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NOTE: I talked with Discord (THANK YOU for all the support by the way) and I DO NOT want to know if the Guoshi of Xianle is in fact WuYong crown prince -- I decided I'll keep theorizing and guessing until we find out in the novel.

Also, Moderator BeHappy is going to look at comments for spoilers before I read, so hopefully that will ease a lot of the anxieties I have moving forward with these last few volumes! Thank you for supporting me and sorry for the saltiness when I recorded this. 

These chapters were a LOT of rumbling action, chill-worthy mystery, and getting into MOUNTAIN SPIRITS of all things!? What, MXTX?! And in the midst of the chaos, Hua Cheng is leisurely strolling with Xie Lian under his umbrella and tying red strings of fate around his loved one's fingers -- only MXTX could find time to have romance in the midst of this madness!

Thank you for reading with me and for all the support!


Heaven Official's Blessing//TGCF: Novel Reaction & Review - PART 50 - Chapters 155-158! RED STRINGS!

**ROCKY HEADPHONE WARNINGS** NOTE: I talked with Discord (THANK YOU for all the support by the way) and I DO NOT want to know if the Guoshi of Xianle is in fact WuYong crown prince -- I decided I'll keep theorizing and guessing until we find out in the novel. Also, Moderator BeHappy is going to look at comments for spoilers before I read, so hopefully that will ease a lot of the anxieties I have moving forward with these last few volumes! These chapters were a LOT of rumbling action, chill-worthy mystery, and getting into MOUNTAIN SPIRITS of all things!? What, MXTX?! And in the midst of the chaos, Hua Cheng is leisurely strolling with Xie Lian under his umbrella and tying red strings of fate around his loved one's fingers -- only MXTX could find time to have romance in the midst of this madness! Thank you for reading with me and for all the support! Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RomaniaBlack My Anime: https://myanimelist.net/profile/RomaniaBlack Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/RomaniaBlack You can mail me a letter or anything (except food, please) at this address: Romania Black PO Box 768 Harrisburg, IL 62946 USA



If one of your own theories turns out to be true, does that mean that you spoiled it to yourself? No? But you did end up thinking of it, just like you end up thinking on theories in the comments. Still no? Then commenters' theories are not about the spoilers either! I'm honestly scared to comment anything now.


Ah, the adventure movie energy of these chapters (like you said, star wars and labyrinth) is sooo palpable. I love the wild mix of genres MXTX manages to string together. The idea of the mountain spirits moving around is so clever to me, I just love visualising it. When they're inside it, for some reason it reminds me of one of those bouncy castle sort of things where you squeeze through the rubber walls?? I have no idea why that's my visual of it but it makes me giggle. Speaking of things that make me giggle... sigh. Pei Ming. I don't know if this is just from going hiking a lot as a kid, but him picking up the femur bone and using it as his sword reminds me sooo much of that kid on a walk who finds a big stick and starts wacking stuff with it. For someone centuries old + a god he really has that immature boy energy lol. Oh well. I don't have anything else in mind to comment on - i just want to repeat that i love your theorising - i love that whiteboard-kun has some permanent decorations thanks to MXTX hahah - and i hope people respect your wishes in regards to comments! I've definitely tried to stick to just funny things the scenes make me think of so i don't accidentally spoil you hehe. As always, so enjoyable and you absolutely make Mondays something to look forward to!


I don't think this is being very fair. Romania has no idea of the motivations behind comments, and like she said, a joke theory from a commenter could just as easily disprove something as prove it. If you're scared about what to comment, just put a spoiler tag or refrain from anything that mentions future plot points/reveals/speculations,or even just mention that you're not sure and her mods will let you or her know. she knows no one is commenting maliciously, she's just asking for some extra thought and care which is pretty easy in my opinion!

