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We finally make it to the LAST GAME movie and I am SO fangirling throughout this entire thing! There's so much to laugh and enjoy with this film, and yet so much to talk about as well! I honestly can't wait to talk with you all about it!  

We still have a summer of Kuroko's Basketball content, but the anime has been a RIDE, y'all! I've really enjoyed it! Just GUARD YOUR EARS throughout this!   

LINK TO REACTION: https://share.vidyard.com/watch/igB2qTvCe4yauzXUrp72mS?

Thank you for watching with me and for all the support!



LINK TO REACTION: https://share.vidyard.com/watch/igB2qTvCe4yauzXUrp72mS? **SERIES FINALE FANGIRLING HEADPHONE WARNINGS** We finally make it to the LAST GAME movie and I am SO fangirling throughout this entire thing! There's so much to laugh and enjoy with this film, and yet so much to talk about as well! I honestly can't wait to talk with you all about it! We still have a summer of Kuroko's Basketball content, but the anime has been a RIDE, y'all! I've really enjoyed it! Just GUARD YOUR EARS throughout this! Thank you for watching with me and for all the support! Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RomaniaBlack My Anime: https://myanimelist.net/profile/RomaniaBlack Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/RomaniaBlack You can mail me a letter or anything (except food, please) at this address: Romania Black PO Box 768 Harrisburg, IL 62946 USA


The truck

The opening with Kagami ties back to the first episodes of the anime. When Kagami had a very pessimistic “basketball in Japan isn’t the same” attitude about basketball in Japan. And how he kind of looked down on basketball in Japan before he met Kuroko and the MIracles. Which is a curious parallel to the Jabberwocks. I mean (obviously) Kagami was never “You shouldn’t be playing basketball, you monkeys!” Or at least not in the same mean spirit as the jabberwocks were… (I almost forgot that during Kagami and Kuroko's first basketball match, Kagami DID advise Kuroko to give up on basketball. But he was trying to be nice when he said it. The context matters. probably.) But Kagami used to look down on Japanese basketball, which ties in with the jabberwocky in this movie. The Strky is made up from Miyaji, Imayoshi, Okamura, Kasamatsu and Higuchi Shouta (guidebook info? Skip this part if you don’t want to know) Higuchi used to be the manager for Rakuzan. Which is like MALE MANAGER REPRESENTATION. You said that the hugest crime was Mibuchi cutting his hair. WRONG! It was Miyaji cutting his hair! He had some nice curls at the end of the anime, and now they’re GONEEEE!!! A difference between Teiko and Jabberwocks. Jabberwocks taunt their opponents and they are unnecessarily mean and cruel. And while Teiko did not always put their 100% into the games, they were always either bored or trying to find ways to focus on the game. And while their “attempts at focusing on the game” (aka must score at least 40 points or even the 11-111) Their biggest “crime” was not putting their all while playing against their opponents. They were never, at least intentionally, bullying their opponents. So when you said that “Teiko did the same thing” I must really disagree with it. The reason why Himuro couldn’t be there as a sub, was because it was either Hyuuga or Himuro. Since they’re both shooting guards. So it’s either one of them.

Anime Annie (edited)

