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WOW, the mangaka REALLY stepped up their game in this volume set -- it's a bit crazy how much improvement the illustrations have in this set compared to the last, but just in time, as we have some of my favorite parts of Season 1 covered this week!  

Teppei arrives on the scene! The "Beach" training episode with Shutoku crashing it! And of course, the start to the fantastic game of Kaijou vs. To-Oh: Kise vs. Aomine, and it's soooo well done in the manga! This week was a LOT of fun to talk about!   

Thank you for watching with me and for all the support!


Kuroko's Basketball: Manga Volume 7-8 Reaction! KAIJOU VS. TO-OH!

**KISE-RIFIC HEADPHONE WARNINGS** WOW, the mangaka REALLY stepped up their game in this volume set -- it's a bit crazy how much improvement the illustrations have in this set compared to the last, but just in time, as we have some of my favorite parts of Season 1 covered this week! Teppei arrives on the scene! The "Beach" training episode with Shutoku crashing it! And of course, the start to the fantastic game of Kaijou vs. To-Oh: Kise vs. Aomine, and it's soooo well done in the manga! This week was a LOT of fun to talk about! Thank you for watching with me and for all the support! Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RomaniaBlack My Anime: https://myanimelist.net/profile/RomaniaBlack Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/RomaniaBlack You can mail me a letter or anything (except food, please) at this address: Romania Black PO Box 768 Harrisburg, IL 62946 USA


Anime Annie

On the discord we were bummed out for you with that comment about the movie ending too. I saw the comment but not before you'd already seen and replied to it so couldn't warn you. My opinion is nag away 😂 Oh my god, Koganei is my spirit animal! Definitely relate to hating training from when I was at school doing P.E. (Gym); I greatly dislike avocados; and I'm not keen on pigeons (though seagulls are more my bane for wild birds), for me they like to sit on our roof and coo (squawk for the seagulls) at way too early in the morning and way too loudly 🤣 Seirin treat Kuroko as a good rival to beat/player to aspire to be as good as within their team, whereas Teiko treated Kuroko as a supporting character to enhance their play style. Poor Kuroko has got trauma from his ex (Aomine) so Kagami's words take a more negative connotation in Kuroko's mind. At this point I don't think Kuroko has fully recovered from all that happened in Middle School. And it's really hard to not have such a mindset, and to get away from it. But I like that talking it out with Hyuuga makes Kuroko realise that although very similar in various ways, Kagami ≠ Aomine, and so Kagami's words have a different meaning to them than if Aomine had said the same thing. Which technically Aomine did say something similar when he left Kuroko hanging for their fist bump. If Murasakibara could get passed Kiyoshi's exuberant personality and his opinion of basketball, I think they'd get along too. But that might be asking too much of our purple-haired giant. Kiyoshi's cheerfulness might be too high of a hurdle for Murasakibara to want to try and get over. That panel of Kagami in the shadows looks so good, but also shows he can be just as much of a drama queen as the Generation of Miracles 🤣 Honestly feel like it is a great representation of teenage angst that the entire world is ending for this tiny little thing like not being able to play basketball for a bit/having lost to a stronger opponent. Because of how much the art-style has progressed (and become more like the anime) I looked up the publishing and airing dates for both manga and anime in Japan. Season 1 Episode 1 aired on the 7th April 2012. If we give 6 months to a year for the creation of the anime that means potentially up to Volume 11 or up to Volume 14 had been published. Just with how similar the art style had become with the anime (and what a significant change it was to the previous volumes) I wondered if the mangaka had been influenced by the anime. But nope, definitely seems like he just came to grips more with the art style he wanted, or that his talent for drawing increased. Manga really giving us significant size difference for Kiyoshi and Hyuuga more so than in the anime (a shipping trope I do sometimes enjoy). I feel like the anime does a good job for the height difference, but not so much with their bulk/musculature or that Kiyoshi appears to have much broader shoulders than Hyuuga. Kiyoshi having been point guard (and still being able to play that position) I feel helps explain his good observation skills. Also as a 'stranger' to the dynamic and the characters of Kagami and Kuroko, Kiyoshi can view them in a more neutral light than the rest of Seirin. Hence why he's able to see that the main one that needs more help is Kuroko. Potential headcanon: after this whole debacle of miscommunication between Kuroko and Kagami, Kagami always makes sure to talk things out properly with Kuroko. Could it be that Kagami made an effort to communicate with Kuroko so as not go through the same scenario in the future? And potentially Kagami's way of helping Kuroko leave the mindset from Teiko behind and no longer take his words to mean something negative for them due to his past history (namely with Aomine). That line-work and background for Hyuuga's horror that Riko's gonna be doing the cooking makes it all the more hilarious. But it is interesting that the parts in the anime that for any other show you'd think was just filler/anime-only are *actual* content from the manga (such as the buying the bread plot, or this cooking plot, or even some of the bloopers/specials from the fandiscs). Kiyoshi's comments making him sound like an old man is a great way to show how him living with his grandparents makes him a little different from the rest of the team and how others his age talk. Mitobe's bandana having his name on it makes me think that in order to prevent his siblings from taking his clothes/stuff he puts his name on items like that 😂 For that duck I really want to know what Oha Asa specified as the Lucky Item and if it required the duck having said top hat, or Midorima (being his dorky self) just chose that specific duck out of all the rubber ducks in the world 🤣 Headcanon for Takao being saved from death by basketball hoop: Midorima gave him his Lucky Item earlier and the Lucky Item was that coin that fell out of his pocket. Takao really is such a bundle of chaos. Love it! That shadow shot of Kuroko might just be my favourite panel for Kuroko so far. That was fantastic. I love that for anyone who hasn't watched the show or read the manga they'd think we're strange for feeling sad any time we see Aomine happy. But it's really a reflexive response because we know how he is in present time, and just fervently wish he could enjoy basketball like that again. Wait, Romania! The manga made you think Akashi was cute?? 🤣 But yes that is a very cute blooper for Akashi. That information about Kiyoshi with Shuutoku was not in the anime. Ootsubo talked about how good he was and all three Shuutoku senpai did show that they respect Kiyoshi's skills. There was only one mention in the anime about why Kiyoshi went to Seirin (even though they didn't have a basketball club) and that's because of his grandparents. Yes to Imayoshi putting respect on Kasamatsu! 🥰 Also reminding me a lot of the audio drama of trying to arrange the Touou-Kaijou practice game. Kise's first meeting with Aomine: a bonk on the head 😆 Quite the interesting start to their relationship. Also Kise's first meeting with Kasamatsu involved him getting hit/kicked because of how over-the-top his introduction was. Both times brought him back down to Earth. For Hasekawa translating his speech is awful. And I imagine doing it in manga form is worse. He doesn't actually speak with a lisp (which is what I associate saying r's like w's with), instead he just speaks really fast and doesn't enunciate his words. For me it reminds me of how some really broad-accented country folk talk in Northern Ireland with run-on words, not completely saying a word, or only pronouncing some of the syllables in a word. Trying to translate that into readable English though is tricky. I feel like the translators decided to do it this way to show that his way of speaking is different from everyone else's whilst still making it somewhat legible. Lot of shots in this volume set with one character in the light and one completely in the shadows. We've had Kuroko with Kagami when talking about his play style; Aomine with Momoi when talking about playing Kise; and now Kise with Aomine when throwing down the gauntlet. "I've gotta be on top of him, pun intended" oh that comment made me almost get a stitch in my side from laughing so hard Romania! Kasamatsu being such a great one for telling things like it is. I think this part of his character may be why I like him so much. My heart did not need to see that image of Teiko Kise and Aomine 🥺😭 Why does them looking happy back then have to hurt so much?! The trust/faith Kasamatsu has in Kise I feel is better than the faith the other teams show their Generation of Miracles' player (and I include Kagami/Kuroko with Seirin for that) because we see Kise and Kaijou lose so much. It's easy to trust and have faith in something/someone when they manage to continuously win, but Kasamatsu's belief in Kise never dips even when they lose. And he doesn't let Kise's belief in himself and the possibilities for his future take a nosedive with each loss. Never thought the manga would make a moment more shippable than the anime, but I agree with you on that KuroKi moment has a lot more meaning to it when Nigou isn't there as an excuse to come outside and "chance upon" Kise. Whilst the anime does a pretty good job with animating the characters' sweating, I definitely feel like it's more noticeable in the manga. And seeing them work up such a sweat like that definitely gives a more clearer image of how hard they're all playing/training. I think that with how Kaijou plays whilst still making time for jokes and camaraderie, they remind me a lot of the way Aoba Johsai carried on as a team. Okay I may have died a little at that look from Aomine feeling a shudder up his back when Kise finally managed to copy him 🥰 That was a good looking panel! And then that double spread of Aomine and Kise, with Kise passing Aomine is gorgeous. I'd love a colour poster of that moment. The manga feeling just as run-and-gun as Season 2 and Season 3 were in the anime for how much we've gotten so far.


