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SHOW -- WHY?! We get some answers but then, of course, SO many more questions, as ghosts from Daisuke's past LITERALLY arrive on the scene and Cho-san and Takei make some decisions on how to handle the case!   

Haru, I feel for you,  honey, because things are so sketchy and EVERYONE is suspicious at this point! And I'm sure there's still more twists to come!   

LINK TO REACTION: https://streamable.com/o9b8v2

Thank you for watching with me and for all the support!


Romania Black - The Millionaire Detective: Balance Unlimited! Episode 8 Reaction! MONEY BURNS HOLES!

LINK TO REACTION: https://streamable.com/o9b8v2 **REVIVED HEADPHONE WARNINGS** SHOW -- WHY?! We get some answers but then, of course, SO many more questions, as ghosts from Daisuke's past LITERALLY arrive on the scene and Cho-san and Takei make some decisions on how to handle the case! Haru, I feel for you, honey, because things are so sketchy and EVERYONE is suspicious at this point! And I'm sure there's still more twists to come! Thank you for watching with me and for all the support! Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RomaniaBlack My Anime: https://myanimelist.net/profile/RomaniaBlack Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/RomaniaBlack You can mail me a letter or anything (except food, please) at this address: Romania Black PO Box 768 Harrisburg, IL 62946 USA


Anime Annie

I feel the same as you with the First Division. A lot of them have a very elitist opinion of themselves in comparison to the Modern Crimes, which fair enough they do tend to have grittier crimes to deal with than Modern Crimes. But like you said, they don't need to be so abrasive in their interactions with Modern Crimes over things *outside* of work. Yes it's whisky they're drinking. Going by the price I *think* it's a 25-year old Suntory Yamazaki Single Malt Whisky. That bit with Cho-san saying "Cho-san is fine" to Suzue was because she was being *extremely* polite and added -sama to his name. Great Lion King reference there for Haru being the distraction! But, it's Daisuke here. Of course the 'distraction' is on a much bigger scale than just dressing in drag and doing the hula. Suzue's seiyuu does an amazing job of making the entire scene with someone breaking in as being so fraught with danger/panic. Takei putting on his jacket again with the pin the First Division all wear (Hoshino and the rest were wearing it in the shinkansen episode), showing he finally found the same resolve as Cho-san. At Cho-san's side he'll try to do the right thing and be the police officer he's meant to be, even if that means he could die. I honestly get Haru's anger, and with how Daisuke averted his eyes when Haru said about him having full control over the mansion, I do believe Daisuke feels some guilt over it. But like Suzue said, they'd set-up an escape route for Cho-san and Takei to take in the event of something happening. It was their choice to not use the escape route. And although I feel grief is clouding Haru's vision, by laying all the blame on Daisuke he is ignoring Cho-san and Takei's agency in this matter. *They* made the choice, even whilst knowing the potential outcome. But both chose to remain and face the culprit coming for them. The strings OST that plays in the scenes before and during Kiyomizu spotting that there's only one die in the evidence bag is one of my favourites from the anime, and even one of my favourites from all the anime soundtracks I've heard. The translation for it's name could be considered a spoiler but in Japanese it's called: もう、死んでる.


Oohhh, I've wanted to try Suntory whisky for a while, but I don't drink very much any more -- 25-year-old, though, I bet it was expensive! Daisuke's use of Haru as a "distraction" is actually hilarious, given he seems to also want to keep Haru safe -- I guess he knows anything he gives Haru will be things he CAN do reasonably well and safely. Suzue -- I felt for her in this episode! I would have been TERRIFIED in her position! The voice actress did a GREAT job, I agree! Takei and Cho choosing to stay -- ugh, my heart -- that makes sense about his resolve and the jacket, though! And yes, I agree wholeheartedly, while the breech in the manor does undermine what Daisuke said about being in control - and he's been withholding some info from Haru - it WAS Takei and Cho's choice to stay behind and fight. Still...I feel for Haru, our emotional boy! Ooooooh the mystery of the dice and the ost track! You'll have to bring that name up again if it's okay in the future, but that moment is SO good! So much mystery, so much suspicion! Ahhhhhh, I can't wait until next week! Thanks for the comment! :)

Toni simi

I'm so happy I almost don't remember anything. This episode made me so anxious. The only thing I did remember was the moment with blood all over the room. I think Daisuke left everything to Haru because he also was investegating sonething. It's so difficult I feel like I can trust Kiyomizu after we see his reaction to Cho being dead but at the same time I don't. I don't trust any one anymore. Everyone is so suspicious. I also don't get the focus on the pin of Takei's jacket. Is it a tracker? Or does someone listen through it? I'm not sure what that is about. Shigemaru is voiced by Miyamoto Mitsuru who voices Ao in akayona and Mori in bsd. Hope you have a wonderful day!


The blood everywhere was just AWFUL! And Yes, I feel like I'm still suspicious of KiyoMizu, but everything is up in the air whether it's a red herring or something to be suspicious of! The pin is an interesting angle, too -- I wondered if the focus was to show that Takei decided to live up to his duty/job in that moment? I'm not sure, either! And oooooohhhhh, MORI'S VA! I can DEFINITELY hear the voice now in that moment! Thank you for that info and the comment! I can't wait for the final episodes, now! Have a great day, too!