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LINK TO AUDIO DRAMAS (#4-8 on playlist):https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLuna8ir0OJLti25DD6PeYKSa0EFn7x8eP  

Thank you, again,  @Trukki  for translating and creating this amazing playlist -- Y'ALL, this is my favorite set of Audio Dramas in the whole SERIES so far!   

All four of these were HILARIOUS, fueling my inner shipper, and shedding SO much insight onto the characters, especially the mysterious Nijimura, that I cannot WAIT to see more of in the manga when we get there! Y'all, these audio dramas were a TREAT! I loved them all so much!   

Thank you for watching with me and for all the support!


Kuroko's Basketball: Season 3 Audio Drama Reactions - Part 1!

LINK TO AUDIO DRAMAS (#4-8 on playlist): https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLuna8ir0OJLti25DD6PeYKSa0EFn7x8eP Thank you, again, @Trukki for translating and creating this amazing playlist -- Y'ALL, this is my favorite set of Audio Dramas in the whole SERIES so far! All four of these were HILARIOUS, fueling my inner shipper, and shedding SO much insight onto the characters, especially the mysterious Nijimura, that I cannot WAIT to see more of in the manga when we get there! Y'all, these audio dramas were a TREAT! I loved them all so much! Thank you for watching with me and for all the support! Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RomaniaBlack My Anime: https://myanimelist.net/profile/RomaniaBlack Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/RomaniaBlack You can mail me a letter or anything (except food, please) at this address: Romania Black PO Box 768 Harrisburg, IL 62946 USA


