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...well, sort of.   

Don't get me wrong, I still REALLY enjoyed Spy x Family, but it's like watching something, not quite being able to articulate what you didn't like about it...and then watching another series that shows you what that was you were missing in the other show!  

In any case, I hope this helps with the Buddy Daddies appreciation, because it deserves it! I hope you all enjoy this slightly "different" video.   

Thank you for watching with me and for all the support!


Buddy Daddies Ruined Spy x Family For Me

...well, sort of. Don't get me wrong, I still REALLY enjoyed Spy x Family, but it's like watching something, not quite being able to articulate what you didn't like about it...and then watching the series that shows you what that was! In any case, I hope this helps with the Buddy Daddies appreciation, because it deserves it! I hope you all enjoy this slightly "different" video. Thank you for watching with me and for all the support! Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RomaniaBlack My Anime: https://myanimelist.net/profile/RomaniaBlack Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/RomaniaBlack You can mail me a letter or anything (except food, please) at this address: Romania Black PO Box 768 Harrisburg, IL 62946 USA


Floor H

Ooh Romania this is an amazing video! And it's so clear the amount of woek and effort you have put into it! i really do like your arguments and i have to agree that my frustration with spy x family really often is that i feel like the characters are stagnant not moving, or if they are it feels like they're going to molasses. And after you know over 8 hours of watching it still feels like nothing really happened. I have loved other more episodic shows with very slow character devolpment, but there the episodes that didn't push the character devolpment at least gave us a great spisode arching story, while sometimes i don't know why we're doing what we're doing in sxf


W take....... Buddy Daddies for sure was a lovely watch. I can't really compare it much to Spy x Family as I did not get far. I stopped somewhere in the first half - I can't put my finger on it but, I found it soooo boring and it took me days to finish just an episode. I watched Spy X Family first as most people and didn't realise what it was missing until I watched Buddy daddies. What I can say tho is that in terms of the relationship dynamic between the family in Spy x Faily and Buddy Daddies, Buddy Daddies at the start of the series had an advantage, with Rei and Kazuki being friends already before having to deal with a child while in Spy family, they were just three stangers meeting for the first time. But in 24 episodes??? I'd expect more. I didn't even get that far so....it's safe to say I wasn't feeling this vanilla shake, in the few episodes I watched of it, i did not connect to any of the characters. In Buddy Daddies by episode 3, I was locked in with Kazuki, Rei and Miri, the action, brilliant, the comedy, brilliant, the DRAMA, brilliant, I was scared constantly for this trio, the episodes flew by so fast yet so packed and full of content, at some point I had to make peace with the fact it would end up in a tradegy....looking forward to the next episode, weekly. I really genuiely enjoyed all the aspects of this series.


Love your take on this. For me the biggest difference between the two shows is Love. Whether it's romantic/sexual or not, I don't know or really care, but Rei and Katsuki clearly love one another deeply, and they love their precious child. Maybe spy family is just a sloooow burn, but (at least as of where the anime leaves off) I just don't get the same feels. Like you, I'll probably continue to follow spyxfam, but I want more buddy daddies. Thanks!

Kuba Lutek

Spy x Family just feels extremely bland to me. The author himself admitted that he doesn't feel any connection to the characters, he created something that would appeal to people, and in my opinion, you can really see the lack of love for the main trio. There's nothing to look forward to, the main plot point is completely foreign to the viewer, and there was no attempt to build any emotional connection.


Hahahaha! Thank you for the comment! That's definitely a mood to have with this one! :)

