't have time to grieve because they have to investigate their murders. But the show does a great job of showing that the characters *are* affected by these murders, yet have to plod ahead and focus on work over their grief. For the die that Kiyomizu showed Modern Crimes, and explained that it was actually a little spy device, that was in an evidence bag. And as First Division are the ones investigating the murder, it's reasonable to assume that they'd have been the ones to receive the evidence. That means that when Kiyomizu saw the die as he grieved over his friend in a body bag, he potentially ignored all protocol regarding the collection of evidence and took the die to give Haru a lead in finding who did this. As to the potential plot hole for Shigemaru wearing the same jacket, the die only led them to the ship (not tracking Shigemaru's movements; that was Daisuke and Suzue with the app they created) so it's possible Shigemaru changed his jacket on the ship and the die remained in the collar of the jacket, or fell out unnoticed. For the title "a golden key opens any door", it's an idiom that means expectation of receiving money will end up getting something done. So in this case it can also relate to Daisuke creating the game with a money incentive, and that results in Suzue being able to piece together all the information and track Shigemaru's whereabouts in real time. Saeki is savage saying Kamei's height is his one good trait. I love her. Loved when First Division arrived her first instinct was to grab something that could be used as a weapon. Saeki is also my spirit animal with her munching on snacks throughout this whole mission. I think they did an amazing job of showing the PTSD Haru got from that day 🥺 Especially showing how he can't pull the trigger even when Daisuke's in trouble. It shows how deep his trauma of that event goes. Yes the way they drew the expressions on Hoshino's face were so good this episode. Also I feel like it shows that he is younger than other weathered detectives like Haru, Takei, Cho-san and Kiyomizu, so it's understandable for him to have less of a poker face especially when talking to Haru who he seems to think pretty highly of. Not a spoiler just context: it is Haru's letter of resignation; where Haru's name was on the paper would be how you'd sign off such a letter in Japan. If Takei had accepted and submitted it then Haru really wouldn't still be a detective. And that's why we then get Hoshino's realisation that everything Haru said was true 🥺 And that he can still trust and believe in his senpai! Daisuke's focused on getting ready for finding his Dad, but he does pause when Hoshino tells him Haru's on the ship. Love it. Also love that Hoshino's having this epic monologue of basically how great his senpai is, and Daisuke just ignores him because the only important information is that Haru's *on* the damn ship 😂 And now we get a brief moment of Daisuke as Black Widow! 🥰🤣 The way the show portrays it all and answers some of your questions whilst giving you more is almost like a tactic to make you think in a similar way to how Haru and Hoshino approach their investigations. Continually making you question things and being suspicious of people leaves you unable to assuredly have an idea of who's the culprit (and who else is involved) that you can fit all the evidence to. So instead you're left to gather bits and pieces of information and slowly try to put it altogether, just like how good detectives should work such a case. You know Maths is not my forte but for the prize money, every 100,000 people got the ¥100,000. So that means there were 100 hundred winners, which therefore means 10 million people played the game... Also: our ship is now on a ship that has set sail 🤣 Weinski is voiced by Hirata Hiroaki who is also the seiyuu for Max from Banana Fish; and Genma from Naruto.

Toni simi

I actually thought if it would come to misscomunication it would be from Daisuke's side since he's the one that didn't want to involve Haru and wouldn't tell him much. Butlers are either the most sweetest characters ever or the ones that are doing all the stuff behind the scene. There's no in between. I understand the Grandmothers feeling ans also Daisuke's. It's just sad. Kiyomizu's whistle is how I do it too. Finally a relatable whistle. XD Yeah, I'm pretty sure Haru wanted to resign after the incident but Takei was the one that stopped him from doing so. Hoshino is such a sweetheart. He grew on me so much. The way they show us Haru's PTSD is so good. And him not being able to shoot even now in this situation is also realistic. Even when you're in such a bad position it isn't easy to over come it. They did such a good job at it and I'm happy that they brought it back again. Wish you a wonderful day!


Hahaha a relatable whistle! XD That makes sense with Haru and Takei not wanting him to resign! But I agree, too, Hoshino grew on me over the course of this season as well! And YES, Haru's PTSD I totally agree is portrayed realistically! I really appreciated it and how it was displayed here! Thank you for the comment and have a great day, too!


The blood and the handprints were BRUTAL. I was not ready for that! And yes, there’s no time to process, so we’re thrown in the same boat as poor Haru and others. The die being a spy device floored me! And the fact that Kiyomizu stole it – maybe him being suspicious IS just a red herring as like you said, it was to help Kato. That’s a fair point about Shigemaru and the die, too. I love the idiom and how that ties into the game they were playing! Nice! And Saeki is a secret Savage Ninja! I love her! Poor Kamei, though, hahaha! I love how she gets the weapons and all the snacks! I do REALLY appreciate how PTSD and trauma with Haru is shown in here; even as he cares so much about Daisuke, he can’t pull the trigger. And YES, Hoshino looked SO good in this episode! Yesss, about the letter; I’ve already watched the next episode, but that all makes sense with how Takei kept him on the force. And yesssss, Daisuke’s little “flicker” in his eyes with Hoshino mentions Kato; we all see it! Poor Hoshino being ignored AGAIN by Daisuke, hahaha! And Daisuke as Black Widow! YES PLEASE! The mystery and math of this series! I agree, though, our ship has LITERALLY set sail! I love it, and how the episode hooks you to the penultimate episode this coming week! And ooohhh, Weinski being voiced by Max’s seiyuu is so interesting! I wouldn’t have guessed! Thank you for the comment!