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Well, it only took 13 episodes for this show to draw legit tears from me -- but here we are! This story of Petra and Schumann; the parallels with Tenma and this countryside doctor, the emotional surgery scene, the thematic tie-ins, DIETER TASKED TO BE TENMA'S GUARDIAN AND TIE TO HUMANITY?! 

There's quite a bit to talk about, but this is one of my favorite episodes so far! 

LINK TO REACTION:https://share.vidyard.com/watch/7CcCkXEqENYS9cAgaqdARd?

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MONSTER: Episode 13 Reaction! "PETRA AND SCHUMANN!?"

LINK TO REACTION (starts at 10:24): https://share.vidyard.com/watch/7CcCkXEqENYS9cAgaqdARd? **SURGICAL HEADPHONE WARNINGS** Well, it only took 13 episodes for this show to draw legit tears from me -- but here we are! This story of Petra and Schumann; the parallels with Tenma and this countryside doctor, the emotional surgery scene, the thematic tie-ins, DIETER TASKED TO BE TENMA'S GUARDIAN AND TIE TO HUMANITY?! There's quite a bit to talk about, but this is one of my favorite episodes so far! Thank you for watching with me and for all the support! Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RomaniaBlack My Anime: https://myanimelist.net/profile/RomaniaBlack Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/RomaniaBlack You can mail me a letter or anything (except food, please) at this address: Romania Black PO Box 768 Harrisburg, IL 62946 USA


Alex Kornejo

They might not have much representation in media but let's admit it, the majority of real life tsunderes aren't pigtailed girls, they're grumpy old guys who actually got a heart of gold. On a more serious note, yeah it sucks that Tenma is given an out at this point, where he'd still be a fugitive but he could very realistically fly under the radar and build a new life there and even do some real doctoring but chose not to, because dealing with Johann weights that much on him. (By the way, I'm not sure if it's low key badass or fucked up that right after earning somebody's respect enough that they'll cover for you in an murder investigation you go ahead and tell them 'ok, thank you for covering for me, now I need to be on my way and kill a man".) I get Dieter likes Tenma but he's a kid, Tenma's the one with the responsibility to make the decision that's best for him even if it would upset him. I guess he sort of did because Dieter was staying there only for Schumann to send him off with him anyway... I'll just chalk it up to two bachelors with too much medical knowledge in their head and too little room for common sense when it comes to child rearing. Reigen would not approve. P.S. he's such a good doctor that this is the SECOND time his patients have helped him avoid being captured for a Homicide investigation... I mean, he says he's not as good a healer as God but even Jesus' apostles scattered off for a bit once the Romans came for him; just saying... Serious P.S. This is going to be a strange comparison but Tenma's sad-sack figure accompanied by innocent Dieter as they travel around the German landscape while on their heavy quest to vanquish evil and encountering all sorts of people, reminds me of Don Quixote of all things 'El caballero de la triste figura/The knight of the sorrowful figure'. Of course there it was a parody of the archetype yet that's what it reminds me of.


Yeah, it's easy for Tenma to insist that he's gonna kill Johan and make it his entire life's purpose now out of guilt, but we know that he's still a doctor and a protector at his core: all these episodes showing him still going out of his way to help and heal people despite his mission, and the fact that doing so puts him at further risk of being noticed by the police, prove as much. A large part of him might /believe/ that Johan is beyond saving, and wishes that he could be like a god and heal him (spiritual healing, in this case), but it's not hard to imagine that he'll still probably try to talk him out of it before resorting to straight-up killing. He's resolved himself to do it, probably as his only way to cope for now, but what will happen when he actually gets in front of Johan? As Hugo said, intending to kill and actually doing it are two completely different things. 🥲 Tenma just hurts me. So does Dieter, and Dieter's unwavering faith in Tenma's goodness. Tenma was the first person to show him the light and tell him that the world isn't all dark, while he himself is willingly throwing himself into that darkness, and dragging Dieter along with him 🥲🫠 and it hurts to imagine not only what killing Johan would do to Tenma, but also to Dieter seeing him do that, as well. pain, nothing but pain everywhere.


Yeah, I agree -- he has this resolve, but we know that Tenma is a healer and a doctor -- when worse comes to worse, what will he do? THAT is the big mystery, and I feel we're going to go awhile before we get anything close to an answer and that's fine by me. I'll be patient! :) I also LOVE Dieter's faith in Tenma and his good heart! I just want to hug him and wish only the best for him...that's not much to ask, right?! Thank you for the comment!!


Hahaha, I love the concept of grumpy old guys as tsunderes – I mean, more than likely, YES. But yeah, it’s badass of Tenma to do that mic drop line, but it hurts so much, knowing that he COULD have at least built some semblance of a new life there…but instead is becoming more and more obsessed with Johan. And AHAHAHAHAHA – NO, Reigen would NOT approve of Schumann and Tenma’s decision – I get where Schumann is coming from, but man, placing an 8-year-old in charge of being the MORAL ANCHOR to a grown, skilled doctor on a mission to kill a man…and Tenma being okay with it…oof. Yeah, where’s Reigen or Dimple-sama when we need them? That’s a fair analogy about Tenma and his patients aiding him because of their faith and gratitude in him. I find it a cool parallel to Johan – Tenma inciting help by faith, Johan by fear. Fun dynamics all around! Ooh, it’s been a while since I even laid eyes upon Don Quixote, but that’s an interesting analogy! Thank you for that and the comment!


This is why I was so happy to see you reacting to this series. It has been so long since I've watched Monster that I had forgotten about the absolute gem episodes like this one. Not many other series that I can think of can take 23 minutes and have the viewer so invested in characters they've never seen before — and they do it all while maintaining the tension of the overarching story. Truly great writing


Thank you SO much for the kind words and comment! This episode is one of my FAVORITES and so got me invested in Schumann and his connection with Tenma in this little town! Yes, the writing is fantastic, especially for this episode! :)

Tyrone Tyrone

I've noticed in a lot of reactors videos their pets start wanting attention. I think they want some screen time.😆


Oh really? Hahahah, clearly, they want to steal the spotlight! Or at least, that wouldn't surprise me with Huckleberry; he's a corgi, and they're usually divas! :D Thanks for the comment!