Anime Annie

In regards to Teiko vs. Jabberwock as to which was worse, I think I'd agree with you that there is no worse. Both did crappy things to their opponents. What I will say is that with Teiko, Kirisaki Dai Ich, and Fukuda (Haizaki's team) I do lay a lot more of the blame on the adults surrounding those teams for allowing (or even in some cases encouraging) the behaviour displayed within the teams. Jabberwock, at least from what we saw in the movie, didn't have an adult to supervise them or pull them on their behaviour. As to antagonistic characters I would say that we do keep one in KazeTsuyo in the form of Sakaki. Yes we come to understand why he acts the way he does to Kurahara, but we don't get to see a change in his behaviour or a change in his relationship with Kurahara. Definitely wouldn't put him on Hanamiya's level of antagonistic character, but for me he does remain an antagonist for Kurahara and Kansei. Love that for Kuroko being so soft-spoken, he's the alpha of the pack when it comes to Nigou's mind. When Kuroko said he'd been invited by Kise and Aomine I did question him just inviting Kagami along. Glad Aomine immediately questioned his presence. Totally agree that Suwabe being cute with a dog is just so adorable! 🥰 Some of those moments it was a lot harder to distinguish "Aomine" from Suwabe. Can easily imagine him talking the same way to his dog. Takao thinks he has a life outside of Midorima, whilst everyone else are confused/worried about the lack of Midorima...and they're all so melodramatic about Midorima not being there. This definitely felt quite blatant shipping for MidoTaka. They're the kind of couple that tend to do everything together so when one of the two is doing something on their own it feels like something must be wrong. The funny part with it being Izuki that they invite out of everyone is that his seiyuu (Nojima Hirofumi) is the one that voices Nigou as well. Takao and Makoto are kind of at different spectrums for the characters Suzuki Tatsuhisa has voiced. The only Makoto vibes I get from Takao is how he looks after Midorima at times. I feel like for most of his personality Takao is more like Ban from Seven Deadly Sins. Izuki using Aomine and Kagami's dislike of each other to get the point was so good. Great way to show off his point guard skills. Oh poor Kise having to be between Aomine and Kagami. But I guess this is just another way to show how alike Aomine and Kagami are; they even choose the same for rock, paper, scissors 😂 Nigou beating Kagami and Aomine was fantastic! We got so much happy and teasing Aomine in this audio drama. Made me so happy! And then that triple team on Kuroko 🤣 Yes our minds need cleansing from the phrasing of that! Takao immediately sent the picture of Kagami #2 to Midorima...yes Takao you can totally do things not related to Midorima 🙄 Kise and Takao teasing about Nigou and Kagami #2 being just like Kuroko and Kagami really just blatantly making the shipping even more in your face. Takao impersonating Midorima just sent me! That was a fantastic impersonation whilst still being able to tell that it's still Suzuki Tatsuhisa saying it. Blows my mind how some Japanese seiyuu can so easily impersonate the voices of their fellow voice actors. Kise, I saw you walking away to have that private conversation with Kasamatsu! 🥰 And I'm with the others in being able to see what Kasamatsu meant about Kise being Kaijou's dog. I want to say he has golden retriever vibes with how he can act sometimes. That goodbye between Nigou and Kagami #2 being just like Kuroko and Kagami's goodbye. Oh that hurt! All the other Kagami and Kuroko comparisons in this drama were great. Did not need to end with that goodbye though. They're just being mean with that 😭 This Kise one was one of the three I translated. It was much easier than the second one. I'm currently translating the third. No clue why those three never got a translation but at least they're getting done now. Yeah I had to double check my translating a couple of times for Kise being up and ready for a modelling job at 4:30am. Sounds crazy to me. Especially attending school afterwards. It's definitely interesting to learn that Kise is somewhat self-conscious about how his teammates treat/view him. Yes Takeuchi is a Japanese history teacher, on top of being the basketball coach. I don't know if in the US coaches are typically just coaches, but here in NI they are typically teachers as well. Poor Kasamatsu is nervous as all heck with these questions. But then when it comes to stuff he's confident about I like how he responds. I also love that Kasamatsu doesn't want to place more burdens on Kise. And that comment for Kise was very cool and he was a bit like a heartthrob with how he delivered it. The music during Takeuchi's speech about Kise is so dramatic and over-the-top. I agree that I feel like Kasamatsu has to be related to Takeuchi. Considering we've had a couple examples of him speaking politely to those older than him. Whereas with his coach the interaction between them definitely gives off a more familial feel. I like Kise being so down-to-earth when asked about being a Generation of Miracle in comparison to the rest of his team. I adore that Kise sees Kasamatsu's treatment of him as Kasamatsu seeing Kise, the person, and not the Generation of Miracle Copy-Cat Kise. Kise positioning Kasamatsu and trying to make him stop furrowing his eyebrows gives me so much life. Love it. I need fanart of it. I laughed at you saying "Why are you making this a double date?" when Kagami and Kuroko are there too 🤣 And those two are definitely on a date! Trying to work out Kagami's order was a little on the tricky side. But I love Takeuchi's growing