Comment edits

2023-06-14 03:26:41 I'll definitely be sticking around to watch all the extra content, anything to make Kuroko no Basuke last a bit longer 🤣 It'll give me an incentive to finally read the manga too. I much prefer your way of reacting and the lack of fakeness. No person can like every single character or even feel the same about a character. It's called having an opinion and there's absolutely nothing wrong with that, and I enjoy watching your reactions to characters and seeing your opinions of them (both good and bad). The start is a little confusing, but yes it is from when Kagami was in Middle School. Just have to give him even more similarities to Aomine. But it also helps explain why even though Kagami came back to Japan that long ago, he was unaware of the Generation of Miracles until he joined Seirin. When you first came up with the theory of Kagetora being a Yakusa I just knew you'd see it even more with the movie 🤣 When you commented about Hyuuga planning to ask Riko something before the final game I knew you'd be so happy that they finally get their date in the movie. Kiyoshi honestly looks *really* young and I'm not sure how I feel about it. I think I wouldn't mind it if everyone else had a slightly younger look too (to be more fitting for what age they actually are) but when it's just him, it's very jarring. Considering how anime movies are usually of a better quality in regards to animation and art, that part is somewhat of a let down. For the forming of the STRKY team I believe they're all attending the same University. You know my feelings on the travesty that became Mibuchi's hair 😭 Oh yeah Nash was pretty cool with his plays and his trash talking now reminds me a bit of Adam from SK8 (which is somewhat ironic considering he's voiced by Midorikawa Hikaru [Cherry Blossom's VA]). But then he *spat* on my captain. I had a Dead Poet's Society, "O Captain! My Captain!", moment for Kasamatsu. Kagetora saying he'll commit harakiri if they lose the re-match really just adding another point in the column proving he's Yakuza. Of all the crack ships that could potentially come into being, I laughed so hard at the idea of Murasakibara and Wakamatsu. The animation and art style is just different enough to make it a little jarring watching it immediately after the series. Like you said it's not bad, but I feel like because of the difference you do get pulled out of being focused on the story at times. My AoKuro heart *loves* that Aomine searches for Kuroko whilst Kagami and Kise start their one-on-one, and he's the first to realise Kuroko isn't there with them. Also Kuroko deciding to go speak with Jabberwock and question Nash about what he said reminds me so much of how he approached Hanamiya during Seirin's game against Kirisaki Dai Ichi. He questioned Hanamiya on why he chose to play the underhanded way he did. And considering how the Generation of Miracles reacted at that time and this time, it's not his first time approaching an opponent like this. Kagami definitely all about "I'll make you regret laying hands on my boyfriend" but Kise's the one that gets my heart in that moment with how he drops to cover and hold Kuroko 🥺 And then helps to carry Kuroko out. It's too precious. I haven't read the manga so I don't know if they say who came up with the team name VORPAL SWORDS but I kind of have the headcanon that it was either Kuroko or Midorima. It's a great little nerdy reference to Alice in Wonderland which fits both of them being somewhat bookish types. I do lean more towards Midorima being the one to name their team just because of what his track record for naming things is 😂 Though after hearing how some viewers hear VORPAL SWORDS as Bulbasaurs makes it very hard to take the team name seriously even a smidge. I believe time-wise there's a week from when the street basketball match is (because Kagetora says they'll play a revenge match next week). Then we see them training and Kagetora says the match is tomorrow. So the whole confrontation at the bar occurs the night before their match. I love Kagami cheering on from the side-lines, and then the tsundere of the Generation of Miracles act like playing with him is the worst thing ever. It does make you love Kagami a little more. Kise did have a really cool moment, and I feel so bad for him that none of them praise him for it. But we the audience can just praise him instead! Though there definitely was the need to comment on what a crappy pass Aomine gave Kuroko. Highlights that whilst they have started to change, unlike with Kise and Midorima, Aomine has not gotten used to/as comfortable with passing to his teammates again. I like them showing the Generation of Miracles all panting a little, especially the close up of Murasakibara being a little gaspy considering he usually doesn't have to work hard enough to be breathless. And then they switch to Jabberwock who are all sweating a bit but none of them are out of breath. I do gotta say that I love Akashi basically saying that he'll back Murasakibara if he disagrees with the Kagetora's decision, even though he thinks it's the best thing for their team. I feel it does show a slight change into his "winning is everything" mindset. He does still try (and manages) to convince Murasakibara that Kagetora's decision should be followed, but the fact that he was even willing to stand by Murasakibara's decision does say a lot. Kise of all people trying to play peacemaker between Aomine and Kagami gives me all the feelings. Meanwhile Kuroko's just smiling, happy at how they're all getting along 🤣 I loved you naming all the side characters on Jabberwock! They definitely fit with the naming decisions so far in regards to the Generation of Miracles and Uncrowned Kings. The lack of any development for the other members of Jabberwock for some reason always makes me think of Tamaki in Ouran High School Host Club calling the others the homo side characters 🤣 I would seriously have loved if they'd actually utilised their subs, but then they wouldn't have been able to make all the others have their little shining moments. And yes, this bit with Aomine and Kise double-teaming Silver is definitely a much loved moment for us AoKi shippers 🤣 Same for Aomine entrusting Kise with guarding Silver 🥺 He really does believe in Kise's skills and knows that as much as Kise comes off as being quite the talker, when it comes down to things like this he is very serious. I feel like both knew that making such a decision would take Kise out of play for the rest of the game, but both have learnt about how more important it is that the team wins over individual wins. Even though Kasamatsu has graduated, he and Kise are still in touch. I just love out of them all that Kise is the one to move away from the group to call and check on how his senpai/ex-captain is doing. KasaKi ship just sailing so smoothly even in the movie! And it's immediately after a flashback/Kise thinking of Kasamatsu's words that Kise manages to enter the Zone for the first time. I wonder if Kise's second door is 'guarded' by Kasamatsu 😆 Yes Kise picks up on Bokushi now being at the forefront by Akashi addressing him by his first name, Ryouta. Midorima, meanwhile, can tell simply by his aura. Gotta agree with you that you'd think not everyone should be all smiles about Bokushi coming forward, but that could be just a way to show what basketball idiots they are. Even whilst they take a MidoTaka move to make it MidoAka, we still get the assurance that Midorima wholly trusts Takao. But it is interesting that Midorima's thoughts of Takao is from the back. It made me realise that I think in the majority of shots with them Takao is in front. He's also always pedalling the bicycle so it's Takao's back Midorima sees the most on their journeys to and from school. A single thought of Takao in Midorima's mind and my MidoTaka heart is going crazy and analysing all their interactions. The fact Midorima didn't call Kagami a fool for not being able to block the shot, and just calmly saying that it basically couldn't be helped shows his growth. Also shows Midorima's adaptability to playing alongside Kagami, unlike Aomine and Murasakibara 🤣 I'm not completely sure but I believe Belial is potentially a personification of wickedness/evil and I think is sometimes used as one of the names for Satan in Christianity. As to his actual ability it's so overpowered; it's like a combination of Akashi and Takao's eyes. I saw that reaction, Romania, when Nash did the ankle break on Akashi 🤭 Murasakibara actually coming out with a strategy! I love the development they give his character in the movie. Also potentially the only time he's interacted with Riko is during their week of training leading up to this match, and yet he calls her by a nickname using her first name 🥰 With any other character it could be a shipping moment, but with Murasakibara it just feels like a cute thing. Also very equal footing for how he talks to girls as he does boys. Kise's conjecture on Murasakibara's play does hurt my heart a little for our purple giant. In that way it is very similar to Aomine's issues. For Aomine it's his speed and skill others can't keep up with so he didn't both to get better because it would create a bigger divide, whilst with Murasakibara if he went full power he could forget himself and accidentally hurt his opponent. Also makes it very interesting that his 'tagline' is "I'll crush you" but he's never taken that in the way that, for example, Hanamiya would. Like I said in the Discord I'm happy we get scary pissed Kuroko, but not at the expense of Murasakibara who was finally able to play a bit more freely and enjoy playing basketball 😭 Though we do also get Kagami being the one to angrily shout at Silver on Murasakibara's behalf. Whether it was on purpose or not, he knocked Kagami's brother's boyfriend to the ground! To be fair to the animators Murasakibara's arm could very well be broken. I've broke three bones in my foot and then broke my ankle before (couple of years apart). The ankle it showed up pretty quick with swelling and slight discolouration about forty minutes after falling. But bar my foot being really sore and some swelling that appeared overnight there was no immediate signs of bruising for when I broke the bones in my foot (and I had to go back to A&E a week later because the doctor on call was adamant I hadn't broken anything whilst the nurse said she could see the breaks in the x-ray). Also as to screaming in pain, could be I just have a higher tolerance for pain now but I only let out a yell when I first fell when I broke my ankle (and then nearly broke my teeth trying not to scream when they later had to reset it [which they did without meds]). I feel it really depends on the person for how they'll react with a break. Outside of reality, it's quite the shounen trope to just be able to pick yourself back up and walk such injuries off. The Vorpal Swords banners, towels and uniforms I feel is yet another tick in the column for Kagetora being Yakuza with how quick they got them made up. Aomine, who is also the only player on Vorpal Swords to play the whole game, being the one to boost the team spirit just makes me love him all the more. Also his willingness at this point to pass to Kagami without complaint 🥰 Mayuzumi is there to have gloomy thoughts and then be shocked by Akashi beating Nash, and keeping the AkaMayu ship alive even after the latter has graduated. For all the directing choices the one I always laugh and question is that dang close-up of the remote. Like I don't think it'd be half as funny if it was one of Midorima's other Lucky Items but the item in question being a remote of all things definitely adds to the hilarity. I would say it's an unusual choice in this moment considering how serious it is, and especially following how Bokushi disappears. Which I won't go into a massive rant about or anything, just that whole thing with Akashi I do wish they'd done better. Especially when we do have the example of Aomine struggling with his own mental health and how well they portrayed that. It just feels like such a disappointment for how they make Akashi's mental health as a kind of scapegoat and superpower. I think Kuroko stealing the ball after Jabberwock plan to hold the ball until time runs out is a nice sort of throwback to the Seirin vs. Rakuzan game. Only at that time it was Izuki being calm and realising that Rakuzan wouldn't play it that way but rather would attempt to score, and as such he manages to steal the ball from them. I also love the lighting in that scene with Kuroko in the shadows pushing the ball and then dribbling it into the light before passing it to his past and present lights 🥰 The final shot being by my OT3 really makes me so dang happy. Also love how in sync Aomine and Kagami are. Both with their actions and their words. Yes to us getting actual sweet Riko and Momoi moments! I may need some fics that go into their potential friendship. And Aomine checking on Murasakibara's arm, but he's fine because the sling can double as a carrier bag/tray for all his snacks 🤣 I did laugh at you saying "We're dating" just before Kagami and Kuroko look to each other. Then I hurt because of what was coming. Why they gotta do this to our KagaKuro ship?! 😭 We all knew with how big a KagaKuro shipper you've become that this would hurt you. We gotta share the pain! Also *this* was what sent me to FanFic for my first anime FanFics. I'd already read FanFic for other media but I hadn't read anything linked to an anime until finishing Kuroko no Basuke. Also why I devoured the songs and other extras. I just needed more content afterwards. But the way the other First Years (though think with time having passed they're now Second Years) react definitely makes it seem like KagaKuro is official...at least to my shipper's eyes 😆 It is strange seeing Akashi call Kagami the best rival and friend they could hope for, but there really isn't a lot of choice for who else could say it. Murasakibara and Aomine probably wouldn't be willing to admit it on pain of death. Midorima would need someone else to say it for him and then stammer about it not being true. Momoi and Kise could both say it, but it might come across as a little more flippant with how they both can sometimes act/talk. They just gotta hit us even more in the feels with Kagami getting emotional and saying he'll think about what Kuroko would do when he finds himself in trouble. Not okay anime! But their final fist bump didn't connect and was an air bump, so it just means they'll have to meet up again in the future to finish that fist bump! 😭🥺 Also the after-credits scene gives my AoKaga heart some nourishment. My chest hurts from laughing so hard at how you came to the logical decision that Kuroko would be visiting America 🤣 I definitely believe they'll see each other and be together again but nothing that convoluted. Instead I imagine Aomine just dragging Kuroko with him to America for the three of them to be an OT3! And Momoi joins them, but is able to be her own person outside of basketball thanks to Alex. But to add to your plan: Takao would definitely drag Midorima to America for a holiday, which would lead to Kise feeling left out and dragging Kasamatsu off there too for a break, and Akashi would secretly exchange their tickets and be waiting on his private plane for them 🤣 The song playing in the background after Aomine and Kagami are both in the Zone is sung by Ono Kensho and is called Against the Wind. The song playing during the End Credits is by GRANRODEO and is called Glorious Days. The End Cards for the recap movies totally give us some more shipping moments. Also that hat on Midorima, you just know it was Takao that plonked it on his head like that and he just sighed and left it because he loves his boyfriend 😆 The lack of sound at the beginning is because they immediately go into the song and there is no time for putting in a title or who all is singing, so had to put that in quickly before the start of the song. The lyrics are very bittersweet in places and in others a little suspicious 😆 The outfits are from the Black Style Collection. They all look so amazing in them. Kagami's though is definitely my favourite look. I thought such a debonair style was fitting for this song that really does make them seem like an idol group. Those two bloopers are quite the ones to watch first thing in the morning! 🤣 I love Kise and Aomine trying to speak English to Silver.
