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These volumes have gotten better and better for this series and wow, the "tone" and  character development Sadamoto has set with Gendo, Kaji, Akagi, and ESPECIALLY Shinji and now Kaworu (cue FANGIRLING) is fantastic -- it's a bit like the Rebuilds in that it's a "retelling/reimagining" but I'm probably enjoying it more than the Rebuilds at this point, if I'm honest!

This volume appears to cover the events of Episodes 20 - part of 23; Kaworu appears early, Shinji throws hands, and things are escalating in very fun ways! I can't wait to see what's to come when we cover the rest of 23 into 24! *nervous laughter*

LINK TO REACTION: https://share.vidyard.com/watch/2avHY8dJwGkKLZjx5LZpkJ?

Thanks for reading with me and for the support!


Neon Genesis Evangelion: Manga Volume 7-9 Reaction!

LINK TO REACTION (starts at 16:33): https://share.vidyard.com/watch/2avHY8dJwGkKLZjx5LZpkJ? **DEFINITELY HEADPHONE WARNINGS WITH THIS ONE** These volumes have gotten better and better for this series and wow, the "tone" and character development Sadamoto has set with Gendo, Kaji, Akagi, and ESPECIALLY Shinji and now Kaworu (cue FANGIRLING) is fantastic -- it's a bit like the Rebuilds in that it's a "retelling/reimagining" but I'm probably enjoying it more than the Rebuilds at this point, if I'm honest! This volume appears to cover the events of Episodes 20 - part of 23; Kaworu appears early, Shinji throws hands, and things are escalating in very fun ways! I can't wait to see what's to come when we cover the rest of 23 into 24! *nervous laughter* Thank you for watching with me and for all the support! Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RomaniaBlack My Anime: https://myanimelist.net/profile/RomaniaBlack Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/RomaniaBlack You can mail me a letter or anything (except food, please) at this address: Romania Black PO Box 768 Harrisburg, IL 62946 USA


Alex Kornejo (edited)