realisation of how bad this treat is going to be on his wallet 😂 Kuroko putting his foot down with that friendzoning. But it's progress for Kise considering Kuroko denied them even being friends when Kise first turned up at Seirin. Kuroko 'diffusing' the situation of them throwing down the gauntlet for the Winter Cup by creating an eating competition between Kagami and Kise. At least Kagami is somewhat polite after eating all that food, but he asks to be treated again. Poor Takeuchi. Then to end it with Kise and Kasamatsu deciding to run together. Just wanting the date to last a little bit longer 🥰 And for all that Kasamatsu was rather aggressive with Kise in this audio drama, he sounded so soft when concerned about Kise pushing himself 🥺 Though that is a nice bit to tie in with Kasamatsu knowing that Kise hadn't rested enough to heal his foot after the Inter-High. How big is Midorima's house that he has a grand piano?! Takao knows Midorima so well. Love though that Midorima tries to act like he didn't actually try to bring the grand with him. It's adorable though that he's using one of his sister's toys instead 🥺 I can understand Miyaji and Kimura being annoyed by the piano considering it kept making noises whilst they were doing drills. Also with it being pink. Takao teasing Midorima about having grown and being willing to work and co-operate with the team more was too cute. Takao is definitely the chaotic friend in class that distracts you. Midorima only realising after the second sentence that *he's* the friend was too adorable. Definitely not friends at all! I also love that Takao does call their coach Mabo ever since hearing Kagetora call Nakatani that. And Nakatani is a good teacher with knowing his students and who the real disruptive one of the duo is. Also realised from hearing Takao and Midorima in class...they're Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji! Chaos meets studious. Yet when it matters both are focused and have great teamwork. Midorima of all people having watched pro-wrestling is so shocking. I like that we got to see more about the senpai of Shuutoku and how Midorima can actually connect with each of them. Takao wanting to hear Midorima play the piano...that's a total flirting move! Especially in a music room when it's just the two of them. Like that whole scene I've seen in some shoujo (and a couple of BL) 😂 Midorima is the biggest tsundere. He went and learnt, by rote, how to play the song that Takao recommended 🥰 Also I love that Suzuki Tatsuhisa, who is a good singer, can make Takao sound like a so-so singer. Especially when that's a song OLDCODEX sang (ED2: Catal Rhythm) 🤣 Midorima's gotta learn the idol's song now for Miyaji otherwise it might give away that Takao's special to Midorima! Takao is such a tease asking if Miyaji meant to put away Midorima 🤣 And then managing to trick Miyaji into having to pedal them all around. Poor Miyaji! Midorima playing part of Offenbach's Galop Infernal to "encourage" Miyaji 🤣 Especially as the Galop Infernal is one of the most renowned pieces of Can-can music, and, in the opera it's originally from the part, when it plays is when all the characters are at a party and the party really kicks into gear. That edit by Trukk really helped make the audio drama even better at the very end. You joking about Haizaki playing a crane game and he was! 🤣 So interesting Haizaki using proper suffix (-san) when referring to Nijimura. And not in the sarcastic way he then speaks with Akashi. Really interesting seeing more on Akashi and Nijimura's relationship. But their descriptions of each of the members is definitely interesting from Akashi and Nijimura's outside opinions. Kuroko and Ogiwara's call was adorable. But also worrying for how hard those practices sound. That line about Aomine being there for him when Kuroko's feeling down 🥺 Makes you understand more why it all hit Kuroko so hard, and why he was so determined to help Aomine love the game again. Ogiwara's advice is very mature (at least in comparison to the other characters). Also suggesting communication making me see how he's also like Kagami. That edit of Haizaki hiding through the bushes/trees 🤣 Really hearing the Ichigo in Morita Masakazu voice when Haizaki was running away from Nijimura. Also with how they beat each other up, makes me question on if Haizaki didn't even try to fight Aomine and actually wanted to be stopped. But Nijimura was no longer around to physically reign him in. Nijimura's feeling good because for once Haizaki was at practice...My NijiHai heart 🥰 Blonde Nijimura immediately telling you he was a bit of a rebel/delinquent. Very interesting mirroring with Nijimura and Haizaki. I like that for Nijimura's analysis of Haizaki starts with a positive, but he also talks about the negatives he saw during practice. And that he accepts Akashi's analysis but explains that Akashi's own experiences could colour how he's viewing Haizaki. Definitely my second favourite captain. The way Nijimura ropes Akashi into going and getting food definitely makes me think that if he'd been around longer it could have helped Akashi and the others a bit more. Thank you for putting Summer Nights into my head towards the end of the video 😆 Considering we got a glimpse about delinquent Nijimura turning into a more "respectable member of of society" it made me imagine Grease but NijiAka...🤣 Just to note, there are two more audio dramas not in the playlist (potentially not in the document either). One I've finished translating for TruKK [it was honestly an absolute menace to translate 😆]. The last one I'm about 1/3 of the way through translating. And then it'll just be whenever they have time to make them into videos.