2023-06-07 21:04:32 I'll definitely be sticking around to watch all the extra content, anything to make Kuroko no Basuke last a bit longer 🤣 It'll give me an incentive to finally read the manga too. I much prefer your way of reacting and the lack of fakeness. No person can like every single character or even feel the same about a character. It's called having an opinion and there's absolutely nothing wrong with that, and I enjoy watching your reactions to characters and seeing your opinions of them (both good and bad). The start is a little confusing, but yes it is from when Kagami was in Middle School. Just have to give him even more similarities to Aomine. But it also helps explain why even though Kagami came back to Japan that long ago, he was unaware of the Generation of Miracles until he joined Seirin. When you first came up with the theory of Kagetora being a Yakusa I just knew you'd see it even more with the movie 🤣 When you commented about Hyuuga planning to ask Riko something before the final game I knew you'd be so happy that they finally get their date in the movie. Kiyoshi honestly looks *really* young and I'm not sure how I feel about it. I think I wouldn't mind it if everyone else had a slightly younger look too (to be more fitting for what age they actually are) but when it's just him, it's very jarring. Considering how anime movies are usually of a better quality in regards to animation and art, that part is somewhat of a let down. For the forming of the STRKY team I believe they're all attending the same University. You know my feelings on the travesty that became Mibuchi's hair 😭 Oh yeah Nash was pretty cool with his plays and his trash talking now reminds me a bit of Adam from SK8 (which is somewhat ironic considering he's voiced by Midorikawa Hikaru [Cherry Blossom's VA]). But then he *spat* on my captain. I had a Dead Poet's Society, "O Captain! My Captain!", moment for Kasamatsu. Kagetora saying he'll commit harakiri if they lose the re-match really just adding another point in the column proving he's Yakuza. Of all the crack ships that could potentially come into being, I laughed so hard at the idea of Murasakibara and Wakamatsu. The animation and art style is just different enough to make it a little jarring watching it immediately after the series. Like you said it's not bad, but I feel like because of the difference you do get pulled out of being focused on the story at times. My AoKuro heart *loves* that Aomine searches for Kuroko whilst Kagami and Kise start their one-on-one, and he's the first to realise Kuroko isn't there with them. Also Kuroko deciding to go speak with Jabberwock and question Nash about what he said reminds me so much of how he approached Hanamiya during Seirin's game against Kirisaki Dai Ichi. He questioned Hanamiya on why he chose to play the underhanded way he did. And considering how the Generation of Miracles reacted at that time and this time, it's not his first time approaching an opponent like this. Kagami definitely all about "I'll make you regret laying hands on my boyfriend" but Kise's the one that gets my heart in that moment with how he drops to cover and hold Kuroko 🥺 And then helps to carry Kuroko out. It's too precious. I haven't read the manga so I don't know if they say who came up with the team name VORPAL SWORDS but I kind of have the headcanon that it was either Kuroko or Midorima. It's a great little nerdy reference to Alice in Wonderland which fits both of them being somewhat bookish types. I do lean more towards Midorima being the one to name their team just because of what his track record for naming things is 😂 Though after hearing how some viewers hear VORPAL SWORDS as Bulbasaurs makes it very hard to take the team name seriously even a smidge. I believe time-wise there's a week from when the street basketball match is (because Kagetora says they'll play a revenge match next week). Then we see them training and Kagetora says the match is tomorrow. So the whole confrontation at the bar occurs the night before their match. I love Kagami cheering on from the side-lines, and then the tsundere of the Generation of Miracles act like playing with him is the worst thing ever. It does make you love Kagami a little more. Kise did have a really cool moment, and I feel so bad for him that none of them praise him for it. But we the audience can just praise him instead! Though there definitely was the need to comment on what a crappy pass Aomine gave Kuroko. Highlights that whilst they have started to change, unlike with Kise and Midorima, Aomine has not gotten used to/as comfortable with passing to his teammates again. I like them showing the Generation of Miracles all panting a little, especially the close up of Murasakibara being a little gaspy considering he usually doesn't have to work hard enough to be breathless. And then they switch to Jabberwock who are all sweating a bit but none of them are out of breath. I do gotta say that I love Akashi basically saying that he'll back Murasakibara if he disagrees with the Kagetora's decision, even though he thinks it's the best thing for their team. I feel it does show a slight change into his "winning is everything" mindset. He does still try (and manages) to convince Murasakibara that Kagetora's decision should be followed, but the fact that he was even willing to stand by Murasakibara's decision does say a lot. Kise of all people trying to play peacemaker between Aomine and Kagami gives me all the feelings. Meanwhile Kuroko's just smiling, happy at how they're all getting along 🤣 I loved you naming all the side characters on Jabberwock! They definitely fit with the naming decisions so far in regards to the Generation of Miracles and Uncrowned Kings. The lack of any development for the other members of Jabberwock for some reason always makes me think of Tamaki in Ouran High School Host Club calling the others the homo side characters 🤣 I would seriously have loved if they'd actually utilised their subs, but then they wouldn't have been able to make all the others have their little shining moments. And yes, this bit with Aomine and Kise double-teaming Silver is definitely a much loved moment for us AoKi shippers 🤣 Same for Aomine entrusting Kise with guarding Silver 🥺 He really does believe in Kise's skills and knows that as much as Kise comes off as being quite the talker, when it comes down to things like this he is very serious. I feel like both knew that making such a decision would take Kise out of play for the rest of the game, but both have learnt about how more important it is that the team wins over individual wins. Even though Kasamatsu has graduated, he and Kise are still in touch. I just love out of them all that Kise is the one to move away from the group to call and check on how his senpai/ex-captain is doing. KasaKi ship just sailing so smoothly even in the movie! And it's immediately after a flashback/Kise thinking of Kasamatsu's words that Kise manages to enter the Zone for the first time. I wonder if Kise's second door is 'guarded' by Kasamatsu 😆 Yes Kise picks up on Bokushi now being at the forefront by Akashi addressing him by his first name, Ryouta. Midorima, meanwhile, can tell simply by his aura. Gotta agree with you that you'd think not everyone should be all smiles about Bokushi coming forward, but that could be just a way to show what basketball idiots they are. Even whilst they take a MidoTaka move to make it MidoAka, we still get the assurance that Midorima wholly trusts Takao. But it is interesting that Midorima's thoughts of Takao is from the back. It made me realise that I think in the majority of shots with them Takao is in front. He's also always pedalling the bicycle so it's Takao's back Midorima sees the most on their journeys to and from school. A single thought of Takao in Midorima's mind and my MidoTaka heart is going crazy and analysing all their interactions. The fact Midorima didn't call Kagami a fool for not being able to block the shot, and just calmly saying that it basically couldn't be helped shows his growth. Also shows Midorima's adaptability to playing alongside Kagami, unlike Aomine and Murasakibara 🤣 I'm not completely sure but I believe Belial is potentially a personification of wickedness/evil and I think is sometimes used as one of the names for Satan in Christianity. As to his actual ability it's so overpowered; it's like a combination of Akashi and Takao's eyes. I saw that reaction, Romania, when Nash did the ankle break on Akashi 🤭 Murasakibara actually coming out with a strategy! I love the development they give his character in the movie. Also potentially the only time he's interacted with Riko is during their week of training leading up to this match, and yet he calls her by a nickname using her first name 🥰 With any other character it could be a shipping moment, but with Murasakibara it just feels like a cute thing. Also very equal footing for how he talks to girls as he does boys. Kise's conjecture on Murasakibara's play does hurt my heart a little for our purple giant. In that way it is very similar to Aomine's issues. For Aomine it's his speed and skill others can't keep up with so he didn't both to get better because it would create a bigger divide, whilst with Murasakibara if he went full power he could forget himself and accidentally hurt his opponent. Also makes it very interesting that his 'tagline' is "I'll crush you" but he's never taken that in the way that, for example, Hanamiya would. Like I said in the Discord I'm happy we get scary pissed Kuroko, but not at the expense of Murasakibara who was finally able to play a bit more freely and enjoy playing basketball 😭 Though we do also get Kagami being the one to angrily shout at Silver on Murasakibara's behalf. Whether it was on purpose or not, he knocked Kagami's brother's boyfriend to the ground! To be fair to the animators Murasakibara's arm could very well be broken. I've broke three bones in my foot and then broke my ankle before (couple of years apart). The ankle it showed up pretty quick with swelling and slight discolouration about forty minutes after falling. But bar my foot being really sore and some swelling that appeared overnight there was no immediate signs of bruising for when I broke the bones in my foot (and I had to go back to A&E a week later because the doctor on call was adamant I hadn't broken anything whilst the nurse said she could see the breaks in the x-ray). Also as to screaming in pain, could be I just have a higher tolerance for pain now but I only let out a yell when I first fell when I broke my ankle (and then nearly broke my teeth trying not to scream when they later had to reset it [which they did without meds]). I feel it really depends on the person for how they'll react with a break. Outside of reality, it's quite the shounen trope to just be able to pick yourself back up and walk such injuries off. The Vorpal Swords banners, towels and uniforms I feel is yet another tick in the column for Kagetora being Yakuza with how quick they got them made up. Aomine, who is also the only player on Vorpal Swords to play the whole game, being the one to boost the team spirit just makes me love him all the more. Also his willingness at this point to pass to Kagami without complaint 🥰 Mayuzumi is there to have gloomy thoughts and then be shocked by Akashi beating Nash, and keeping the AkaMayu ship alive even after the latter has graduated. For all the directing choices the one I always laugh and question is that dang close-up of the remote. Like I don't think it'd be half as funny if it was one of Midorima's other Lucky Items but the item in question being a remote of all things definitely adds to the hilarity. I would say it's an unusual choice in this moment considering how serious it is, and especially following how Bokushi disappears. Which I won't go into a massive rant about or anything, just that whole thing with Akashi I do wish they'd done better. Especially when we do have the example of Aomine struggling with his own mental health and how well they portrayed that. It just feels like such a disappointment for how they make Akashi's mental health as a kind of scapegoat and superpower. I think Kuroko stealing the ball after Jabberwock plan to hold the ball until time runs out is a nice sort of throwback to the Seirin vs. Rakuzan game. Only at that time it was Izuki being calm and realising that Rakuzan wouldn't play it that way but rather would attempt to score, and as such he manages to steal the ball from them. I also love the lighting in that scene with Kuroko in the shadows pushing the ball and then dribbling it into the light before passing it to his past and present lights 🥰 The final shot being by my OT3 really makes me so dang happy. Also love how in sync Aomine and Kagami are. Both with their actions and their words. Yes to us getting actual sweet Riko and Momoi moments! I may need some fics that go into their potential friendship. And Aomine checking on Murasakibara's arm, but he's fine because the sling can double as a carrier bag/tray for all his snacks 🤣 I did laugh at you saying "We're dating" just before Kagami and Kuroko look to each other. Then I hurt because of what was coming. Why they gotta do this to our KagaKuro ship?! 😭 We all knew with how big a KagaKuro shipper you've become that this would hurt you. We gotta share the pain! Also *this* was what sent me to FanFic for my first anime FanFics. I'd already read FanFic for other media but I hadn't read anything linked to an anime until finishing Kuroko no Basuke. Also why I devoured the songs and other extras. I just needed more content afterwards. But the way the other First Years (though think with time having passed they're now Second Years) react definitely makes it seem like KagaKuro is official...at least to my shipper's eyes 😆 It is strange seeing Akashi call Kagami the best rival and friend they could hope for, but there really isn't a lot of choice for who else could say it. Murasakibara and Aomine probably wouldn't be willing to admit it on pain of death. Midorima would need someone else to say it for him and then stammer about it not being true. Momoi and Kise could both say it, but it might come across as a little more flippant with how they both can sometimes act/talk. They just gotta hit us even more in the feels with Kagami getting emotional and saying he'll think about what Kuroko would do when he finds himself in trouble. Not okay anime! But their final fist bump didn't connect and was an air bump, so it just means they'll have to meet up again in the future to finish that fist bump! 😭🥺 Also the after-credits scene gives my AoKaga heart some nourishment. My chest hurts from laughing so hard at how you came to the logical decision that Kuroko would be visiting America 🤣 I definitely believe they'll see each other and be together again but nothing that convoluted. Instead I imagine Aomine just dragging Kuroko with him to America for the three of them to be an OT3! And Momoi joins them, but is able to be her own person outside of basketball thanks to Alex. But to add to your plan: Takao would definitely drag Midorima to America for a holiday, which would lead to Kise feeling left out and dragging Kasamatsu off there too for a break, and Akashi would secretly exchange their tickets and be waiting on his private plane for them 🤣 The song playing in the background after Aomine and Kagami are both in the Zone is sung by Ono Kensho and is called Against the Wind. The song playing during the End Credits is by GRANRODEO and is called Glorious Days. The End Cards for the recap movies totally give us some more shipping moments. Also that hat on Midorima, you just know it was Takao that plonked it on his head like that and he just sighed and left it because he loves his boyfriend 😆 The lack of sound at the beginning is because they immediately go into the song and there is no time for putting in a title or who all is singing, so had to put that in quickly before the start of the song. The lyrics are very bittersweet in places and in others a little suspicious 😆 The outfits are from the Black Style Collection. They all look so amazing in them. Kagami's though is definitely my favourite look. I thought such a debonair style was fitting for this song that really does make them seem like an idol group. Those two bloopers are quite the ones to watch first thing in the morning! 🤣 I love Kise and Aomine trying to speak English to Silver.

