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My skin is clear. My crops are watered. My soul has new life.   

I have absolutely LOVED this show so much! I will definitely do a livestream about it later, but this episode encapsulated everything about this show that is great and gave us SO MUCH content to go with and now I'm ready to read ALLLLL the fan fiction about our family, especially our boys!  Let's talk about this amazingness, y'all! ADD THIS to my comfort anime schedule!   

LINK TO REACTION: https://share.vidyard.com/watch/4Gqoqj76832zABDR5yfk1g?

Link to Translated Pre-Season Story: https://www.tumblr.com/skeletonpunching/712699295516786688/buddy-daddies-short-story  

Thank you for watching with me and for all the support!


Romania Black - Buddy Daddies: Episode 12 Reaction! DAUGHTER DADDIES?!

LINK TO REACTION: https://share.vidyard.com/watch/4Gqoqj76832zABDR5yfk1g? **FATHERLY HEADPHONE WARNINGS** My skin is clear. My crops are watered. My soul has new life. I have absolutely LOVED this show so much! I will definitely do a livestream about it later, but this episode encapsulated everything about this show that is great and gave us SO MUCH content to go with and now I'm ready to read ALLLLL the fan fiction about our family, especially our boys! Let's talk about this amazingness, y'all! ADD THIS to my comfort anime schedule! Link to Translated Pre-Season Story: https://www.tumblr.com/skeletonpunching/712699295516786688/buddy-daddies-short-story Thank you for watching with me and for all the support! Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RomaniaBlack My Anime: https://myanimelist.net/profile/RomaniaBlack Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/RomaniaBlack You can mail me a letter or anything (except food, please) at this address: Romania Black PO Box 768 Harrisburg, IL 62946 USA



These have been such a joy the past few months. Thank you for choosing this series!


This anime original is definitely high on the list for me! The voice acting and characterisation was top-tier! Another bonus is that the dub of this anime is also super funny and really fun to watch! (Just like sk8 in that sense). I love the soulmate idea - I love that the viewers can see this as a Queer platonic relationship or a queer relationship. It’s good and really rare rep for both sides so it’s a win-win for me! I go in between shipping them romantically and QPR all the time 🤣 Both ideas have such good meaning and importance to me that I really cherish it both! I also love some demisexual and asexual rep! My favourite thing about when this episode came out was the community reaction by far, it was so fun! Mitsuhito Tsuji one of the directors interacts who interacts the BD fandom a LOT and can speak English, retweeted a lot of art and liked a lot of telling comments from fan accounts both English and japanese! (Including one fanart that was ‘yeah we gay, keep scrolling’ and a lot of marriage fanart 🤣 His twitter his @michi1020 and he’s honestly a fun character himself. I like to imagine that the girls he’s drinking with are fellow moms from the mom club and he’s drinking and sobbing over the fact that his girl is so grown up now and heading to high school. 🤣 “Okay yeah, but he ain’t settled down any” 🤣🤣 that reminds me of the meme “if he your man, why am I in your car” LMAO I really love that Rei didn’t kill his father - it speaks to his change, he wanted to leave by ‘talking’ with his father. (Also like his father said, if he killed his dad they would’ve been hunted down to the ends of the earth by his underlings.) I saw a lot of people pointing out too how Rei shot himself in a major nerve in his dominant arm and from that point he only ever uses his other arm so it’s likely he permanently disabled himself to prove how much of his heart is in this decision! (@michi1020 also liked a lot of tweets pointing this out) I love how much attention to detail is put into this! And like… this might just be my interpretation but I think to think of Rei shooting himself as also like a ‘loyalty oath’ to his family… Also the fact that Rei speaks to his father with his hair down... as himself. My heart… The fact that his father didn’t shoot him, I think is better than if he would’ve. He raised this kid after and although he wasn’t a good dad, he did clearly care about Rei as a tool to carry on the organisation so maybe there was a slither of a heart under there after all… Also… I wonder if the French toast shown at the end of the OP was actually Rei’s this whole time.. I LOVE Ogino’s death! He died without even being able to speak his OWN last words. Deserved 100% so satisfying. Ahhh… I really want an OVA!! I know we’re getting FOUR DRAMA CDS (according to the official website)!!! - the first drama cd trailer seems to hint that it’s about their first meeting and first few months living together and I’m defiantly buying that but I want to consume mOREEE. Maybe the other ones will be about post-canon… IDK BUT IM SO EXCITED! The first one is releasing 26th of April and I CANNOT wait! It’s been so fun watching your reaction to this series!