Anime Annie

Cuo Cuo is that extra hurdle for trying to pronounce Chinese names 😂 Your little 'rant' regarding Guoshi-gate was really not as bad as I thought it would be with all your apologies over it. Really didn't seem bitter at all, rather just really upset. It made you anxious so it's natural to want to vent a little about it, especially considering how much you've warned against spoilers or possible spoilers. Hopefully with comments being moderated first you can keep enjoying reading the books and reading people's comments. I did laugh at you trying to get Huckleberry to lie down. He seems like a stubborn one for that sort of thing. Pei Ming's interjection to them really makes Hualian come off as *that* couple who have blinkers on for the rest of the world when their loved one is in their sights. But they're just cute little silver butterflies, Romania; wouldn't harm a fly! Maybe some heavenly officials, but they can handle it, right? 🤣 I mean Pei Ming managed to land on his feet, rather than landing on his ass, after the butterflies so helpfully freed him. And now we can add two other items to the butterflies' resume: Hua Cheng can use them to subdue strong ghosts/heavenly officials; and nightlights. Could we call the butterflies Hua Cheng's Swiss Army knife (just don't require transforming for their different uses)? 🤣 I do like that Xie Lian thinks it could be inappropriate to remove Ling Wen's outer robe. Feels almost like affirmation that no matter what form she takes, she's still a female heavenly official. Pei Ming however seems to think more in terms of an outer shell than inner feelings. Gory horror stuff I'm not so bad with, though descriptions of scents can make my stomach roil a bit. But magically appearing/disappearing/changing murals? Nope! Similar to those portraits that have eyes that feel like they follow you wherever you go, a painting that just disappears definitely gives me the chills. I'd most definitely be calling the temple haunted and skedaddling as quickly as possible. Also the ephemeral quality of them only existing for a period of time before disappearing is quite similar to the kingdom of Wuyong having existed but there's no knowledge about said kingdom outside of Mount Tonglu. Pei Ming bringing up the important fact that Banyue is not a little girl anymore...whilst also behaving like a little boy teasing the girls as a method of flirting. It's definitely interesting how Pei Ming has moved on from his past as a mortal, yet continues to have a bit of a grudge with Banyue for causing his descendant to step off the cushy path Pei Ming had cultivated for Pei Xiu. It's also a great contrast with, for example, Lang Qianqiu who still has very strong feelings about his past as the Crown Prince of Yong'An. The Kiln being a volcano really just making me think more of them being on a quest like the Fellowship on their quest to destroy the Ring. It's the shoujo romance moment of sharing an umbrella and the umbrella leaning more over the person they're interested in. Only in true Mo Xiang Tong Xiu fashion instead of Hua Cheng protecting Xie Lian from mere rain, it's falling rocks and boulders 🤣 Ling Wen and Pei Ming are definite bros. Confirmation was given with that thumbs-up (even though Hua Cheng is still subduing Ling Wen's movements) 😂 But you definitely gotta respect Pei Ming for stepping forward to try and buy the rest time to think of a way for them all to escape. I do have to laugh at the image of Xie Lian just tossing two heavenly officials, a ghost, and a human into a hole resulting in them landing sprawled on the ground. Meanwhile Hualian are wrapped in each other's arms and just slowly drift down to land on their feet. It does also feel rather reminiscent of when Xie Lian jumped after San Lang into the Sinner's Pit and brought Kemo with him. Mo Xiang Tong Xiu, I love her, but that fake-out with the Earth Master's shovel was *evil*. Not that I'm not happy to get more about the Waning Moon Officer (along with confirmation that he is Yin Yu), but it really leads you to think we're finally getting some details on the whole He Xuan/Shi Qingxuan ordeal. Poor Yin Yu and Xie Lian in that moment when Xie Lian puts his foot in it. Definitely get hit with second-hand embarrassment on Xie Lian's behalf. I feel like Xie Lian, if allowed to be leader, would help everyone survive in a horror movie after saying no to them all splitting up and wandering off in smaller groups 😂 Pei Ming using the femur bone as a weapon gives me such caveman vibes. Also gotta love him being somewhat tender with it when he thought it was a female's bone, then chucking it away before deciding it could be used as a weapon once discovering it belonged to a man. Feel like this could be his slightly sexist opinions coming through again (that if it's a woman's bones she should be carefully brought to rest someplace else, but if it's a man's then it can become a weapon). I did laugh at your momentary fear that the chapter set would end with there being something in the dark with them that kidnapped everyone else. That feeling and imagery Mo Xiang Tong Xiu evokes gives me flashbacks to several somewhat terrifying Doctor Who episodes/villains. In the dark alone in a creepy atmosphere Hua Cheng ties a red string around Xie Lian's finger...guess it's just par for the course that these soft, sweet, romantic moments also happen when the atmosphere around them doesn't typically match the aura within their own little bubble. Xie Lian choosing suppression of feelings over admittance just adds to the slow burn (and frustration as a reader). Quan Yizhen has reappeared...once again asleep 🤣 But that's quite an end with Yin Yu suddenly appearing. I feel like how Mo Xiang Tong Xiu included that speech from Ling Wen (about Quan Yizhen wanting to find Yin Yu to talk to him) leaves you more intrigued by what could come next for them rather than wary/worried for Quan Yizhen. Very much in theme with there being two sides to a story, and to not judge others simply on hearsay. Yes to Pei Ming being Han Solo! He'd so love seeing any female form in that Princess Leia slave outfit.