I'll definitely be sticking around to watch all the extra content, anything to make Kuroko no Basuke last a bit longer 🤣 It'll give me an incentive to finally read the manga too. I much prefer your way of reacting and the lack of fakeness. No person can like every single character or even feel the same about a character. It's called having an opinion and there's absolutely nothing wrong with that, and I enjoy watching your reactions to characters and seeing your opinions of them (both good and bad). The start is a little confusing, but yes it is from when Kagami was in Middle School. Just have to give him even more similarities to Aomine. But it also helps explain why even though Kagami came back to Japan that long ago, he was unaware of the Generation of Miracles until he joined Seirin. When you first came up with the theory of Kagetora being a Yakusa I just knew you'd see it even more with the movie 🤣 When you commented about Hyuuga planning to ask Riko something before the final game I knew you'd be so happy that they finally get their date in the movie. Kiyoshi honestly looks *really* young and I'm not sure how I feel about it. I think I wouldn't mind it if everyone else had a slightly younger look too (to be more fitting for what age they actually are) but when it's just him, it's very jarring. Considering how anime movies are usually of a better quality in regards to animation and art, that part is somewhat of a let down. For the forming of the STRKY team I believe they're all attending the same University. You know my feelings on the travesty that became Mibuchi's hair 😭 Oh yeah Nash was pretty cool with his plays and his trash talking now reminds me a bit of Adam from SK8 (which is somewhat ironic considering he's voiced by Midorikawa Hikaru [Cherry Blossom's VA]). But then he *spat* on my captain. I had a Dead Poet's Society, "O Captain! My Captain!", moment for Kasamatsu. Kagetora saying he'll commit harakiri if they lose the re-match really just adding another point in the column proving he's Yakuza. Of all the crack ships that could potentially come into being, I laughed so hard at the idea of Murasakibara and Wakamatsu. The animation and art style is just different enough to make it a little jarring watching it immediately after the series. Like you said it's not bad, but I feel like because of the difference you do get pulled out of being focused on the story at times. My AoKuro heart *loves* that Aomine searches for Kuroko whilst Kagami and Kise start their one-on-one, and he's the first to realise Kuroko isn't there with them. Also Kuroko deciding to go speak with Jabberwock and question Nash about what he said reminds me so much of how he approached Hanamiya during Seirin's game against Kirisaki Dai Ichi. He questioned Hanamiya on why he chose to play the underhanded way he did. And considering how the Generation of Miracles reacted at that time and this time, it's not his first time approaching an opponent like this. Kagami definitely all about "I'll make you regret laying hands on my boyfriend" but Kise's the one that gets my heart in that moment with how he drops to cover and hold Kuroko 🥺 And then helps to carry Kuroko out. It's too precious. I haven't read the manga so I don't know if they say who came up with the team name VORPAL SWORDS but I kind of have the headcanon that it was either Kuroko or Midorima. It's a great little nerdy reference to Alice in Wonderland which fits both of them being somewhat bookish types. I do lean more towards Midorima being the one to name their team just because of what his track record for naming things is 😂 Though after hearing how some viewers hear VORPAL SWORDS as Bulbasaurs makes it very hard to take the team name seriously even a smidge. I believe time-wise there's a week from when the street basketball match is (because Kagetora says they'll play a revenge match next week). Then we see them training and Kagetora says the match is tomorrow. So the whole confrontation at the bar occurs the night before their match. I love Kagami cheering on from the side-lines, and then the tsundere of the Generation of Miracles act like playing with him is the worst thing ever. It does make you love Kagami a little more. Kise did have a really cool moment, and I feel so bad for him that none of them praise him for it. But we the audience can just praise him instead! Though there definitely was the need to comment on what a crappy pass Aomine gave Kuroko. Highlights that whilst they have started to change, unlike with Kise and Midorima, Aomine has not gotten used to/as comfortable with passing to his teammates again. I like them showing the Generation of Miracles all panting a little, especially the close up of Murasakibara being a little gaspy considering he usually doesn't have to work hard enough to be breathless. And then they switch to Jabberwock who are all sweating a bit but none of them are out of breath. I do gotta say that I love Akashi basically saying that he'll back Murasakibara if he disagrees with the Kagetora's decision, even though he thinks it's the best thing for their team. I feel it does show a slight change into his "winning is everything" mindset. He does still try (and manages) to convince Murasakibara that Kagetora's decision should be followed, but the fact that he was even willing to stand by Murasakibara's decision does say a lot. Kise of all people trying to play peacemaker between Aomine and Kagami gives me all the feelings. Meanwhile Kuroko's just smiling, happy at how they're all getting along 🤣 I loved you naming all the side characters on Jabberwock! They definitely fit with the naming decisions so far in regards to the Generation of Miracles and Uncrowned Kings. The lack of any development for the other members of Jabberwock for some reason always makes me think of Tamaki in Ouran High School Host Club calling the others the homo side characters 🤣 I would seriously have loved if they'd actually utilised their subs, but then they wouldn't have been able to make all the others have their little shining moments. And yes, this bit with Aomine and Kise double-teaming Silver is definitely a much loved moment for us AoKi shippers 🤣 Same for Aomine entrusting Kise with guarding Silver 🥺 He really does believe in Kise's skills and knows that as much as Kise comes off as being quite the talker, when it comes down to things like this he is very serious. I feel like both knew that making such a decision would take Kise out of play for the rest of the game, but both have learnt about how more important it is that the team wins over individual wins. Even though Kasamatsu has graduated, he and Kise are still in touch. I just love out of them all that Kise is the one to move away from the group to call and check on how his senpai/ex-captain is doing. KasaKi ship just sailing so smoothly even in the movie! And it's immediately after a flashback/Kise thinking of Kasamatsu's words that Kise manages to enter the Zone for the first time. I wonder if Kise's second door is 'guarded' by Kasamatsu 😆 Yes Kise picks up on Bokushi now being at the forefront by Akashi addressing him by his first name, Ryouta. Midorima, meanwhile, can tell simply by his aura. Gotta agree with you that you'd think not everyone should be all smiles about Bokushi coming forward, but that could be just a way to show what basketball idiots they are. Even whilst they take a MidoTaka move to make it MidoAka, we still get the assurance that Midorima wholly trusts Takao. But it is interesting that Midorima's thoughts of Takao is from the back. It made me realise that I think in the majority of shots with them Takao is in front. He's also always pedalling the bicycle so it's Takao's back Midorima sees the most on their journeys to and from school. A single thought of Takao in Midorima's mind and my MidoTaka heart is going crazy and analysing all their interactions. The fact Midorima didn't call Kagami a fool for not being able to block the shot, and just calmly saying that it basically couldn't be helped shows his growth. Also shows Midorima's adaptability to playing alongside Kagami, unlike Aomine and Murasakibara 🤣 I'm not completely sure but I believe Belial is potentially a personification of wickedness/evil and I think is sometimes used as one of the names for Satan in Christianity. As to his actual ability it's so overpowered; it's like a combination of Akashi and Takao's eyes. I saw that reaction, Romania, when Nash did the ankle break on Akashi 🤭 Murasakibara actually coming out with a strategy! I love the development they give his character in the movie. Also potentially the only time he's interacted with Riko is during their week of training leading up to this match, and yet he calls her by a nickname using her first name 🥰 With any other character it could be a shipping moment, but with Murasakibara it just feels like a cute thing. Also very equal footing for how he talks to girls as he does boys. Kise's conjecture on Murasakibara's play does hurt my heart a little for our purple giant. In that way it is very similar to Aomine's issues. For Aomine it's his speed and skill others can't keep up with so he didn't both to get better because it would create a bigger divide, whilst with Murasakibara if he went full power he could forget himself and accidentally hurt his opponent. Also makes it very interesting that his 'tagline' is "I'll crush you" but he's never taken that in the way that, for example, Hanamiya would. Like I said in the Discord I'm happy we get scary pissed Kuroko, but not at the expense of Murasakibara who was finally able to play a bit more freely and enjoy playing basketball 😭 Though we do also get Kagami being the one to angrily shout at Silver on Murasakibara's behalf. Whether it was on purpose or not, he knocked Kagami's brother's boyfriend to the ground! To be fair to the animators Murasakibara's arm could very well be broken. I've broke three bones in my foot and then broke my ankle before (couple of years apart). The ankle it showed up pretty quick with swelling and slight discolouration about forty minutes after falling. But bar my foot being really sore and some swelling that appeared overnight there was no immediate signs of bruising for when I broke the bones in my foot (and I had to go back to A&E a week later because the doctor on call was adamant I hadn't broken anything whilst the nurse said she could see the breaks in the x-ray). Also as to screaming in pain, could be I just have a higher tolerance for pain now but I only let out a yell when I first fell when I broke my ankle (and then nearly broke my teeth trying not to scream when they later had to reset it [which they did without meds]). I feel it really depends on the person for how they'll react with a break. Outside of reality, it's quite the shounen trope to just be able to pick yourself back up and walk such injuries off. The Vorpal Swords banners, towels and uniforms I feel is yet another tick in the column for Kagetora being Yakuza with how quick they got them made up. Aomine, who is also the only player on Vorpal Swords to play the whole game, being the one to boost the team spirit just makes me love him all the more. Also his willingness at this point to pass to Kagami without complaint 🥰 Mayuzumi is there to have gloomy thoughts and then be shocked by Akashi beating Nash, and keeping the AkaMayu ship alive even after the latter has graduated. For all the directing choices the one I always laugh and question is that dang close-up of the remote. Like I don't think it'd be half as funny if it was one of Midorima's other Lucky Items but the item in question being a remote of all things definitely adds to the hilarity. I would say it's an unusual choice in this moment considering how serious it is, and especially following how Bokushi disappears. Which I won't go into a massive rant about or anything, just that whole thing with Akashi I do wish they'd done better. Especially when we do have the example of Aomine struggling with his own mental health and how well they portrayed that. It just feels like such a disappointment for how they make Akashi's mental health as a kind of scapegoat and superpower. I think Kuroko stealing the ball after Jabberwock plan to hold the ball until time runs out is a nice sort of throwback to the Seirin vs. Rakuzan game. Only at that time it was Izuki being calm and realising that Rakuzan wouldn't play it that way but rather would attempt to score, and as such he manages to steal the ball from them. I also love the lighting in that scene with Kuroko in the shadows pushing the ball and then dribbling it into the light before passing it to his past and present lights 🥰 The final shot being by my OT3 really makes me so dang happy. Also love how in sync Aomine and Kagami are. Both with their actions and their words. Yes to us getting actual sweet Riko and Momoi moments! I may need some fics that go into their potential friendship. And Aomine checking on Murasakibara's arm, but he's fine because the sling can double as a carrier bag/tray for all his snacks 🤣 I did laugh at you saying "We're dating" just before Kagami and Kuroko look to each other. Then I hurt because of what was coming. Why they gotta do this to our KagaKuro ship?! 😭 We all knew with how big a KagaKuro shipper you've become that this would hurt you. We gotta share the pain! Also *this* was what sent me to FanFic for my first anime FanFics. I'd already read FanFic for other media but I hadn't read anything linked to an anime until finishing Kuroko no Basuke. Also why I devoured the songs and other extras. I just needed more content afterwards. But the way the other First Years (though think with time having passed they're now Second Years) react definitely makes it seem like KagaKuro is official...at least to my shipper's eyes 😆 It is strange seeing Akashi call Kagami the best rival and friend they could hope for, but there really isn't a lot of choice for who else could say it. Murasakibara and Aomine probably wouldn't be willing to admit it on pain of death. Midorima would need someone else to say it for him and then stammer about it not being true. Momoi and Kise could both say it, but it might come across as a little more flippant with how they both can sometimes act/talk. They just gotta hit us even more in the feels with Kagami getting emotional and saying he'll think about what Kuroko would do when he finds himself in trouble. Not okay anime! But their final fist bump didn't connect and was an air bump, so it just means they'll have to meet up again in the future to finish that fist bump! 😭🥺 Also the after-credits scene gives my AoKaga heart some nourishment. My chest hurts from laughing so hard at how you came to the logical decision that Kuroko would be visiting America 🤣 I definitely believe they'll see each other and be together again but nothing that convoluted. Instead I imagine Aomine just dragging Kuroko with him to America for the three of them to be an OT3! And Momoi joins them, but is able to be her own person outside of basketball thanks to Alex. But to add to your plan: Takao would definitely drag Midorima to America for a holiday, which would lead to Kise feeling left out and dragging Kasamatsu off there too for a break, and Akashi would secretly exchange their tickets and be waiting on his private plane for them 🤣 The song playing in the background after Aomine and Kagami are both in the Zone is sung by Ono Kensho and is called Against the Wind. The song playing during the End Credits is by GRANRODEO and is called Glorious Days. The End Cards for the recap movies totally give us some more shipping moments. Also that hat on Midorima, you just know it was Takao that plonked it on his head like that and he just sighed and left it because he loves his boyfriend 😆 The lack of sound at the beginning is because they immediately go into the song and there is no time for putting in a title or who all is singing, so had to put that in quickly before the start of the song. The lyrics are very bittersweet in places and in others a little suspicious 😆 The outfits are from the Black Style Collection. They all look so amazing in them. Kagami's though is definitely my favourite look. I thought such a debonair style was fitting for this song that really does make them seem like an idol group. Those two bloopers are quite the ones to watch first thing in the morning! 🤣 I love Kise and Aomine trying to speak English to Silver.


