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I cannot believe we're already to the end! T-T And WHAT an ending it was! Such bittersweet, but beautiful vibes throughout, and I love how much both Decim and Chiyuki have grown throughout this series, and what their relationship ends up as -- it's just BEAUTIFUL.   

Plus, the show leaves us with this sense that it COULD go on if needed, but it also isn't necessary to feel satisfied with the time we got at the QuinDecim...the ending really is a metaphor for life itself -- even when we have to say goodbye, the story keeps going...ah, what a great series!   

LINK TO REACTION: https://streamable.com/efqsmd

Thank you for watching with me and for all the support!


Romania Black - Death Parade: Episode 12 Reaction! SUICIDE TOUR?!

LINK TO REACTION: https://streamable.com/efqsmd **SERIES FINALE HEADPHONE WARNINGS** I cannot believe we're already to the end! T-T And WHAT an ending it was! Such bittersweet, but beautiful vibes throughout, and I love how much both Decim and Chiyuki have grown throughout this series, and what their relationship ends up as -- it's just BEAUTIFUL. Plus, the show leaves us with this sense that it COULD go on if needed, but it also isn't necessary to feel satisfied with the time we got at the QuinDecim...the ending really is a metaphor for life itself -- even when we have to say goodbye, the story keeps going...ah, what a great series! Thank you for watching with me and for all the support! Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RomaniaBlack My Anime: https://myanimelist.net/profile/RomaniaBlack Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/RomaniaBlack You can mail me a letter or anything (except food, please) at this address: Romania Black PO Box 768 Harrisburg, IL 62946 USA



I really enjoyed this -- it certainly left me wanting more. So many deep questions about life and existence that it makes my head hurt (but mostly in a good way). Thanks for taking this journey with us. Look forward to the livestream!


RIGHT?! I like the "open" ending in a lot of regards, but I was definitely hungry for more after this episode -- and yes, so many interesting themes and a conversation about existential mortality and what life means -- ugh, I really enjoyed this series! :) And YES! The Audio drama will be on here tomorrow and then I'm thinking of a Livestream around the 17th or 18th of July, giving time for folks on YouTube to see the end of the series and audio drama; it'll be fun to talk about! :) Thanks so much for the kind words and comment and joining me with this series! :D


I left the final 3 episode reactions to binge and condense the melancholy (for better or worse). Ep. 10 – Sachiko is one of my favourite “visitors” and I like how they use her pensive manner to set up the internal process of how Decim will be trying to do his job differently. Ep. 11 – is so stunning. Any time a show executes such a long no-dialogue sequence well (nearly 5min!), it massively climbs in my personal rankings. Ep. 12 – a wonderful final episode. Decim completing his kuudere journey, Chiyuki and her beautiful smile. I also like that there was no physical altercation of any kind when it came to the Oculus/Nona narrative and that the show ended on just the acknowledgement of their philosophical disagreement. Of course, all the other things: the gorgeous soundtrack, beautiful visuals and creative framing, an absolutely top-tier OP. My only complaint is that there was not nearly enough Clavis! Thank you for another amazing series and it is great to know you enjoyed the show! Looking forward to the livestream, as well =)


Ahhhh, I understand the wait and then binge method!! Sachiko was a great visitor -- and something that matches the calm environment that Decim sets up as an arbiter, right? UGH, episode 11 is SO GOOD and compliments 12 beautifully -- I agree with your statement about how to do a no-dialogue scene; this one does it masterfully! And Decim as a Kuudere! I hadn't thought of that, but it's so true! <3 The moment with them smiling at each other? MUH HEART. I hadn't thought about that, but YES, I love that the series ends with Oculus and Nona just continuing their "chess game" with one another -- and it didn't get physical, which I was mentally preparing myself for! And I agree, more Clavis would have been fantastic! <3 Thank YOU for the support and kind words -- I'm sad to finish Death Parade, but there's a lot of goodness to fill the Decim-shaped hole in my heart for now! And YES, mid-July I'll get to that livestream and it should be a fun time re-visiting the show!

Toni simi

I didn't get around to comment yet. The mother crying and apologizing got me. That was really painful. We don't know if that's how she really reacted but I can imagine so. And that just hurts. I loved Chiyuki being like what gives me the right to let someone get killed, to destroy an other family, just so I can live again? But then her also begging for Decim to press it because she wants to go back so badly but she just can't do it herself. It was heartbreaking. Them hugging eachother. Decim's smile was the sweetest thing ever. Ahhhh Finding out that Ginti does basically the same thing as Decim was such a good little moment. Knowing that his cat never came back is so interesting. That scene also made me want to see more interactions between him and Clavis. They have an interesting dynamic. Let Mayu come back as an arbiter and get together with Ginti. That's my headcanon now. XD I can totally see both Nona's and Oculus' perspective on the arbiters. And I wasn't expecting their conflict to be this peaceful in the end but it pleasently suprised me. I like that the story leaves enough open to speculate but still feels closed. I've not heard the audio drama so I hope we will get more of Ginti. I'm craving for more of him. Wish you a wonderful day!