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This series has been absolutely amazing! I have loved the details and emotion and character development this season expanded upon from season one -- and I don't want the Tsurune journey to end!  

This episode was icing on the cake, and I can't wait to talk with you all about it -- but please, KyoAni, maybe we can please, please get an OVA, movie, or...another season perhaps? This show deserves it!   

LINK TO VIDEO:https://share.vidyard.com/watch/qJMXC9wcdang1xj43U5yLy?

Thank you for watching with me and for all the support!


Tsurune Season 2: Episode 13 Reaction! RESOUNDING RELEASE!?

LINK TO VIDEO: https://share.vidyard.com/watch/qJMXC9wcdang1xj43U5yLy? **RESOUNDING HEADPHONE WARNINGS** This series has been absolutely amazing! I have loved the details and emotion and character development this season expanded upon from season one -- and I don't want the Tsurune journey to end! This episode was icing on the cake, and I can't wait to talk with you all about it -- but please, KyoAni, maybe we can please, please get an OVA, movie, or...another season perhaps? This show deserves it! Thank you for watching with me and for all the support! Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RomaniaBlack My Anime: https://myanimelist.net/profile/RomaniaBlack Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/RomaniaBlack You can mail me a letter or anything (except food, please) at this address: Romania Black PO Box 768 Harrisburg, IL 62946 USA


WuXian Suibian

KyoAni gave us a Beach episode and a Date episode, we were blessed this season. I love how during the ceremony we have the swirls (the ripples) also represent the ripples we got during the National, when Kazemai was shooting. Kyoani continue the theme even here but in a subtle way. I am going to miss my summer boys. Even with the angst they are such warm summer breeze, soft and relaxing. Love the bonding aka the "linking shots" bringing all the boys together. And I agreed there are so many threads they can bringing together for a season three. Never thought we'd get a season 2, but here we are so there is still hope for a season 3. I need more Fuwa x Nikaido!! Now for a switch up with your next show, from the sweet summer breeze shipping to the chaotic shipping.


This series is beautiful. This season especially so. I will miss watching new episodes. I wish the misunderstanding between Nikaido, his uncle and Saionji had been resolved. But seeing Nikaido smile a genuine smile is satisfying enough for now. (And presumably he asked his uncle to be a real coach for the team, which is progress.) I wish there had been more story for Masa - or at least another "date" with Tomi! Ha Ha! But I do appreciate how he took every opportunity to bare his biceps! And while the extra attention paid to the girls this season is welcome, I wish it felt more organic to the overall plot and less like a side story. But those are quibbles! It is a short season, after all. And when you consider all the satisfying character development and honest emotion on display this season ... well ... it's truly amazing! And the animation is second to none. I look forward to watching again and again.


SERIOUSLY, KyoAni has TREATED us this season and with this series - I love the animation and all the symbolism throughout. I seriously will miss this show - I probably will do a livestream after I can see the movie in all its glory, but yes, I am 100% hoping for a season 3! I NEED more Nikaido x Fuwa and there's little threads still open if the series wants to go that route! Let's keep our fingers crossed and I'm already excited for next week! Thanks for the kind words, comment, and throwing this show out initially as a suggestion all those many moons ago! <3


I am SO SO SO going to miss this series! I feel that the misunderstanding could still be a point to resolve and reason to come back if the show wants to do a third season, but if we settle with Nikaido's beautiful smile, I guess I can go with that! And more Masa -- yes, that would be great as well! Same with the girls, too, though I am glad we got more of them this season. If they gave us a "time skip" season with the characters as college students or young adults, finding their way through Kyudu as adults like Saionji sensei hinted at, THAT I would love 100% -- fingers crossed, though, right? The animation, music, and character in this series is SO GOOD! I can't wait to get the blu-ray for this season to re-watch again and again! Thank you for the kind words and comment!


Yes, I'm here for a "time skip." What a great idea!

brianna a

beautiful as always... now I can only beg and pray for more content... :/ lmao


Yes, the animation is absolutely gorgeous! I agree; all we can do now is beg and pray for more content! Thank you for the comment!

Toni simi

I realized we never once had an ending with visuals. It means we probably have abit more content but sadly no pretty visuals. The talk between Manji and Minato was nice to see. Kyoani really said 'It's the last episode, you deserve all the shipping.' XD Seiya's reaction to Shu and Ryohei just seems like he realized they are in love. His face really went like ohhhhh. Shu sitting and watching Ryohei and Sei playing the games is cute. We need more Tsurune conent. I need more of Nikaido's precious smile. This was the first genuine smile he had and I want to see lots of it if we get a next season. Kazemai looks so grown up at the ceremony. Having all these flashbacks when they shoot just made me realize again how much happend this season. They grew a lot. There are lots of things that are open so I can imagine that we're getting a third season. But like you said, it also has enough closure that it wouldn't need another season. I think the character songs for Tsurune have already released so I hope I will find a way to listen to them so I have at least something of Tsurune left. Now that we finished a traditional sports anime I would love to see you react to Chihayafuru. So I just hope it will win a poll in the future. One thing I also would just like to say. I've been watching you for some time now and I want to say how much I appreciate your reactions and disscusions. Seeing you being openly such a big shipper and also completely tolerating other peoples ships that may not be your cup of tea is wonderful. So thank you. Wish you a wonderful day!


I liked that talk with Manji and Minato -- it comes full circle from season 1! :) And yes, KyoAni gave us ALL THE SHIPPING! I loved it! And yesssss, I 100% agree that Seiya's face was very much an "OOOOH, Ryohei x Shu, huh?" I loved all the content with them and Shu's sister -- I'd watch a whole season of the three of them. Nikaido -- yes, we need a season 3 just to get more of his character! That smile was so beautiful and genuine, agreed! And yes, all of our characters grew so much -- I would love if we got a third season, but if they kept it to two, it has enough closure...I guess....but I'm so greedy about wanting more, haha! I will have to make note to listen to the Tsurune character songs at some point! :) Thanks for reminding me about that! :) I definitely want to watch Chihayafuru at some point as well -- it's definitely going on the sports anime poll! :) Oh, and thank you so much for the kind words and comment -- YES! I am ALL in on shipping and definitely understand the ships folks love, even if they're not my cup of tea -- ships are fun no matter what, right?! :) Thank YOU for the kindness and support; I so appreciate it! Thank you for the comment and have a great day, too!


No Tsurune this week. 😭 I'm not sure what to watch next. Hoping for an OVA soon (even though, as you said, the last episode felt like one). Or at least an announcement about a season 3!


It makes me SO SAD! I definitely want to work in a few livestreams this summer if I can and one of them will HAVE to be about Tsurune (maybe alongside Free!) to talk about the series in case we don't get an OVA or season 3, but I'm SO rooting for a season 3! I need more with this show!!