Yes, I hadn't started the manga again when I did this reaction, but I'll talk about that attitude with Kagami when I start the manga reactions. :) At least Kagami wasn't a TOTAL prick like the Jabberwocks, haha!! Ahh, the STRKY being made up of their schools is interesting -- and I'll take this one nugget of info, since it'll likely be a WHILE before I get to the guidebook, but Higuchi being their manager is cool -- shame we get to see HIM play and not Momoi, though! *coughcough* Looking at you, OVA! WTH!? *coughcough* HAHAHA, I do think Miyaji's haircut is tragic, but MIBUCHI?! Those pretty locks? Gross. Both are travesties. At least Midorima just needs some extra product in his to make it better. :P I think that my thing was that Teiko played games, like the Jabberwocks did; that's what I meant -- both teams did cruel things to their opponents (aka what happened with Ogiwara's team), but I agree that Teiko were not bullying like the Jabberwocks...although, the fact that Teiko were "Bored" and didn't give their all in the games DOES show a level of disrespect toward their opponents that is bad as bullying -- it's apples and oranges, sure, but both attitudes aren't...commendable, I don't think. LUCKILY, our GoM players wisened up and learned their lessons in high school. Ahhh, that DOES make sense with Himuro and Hyuuga both being shooting guards; in that case, I think I would have preferred Himuro for his dynamic with Murisakibara, but I can see WHY they didn't have him in the game and respect them going with Hyuuga instead; Hyuuga WAS with the champion team and all. :P Thanks for the comment!! Excited for those Audio Dramas and specials now!


