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I wasn't sure what to expect going into these, but they were SO GOOD!  This is the first of THREE sets of shorts I'll be reacting to, leading up to Link Click Season 2's premiere!  

Cheng takes in a stray cat, it's revealed how indecisive Lu and Ling are, and we see not only Cheng be ACTUALLY strategic, but the show pulls some clever and dark twists, even for a chibi series! I'm excited for these!   

LINK TO REACTION: https://share.vidyard.com/watch/zUCB4ECC6kz9uGMdJQXK6J?

Thank you for watching with me and for all the support!



LINK TO REACTION: https://share.vidyard.com/watch/zUCB4ECC6kz9uGMdJQXK6J? **FELINE-FRIENDLY HEADPHONE WARNINGS** I wasn't sure what to expect going into these, but they were SO GOOD! This is the first of THREE sets of shorts I'll be reacting to, leading up to Link Click Season 2's premiere! Cheng takes in a stray cat, it's revealed how indecisive Lu and Ling are, and we see not only Cheng be ACTUALLY strategic, but the show pulls some clever and dark twists, even for a chibi series! I'm excited for these! Thank you for watching with me and for all the support! Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RomaniaBlack My Anime: https://myanimelist.net/profile/RomaniaBlack Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/RomaniaBlack You can mail me a letter or anything (except food, please) at this address: Romania Black PO Box 768 Harrisburg, IL 62946 USA



Oh this is a pleasant surprise! These shorts are cute and fun! I love this trio so much, they are so cute with so much personality! Lu acts so fancy but he pouts on the couch when Cheng upsets him LOL!! It's just plain, shameless fun with these characters! ALSO THE TAROT CARD EP!! that one haunts me! Because while we are focusing on Cheng talking to Ling about his results, on rewatch u can see chibi Lu peek at the card and then look a little pouty/sad.. PRODUCERS, I KNOW WHAT YOU'RE TRYING TO DO AND ITS WORKING!!!

little gg

I just recently found out that Link Click and HOB got the same director😂 amazing! That song in the first episode was from a ice cream commercial that went viral during 2021 . That tune straightly brought me back to that summer🤣BTW,the op changed a little since episode 7 I really love how they imagine Cheng and Lu using their supernatural power in daily life.How i wish I could know if the takeaway food was worth the positive comments by just staring at the pictures! YEAH, THAT TAROT CARD! How could they end such a cute episode with a cliffhanger? We've had enough cliffhangers in season one and now we just need something fun! But maybe they just wouldn't gave us hints or clues about whether Lu was dead.HOW DARE YOU PRODUCERS!!! Now I really curious about season 2 and i can't wait to see your reactions every Monday!


I definitely wanted to check these out before the new season came out! And yessss, I LOVE how much personality we get in this set of shorts already with our main trio! It's so much fun but then there's that air of classic Link Click mystery... ...like with the dang TAROT CARDS! HOW DARE THIS SHOW, especially after how the season ends?! Yes, they know what they are doing and I am not happy about it, hahaha! Thank you so much for the comment! I can't wait for Season 2!


Oooohhh, that is FASCINATING! I'll have to make note of that! I haven't gotten to episode 7 yet of the shorts, but I'll make note to watch out in the next segment for it! The Tarot card part is just the BIGGEST TEASE! How dare they?! I'm sooooooo excited for Season 2, but first we have two more of these videos of the shorts to get through, which I'm also really excited for! Thank you for the kind words and comment! :D