Comment edits

2022-12-31 00:29:00 When Shinji got absorbed into the Eva the show only really had the time to put some red and blue lights flashing before Shinji came out and it was left up to the viewer to figure it out. Here we get to see the women in Shinji's life really pull at him in different directions. And I really like the Yui stuff here. Ties so nicely to how synchronization works (and it's one of the most interesting power systems I know of), how being mother/child helps sync ratios but being too close gets dangerous because at the end of the day she's been trapped there for years, in.a situation worse than solitary confinement and only has an eternity of it to look forward. She'd be so desperate for human contact that if given the chance she'd snatch her son all to herself. The show does show that loop of Misato/Asuka/Rei offering anything to Shinji if he stays but it's easy to miss that's Yui doing that. Here it gets obvious becaus you see Yui doing it directly. Just like every one else in the show, it's not that she's bad, but she's not as saintly as one would think of at first glance. Similarly, I really like Sadamoto's approach to Rei, it might be my favorite, She's more emotive than in the show, but not overtly cutesy like 2.22 Rei, Just enough to glimpse at her thoughts and feelings like her recoiling at Gendo's 'bad touch', but growing fond Shinji's touch. I get the show did it to drive home how detached she's been made to be from a normal upbringing by him that she doesn't even realize what's appropriate and what's not but, Manga Rei feels more like a real girl going through that situation. Life sucks when Gendo's your dad, and the Akagis are your Step-moms. If everytime you mouth off just a little you get choked you learn really quick to not speak or emote unless absolutely necessary. Rei praying to get Shinji back ties back nicely (or is it foreshadows?) To Shinji, asking to get Rei back in 2.22. Her dropping in relief when he does come back. I wish we had those little moments animated in the show. We do get Misato breaking down, Asuka being a brat talking crap but we don't get to see Rei's reaction in the show. I also like Sadamoto's Kaworu too, Show had to do all it had to do with him in the span of 20 minutes and it works brilliantly because someone in as dark a place as TV Shinji was at that point of course would instantly fall for a manic pixie boy as you put it. But Manga Shinji's sassier and probably in a slightly better place here, so I think it wouldn't work as easily, I think it works much more naturally that they wouldn't hit it off immediately especially when Kaworu does come off just as odd, sheltered and socially inept as Rei but still with his natural extrovert streak as opposed to Rei's introversion. Kaworu is a curious 5y.o. exited to go out and figure out the world, while Rei's an abused one afraid of stepping out of line and incur her keepers wrath. I guess Seele are better parents than Gendo & Ritsuko.
2022-12-02 18:31:30 When Shinji got absorbed into the Eva the show only really had the time to put some red and blue lights flashing before Shinji came out and it was left up to the viewer to figure it out. Here we get to see the women in Shinji's life really pull at him in different directions. And I really like the Yui stuff here. Ties so nicely to how synchronization works (and it's one of the most interesting power systems I know of), how being mother/child helps sync ratios but being too close gets dangerous because at the end of the day she's been trapped there for years, in.a situation worse than solitary confinement and only has an eternity of it to look forward. She'd be so desperate for human contact that if given the chance she'd snatch her son all to herself. The show does show that loop of Misato/Asuka/Rei offering anything to Shinji if he stays but it's easy to miss that's Yui doing that. Here it gets obvious becaus you see Yui doing it directly. Just like every one else in the show, it's not that she's bad, but she's not as saintly as one would think of at first glance. Similarly, I really like Sadamoto's approach to Rei, it might be my favorite, She's more emotive than in the show, but not overtly cutesy like 2.22 Rei, Just enough to glimpse at her thoughts and feelings like her recoiling at Gendo's 'bad touch', but growing fond Shinji's touch. I get the show did it to drive home how detached she's been made to be from a normal upbringing by him that she doesn't even realize what's appropriate and what's not but, Manga Rei feels more like a real girl going through that situation. Life sucks when Gendo's your dad, and the Akagis are your Step-moms. If everytime you mouth off just a little you get choked you learn really quick to not speak or emote unless absolutely necessary. Rei praying to get Shinji back ties back nicely (or is it foreshadows?) To Shinji, asking to get Rei back in 2.22. Her dropping in relief when he does come back. I wish we had those little moments animated in the show. We do get Misato breaking down, Asuka being a brat talking crap but we don't get to see Rei's reaction in the show. I also like Sadamoto's Kaworu too, Show had to do all it had to do with him in the span of 20 minutes and it works brilliantly because someone in as dark a place as TV Shinji was at that point of course would instantly fall for a manic pixie boy as you put it. But Manga Shinji's sassier and probably in a slightly better place here, so I think it wouldn't work as easily, I think it works much more naturally that they wouldn't hit it off immediately especially when Kaworu does come off just as odd, sheltered and socially inept as Rei but still with his natural extrovert streak as opposed to Rei's introversion. Kaworu is a curious 5y.o. exited to go out and figure out the world, while Rei's an abused one afraid of stepping out of line and incur her keepers wrath. I guess Seele are better parents than Gendo & Ritsuko.

When Shinji got absorbed into the Eva the show only really had the time to put some red and blue lights flashing before Shinji came out and it was left up to the viewer to figure it out. Here we get to see the women in Shinji's life really pull at him in different directions. And I really like the Yui stuff here. Ties so nicely to how synchronization works (and it's one of the most interesting power systems I know of), how being mother/child helps sync ratios but being too close gets dangerous because at the end of the day she's been trapped there for years, in.a situation worse than solitary confinement and only has an eternity of it to look forward. She'd be so desperate for human contact that if given the chance she'd snatch her son all to herself. The show does show that loop of Misato/Asuka/Rei offering anything to Shinji if he stays but it's easy to miss that's Yui doing that. Here it gets obvious becaus you see Yui doing it directly. Just like every one else in the show, it's not that she's bad, but she's not as saintly as one would think of at first glance. Similarly, I really like Sadamoto's approach to Rei, it might be my favorite, She's more emotive than in the show, but not overtly cutesy like 2.22 Rei, Just enough to glimpse at her thoughts and feelings like her recoiling at Gendo's 'bad touch', but growing fond Shinji's touch. I get the show did it to drive home how detached she's been made to be from a normal upbringing by him that she doesn't even realize what's appropriate and what's not but, Manga Rei feels more like a real girl going through that situation. Life sucks when Gendo's your dad, and the Akagis are your Step-moms. If everytime you mouth off just a little you get choked you learn really quick to not speak or emote unless absolutely necessary. Rei praying to get Shinji back ties back nicely (or is it foreshadows?) To Shinji, asking to get Rei back in 2.22. Her dropping in relief when he does come back. I wish we had those little moments animated in the show. We do get Misato breaking down, Asuka being a brat talking crap but we don't get to see Rei's reaction in the show. I also like Sadamoto's Kaworu too, Show had to do all it had to do with him in the span of 20 minutes and it works brilliantly because someone in as dark a place as TV Shinji was at that point of course would instantly fall for a manic pixie boy as you put it. But Manga Shinji's sassier and probably in a slightly better place here, so I think it wouldn't work as easily, I think it works much more naturally that they wouldn't hit it off immediately especially when Kaworu does come off just as odd, sheltered and socially inept as Rei but still with his natural extrovert streak as opposed to Rei's introversion. Kaworu is a curious 5y.o. exited to go out and figure out the world, while Rei's an abused one afraid of stepping out of line and incur her keepers wrath. I guess Seele are better parents than Gendo & Ritsuko.


