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This game of Kaijo vs. Seiren was a LOT more intense than I originally thought it was going to be, and a LOT longer! But hey, Kise DESERVES it, y'all!   

I love our blonde model, how far he's come, and the love he has for his team! But this episode set is full of surprises and it looks like we're having a much-needed flashback before the final game of the season?! Oh yeah, I'm HYPED!  

LINK TO REACTION: https://share.vidyard.com/watch/b32567kjFukLHBNAzPdcgX?

Thank you for watching with me and for all the support!


Kuroko's Basketball Season 3: Episodes 10-12 Reaction! THE GREATEST PLAYER!?

LINK TO REACTION: https://share.vidyard.com/watch/b32567kjFukLHBNAzPdcgX? **GOAT-WORTHY HEADPHONE WARNING** This game of Kaijo vs. Seiren was a LOT more intense than I originally thought it was going to be, and a LOT longer! But hey, Kise DESERVES it, y'all! I love our blonde model, how far he's come, and the love he has for his team! But this episode set is full of surprises and it looks like we're having a much-needed flashback before the final game of the season?! Oh yeah, I'm HYPED! Thank you for watching with me and for all the support! Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RomaniaBlack My Anime: https://myanimelist.net/profile/RomaniaBlack Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/RomaniaBlack You can mail me a letter or anything (except food, please) at this address: Romania Black PO Box 768 Harrisburg, IL 62946 USA



Your point about Shutoku was funny, because that's pretty much what Mibuchi said to Midorima during their match against Rakuzan: "We're barely keeping you in check, but the other four are average at best." Kise truly exuded main character energy in this match. If Kaijo had won and Kise ended up taking over as protagonist, I wouldn't even be mad lmao. But I agree, Seirin was the better team in this game. It's easy to miss the fact that Kagami never entered the Zone in this game, so Seirin potentially could've won way more easily (especially with Kise's injury still being a factor). I can imagine during the Rakuzan meeting, everyone going like "So... is no one gonna mention the gauging eyes thing? Anyone?" I like that Akashi doesn't outright dismiss Seirin and is actually impressed by them. And him saying that Kuroko is not the type to give up is not really something I'd expect someone like him to say (it felt sentimental, in a way). If I'm honest, Kaijo vs Seirin (Part 2) is closer to the bottom of my favorite matches list (at least ones including GOMs). I won't go into my criticisms, I don't think that's necessary. But I will say that the game has some of my favorite moments in the whole series as well. The Furihata scene, of course. The flashback scene with Kasamatsu and Kise, and then Kise saying he loves his team after. Kagami's speech about villains and everyone's reactions will always make me laugh. The game also has my favorite animation of Kuroko's vanishing drive (the one he uses in the very beginning). I don't like the game as much as other GOM games, but the high points are very high, and it's still enjoyable as always.