romaniablack (edited)

Comment edits

2023-07-12 16:32:37 That is an interesting point in that the Jabberwock team…did they even have a coach? I’ll have to see what we get with the manga version of that game, but that IS interesting about the adult responsibility side of things with the “Last Game!” Kuroko the secret seme of relationships and we’re just not galaxy brain enough to realize it? Hmmm…. Yes, the MidoTaka shipping was so hardcore in this set but as a big shipper of them, I am 100% here for it! :) And comparing to Ban! Ahhhhh – the only SDS character I really liked – now I’m picturing Midorima in a fairy costume and it’s giving me life. 😛But his impersonation of Midorima was SPOT ON - I am floored as well! I forget Izuki’s VA voices Nigou, which is really funny! The “triple team” and everything about that first audio drama was really great! Kise is 100% a Golden Retriever – even the color scheme works! 😛 Now, Annie, Don’t be reminding me about the airport scene with the separation of these dogs! NO! T__T Oh wow, thank you so much for translating these! I apologize for not having the proper credit on it but I can’t thank you both enough for translating and putting these together! The Kasamatsu and Kise one was so good! Getting to see more of the dynamic Kise has with his team is something I will never turn down and you bring up some good points in your comment about his interactions with them! Especially how they see him as Kise and not “the copycat,” as Midorima initially called him. And that’s so true with how Kuroko and Kise’s dynamic as developed into “friends” too! 🙂The ending of the audio drama was a *chef’s kiss* I’m here for any Kasamatsu x Kise shipping fuel! In the US, most coaches (at least in my area) either teach or are the “athletic director” – it depends on how big/much money your high school has – my high school’s coaches were always teachers, too, so that’s not surprising on my end, either. The Midorima one was probably my favorite of these, not going to lie. All of the moments, the shipping, the comedy - it was SO WELL DONE! And OH MY GOSH, in class, Midorima and Takao ARE LWJ and WWX! @.@ I LOVE IT! The piano scene I cannot gush enough about – such Shoujo and BL material, indeed! That’s a good point about Takao’s VA dialing it down to make Takao sound more “average.” 😛*sigh* This one was just perfection for me! And then I did like the Haizaki one as well! Yes, seeing how much of a presence Aomine was for Kuroko definitely aids in knowing why Kuroko fights so hard for him! And yes, Kagami is basically Ogiwara and Aomine combined - perfection for Kuroko! 😛I FORGET that Haizaki’s VA is Ichigo! I definitely understand the Nijimura and Haizaki ship more now that I’ve watched this audio drama! And Nijimura calling Akashi out is SOMETHING that we don’t really see anyone else do for a while in the series. I wish he could have been around Teiko more – but apologies for popping the Grease soundtrack into y’all’s brains! Thank you so much for the comment and kind words; this was my favorite of the audio drama “sets” so far – but that’s also amazing about the audio dramas you all are still translating! Ahhhhh, I can’t wait for whenever they get the opportunity to get made! <3 That’s so exciting! Take your time; there’s still lots to cover with the series!
2023-06-30 14:57:58 That is an interesting point in that the Jabberwock team…did they even have a coach? I’ll have to see what we get with the manga version of that game, but that IS interesting about the adult responsibility side of things with the “Last Game!” Kuroko the secret seme of relationships and we’re just not galaxy brain enough to realize it? Hmmm…. Yes, the MidoTaka shipping was so hardcore in this set but as a big shipper of them, I am 100% here for it! :) And comparing to Ban! Ahhhhh – the only SDS character I really liked – now I’m picturing Midorima in a fairy costume and it’s giving me life. 😛But his impersonation of Midorima was SPOT ON - I am floored as well! I forget Izuki’s VA voices Nigou, which is really funny! The “triple team” and everything about that first audio drama was really great! Kise is 100% a Golden Retriever – even the color scheme works! 😛 Now, Annie, Don’t be reminding me about the airport scene with the separation of these dogs! NO! T__T Oh wow, thank you so much for translating these! I apologize for not having the proper credit on it but I can’t thank you both enough for translating and putting these together! The Kasamatsu and Kise one was so good! Getting to see more of the dynamic Kise has with his team is something I will never turn down and you bring up some good points in your comment about his interactions with them! Especially how they see him as Kise and not “the copycat,” as Midorima initially called him. And that’s so true with how Kuroko and Kise’s dynamic as developed into “friends” too! 🙂The ending of the audio drama was a *chef’s kiss* I’m here for any Kasamatsu x Kise shipping fuel! In the US, most coaches (at least in my area) either teach or are the “athletic director” – it depends on how big/much money your high school has – my high school’s coaches were always teachers, too, so that’s not surprising on my end, either. The Midorima one was probably my favorite of these, not going to lie. All of the moments, the shipping, the comedy - it was SO WELL DONE! And OH MY GOSH, in class, Midorima and Takao ARE LWJ and WWX! @.@ I LOVE IT! The piano scene I cannot gush enough about – such Shoujo and BL material, indeed! That’s a good point about Takao’s VA dialing it down to make Takao sound more “average.” 😛*sigh* This one was just perfection for me! And then I did like the Haizaki one as well! Yes, seeing how much of a presence Aomine was for Kuroko definitely aids in knowing why Kuroko fights so hard for him! And yes, Kagami is basically Ogiwara and Aomine combined - perfection for Kuroko! 😛I FORGET that Haizaki’s VA is Ichigo! I definitely understand the Nijimura and Haizaki ship more now that I’ve watched this audio drama! And Nijimura calling Akashi out is SOMETHING that we don’t really see anyone else do for a while in the series. I wish he could have been around Teiko more – but apologies for popping the Grease soundtrack into y’all’s brains! Thank you so much for the comment and kind words; this was my favorite of the audio drama “sets” so far – but that’s also amazing about the audio dramas you all are still translating! Ahhhhh, I can’t wait for whenever they get the opportunity to get made! <3 That’s so exciting! Take your time; there’s still lots to cover with the series!

