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Okay, so after my brain was SPINNING from last week, I had to go back and re-read parts of Volumes 2 and 3 and come back for a mini-theory recap with Whiteboard-kun! I hope y'all don't mind, but it was NEEDED!  

These two chapters were few in number but had SO MUCH in them -- from a NEW character out of the blue, to Ling Wen's story getting MAJORLY expanded upon, to one of the craziest fights so far culiminating in...*Cue Eminem's music* "Guess who's back? Back again?" I AM HYPED, Y'ALL!  

Thank you for watching with me and for all the support!


Heaven Official's Blessing//TGCF: Novel Reaction & Review - PART 49 - Chapters 153-154! JING WEN?!

**EMPOWERING HEADPHONE WARINGS** Okay, so after my brain was SPINNING from last week, I had to go back and re-read parts of Volumes 2 and 3 and come back for a mini-theory recap with Whiteboard-kun! I hope y'all don't mind, but it was NEEDED! These two chapters were few in number but had SO MUCH in them -- from a NEW character out of the blue, to Ling Wen's story getting MAJORLY expanded upon, to one of the craziest fights so far culiminating in...*Cue Eminem's music* "Guess who's back? Back again?" I AM HYPED, Y'ALL! Thank you for watching with me and for all the support! Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RomaniaBlack My Anime: https://myanimelist.net/profile/RomaniaBlack Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/RomaniaBlack You can mail me a letter or anything (except food, please) at this address: Romania Black PO Box 768 Harrisburg, IL 62946 USA


Anime Annie

Last week you did have *a lot* thrown at you, so I'm glad you took some time to get your thoughts in order for your own sake of mind. Honestly binge-reading there are quite a few things you miss or forget. Tian Guan Ci Fu definitely has a lot more plot points introduced and currently not answered than Mo Dao Zu Shi, to the point that it's hard to keep track of them all until the answer is suddenly given. Conspiracy Board-sama might need to be used for the plot points for different characters and how they link up to other plot points/characters/events to keep track of them all 😅 You're right that with all these kingdoms, royals and downfalls it's hard to keep track of them all. Kingdoms and royals we know of so far: Wuyong; Xianle (Xie Lian and Qi Rong); Yong'An (Lang Qianqiu); Banyue; Yushi (Rain Master); and Xuli. Ling Wen is so great at comebacks, and keeping Pei Ming grounded/keeping his ego in check. At least you got an answer immediately on the identity of Pei Ming and Ling Wen's kidnapper...but Mo Xiang Tong Xiu really threw a curveball at the theories for who it could be by introducing a character from Ling Wen's past. And we finally get slight confirmation on Ling Wen's age (i.e. that she's older than Xie Lian). There was a previous line about them having been friends for 800 years, so I feel like Xie Lian's thoughts on Ling Wen having been a deputy god at the time of his first ascension can link back to how Ling Wen has known Xie Lian for 800 years. Xie Lian wanting to talk things out, whilst Hua Cheng saying that there has to be headbutting first because they aren't strangers is very reminiscent of back in the Banyue Arc when, in the Sinner's Pit, they discussed about how Xie Lian was for talking things out. Hua Cheng however said he was all for fighting things out. Hua Cheng's just keeping a hefty list of potential blackmail material of all the shady matters the oh so righteous heavenly officials have been embroiled in. But the current purpose for that information is just to be able to provide Xie Lian with any and all answers he might wish for. The civil gods' contest just really making them seem like such nerds. Essay-writing skills for civil gods is like swordplay for martial gods. Also made me realise that when Hua Cheng challenged the 33 gods, he could have easily lost to the civil gods if it was a similar contest with how illegible his handwriting is 🤣 The tale of Ling Wen's ascension really makes you roll your eyes at the patriarchal mindset of the heavens. Definitely says something when the womaniser considers you uncouth. Jing Wen is honestly actual trash. Especially considering some of what he says regarding Ling Wen's ascension to being a deputy god shows he sees himself as a white knight. He believes his rescuing Ling Wen from the potential horrors she could have faced in jail means she should basically prostrate herself before him and praise him 🙄 Nothing says toxic work environment than your former boss suddenly kidnapping you and your friend, shouting verbal abuse at you, and threatening said friend with castration. But that moment Pei Ming is really hilarious. To be fair to him he's probably wondering how his d*ck got brought into this conversation/what it (he) did wrong to be deserving of that 🤣 Aaaand we circle around to Bai Jing having been a general when Pei Ming was also a general. With Pei Ming firing back insults as he and Xie Lian run from Ling Wen clad in the Brocade Immortal (and Bai Jing's rage) I can't help but imagine the Benny Hill music playing 🤣 The situation is pretty serious but it just seems somewhat more comical in comparison to when they were bound and being held by Jing Wen. Also I'm with you on the platonic besties for Ling Wen and Pei Ming. And I love that Mo Xiang Tong Xiu gives us these two characters that are friends and, so far, in all the time they've known each other they haven't been lovers. Yet everyone else thinks they are. Great little bit of commentary there on the whole idea of being unable to be "just friends" with the opposite sex [which in my opinion was always a stupid ideology as it doesn't take into account people's preferences regarding gender and sexuality, but also appearance and personality]. The description for the scent of flowers from Xie Lian's perspective definitely tells you it's Hua Cheng and not something to be worried about. Also I feel like Tian Guan Ci Fu is the only time you could be happy/excited by a sudden torrential downpour of blood 🤣 The flower petal being caught in Xie Lian's hand is like a throw back to when Hua Cheng was discussing the kiln at Qi Rong's 1-star B&B 🥰 The man certainly knows how to make a classy romantic entrance! 😍🥰 That line about E'Ming is definitely quite the tongue-twister! Ling Wen draped in the Brocade Immortal looks so badass in that drawing! The art of Hua Cheng's return? Absolute chef's kiss! I love that in your discussion you nearly considered Shi Wudu as being the nicest out of the bunch within the Three Tumours 🤣 If you'd finished that sentence He Xuan might have set their skeletal fish on you! It really says a lot for Shi Wudu and Ling Wen's crimes/actions that Pei Ming is the most innocent of the three.