Anime Annie

Okay Kiyoshi's response to Kobori that his points seemed reasonable is making me see parallels between him and Xie Lian. That line really sounds like something our Scrap Collecting god would say. And in the first episode we see the duality of Hyuuga: great captain with wise remarks, and big kid using childish antics to light a fire under one of his teammates. Love that Hyuuga and Kiyoshi whilst seemingly on the odds with one another are not only on the same page and able to make such a play but they also showed them running in synch. Akashi analysing the Seirin-Kaijo match from Rakuzan's scouts' information is one of the few times he reminds me of Levi. Kasamatsu telling Kise that it's his job to worry about the losses and Kise just needs to keep looking to the future hurts so bad because of the glimpse we saw of him breaking down alone in the locker game after the Touou game. But damn is he a tough captain that looks out for his players! "I love this team!" and that's when Kise really had my heart. Out of all the Generation of Miracles, from what we've seen, I'd say Kise has grown the most within his team. Midorima's had growth but it's in trusting his teammates, and he still seems somewhat reticent about admitting his feelings for his team. If Aomine *really* didn't want to go to the match Momoi would never have been able to push him there. Really feels like he was just arguing about it for the sake of arguing, but in a very light-hearted banter sort of way. Head pats make everything better, but those soft ones are too adorable! 🥺 Especially when previously most of the physical interactions we've seen between Kasamatsu and Kise are kicks or hits. For all that Murasakibara has tried to come off as uncaring about staying and watching he *has* stayed and he's also paid very close attention to everything Himuro's saying. Every time Himuro says something Murasakibara's eyes glance over at him 🥰 Honestly love Kise realising just by looking at Kagami that he didn't foul him on purpose. Kise knows now what desperation to win looks and feels like so he can empathise with Kagami entirely 🥺 I love Seirin ragging on Kagami for coming out with such lines, which are honestly very in line with a lot of shounen protagonists. I always feel like Kuroko's look to Kagami before this though is Kuroko being all "But it's my story..." Also all the Fourth Wall breaks with this little breather never fail to make me laugh. I honestly love that in this game they do show that the crowd can be quite fickle. You know it's gonna be an epic episode when the recap is done to the OP. I did giggle at your prediction about the Kaijo-Seirin match being a quick win. Though with all the episodes spent on this one match it doesn't feel too drawn out. And I'm with you on 'induce' being a weird word. It is an apt word for what Kuroko succeeds in doing but same as you the first connotations the word brings to my mind is inducing childbirth 😂 First point of the final episode really leaves you somewhat breathless with the back and forth. No matter how many times I rewatch it I sometimes forget to breathe properly during all the passes and attempts to shoot. Romania: Midorima's not watching...or is he from far away? Me: My headcanon is that he and Takao stayed in the locker room to have a good cry in privacy so that they can recover from their loss. Yet another point in the AoKi shipper column with Kise tending to copy Aomine when he doesn't have time to think, i.e. when in a tight moment he feels most comfortable using Aomine's moves. Now outside of it being anything shipper-related that can also be explained by how much Kise played against Aomine back in Middle School, and how Kise always looked up to Aomine. That sigh of relief from you when Kuroko scored the buzzer beater! 🤣 These games really do sometimes feel like a work out. This game is probably one of the only times I experience what I experienced so much with Haikyuu!! in that whilst I feel joy for our boys winning I was also rooting for Kaijo almost equally as well. And so seeing Kaijo's pain and sadness at the loss hurts. I'd say it hurts me on the same level as Aoba Johsai losing to Karasuno. I never fail to tear up at Kise crying, even when my KasaKi heart is so full by Kasamatsu holding Kise up and basically telling him it's okay to let it out. Considering how Kasamatsu teared up on the court you just know he's hurting at the loss too, but he stays strong for his kouhai 🥺😭 They were trying to fake you out so badly by giving the ED so early! Midorima's definitely got a secret soft spot for Kagami considering all the times he's given him advice. But even still I don't ship them romantically, just platonically. Romania: Kasamatsu wasn't going to gouge his eyes out just because he lost a game. No, just maybe cry his eyes out when he's alone 😭


Hyuuga and Teppei fighting the entire beginning part of this set cracks me up lol I know you ship them but they really just reminded me of elementary school brothers bothering eachother on a road trip lmao. Kagami ready to turn the car around if they don't stop 🤣 One of my biggest complaints about Seirin honestly is how easily the WHOLE TEAM gets flustered. Like 1 thing happens wrong and all of them are so thrown off. Often times I feel like they're only getting through these games because the perfect situations are just lining up for them lol. Like Kaijou at its best I don't think would lose to Seirin. It kind of circles back to the idea that Seirin, for the most part, is just Kagami and Kuroko. Teppei is great, the others are great but Teppei without Kagami and Kuroko wouldn't be destroying these teams the way Kagami can do somewhat on his own. Variables included of course but that's generally how it seems. I won't complain cuz it's a sports anime with an underdog team so that's kind of the regular MO anyway but yeah lol The crowd in this series is SO FICKLE lol. Good lord. They really just go with the wave of what's happening. I'd be so annoyed playing with them like that but it did remind me a lot of the Ugumori game in daiya. The audience always wants to see an upset. I can't help it but I really laughed a lot watching Kise, as Akashi, do the ankle breaker and Kagami resisted it to stand up again and then Kise did it AGAIN and he was falling on his ass a second time 🤣 visually it was "up, falling, getting up, falling again". I laughed lol. What an ending point for this set lol I hope your trip was good and now you're ready for this next set 😂


I really ship Hyuuga and Riko, but I can see people shipping Teppei and Hyuuga so I go along with it but YES, they are so like bickering brothers and Kagami being that one cousin that's threatening to convince the parents to turn around if they don't stop and Izuki being so used to it, he's indifferent, hahaha! I can so see your point, especially about how they seem to be "getting by" with perfect situations -- I think in the TouOu game they showed that they had grown since the previous season, but now maybe it's hit that plateau again? I'll be curious to see how the Rakuzan game goes -- and yeah, of course it's Kuroko and Kagami -- it has that same Haikyuu logic that without Shoyo and Kageyama, Karasuno wouldn't be "complete." I can go with it because the other teams without their GoM players would likely be in the same boat, except maybe Yosen and Touou? In any case, that's the Curse of Daiya - ruining other sports anime - coming out, because the series relies on an entirely thorough and balanced team to do well, bwahahahaha! I can so see that point about the crowd relating to Ugumori from Daiya; I was thinking of when they were constantly doubting Sawamura (until later on in Act II), but that's a good specific example. HAHAHAHAHA - that moment with Kagami and the ankle-breaker repeated feels like an edit for a parody amv; now I won't be able to "unsee" it! :P But YES! My trip was good, though really long, and I'm very excited to get back into KNB this weekend! :P Thank you for the kind words and comment!