Be Happy

Hi @Einery , I think you missed the point about the said comment Romania mentioned. Imagine being completely invested in the story, theorizing about the mystery and some identities and then someone brings up an additional theory joking (not maliciously) ! It makes you re think everything, thinking that if it’s true well you ve been spoiled and if not , it unabled you to go deeper because it always lingers in your mind!! Romania is a very real reactor, the best thing about her videos is that she goes in blind and gave it all dissecting !! So the least we can do is respect her spoilers rules, which doesn’t go against discussing event that HAPPENED at this point 😊 She really loves to interact with her community so plz keep commenting just be careful 😉☺️


I'm happy to hear you've got a moderator! That'll definitely help prevent spoilers even unintentional ones! These chapters have been INTENSE and it's given me whiplash!


4 chapters in a row! That's why Danmei Mondays are the best! We're in the middle of discovering the history of Wuyong kingdom for the past set of chapters and what does MXTX think of that? "How about adding more fuel to the fire by revealing that YY is the wanning moon officer and got dragged into the crowd too?" This lady just loves her chaos. We still don't get much of YY's backstory, only that he's kicked out of heaven because he used the brocade immortal on QYZ. According to LW and QYZ's personal reaction, there seems to be more than that...... Despite having a "normal pedestrian face", YY seems to be quite competent as he can wield the late Earth Master's shovel with seemingly no problem. And since HC is on no good terms with any heavenly official other than XL, he giving the "wanning moon officer" title to a former god now ghost king errand boy can almost be seen as a compliment. And since we've already known that banished gods have no more magical power only physical strength (similar cases include XL and PS), him entering the mount Tonglu to save all is quite courageous. PM: "Even if I got squished to death one day, I don't want to be squished by this!" Me: "Is that a naughty joke? Well, as expected by him......" Just how fluffy is QYZ's hair that HC can hide an entire silver butterfly inside without anyone noticing? Or is the butterfly pretending to be a sort of bow tie before activating? Either way the amount of his hair is making me envious. Actually, Romania you've already encountered the three negative mental states Greed, Hatred, and Ignorance. They are referred as the Three Poison, which in MDZS is also JC's sword name.

little gg

"It got dug through at the bottom, so it's not very happy. " I believe mxtx means more by that "bottom"🫣


BAHHHHHAHAHAHAHA -- Oh my gosh, I did NOT think of it that way! That's hilarious! Wow, MXTX, getting our minds in the gutter! XD Thank you for the comment!


Yessss, Volume 5 has a LOT of 4-chapter sets -- just a LOT of content to go through in one sitting, right?! I'm excited, too, though! MXTX is a master of chaos at this point -- let's just re-introduce ALL the characters in the midst of learning this new information about a new kingdom! Sure! And yes, of course, there seems to be "more to the story" than we originally thought...how MXTX of the narrator! :P That is interesting to note how YY had a good "handle" (pun intended) on the EM shovel, whereas HX did not. And yeah, he DOES seem to be the only heavenly official, or former one, other than XL that he's on good terms with. Those are really good points about him; I need to bring that up! If PM died in the act of intercourse or anything related, that would be the ULTIMATE irony. Yes, Qi Ying is giving me MAJOR hair envy -- my brother has thick curly hair and I've always envied it. How dare! :P Ooohhhhhhh, great callback to Jiang Cheng's sword in MDZS! I love that! Thank you for the info and the comment and kind words! So ready for next week! :D