Oh, thank you SO MUCH for the kind words and the comment -- I am SERIOUSLY going to miss this series until we hopefully get more news for (hopefully) more content! :3 I'm so glad you enjoyed the reactions!

Toni simi

Some anime originals just have my complete heart. This and Sk8 for exemple. Rei and Kazuki are definitely soulmates and it is up to people to interpret it the way they want. I love it both platonical and romantical. It both is really good. Also one of the creaters likes a lot of shipping fanart soooo.. XD That daughter daddies made me feel a lot of things. Awww all of them making breakfast together. They're stressing me with these fight scenes against Ryo. It's just pure stress. Ryo's death was so good. Him wanting to write his own last words down and not being able to was fantastic. He was a really good villian. I actually enjoyed not havind the dad getting killed. Having him not being able to shoot Rei was a lot more impactful to me. That whole conversation was wonderful. Rei shooting himself in the arm was also something I wasn't expecting. The last scene made me cry too much. Kazuki and Rei having a diner together?! Ahhhhh I'm sad that this means probably no second season. Maybe a OVA?! Please. I miss them so much. I never would have expected to love this series as much as I do now. I need merch. I need a standee of all three in my room. Here's a video with CC subtitles of a special broadcast of the Buddy Daddies radio show. If you would like to watch something sweet and fun from the seiyuus. It helped me fill the void of having no more new episodes to watch at least a little bit. XD https://youtu.be/D2f2r1Wew4Q Wish you a wonderful day!


I was exactly in the same boat. I saw the first artwork for this show and was like "Meh". Not interested at all. Admittedly I didn't like the style of the first artwork. If I had seen some of the later images I might have had a slightly different opinion but as it was I just didn't really care. And now this show is just casually among my favorite anime of all time. I just love everything about it. There's some nitpicks here and there but overall this is the perfect show for me^^ Rei's character development is just absolutely top tier <3

Anime Annie

My friends have described me as an angst wh*re but even with such a description I still need that HEA! Fingers crossed for that video. I've watched both Spy X Family and Buddy Daddies and the latter definitely is my preferred of the two. There's just the right amount of angst, pain, action, and found family warmth. We'll draw BL subtext if we want and it really isn't that hard to see especially when they give us the voice actors basically singing a duet about love and family. And from this I've realised several other series I categorise as having BL-elements. Loved them showing that Miri's physically been growing and immediately follow with the character growth in Kazuki and Rei. They've got it down now how to be good fathers. Anna-chan is such a fantastic minor character. You can tell she picks up on things by how she *doesn't* continue to poke and prod about things that are sensitive about this little family. I also love her acceptance of them too. Kyu-chan isn't about the raising death flags around here! That moment made me love him all the more. Honestly my tension and stress increased by the lack of OP. Made me so damn nervous one or both of Kazuki and Rei would die. "Only Rei gets to touch that" it is a good thing my hotel room has pretty good soundproofing because I laughed way too hard at that! Also that 'partner' gives me the same vibes as 'infinitely' from SK8... Ryo definitely had some kind of compulsion with the needing to know last words, especially with how he hunted Kazuki down so as to learn Misaki's final words. The symbolism of Ryo falling backwards and to his death after getting headbutt by Rei, after Ryo's comments about Rei's mentor's death (who died similarly). Also the symbolism of Kazuki going to use the lighter Rei gave him as a parting gift to blow him and Ryo to kingdom come, but then Rei ran in there and threw himself at Ryo to save Kazuki. Also Ryo did say the final words of the dying are forgotten... When Rei's Boss made that comment I had to pause and did yell at my screen that it was a throwaway joke/idea that the organisation was actually going to be something much bigger than previously believed. To all the naysayers, several of the moments Rei talked about having learnt about was either the three of them together or just Kazuki. That's more than friendship or co-parenting I'm sorry. Also Rei's Boss is still on my sh*tlist. Not being able to pull the trigger in that moment does not make up for everything he's put Rei through. Rei can now naturally smile for photos! And he looks much healthier and happier in their new life. I loved getting to see them ten years in the future. It has made a potential plot come to mind but we'll see if it bears fruit in the form of a oneshot. In NI salad is definitely not a breakfast item, except as an option with continental breakfasts. Definitely was strange eating a cold salad alongside hot food for breakfast when I was in Japan. It's partly why this time I've opted to not get breakfast.