Finally getting the time to make my comment lol no hope for pizza this week since IM the one who's late 😅 What a concept of a crossover: Teppei and Chris take America. One sports rehab center at a time lol. They'd definitely get along pretty well I think. I love watching the entire GoM run to Kuroko while talking about how ridiculous he is lmao. Just a handful of boyfriends shaking their heads talking about him. Although at least half of them I think only ran because the rest of them were. It's funny because Akashi standing up to Murasakibara telling him about all they've learned since middle school and how they're different honestly just reminds me that Murasakibara is pretty much the only GoM that didn't really have a big lesson in teamwork from his game in season 2. The rest of them all had these big moments of reflection and change. He didn't really lol Murasakibaras injury and build up prior to it gives me serious Terajima vibes lmao loves to build up a character, has them finally enjoying themselves just to get injured and have that record scratch moment. I'm convinced Furihata didn't see a single minute of the game lol the animators really didn't wanna draw another face in the crowd I think so they just drew him constantly with his face in his hands 😂 The interesting thing about his fusion moment with Akashi is that with DID, they do often fuse "personalities" or "alters" but it comes after like exponential growth mentally and lots of therapy. I'm never sure what the mangaka was intending to do with Akashi because he basically designed him with all these traits of DID, all these visuals to back it up that directly link to what people with DID have said they felt in childhood, only to flip at the end and imply he doesn't actually have it.... like I dont understand that. Maybe it is like you said that he realized he was treating this mental illness like a super power and wanted to back track but it honestly makes me frustrated on behalf of Akashis character. Like his character, you'd think, would be one of the most planned and thought out because of the intricacies with his mental state the entire series yet its the one that seems the sloppiest. I understand what you mean about Muris broken arm maybe not being broken but as someone who has broken their arm, I didn't really scream and cry and wail in pain either lol. Infact my Dad tested me to see if I could grip his fingers, pretty common test since squeezing would make the pain pretty obvious, and I could and I wasn't in terrible pain so they thought it was fine. They left me with a broken arm for like 2 weeks until someone pointed out I was favoring it and they took me to the hospital to get it checked out lol. Pain tolerance can really make a big difference. I never once said you'd be okay with the ending of the movie lol. When I realized you hadn't cried during any part of Kurokos I honestly thought that might have been the scene to make you cry but I knew you'd hate it lol. Honestly I hate that they did that, and not just because I want Kagami to stay with Kuroko and everyone but because I feel like 1. You've left Seirin high and dry with literally no hope for winning anything else lol 2. It really does circle back to the beginning of the series where Kise said Kagami would outgrow Kuroko and leave, which seemingly he did and 3. I dont think it was necessary for him to join the NBA some day lol. I think playing against the GoM is going to be significantly better training than anyone they have in the states that Kagami ends up going to school with. Just a dramatic ending for what. I think I will keep up with you with the manga reactions cuz I wanna see what's different in the manga but I hope you enjoy all the audio things and extra things!