Anime Annie

Finally had time to watch these. These shorts were adorable. I love them including the Spongebob meme, really adds to the humour. For the song those kinds of jingles, from the ones I've heard, do seem to take songs I know/recognise. Had a similar experience in Japan when shopping in Yodobashi Camera as their theme song plays at different times in the store and the lyrics have been put to the song The Saints Go Marching In. Such an earworm and ended up humming it a few times throughout my trip. Definitely agree (personality-wise) the cat episode is like if Kazuki had wanted the cat. Also the ED coming in like that makes me laugh because in Season 1 they did that after dropping a bomb on us, yet with the chibi version is the very serious matter of a cat preferring it's other owner over the one that first found it. Also the Cheng Xiaoshi dog reminds me so much of my old dog with the bumping into things and bursting balloons. Your dogs might be very intrigued by the noise but mine would have been in my lap and nudging my laptop if she heard all those noises. Qiao Ling is us! I feel like it's yes and no in regards to them playing house...I don't think there's much play acting involved though. Oh no, Lu Guang being sad over "Elizabeth", chibi versions are meant to be cute! Can't be giving me these kinds of feelings. For the OP only Qiao Ling looks like she's having fun with the dancing so I headcanon she pulled the boss card and forced Lu Guang and Cheng Xiaoshi into dancing with her! "Draw a picture in your mind of your future" as you nearly hold hands above the tarot deck...Also "be gentle" and "I got carried away" out of context could be read in such a different way. The tarot reading was evil with not telling us Lu Guang's card. Though it was my first time seeing a tarot reading done with two people's energies being infused into a deck at the same time. Also, perhaps Chinese tarot reading is different, but I know with the Rider Waite deck a reversed fool card can mean to hold-back or to take risks; both of which apply to some of Cheng Xiaoshi's actions in Season 1 and could bleed over to how he acts in Season 2. Lu Guang's reaction to Cheng Xiaoshi's sparkly eyes and asking if he thinks he's handsome too was hilarious. Gotta say though that Cheng Xiaoshi's method of photoshopping is equally comical and clever. Damn those photos of Lu Guang though! He looks so good with Cheng Xiaoshi controlling his expression and pose. If you do watch Episode 11 before Season 2 airs I wish you luck. I've re-watched the episode for AMVs I've included clips from Link Click and it hurts! Possibly because I did have a tarot deck before that one might be my favourite, but the photoshop one is definitely my second favourite out of these six.

Toni simi

I'm excited for the live action. I've heard the director also works on ut so I have hopes that itvwill be good. I'm really interested in the plot of it. With Lu Guang being hospitalized or maybe even dead I'm really excited to get to see more of Cheng Xiaoshi's leadership and smartness this season. The song is addicting I also couldn't get it oit if my head. But so adorable how Lu Guang hums it in his sleep. I knew Elisabeth would probably have a owner but it still was so sad. How would you not get attached to an animal? Why are even here death flags for Lu Guang?! I mean the Tarot card could be not that bad but with his reactiom it's probably something bad. Yeah, I really hope we will keep the ending song, it fits so much.


Seeing the phrase "even dead" with "excited" makes me very nervous -- I haven't watched but the one trailer, so I don't want any hints if they're from other trailers y'all have watched, but I REALLY don't want Lu to be dead. :( The live action does have me excited, though! Thanks for the comment!


I honestly cannot believe they got away with the Spongebob meme without any copyright issues, but I’m all the more grateful for it! These were really, really cute! It’s funny how a certain “melody” gets used in multiple cultures for so many various things, right? These dang ear worms! That ED coming in is hilarious in THIS context, but I instantly get scared vibes hahaha! DON’T show! I’m glad that my dogs can’t get into my lap when I record; it would be catastrophic (no pun intended)! I love the headcanon that Ling “forced” Cheng and Lu to dance in the OP with her, haha! Seriously, not only was the tarot card reading torture because of how it teased us, but THEN they just had to not let us know what Lu’s card was. EVIL. Ooohhhhh, thank you for the information on the tarot card of the “reversed fool” – I am SUPER curious with that now! Cheng won me over with his sparkly eyes and “photoshop skills” this set of shorts! And seriously, the animators just LOVE Lu, clearly. I’m not sure I can make myself re-watch episode 11 before the start of season 2, but…maybe they’ll do a quick recap at the start of episode 1 of season 2? Maybe? *nervous chuckle* Thanks for the comment!