I can so see that view and then YES, this series just randomly became one of my favorites, too! There are so many great things about it that I love and are perfection for me, too! And REI is so one of them! I agree -- TOP TIER! Thank you for the comment!

brianna a

Yeppppppp, I loved this show so, so, so, much !!! Honestly, so heart-warming and entertaining... these anime originals have just been doing so great... ^-^ gahhh it's so bittersweet to see it go tho...


RIGHT?! Seeing this show end is SO sad! I just need more content from it -- an OVA, movie, second season -- SOMETHING! Thank you for the comment and kind words!


This anime only has my heart, too! I just LOVE Rei and Kazuki and they are SO soulmates, whether platonic or romantic -- both is definitely good! :P The stress and anxiety with the climax worked so well and Ryo's Death! MAN! And Rei sacrificing his life as an assassin to be with Rei and Miri, it's amazingly beautiful. But seriously, that epilogue was insanely good -- I seriously hope we get an OVA, at least -- any extra content would have been amazing! And honestly, I would love some Buddy Daddy merchandise! Thank you for that link -- that was so cute!! Seeing these two trying to do the chores was adorable! <3 Thank you for the comment, too, and have a great day as well!


I have watched some snippets from the dub but I definitely need to go back through it! :) Especially now that the series is over! And yes, the relationship, no matter how viewed is a good representation for both sides – I agree with how I ship them – And YES, any time we get good demisexual/asexual representation is a good thing! I also love that the director was completely in on the fun! Yessss, the “girls” or “girl” he was drinking with (the dub makes it seem much less romantic) could have been the moms he knows, for sure! And yes, he’s still with Rei at the end of the day, SOOOOOO….*whistles* And that’s a great point about Rei not killing his father – he wanted to talk with his father and it was the more sensible thing to do…but to shoot himself in the arm? UGH…it’s so hard, and disabling himself - although someone pointed out that since he shot himself in the arm where he couldn’t use it, that means he can’t put his hair up by himself anymore…which means Kazuki probably does it…every dayyyyy soooooo…hahaha! More fuel to the fire! And the reveal that Rei’s dad truly cared in SOME capacity is so good! If the french toast at the end was always Rei’s? *chef’s kiss* That’s beautiful and I’m 100% with that headcanon! Ryo’s death was also poetic justice! OOOHHH FOUR drama CD’s!? Uhm, yes, PLEASE! Once they get English translations, y’all KNOW I’m going to be reacting to them! I’m going to patiently wait for more Buddy Daddies content, but I can’t wait! AHHH! Thank you for the kind words and comment! This series was such a surprise, in the BEST WAY! Now to wait for the audio dramas!


HAHAHAHA, I would never have imagined you as such, so that’s interesting! I hopefully will be able to work on that video this summer – we’ll see! 🙂Fingers crossed as well! But I agree I prefer the latter. I love how we see Miri and the dads grow in the epilogue, while still all being themselves! I love Anna and her message of inclusion and acceptance as a character as well! I also loved Kyu’s involvement as well! But YES, any time there is a lack of OP, I get NERVOUS! And all our Discord speculation didn’t help, hahaha! HAHA, I’m glad that you enjoyed that joke and SUCH Sk8 vibes, which I will never turn away! <3 Ryo’s compulsion was a saving grace in this episode, and the parallels with Rei’s mentor’s death to Ryo’s and how he didn’t get the last words out was pretty well done! And I can’t remember if I connected that it was Rei’s parting gift that ignited the fire but that is pretty amazing! And yes, still not happy with the boss and DEFINITELY more than just friendship with what Rei said to his father. I love, though, how at the end Rei looks happy. And ahhh, I just need more of them and the “gap” between those ten years! I just can’t see salad for breakfast, but it’s interesting to see what other cultures include! Thank you so much for the comment! I can’t believe this series is over, but I loved it so much. Hopefully, we’ll get more in the future!