Yeah, I feel fine with it now, but was definitely venting at the start of this video about the manga hints – haha, thanks for the approval to nag away! 😛Noooo, I love avocados, but can understand the dislike, haha! I definitely agree that at this point, Kuroko hasn’t fully recovered from Middle School either – so of course, those words affected him a lot! Thank goodness Hyuuga was there to point out that Kagami is NOT Aomine! I wish we could get Muri and Teppei bonding, especially with the notion that they may be more similar than they first appeared! OOHHHH that’s good to note about where the anime started in comparison to the manga! Nice! With the progression of the art, that makes a LOT of sense, especially after we talk volumes 9 and 10 which REALLY look like the anime! And yes, the height and proportions are really handled well in the manga! Teppei looks so much broader than Hyuuga! I love that him living with his grandparents also probably influenced how he talks! :3 I’m still reeling at the possibility he could have been on Shutoku’s team! If Oha Asa specifically said “duck with a top hat” – that’s jumping the shark; who could find all that?! So I like to think Midorima was just being extra! 😛The Headcanon with Takao being saved by a lucky item is GENIUS, too! He owed Takao for all the help he’s given! ;) And yes, lo and behold, the manga made me see Akashi in a “cute” lens! It’s doing wonders already! ;) Ahhh, it’s so interesting getting more context for Hasekawa and his speech – slow down, son! 😛 And the GoM members are always trying to be on top…right? 😛 All of the artwork with Kise and Kasamatsu and Aomine were sending me this volume! So sad but so pretty, too! Kasamatsu is such a good influence for Kise! SUCCCCCHHHH Aoba Josei IwaOi aura with Kaijo and those two! Agreed! And yes, there are so many of these double spreads I would take as color posters in a heartbeat, too! This manga is FLYING BY, but we still have SO MUCH to go, which makes me very curious…and very nervous. Bwahaha!! Thank you for the kind words and comment!