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We are ALREADY to the start of the Winter Cup, the training camp in the mountains, AND the re-match with Aomine and To-Oh! We are running and GUNNING this manga so far!  

The fated reveal of Akashi is finally here near the halfway point of the manga and it's just as terrifying as can be, but what's also terrifying is the doom and gloom this rematch imposes -- mangaka, please stop showing me sad Kuroko...my heart can't take it!   

Thank you for watching with me and for all the support!


Kuroko's Basketball: Manga Volumes 13-14 Reaction & Review! TO-OH VS. SEIREN REMATCH!

**REMATCH HEADPHONE WARNINGS** We are ALREADY to the start of the Winter Cup, the training camp in the mountains, AND the re-match with Aomine and To-Oh! We are running and GUNNING this manga so far! The fated reveal of Akashi is finally here near the halfway point of the manga and it's just as terrifying as can be, but what's also terrifying is the doom and gloom this rematch imposes -- mangaka, please stop showing me sad Kuroko...my heart can't take it! Thank you for watching with me and for all the support! Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RomaniaBlack My Anime: https://myanimelist.net/profile/RomaniaBlack Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/RomaniaBlack You can mail me a letter or anything (except food, please) at this address: Romania Black PO Box 768 Harrisburg, IL 62946 USA


Anime Annie

I agree that I'll never not love that it has to be Kagami help Kuroko out of the onsen and look after him, when there are all the other players. The mangaka has done a pretty good job at dialling down the fanservice-y element to the onsen that the anime added in. It's perfectly natural in Japan to be naked in the onsen together and I feel like the mangaka's art says that a bit more than how the anime portrayed it. That whole scene with Aomine and Kuroko, and then Kagami's reappearance just gives off such exes and the new boyfriend vibe 😍 I honestly find it amusing that the one I'd describe as a bit of a hot-head on Touou (Wakamatsu) is the one that *really* can't handle the heat of the sauna. Sakurai's the sore loser type so I feel like you're right that he'd try to stick it out as long as possible. But I do feel like he'd throw in several apologies for still being in the sauna after a certain amount of time. Also now I'm imagining Imayoshi, the mastermind, getting to the onsen before *everyone* and carefully placing the copy of the tournament table in the sauna where only he'll be able to find it, but also buying out all the Pocari Sweat in the vending machine to give Aomine his chance for alone time with his ex. Hyuuga and Riko's declaration at the same time just shows what a power couple they'll be 🥰 We're really getting more and more proof for our Yakuza head canon 😂 Okay hard-working and concentrating Kise looks sooo good! 🥰💛 Love Murasakibara just calling Aomine out for needing someone to look after him. Also feel like that's putting a little bit of respect on Momoi for sticking with Aomine and doing the thankless job of looking after him. But it's definitely interesting their interactions with one another as being the first time we see them altogether in the present. Major villain vibes from Akashi with the way Fujimaki played around with the shadows there. The other Akashi ("Oreshi") calls them by their first names. The original ("Bokushi") is more respectful and calls them by their surnames. Can be nice and neutral about Akashi, but that was still physical violence, and legally it's assault with a deadly weapon. Legally-speaking that is more serious than assault like with Kirisaki Dai Ichi, or Haizaki, or even Aomine (when he knees Wakamatsu and later punches Haizaki). And this is the first proper meeting for readers with Akashi so it immediately paints a villainesque picture of his character, and I feel like it's supposed to leave the reader cautious and wary of Akashi. That entrance from Touou honestly reminds me a lot of Inarizaki's entrance in Haikyuu!! I do get similar vibes between Kagetora and Fujioka. I feel it all the more in that moment when he's talking the Nakatani about having helped Seirin and you can just tell from his words how proud he is of his little girl; very similar to how Fujioka is with Haruhi. I love the movement of Kagami's hair in some of these double spreads. For the most part so far when the characters move there hasn't been much shown with their hair shifting. Mangaka really tearing my heart out over the AoKuro feels 😭💔 But Kagami's belief in Kuroko and his growth as a person/player helps us slowly mend from the pain. Midorima's words could so easily be misconstrued out of context 🤣 Though it is making me remember the day we were discussing ship dynamic in the channel on discord 😅 Those little interview questions are really interesting for learning more about the characters. I'm with Murasakibara on hating crows for them stealing snacks! I do think that with Akashi the mangaka has done a better job of making it more obvious that there is a difference between Teiko Akashi and current Akashi. In the anime the only one I felt gave off such an obviously different vibe was Aomine. It's a great detail of Midorima and Kise being so shocked because both of them have played Kagami already and knew what his level previously was, but now he's reached an even higher level in such a short period of time. Touou's gonna need to have a therapist or acupuncturist or something to help Wakamatsu destress from dealing with Aomine. I fear his blood pressure will go through the roof the longer he's Captain of Touou. I feel like the mangaka does a much better job of making Imayoshi have a sinister vibe than the anime. It's much easier to believe he's on par with Hanamiya personality-wise with how he's drawn in these chapters.


Of COURSE it has to be Kagami taking care of Kuroko, right?! I love it so much! And yes, the mangaka isn’t nearly as fanservice-y, which I can appreciate. Kagami in these double-spreads look sooooo good! And yes, my AoKuro heart aches with these chapters, but KagaKuro is like a swift dose of medicine! I will never be over Aomine-Kagami-Kuroko’s bf and ex-bf with the bf vibes! 🙂 Couple that with Hyuga and Riko being SUCH a power couple and I was VERY happy with this volume! Your scenarios with To-Oh at the onsen are perfect! And Imayoshi being the one to buy the last Pocari Sweat?! CONSPIRACY! I agree; I sense Murasakibara does respect Momoi, which is cool to see! And MAJOR VILLAIN VIBES indeed with Akashi in the shadows! It’s so weird to see how the “Oreshi” Akashi calls them by their first names, but it’s the “evil” version, and the “nice” version calls them by their last names – you would THINK that the Oreshi would be the more “familiar” and thus, nicer, version, so it’s kind of bizarre! I am TRYING to be open-minded, but I do agree, it was pretty much assault and immediately paints him as the villain character of the series and to be wary of him! I do agree that the mangaka REALLY lets us know that the past Akashi was different than the current; I agree, it’s the first time other than Aomine that we see, I agree! And I LOVE the Q & A sections of this manga! It’s so fun! And yes, Midorima and Kise being like, “WTF KAGAMI!?” haha! I agree, Wakamatsu is going to need some SERIOUS stress relief after dealing with Aomine next year. And YES, the style of illustration makes Imayoshi seem MUCH more sinister! Thank you for the kind words and comment!