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Oh my, these episodes just screamed, "You want Ships? We'll GIVE YOU SHIPS!" As our boys go to the beach for the first of their training camps, Riko doubts her coaching abilities, Hyuga and Kiyoshi prove they are "men among men," and Kagami and Kuroko lay out what they need to improve upon before the Winter Cup starts!

Of course, throw in some GoM's popping in, Aomine and Kise's ship being established, and more backstory and foreshadowing of the GoM's we've yet to meet, and it's a great lead-up to the Season One Finale episodes! Aomine vs. Kise? This should be good! 

LINK TO REACTION: https://share.vidyard.com/watch/7WYmH8twCSmESiidwsBW95?

Thanks for watching with me and for the Support! 


Kuroko's Basketball: Episode 21-22.5 Reaction! I'LL WIN, EVEN IF IT KILLS ME!?

(Link to Reaction starts at 8:00): https://share.vidyard.com/watch/7WYmH8twCSmESiidwsBW95? **SHIPPING WITH ALL THE HEADPHONE WARNINGS** Oh my, these episodes just screamed, "You want Ships? We'll GIVE YOU SHIPS!" As our boys go to the beach for the first of their training camps, Riko doubts her coaching abilities, Hyuga and Kiyoshi prove they are "men among men," and Kagami and Kuroko play out what they need to improve upon before the Winter Cup starts! Of course, throw in some GoM's popping in, Aomine and Kise's ship being established, and more backstory and foreshadowing of the GoM's we've yet to meet, and it's a great lead-up to the Season One Finale episodes! Aomine vs. Kise? This should be good! Thank you for watching with me and for all the support! Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RomaniaBlack My Anime: https://myanimelist.net/profile/RomaniaBlack Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/RomaniaBlack You can mail me a letter or anything (except food, please) at this address: Romania Black PO Box 768 Harrisburg, IL 62946 USA



Mannnn these last few episodes are just tooo goood🔥 KnB is the King of hype imo which i believe it having so many great characters we care about increases the already hype situations


Right?! There's so much hype and I love how the season keeps building and building!! These episodes were GREAT! I can't wait for the season finale! Thanks for the comment!!

Anime Annie

This set of episodes is just fantastic. The cooking was hilarious. You should not be able to go wrong with curry! But I cook all the dinners in my house so I probably have a skewed view on what's easy to cook and can't be mucked up too much. But yes, Hyuuga and Kiyoshi being the men of men! Riko's Dad giving the team what basically amounts to a shovel talk gives me life. I love what we've seen of how close their relationship is. Also of course Hyuuga is the one most terrified by the warning 😂 Kuroko's bedhead...many a FanFic I've read that misunderstandings come about due to that mess 😂 Or it's used to make a character/characters be more touchy-feely with him. Your shock at Shutoku suddenly appearing was hilarious. Definitely one of my favourite training camps (though Haikyuu!! wins as my overall favourite). Shutoku's coach giving Riko her due! And also more hints that Kiyoshi is one to watch out for ☺️ Poor Kagami not getting to soak in the onsen! After having experienced one myself I reckon after all that running he did his muscles would just love soaking in the warmth. At least there's the massage chair Kiyoshi was using, I suppose 😆 Takao needs to thank that coin for his life 'cause he was almost murdered in the car park by Kagami with the basketball hoop 🤣 Now I need a Kuroko no Basuke edition of Cluedo 😂😂😂 Kuroko and Takao ship has very big gremlin energy. I would feel bad for anyone around those little sh*ts. But can you imagine the things they could pull off against Midorima and Kagami if they joined forces? Slightly terrifying idea! Good catch on that indirect kiss! Big yes to the AoKi ship! Also I have seen some different Captain ships. Kuroko no Basuke just makes it so easy to ship characters together. But in that OVA honestly the only other thing they could have done to make the ship sail harder would be if we got the image of Aomine in Kise's eyes 🤣 But we also get the beginnings of KuroKi too! Model Kise is another great facet of his character. In the OVA they said he was in his Second Year at Teiko so he'd be 13-14 (only know this because our schooling in the UK is way different so idea of Middle School is quite confusing to me 😆). The purple-haired one's voice really is a shock, right? His seiyuu is Suzumura Kenichi. The characters you might know him for are Momotaro (one of the Mikoshiba siblings) from Free!, Hikaru from Ouran High School Host Club, and Tayama Katai from Bungou Stray Dogs. Your reaction to the 'death music' playing for the magenta-haired player made me laugh 😂 Aomine swooping in there to block Momoi and Kuroko from the scooter 😍 This whole scene with them and the thief though is ridiculously wonderful and I love it. The whole thing with Midorima, the frog puppet, and Kise that I find hilarious is that this seems like only the second time they've ever interacted 🤣🤣🤣 Kise joined the basketball team because of Aomine, but he stayed and fell in love with it because of Kuroko. Or at least that's my take. That "boy band" end card, they're really all going for the blue steel move whilst Kuroko is just like "what...?" With the bit on model!Kise in the OVA after this I imagine it's Kise taking the photo and teaching them how to pose 🤣 Kise, Kuroko, and Izuki are on a team together. The natural coloured hair characters are sometimes difficult to differentiate. I imagine Takao off-screen beside Riko cheering on Midorima seeing as Imayoshi and Hyuuga appear to have their cheerleaders.