Anime Annie

I hadn't considered the different stakes for the shows but I definitely agree Buddy Daddies managed to portray it much better. Yes with Buddy Daddies the big confrontation wouldn't have far-reaching consequences outside of our little family (with the exception of Misaki, Kyu-chan, Anna-chan, and Karin as possible collateral damage). Whereas in SpyXFamily the overall stakes are presented to be so much higher and on a much bigger scale in that failure could lead to war breaking out between the two countries. However whilst we're told this I honestly feel like they either try to inject too much humour or make it feel too light-hearted to adequately make the viewer feel a proper sense of dread for such an outcome. Buddy Daddies, however, we do see the dire consequences for Kazuki and Rei's choices, both in the form of what shockingly happens to Misaki and Rei permanently disabling himself, as well as the glimpses we get of Kazuki and Rei's individual pasts. I did laugh at your opening statements for characterisation with Kazuki and Loid's similarities being they're both blonde 🤣 But yes you know my feelings about how I loved how authentic/realistic they made Miri, especially if comparing Miri and Anya. The majority of the negative comments I saw about Miri's personality/behaviour you could tell said commenters had never been around children of that age for a prolonged period of time. I get sometimes wanting escapism with the media you're consuming but any of the vitriol I personally saw against Miri were from people that didn't like how immature she was or that she didn't know boundaries. For the former, she's 4 (turning 5 within the events of the show); and for the latter, she hasn't had the most stable of home to have proper boundaries set, and part of the story was Kazuki and Rei developing their ability in looking after a child and learning what it means to be parents. This last part I honestly didn't feel like SpyXFamily considered as a theme to touch on within the first season. Like you say Loid is growing to care for Anya, however Loid and Yor both feel very separated from Anya and just seem like temporary caregivers, rather than the loving family Kazuki and Rei try to create for Miri. Buddy Daddies hit one of my favourite tropes of Found Family so perfectly, whereas SpyXFamily on paper fits the trope, but the execution honestly would make me hesitant to add it to my list of anime with such a theme. Honestly if I had the choice of a Season 2 of SpyXFamily or a Season 2 (heck even just an OVA) of Buddy Daddies, I'd be screaming for Buddy Daddies all night long until I'm hoarse! 😂 It does definitely come down to taste, and I do enjoy some anime that have also played it safe similarly to SpyXFamily. But Buddy Daddies just ticks way more boxes for what I enjoy personally.


Watched this having only read like 10 chapters of Spy x Family and having seen none of Buddy Daddies yet lmao, but I've seen enough spoilers for both so I don't mind, and know enough to agree that I probably feel the exact same way. What you said at the end, about Spy x Family being "too safe", is honestly in a nutshell the problem I have with sooooo many manga, anime, tv shows in general, and even games as well, any sort of media.... When you just feel like there's /so/ much potential here, but it isn't being utilized, because the writers are just too afraid to or just aren't consciously pushing the story deep enough to maximize that potential. Spy x Family hooked me in the beginning with the tried and true "stoic lonely closed-off man with past trauma ends up with child who gives him a found family to be loved by and a reason to be happy and healed/someone to live for" trope (yes, that is extremely specific, I know; you can tell exactly what kind of media I'm a sucker for lmao no shame), and I was SO much looking forward to a plethora of soft, emotional moments between Loid and Anya + Yor, as he realizes how much he's grown to care about them and how much their presence in his life is healing him, but from what I can tell, despite that very promising premise, the series.... isn't really that interested in going there, at least not very deeply. And that's SUCH a shame, because I feel like it has the potential to become so very emotional and raw, for all three of the main characters and their trauma, if it only had the guts to go there (I mean, the setting is pretty dark, isn't it? With the war and all... As well as Anya being a test subject...). :' ) Again, I've barely actually read or watched any of Spy x Family so far, but I'm almost positive the lighthearted, casual vibe of the series has never really changed up till now, or I would have heard about it, I'm certain. And that's just disappointing to me, with what I really want out of it. I'll probably catch up on the manga eventually when I feel like it, cause it IS cute and I still like it fine, but I'm not invested enough to actually take the time to watch the entire anime so far; reading manga goes by much quicker and my attention span doesn't hold nearly as well for anime of slow slice-of-life esque series lol On the other hand, I'm very glad Buddy Daddies exists to make up for what Spy x Family isn't giving us lmao; I'm super excited to watch it at some point, and your reactions and discussions for it, of course~ This was a great video; I'd really like to see more video essays like this from you about anime and manga, if you ever feel like making more :)


First of all, I love this video! I can see the effort put into scripting and editing and it was so fun to listen to! I agree with you 100% - For me, Buddy Daddies was such a sweet, well-rounded watch. I watched up to about 4 episodes of Spy x Family, and it just felt too... bland? safe? Like every character was walking around with bubble wrap around them. I like the character development for both, and they both have their shining moments, but Spy x Family has so many episodes compared to Buddy Daddies yet seems to do.. so little with it. Maybe it's just because of where the anime left off. I think the realistic portrayal of Miri as a 4-year-old also really drew me in; personally, I like Anya as a child character, but Miri was just way more relatable and I found myself nodding along like "Yep, children will do that." I think the 'fish out of water' style of buddy daddies when it comes to parenting is also great; they are hitmen but they are also just... two dudes that don't know what they're doing. It made them feel more like real people rather than characters that were manufactured to be popular. I also think the fact that Miri is so realistically childlike rasies the stakes because nobody wants her to be exposed to guns, killing or kidnapping - she's innocent, she's a kid you could see in a daycare in real life. I think of one scene were Miri's mother cries to her and laments her past actions, and Miri just says simply "But mama.. I do love you." Is soooo good and character cementing. But that's just my thoughts; all this is not to say that I don't absolutely LOVE when people draw crossovers with Spy x Family and Buddy Daddies hehe