I feel for Midorima, who has come to love his team so much, only to have it shoved back in his face in that way by Mibuchi. I just want to hug our green-haired monster! I agree -- Kise is SO likable that he could have taken the reigns as the protagonist and I don't think Kuroko or Kagami would have complained hard, haha, except for the fact of their team losing -- I'm glad that Kagami didn't enter the zone because I feel it'll be needed for next game and won't lose that "novelty," but Kise was SO good this episode set; I love him! AAHAHAHAHA -- Everyone just side-eyes each other about the gauging "incident" during an hour-long meditation. Yeah, Akashi seems like someone that knows his opponents left and right, so him knowing Kuroko, especially having worked with him on the court for middle school makes sense. I'm not sure I got sentimental vibes more than him just reading his opponent, though. I can TOTALLY see that criticism of the Kaijio Part 2 match not being a favorite game despite having favorite moments! VALID and I kind of feel the same way, too! Furahita is so good as a player and important for this part of the story I feel. And the flashback scenes with Kise and Kasamatsu, Kise's love of his team, Kagami's "villain" speech -- all of it works really well! But I agree, it's not the series best game, but has some awesome moments! Thanks for the comment! :) :) I'm excited for this weekend to watch the next set!


Ah, I'm sadly going to have to avoid your reply and respectfully disagree because I've said I don't want to really talk about Akashi until I have seen the rest of the season and can make final judgments; I'm sorry -- I feel that the comments trying to "sway" my opinion of him have tainted my ability to want to have empathy and understanding of his character, so I'm avoiding any more until I can experience the show naturally and get my own genuine read of his character. I hope that you all can understand. *pray pose*


Welp, my bad. I'll delete that comment.


Sorry, I've just tried to be as explicit in the discussion, discord, etc. that I'm not reading any more comments on Akashi until the end of the season. Honestly, and it's not Patreon necessarily, but people trying to sway my opinions of his character without letting me experience the series in full are ruining his character and chances of me liking him...which is sad, because I'm actively trying to give him a chance. I hope everyone can please be respectful of my wishes as a reactor and just either spoiler tag in the discord or spoiler tag in the comments until the end of the season. :')


You know, Kiyoshi and Xie Lian are both precious beans and would probably get along really well – and at the very least, Akashi and Levi would have some fun tea-drinking sessions together. Hyuuga and Kiyoshi as brothers bantering here is so cute! Poor Kagami doesn’t seem to have siblings, so he doesn’t know what that’s like. :’) Agreed on that “I love this team” moment cementing my love for Kise, and Kasamatsu just being a badass captain! And I could see that, with Kise showing the most apparent growth; poor Midorima’s tsundere-ness keeping that development from shining its fullest! Also, any soft interaction between Kise and Kasamatsu, I am welcoming with open arms! And Kise knowing Kagami’s desperate? LOVE that connection! And us ALSO getting an AoKi moment? I hadn’t thought about that, but so good to note! AHAHAHA, Kuroko WOULD be jealous of Kagami stealing the protagonist spotlight! 😛 Yesssss, Muri IS watching and paying attention to Himuro, possibly because he cares, and possibly because he’s hoping Himuro brought more snacks. ;) It’s needed against that crowd! >.< I’m now very excited for the possibilities of skipped OP’s and the epicness that will tend to allude to…or induce. *shudder* Still, what a weird translation choice. And yessss, those final moments are TENSE! I DEFINITELY connect Kaijo to Seijoh, so I agree on how their loss hurts! And Kasamatsu staying strong for his team, what a man among men! Kise the ugly crier super model, bless him! Midorima SO has a soft spot for Kagami – I’m a 90% platonic shipper for them, because I love MidoTaka so much, but there’s that guilty pleasure ship that I can go for if I’m really ambitious. ;) And you adding that headcanon of them sticking back to cry after their loss? I’m fine. Perfectly fine. T__T SO excited for the next set of episodes! Thanks for the comment!! :D :D