I swear. This show is like Oprah Winfrey. You get a ship! You get a ship! You get a ship! All the ships!


Bruh. Riko had a WHOLE UNPEELED GARLIC in that curry 🤨🤨 how do you even do that lol I like how protective you get of Kuroko lol anytime someone calls him weak or implies he can't grow you turn straight mama bear I swear we never saw all these random other players to Kises team before lol they all look like Kasamatsu just without his furry eyebrows ahahaha


Ahahaha, Riko's cooking defies laws of physics, clearly! XD And YES, I definitely want to watch over our blue boy and make sure people leave him alone! Am I the captain of the Kuroko Protection Squad? MAYBE! "Kasamatsu just without his furry eyebrows" -- what has been seen can never be unseen! Hahaa! That's amazing! Thank you for the comment and that mental image -- now I will forever think of Kise's team as Kasamatsu and his Doppelgangers! :P


Oh my main ship came! Kise is not my most favourite character in this show but I don't know why I like ships around him. Aomine x Kise, Kise x Kasamatsu


Kise is so wonderful, isn't he? I love him more and more as we go, and he has So many ship options! Thank you for the comment!


In case you didn't know, there are short omakes of episodes each season! I hope you can watch those! their soooo cute!


Yes, I am planning to! :) Thanks so much for the reminder! We've been talking about them in the discord if you're on there! :D


I agree, the cooking! Poor Riko, I feel her pain! :) I live for the fact that Hyuga is most affected by “The dad talk” – I like to imagine Kiyoshi and her dad are besties – just to fluster Hyuga more. ;) And of course, allllll the teasing of Kiyoshi’s power to come! FAN FICS EXPLAINING KUROKO’S BEDHEAD! I am DYING! AHHHHAHAHA! I would love to visit an onsen, but I also FEEL for Kagami – I can’t imagine being sweaty and tired and THEN finding out you can’t go to the onsen. THE STRUGGLE. >.< Can there BE a Kuroko version of Clue? I need to start keeping track – It was Kagami, with the basketball hoop, in the parking lot of the resort! 😛 Also, Kuroko and Takao are a GREMLIN PAIRING for sure! With this series, how can we NOT pay attention to that indirect kiss!? I SEE YOU SHOW! All the shipping with this show; I love it! I’m still baffled by how good looking these LITERAL teenagers are – anime – why?! Hahahaha! The end card with them all and the towels is great, though, right?! THE PURPLE HAIRED ONE HAS MOMO’S VA. OMG. I knew I recognized it. I am shooketh, hahaha! So much hype for these two remaining GoM’s! The frog puppet of Midorima is single-handedly his finest moment so far. I’m still cackling at it. WTF. I do agree on that take about Kise and his love for basketball! Nice! This show continues to be so good! Thanks for the kind words and comment! Onto the last episodes of the season, eh??!


"What is your school, Kuroko?" Moments like that are what I love about this series, interjecting comedy (and bad cooking) into stories that can take a serious turn. Hyuga and Kiyoshi are men among men! And, Kagami being a master chef is something out of left field!. :D Seriously Riko, food doesn't need additional supplements. I'll admit, besides the school schenanigans, my favorite moment in these (main) episodes is Midorima v Kagami with Kuroko + Takao watching (as well as that OT4 end card!). Midorima didn't have to help out Kagami at all, but whether it's out of individual respect, or a competitiveness that wants to beat Kagami at his best, he gives Kagami exactly what he needs to take the next step. And while not as directly, he helps out Kuroko too. Between him, Takao and the rest, Shutoku are probably my favorite team after Seirin. They're the perfect spark to get Seirin going. And their coach is probably my favorite of all the coaches, Riko included, to be honest; and definitely the most analytical. He even realizes why Kagami isn't playing (which, I counted; and with 20 cans at 500 meters a can, Kagami ran 10 kilometers - although I think Riko only meant for him to do five). Other than that, the introduction to the Kaijo v To'o match was interesting, and I'm glad that we got to see a little of Kasamatsu's backstory. And we get a lot of Kise's with that OVA. It's amazing that there was a time when Kise didn't respect Kuroko, even if it was short, given how he is now. I do think that the OVAs give out a little too much detail when they're watched in numerical order. They weren't presented that way and were DVD extras; ironically, 14.5 /was/ aired in order, but it not on the DVDs. X_X But I also forgot about how much the openings/endings actually spoil appearances too, so I guess it was all pointless after all.


I like how Kagami's skills make sense, living alone, and being as hungry as he is, it fits that he knows how to cook. Then again, yes, Hyuga and Kiyoshi are indeed men among men! It's interesting that Midorima DID help Kagami out -- I like the idea he wants to beat Kagami at his best; it's interesting that for all Aomine talks about wanting to face someone that's his rival, it's Midorima out there putting in the leg work, haha -- who knew Midorima would be the more social one? Or maybe it just worked out they were at the same place, otherwise Midorima wouldn't have bothered. In any case, I'm glad it seems to be working! Man, that IS a jog for our boy Kagami -- I do agree that I love Shutoku's antics! And I can see the need to hold back on that one OVA -- I avoided as much with Murisakibara and Akashi as I could, though! Thank you for the comment! Now to go read your other one! :D :D