I think I remember that interview about the mangaka "not caring about his characters" being shared in the discord, and it actually turned out to be 100% sarcasm and him just joking, so I'm not sure that's true, but I definitely think that the series plays it a little too safe for me at times and takes the "slow burn" to a definite truth of the word, haha!! Thank you so much for the comment! :D


Thank you so much! And LOVE -- yes, I agree that you can so easily feel the bond between Rei and Kazuki in comparison to Loid and Yor (at least at this point), but yes, it definitely seems a VERY slow burn with SxF -- I'm in agreement; I'll still watch spy x family, but would love more Buddy Daddies! Thank you for the kind words and comment!


Thank you so much for the kind words and comment! I can definitely see your point and yeah, when I watched Buddy Daddies, I realized what I had wanted to see in Spy x Family! I definitely agree that Kazuki and Rei knowing each other from the start definitely helped that bond grow even faster! I agree -- I can appreciate Spy x Family being a slow burn as long as we keep progressing, and the end of season 1 had some episodes where things were fairly stagnant. I still do like the characters and I hope we get more with them in season 2! But yes, by episode 3, I was hook, line, and SINKER with this show! I just loved it and for being so self-contained in 12 episodes, we got a LOT done! I genuinely enjoyed it, too, and hope to see more from the audio dramas when they all eventually come out! <3


Thank you so much for the kind words and the comment! This was a lot of fun to put together and I would love to do more in the future! I definitely get that feeling of "stagnation" in spy x family at times, and your comment was definitely featuring feelings I shared about the show! I am hopeful maybe it'll pick up speed in the second season, but we'll see! :) Thanks so much, though, for the comment! :D


That character trope type with Loid is so specific, and yet -- I know EXACTLY what you mean and love that archetype as well! ^^ I agree; there's SUCH potential with the groundwork that Spy x Family gives us and there've been some LOVELY moments with the series, but it spins its wheels a lot when I keep wanting it to move forward with the plot and character development -- here's hoping Season 2 gives more of that! But YES, Buddy Daddies definitely takes more of the risks and plays it less safe than Spy x Family, and I appreciate it for that! I really hope you get the chance to watch it someday because I really think you'd adore it! :) Thank you so much for the kind words and comment -- I definitely hope to have more videos like this in the future when I can make them; I'm really glad you all enjoyed it! :)


Yes! I think that on paper, Spy x Family has the bigger stakes, but when it's acted out and presented in the show, it's never portrayed to be "that" heavy or as serious as it is -- mainly because of the comedy, whereas Buddy Daddies has the comedy, but doesn't shy away from making you know that these characters are in constant danger! That's a great summation about the Found Family trope with this series, too -- I feel Loid continuously in tsundere-style denial about them being a family makes the reader a little hesitant to make them that, too, and Yor doesn't really consider them a family either -- whereas Kazuki and Rei go ALL IN on them becoming a family; my hope is that Spy x Family gets there, but with its current pacing, it probably won't be until season 3 or 4... I definitely still want to watch Season 2 of Spy x Family, but it does make me hesistent because I am afraid it'll just be "more of the same" with that series -- whereas, I'd be up for ANY new Buddy Daddies content in an instant! Thank you so much for the kind words and comment! :D :D


Thank you so much! This video was a lot of fun and I'm glad I could offer something different on the channel! "Every character walking around with bubble wrap on them" HA! That's actually a good comparison -- I definitely agree that the characters of Spy x Family are really dynamic and I like them a lot -- the plot just gets a little stagnant at times, or at least it did in the latter portion of season 1. I loved Miri and the fish out of water aspect as well! You bring up a lot of points I loved about the series, too! And yeah, the two series are different enough, but after reading so many comparison tweets, I just had to make this video, haha! I'm glad y'all found it enjoyable! Thank you for the kind words and comment!