Thanks for the reaction! We figured out the kidnapper of PM and LW in no time, but finding their whereabouts is another thing......And how did XL solve this problem? In a typical martial god's way: punching stuff down! And just loving that HC instantly understands XL's intention and helps him despite his suffering from the reopening of the Klin. Somehow XL's luck beats HC's this time as he chose the right direction, and while he's busy punching holes on the ground we get to know a lot more about LW's backstory involving toxic boss and tons of gossip. And calling a girl "worn shoes" is a nasty way of saying she sleeps with other man (usually men) before marriage so she's "already worn out", and since LW was once a shoe seller, whoever calling it behind her back might even find themselves humorous. No wonder girl snapped and kicked her former boss down to become the top civil god later. LW's story tells us she has a reason to be classified as one of the Three Tumors, and somehow among the three, PM is by far the most innocent one as the only problem he clearly has is sleeping with too many ladies ROFL. He's so notorious for this that both Jing Wen and the brocade immortal saw him as LW's lover and the former even offers to 'snap his sword' if XL doesn't snap his own... MXTX is such a genius in mixing totally different feelings in one chapter set, starting from sadness and anger in LW's story to the chaotic parts involving multiple d*ck snapping to the sudden romance, as HC is finally back in his adult form and being all flirting with XL. Poor PM, escaped the fate of his D chopped only to be soaked in a bloody rain while Hualian dropped PDA all over the place. I wonder whether HC spent loads of time calculating the right angle and force of the wind to make sure that his highness gets a nice shower of flowers and everyone else got vicious slaps of blood rain. He's spent too much time as a weak one in need of XL's protection and now it's time to bring back the supreme force of a red ghost king!


every new chapter of tgcf is like a new delicious layer of cake and sometimes the flavour is totally unexpected hahhaa. Honestly, hua cheng knowing the gossip about everyone is too funny to me, especially when he's not like the typical gossip (like shi qingxuan or something). He will use that information to let gege know the important points but then barely even acknowledges the subjects of that gossip unless it's to mock or ignore them lol. incredible. honestly ling wen's past as nangong jie reminds me so much of like an unpaid internship. Jing Wen was like omg you'll get paid in experience!!! So good to put on your resume!! but really she's just fetching coffee and scheduling meetings and never offered actual compensation. im just imagining all her friends are like "you can do better girl!! get a new job you're worth sooo much more omg." like the devil wears prada except suddenly she becomes Miranda hahahah. anyway that's all i had to comment on but just know im here every week supremely enjoying every bit of every new chapter you get to! the recap at the start was amazing, I love seeing how your thought process works and what connections you make!!


I DEFINITELY feel the story of Mo Dao Zu Shi was MUCH easier to keep track of as I went, but then, it’s not only shorter than HOB, but I was viewing multiple adaptations simultaneously, so it was easier to remember details in one adaptation I might have forgotten in another! And yeah, by the end of this series, I might need to bring out Conspiracy Board-Sama! #_# I do love that Ling Wen is essentially the one in the trio (of PM, SW, and her) that keeps everyone grounded and is the “comeback queen,” though Shi Wudu DEFINITELY had his moment with He Xuan before…well…he didn’t really get the last laugh with that one, did he? Hm. Oh LORD - if only the civil gods had realized how terrible HC’s handwriting was and challenged him to a calligraphy contest! I just love how MXTX weaves in a modern sexist jerk into the story and lets Ling Wen (seemingly) have the last laugh. And YES to platonic besties with Ling Wen and Pei Ming! I feel Wen Qing and Wei WuXian were also similarly platonic friends in MDZS, and I appreciate MXTX giving us these couples like this. 🙂 I definitely do NOT want bone fish to come after me (stay away He Xuan!), so it’s good we backtracked, there. Yeah, it Is saying something if Pei Ming is the KINDEST of the group! Thank you for the kind words and comment!


I love that Xie Lian’s like, “well….the fastest way between two points is a straight line, so GO!” Oh wow, I hadn’t taken into account that since XL found them…was that good luck!? That’s a great point to note in our journey to question this whole notion of “luck” in this series! Ohhhhhh, I also did NOT know that was the idiom for someone that sleeps around – AH – thank you for letting me know that! Poor Ling Wen and all the gossip surrounding her! It’s so funny to me that Pei Ming is so far the most innocent in the group! And HE is the one that sleeps around, but no one insults him…because he’s a man? Hm. Let’s hope the Brocade Immortal doesn’t “snap” his sword, though! HAHAHA! I LOVE the chaos that MXTX gives us in this chapter set but also with some seriously satisfying elements of the plot and of course, HC RETURNING! <3 “blood soaked PDA” hahaha! I’m so happy he’s back in the story in full force, but poor Xie Lian! 🙂Thank you so much for the kind words and comment! I appreciate it! 😀


Referencing this series as a piece of cake is SUCH a good comparison – and yeah, that is interesting how HC knows all the gossip but doesn’t really even TALK to anyone but Xie Lian *nervous chuckle*! Thank GOODNESS he’s not like him from MDZS! And ohhhhh, yeah, Ling Wen’s situation is like the “unpaid internship” meme for SURE! Jing Wen, what a jerk! AND YES, SHE becomes Miranda! Thank you so much for the kind words and comment! I really appreciate the support and kindness – this week was a LOT of fun, so I’m happy you all enjoyed it! Whiteboard-kun was happy to make an appearance too!