romaniablack (edited)

Comment edits

2023-06-14 03:26:45 YAY! I’m glad y’all are sticking by with the extra content, because I’m really excited about it all! :) And you haven’t read the manga? Huzzah! Ahh, it’s good to get confirmation that the start there was in middle school with Kagami –I’m really excited for the manga now! So, Kagetora is a Yakuza and Riko and Hyuuga are basically dating – I’m all in on both theories! But yeah, the animation IS odd, especially because it doesn’t SEEM that far from the original series – even the 10th anniversary material seems closer in style to the anime than the movie, which is so weird to me! Nash SO has an Adam vibe to him – maybe that’s another reason I like his character? But the fact that CHERRY’S VA voices him is crazy to me! Murisakibara and Wakamatsu is the epitome of CRACK ship! 😛 Also, the AoKuro moments were HERE in this movie, for sure! Kuroko going to meet Nash does feel like a callback to him taking on Hanamiya (who’s off sneezing somewhere now that I’ve mentioned him)! I just love the gaggle of boyfriends showing up to save their man! 😛 And Kagami just being so good in this movie – *sigh* I’m sure Vorpal Swords was the ONE thing Midorima and Kuroko agreed on – they both just looked each other in the eyes and silently nodded in approval, haha! The CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT! Aomine’s pass to Kuroko, Muri helping Akashi and getting competitive – those two were some of my favorites! AND giving Riko a nickname; so cute! And then Kuroko’s just having the time of his life with them all playing together! 😛 Now, if only we’d gotten that with the extra characters in KNB! Hahaha! I do hate that Kise gets subbed out of the game! I wish he’d been allowed in the game longer, but that OP Zone, right? >.< At least he did it for the ship! 😀 I fully believe Kasamatus is guarding that door and kicking him in the face anytime he gets close, hahaha! I am okay with the MidoAka moment, because it just makes MidoTaka stronger for me, hahaha! I love the idea of Takao taking the step in front of Midorima for him; that’s really sweet. I definitely loved the shipping out of that moment, though, too! <3 I also loved the Midorima and Kagami moments throughout this movie, too! 🙂My guilty pleasure ship! I knew I’d heard of Belial before, though all I could think about was “Beryl” from Sailor Moon hahaha! BAHAHAHA, I was trying to hide my secret enjoyment-at-his-comeuppance at the ankle break, but I’m sure you all saw through me so easily, hahahaha! Kuroko IS scary when he’s truly mad! Y’all don’t mess with his teammates! I’m biased because I’ve seen someone legit break their arm and it instantly turn purple and them screaming in pain, so it didn’t “seem” like he broke his arm, but who knows! That SUCKS about your foot and ankle! @_@ Maybe he has a high tolerance for pain, too! All the Vorpal Sword merch showing Kagetora is a Yakuza 100% hahaha! Him with his underground merchandise ring. 😛 And that REMOTE - best side character in Kuroko’s Basketball. Hands down. Yes, the choice to randomly zoom in on a tv remote is one of the funniest things to come out of this show! Mayuzumi showing up to see if needs to chuck a light novel at Akashi from the stands. 😛 I agree with your thoughts on Akashi, though. Akashi calling Kagami the best rival – I mean, he DID dodge those scissors expertly, did he not? This movie really did say KagaKuroAo rights, didn’t it? *sigh* It was so sweet, and then they put the hurt on us! I totally can see the fan fic desire popping up from this movie! I agree; I just need content of them now that the movie has happened…good thing there’s a LOT to go through! But HOW DARE this movie give us a confession and blubbering KagaKuro – you’re so RIGHT – they didn’t bump fists, so they’ll have to meet up eventually to do it! Look, as long as Aomine drags Kuroko to see Kagami SOMEHOW, I’ll accept it. And Momoi would have to go as well for REASONS of course. Just have the entire GoM visit, why not? Akashi could probably secure a private jet with his family’s money, so…. 😛 Those songs I liked a lot! And the black style collection of clothes look SO GOOD on them! <3 I agree, though, Kagami looks SO good! And Kise and Aomine speaking to Silver was just so adorable and hilarious! Thank you so much for the comment and kind words – this movie is definitely one I’m going to go back and re-watch, I feel, when I need to feel good and get a laugh…except for the airport scene! ;)
2023-06-12 20:07:57 YAY! I’m glad y’all are sticking by with the extra content, because I’m really excited about it all! :) And you haven’t read the manga? Huzzah! Ahh, it’s good to get confirmation that the start there was in middle school with Kagami –I’m really excited for the manga now! So, Kagetora is a Yakuza and Riko and Hyuuga are basically dating – I’m all in on both theories! But yeah, the animation IS odd, especially because it doesn’t SEEM that far from the original series – even the 10th anniversary material seems closer in style to the anime than the movie, which is so weird to me! Nash SO has an Adam vibe to him – maybe that’s another reason I like his character? But the fact that CHERRY’S VA voices him is crazy to me! Murisakibara and Wakamatsu is the epitome of CRACK ship! 😛 Also, the AoKuro moments were HERE in this movie, for sure! Kuroko going to meet Nash does feel like a callback to him taking on Hanamiya (who’s off sneezing somewhere now that I’ve mentioned him)! I just love the gaggle of boyfriends showing up to save their man! 😛 And Kagami just being so good in this movie – *sigh* I’m sure Vorpal Swords was the ONE thing Midorima and Kuroko agreed on – they both just looked each other in the eyes and silently nodded in approval, haha! The CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT! Aomine’s pass to Kuroko, Muri helping Akashi and getting competitive – those two were some of my favorites! AND giving Riko a nickname; so cute! And then Kuroko’s just having the time of his life with them all playing together! 😛 Now, if only we’d gotten that with the extra characters in KNB! Hahaha! I do hate that Kise gets subbed out of the game! I wish he’d been allowed in the game longer, but that OP Zone, right? >.< At least he did it for the ship! 😀 I fully believe Kasamatus is guarding that door and kicking him in the face anytime he gets close, hahaha! I am okay with the MidoAka moment, because it just makes MidoTaka stronger for me, hahaha! I love the idea of Takao taking the step in front of Midorima for him; that’s really sweet. I definitely loved the shipping out of that moment, though, too! <3 I also loved the Midorima and Kagami moments throughout this movie, too! 🙂My guilty pleasure ship! I knew I’d heard of Belial before, though all I could think about was “Beryl” from Sailor Moon hahaha! BAHAHAHA, I was trying to hide my secret enjoyment-at-his-comeuppance at the ankle break, but I’m sure you all saw through me so easily, hahahaha! Kuroko IS scary when he’s truly mad! Y’all don’t mess with his teammates! I’m biased because I’ve seen someone legit break their arm and it instantly turn purple and them screaming in pain, so it didn’t “seem” like he broke his arm, but who knows! That SUCKS about your foot and ankle! @_@ Maybe he has a high tolerance for pain, too! All the Vorpal Sword merch showing Kagetora is a Yakuza 100% hahaha! Him with his underground merchandise ring. 😛 And that REMOTE - best side character in Kuroko’s Basketball. Hands down. Yes, the choice to randomly zoom in on a tv remote is one of the funniest things to come out of this show! Mayuzumi showing up to see if needs to chuck a light novel at Akashi from the stands. 😛 I agree with your thoughts on Akashi, though. Akashi calling Kagami the best rival – I mean, he DID dodge those scissors expertly, did he not? This movie really did say KagaKuroAo rights, didn’t it? *sigh* It was so sweet, and then they put the hurt on us! I totally can see the fan fic desire popping up from this movie! I agree; I just need content of them now that the movie has happened…good thing there’s a LOT to go through! But HOW DARE this movie give us a confession and blubbering KagaKuro – you’re so RIGHT – they didn’t bump fists, so they’ll have to meet up eventually to do it! Look, as long as Aomine drags Kuroko to see Kagami SOMEHOW, I’ll accept it. And Momoi would have to go as well for REASONS of course. Just have the entire GoM visit, why not? Akashi could probably secure a private jet with his family’s money, so…. 😛 Those songs I liked a lot! And the black style collection of clothes look SO GOOD on them! <3 I agree, though, Kagami looks SO good! And Kise and Aomine speaking to Silver was just so adorable and hilarious! Thank you so much for the comment and kind words – this movie is definitely one I’m going to go back and re-watch, I feel, when I need to feel good and get a laugh…except for the airport scene! ;)