That is an interesting point in that the Jabberwock team…did they even have a coach? I’ll have to see what we get with the manga version of that game, but that IS interesting about the adult responsibility side of things with the “Last Game!” Kuroko the secret seme of relationships and we’re just not galaxy brain enough to realize it? Hmmm…. Yes, the MidoTaka shipping was so hardcore in this set but as a big shipper of them, I am 100% here for it! :) And comparing to Ban! Ahhhhh – the only SDS character I really liked – now I’m picturing Midorima in a fairy costume and it’s giving me life. 😛But his impersonation of Midorima was SPOT ON - I am floored as well! I forget Izuki’s VA voices Nigou, which is really funny! The “triple team” and everything about that first audio drama was really great! Kise is 100% a Golden Retriever – even the color scheme works! 😛 Now, Annie, Don’t be reminding me about the airport scene with the separation of these dogs! NO! T__T Oh wow, thank you so much for translating these! I apologize for not having the proper credit on it but I can’t thank you both enough for translating and putting these together! The Kasamatsu and Kise one was so good! Getting to see more of the dynamic Kise has with his team is something I will never turn down and you bring up some good points in your comment about his interactions with them! Especially how they see him as Kise and not “the copycat,” as Midorima initially called him. And that’s so true with how Kuroko and Kise’s dynamic as developed into “friends” too! 🙂The ending of the audio drama was a *chef’s kiss* I’m here for any Kasamatsu x Kise shipping fuel! In the US, most coaches (at least in my area) either teach or are the “athletic director” – it depends on how big/much money your high school has – my high school’s coaches were always teachers, too, so that’s not surprising on my end, either. The Midorima one was probably my favorite of these, not going to lie. All of the moments, the shipping, the comedy - it was SO WELL DONE! And OH MY GOSH, in class, Midorima and Takao ARE LWJ and WWX! @.@ I LOVE IT! The piano scene I cannot gush enough about – such Shoujo and BL material, indeed! That’s a good point about Takao’s VA dialing it down to make Takao sound more “average.” 😛*sigh* This one was just perfection for me! And then I did like the Haizaki one as well! Yes, seeing how much of a presence Aomine was for Kuroko definitely aids in knowing why Kuroko fights so hard for him! And yes, Kagami is basically Ogiwara and Aomine combined - perfection for Kuroko! 😛I FORGET that Haizaki’s VA is Ichigo! I definitely understand the Nijimura and Haizaki ship more now that I’ve watched this audio drama! And Nijimura calling Akashi out is SOMETHING that we don’t really see anyone else do for a while in the series. I wish he could have been around Teiko more – but apologies for popping the Grease soundtrack into y’all’s brains! Thank you so much for the comment and kind words; this was my favorite of the audio drama “sets” so far – but that’s also amazing about the audio dramas you all are still translating! Ahhhhh, I can’t wait for whenever they get the opportunity to get made! <3 That’s so exciting! Take your time; there’s still lots to cover with the series!