YAY! I’m glad y’all are sticking by with the extra content, because I’m really excited about it all! :) And you haven’t read the manga? Huzzah! Ahh, it’s good to get confirmation that the start there was in middle school with Kagami –I’m really excited for the manga now! So, Kagetora is a Yakuza and Riko and Hyuuga are basically dating – I’m all in on both theories! But yeah, the animation IS odd, especially because it doesn’t SEEM that far from the original series – even the 10th anniversary material seems closer in style to the anime than the movie, which is so weird to me! Nash SO has an Adam vibe to him – maybe that’s another reason I like his character? But the fact that CHERRY’S VA voices him is crazy to me! Murisakibara and Wakamatsu is the epitome of CRACK ship! 😛 Also, the AoKuro moments were HERE in this movie, for sure! Kuroko going to meet Nash does feel like a callback to him taking on Hanamiya (who’s off sneezing somewhere now that I’ve mentioned him)! I just love the gaggle of boyfriends showing up to save their man! 😛 And Kagami just being so good in this movie – *sigh* I’m sure Vorpal Swords was the ONE thing Midorima and Kuroko agreed on – they both just looked each other in the eyes and silently nodded in approval, haha! The CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT! Aomine’s pass to Kuroko, Muri helping Akashi and getting competitive – those two were some of my favorites! AND giving Riko a nickname; so cute! And then Kuroko’s just having the time of his life with them all playing together! 😛 Now, if only we’d gotten that with the extra characters in KNB! Hahaha! I do hate that Kise gets subbed out of the game! I wish he’d been allowed in the game longer, but that OP Zone, right? >.< At least he did it for the ship! 😀 I fully believe Kasamatus is guarding that door and kicking him in the face anytime he gets close, hahaha! I am okay with the MidoAka moment, because it just makes MidoTaka stronger for me, hahaha! I love the idea of Takao taking the step in front of Midorima for him; that’s really sweet. I definitely loved the shipping out of that moment, though, too! <3 I also loved the Midorima and Kagami moments throughout this movie, too! 🙂My guilty pleasure ship! I knew I’d heard of Belial before, though all I could think about was “Beryl” from Sailor Moon hahaha! BAHAHAHA, I was trying to hide my secret enjoyment-at-his-comeuppance at the ankle break, but I’m sure you all saw through me so easily, hahahaha! Kuroko IS scary when he’s truly mad! Y’all don’t mess with his teammates! I’m biased because I’ve seen someone legit break their arm and it instantly turn purple and them screaming in pain, so it didn’t “seem” like he broke his arm, but who knows! That SUCKS about your foot and ankle! @_@ Maybe he has a high tolerance for pain, too! All the Vorpal Sword merch showing Kagetora is a Yakuza 100% hahaha! Him with his underground merchandise ring. 😛 And that REMOTE - best side character in Kuroko’s Basketball. Hands down. Yes, the choice to randomly zoom in on a tv remote is one of the funniest things to come out of this show! Mayuzumi showing up to see if needs to chuck a light novel at Akashi from the stands. 😛 I agree with your thoughts on Akashi, though. Akashi calling Kagami the best rival – I mean, he DID dodge those scissors expertly, did he not? This movie really did say KagaKuroAo rights, didn’t it? *sigh* It was so sweet, and then they put the hurt on us! I totally can see the fan fic desire popping up from this movie! I agree; I just need content of them now that the movie has happened…good thing there’s a LOT to go through! But HOW DARE this movie give us a confession and blubbering KagaKuro – you’re so RIGHT – they didn’t bump fists, so they’ll have to meet up eventually to do it! Look, as long as Aomine drags Kuroko to see Kagami SOMEHOW, I’ll accept it. And Momoi would have to go as well for REASONS of course. Just have the entire GoM visit, why not? Akashi could probably secure a private jet with his family’s money, so…. 😛 Those songs I liked a lot! And the black style collection of clothes look SO GOOD on them! <3 I agree, though, Kagami looks SO good! And Kise and Aomine speaking to Silver was just so adorable and hilarious! Thank you so much for the comment and kind words – this movie is definitely one I’m going to go back and re-watch, I feel, when I need to feel good and get a laugh…except for the airport scene! ;)


Hahahaha, no worries – it’s a pizza-free week, apparently! Teppei and Chris DESERVE a crossover one-shot or mini-series of them being the MOST saintly. Chris takes Teppei to MLB games, Teppei to Kagami’s NBA games, you know. :) Alex tags along and just munches popcorn in the background… 😀 I do like that SINCE Muri didn’t have a life-altering moment with his loss, that this game we get a character arc for him – good for Murisakibara! I did enjoy that! :) It does suck that he gets injured the SECOND afterwards, though! I’ve seen someone break their arm and scream in pain and it instantly turn purple-black, so that was my frame of reference, but it’s good to know that’s not *always* the case! Maybe Muri has a high tolerance for pain, too! I’m sorry you had to go through that, though! @.@ Yeah, I don’t think the mangaka really knew what to do with Akashi…it’s a head-scratching moment, but I’m just glad that he at least wasn’t annoying to me in this movie. But YES, if he did decide to retcon, it is frustrating for his character because it does sort of undo all the work from season 3, but ah well…I wonder if he didn’t fully realize how “popular” his character would become and originally intended for him to be a villainous character like Nash, but decided to make him come out as a good guy in Season 3 because of the fandom? I wish I could pick his brain about it. I love teasing you all about thinking I’d be okay with this ending – I was way too hyped to cry, but MAN was I heartbroken and am still in denial, hahaha! I still think that even though Kise predicted Kagami would leave it wasn’t with the malice that Kise had behind it – it wasn’t so much that Kagami “outgrew” his team - which implies he doesn’t need them anymore, or doesn’t care about them - it’s just that Kuroko and his team inspire him to want to keep getting better, and…well…they won? So now on to bigger and better things? It’s such a weird move…I get it, but I hate it. DRAMATIC ENDING FOR WHAT is right! Ugh….hahaha! YAY! The manga has been interesting so far, especially with the artwork and such, but I totally understand with the audio dramas! :D Thank you so much for the comment and kind words!