Yessss, I love the concept that Yui isn’t as “innocent” and saintly, either – of course, can you blame her for wanting SOME companionship in eternity with her? Seems like a “didn’t think this through” moment that could be played for comedy if this wasn’t NGE and wasn’t so crazy and sad. I agree that I like the portrayal of Rei here, too! Like other elements in this manga, it works for this MANGA, in ways that the anime decisions work for Anno’s vision in that medium. And I agree wholeheartedly that there are so many moments of the manga I wish were animated; at least I can go back and read this whenever I want. Definitely worth it! And I LOVE this version of Kaworu in all his “alien” presence – The anime is BRILLIANT in what it accomplishes in 20 minutes and I will always love it, but the manga dynamic between them so far is wonderful and isn’t quite as “manic pixie dream boy” and has more depth already. And HA! Seele better parents? Maybe they had MORE guardians that could look over Kaworu and be good examples for him, whereas it was literally just Gendo and Ritsuko, who aren’t…”adept at living” themselves. 😛 Thank you so much for the comment!

Christopher Pettersson

I'm not sure how much i will have to say about these volumes as my thoughts are pretty much the same as the last three. Interesting, more or less different/changed events from the anime, and an overall great complement/extra content of NGE. As we've discussed with earlier volumes, things here are much less subtle and unambiguous. Some of it i guess is the medium itself, when you can see and read people's thoughts there are less chance of missing/misinterpret things. But their sure are a lot they've chosen to be more forthcoming with, and as you mentioned, this works when you've seen the orginal anime beforehand. Reading the manga first and going to the much more ambiguous anime afterwards wouldn't be the same. The anime of course also have the advantage of being the orginal/first and with that the associated nostalgia to boot. Now i probably would still say that i prefer the rebuilds to the manga but that is wholly dependent on the medium. Because the story in the manga is much more deliberate, coherent and feels much more thought through compared to the rebuilds (those certainly had more of that "why not" feeling, but that's not necessarily a negative i guess). The description of the LCL reminded me of "The Abyss" where the characters use that real world fluid mentioned (or one inspired by it) to breath when going (really) deep sea diving. Also "Sphere" where they find an advanced craft on the bottom of the ocean, when you sit in one of the "chairs" in the cockpit it envelopes you in liquid to protect against tremendous g-forces. So LCL functions like a combination of both of those. I like the more in detail descriptions we get here with the biblical connections, there was a lot of thought going into using jewish/christian lore to build the lore of NGE. On that note, i tried to look up "Tabris", only spent a few minutes and found only sparse sources, so take this with a grain of salt. But seems Tabris is an angel in Kabbalah tradition, it is also called the Chronicler and tasked with studying the whole of the multiverse, and it had free will at that... well that sounds like Kaworu and his roll in NGE (and all its forms) to me. Also found some mention of it being crated from one of the feathers of Satan when he fell from heaven... so do with that what you will.


I definitely get the apples and oranges and lemons vibe with the anime vs manga vs rebuilds, ahahaha! And I am going to be curious with everyone's thoughts as they're compared in the recaps - that should be a lot of fun! But I can see your point with the Rebuilds. I really like Sadamoto's tone and storytelling here and the deliberateness is something I've enjoyed -- for me, things link up and are explained much better than the Rebuilds, but with Gendo's story, I can say I appreciate the Rebuilds perhaps more, but that's a discussion for Volumes 10-12, I guess. I love that definition of Kaworu in this, though, with his "Angel" name as an Angel of Free Will who explores the multiverses, trying to find meaning; that's sort of his role in this series, isn't it? I love that. And Tabris created from Satan's feather when he fell from heaven? INTERESTING indeed! That is a neat concept to think about, especially with the iterations of him in this series. Thanks for the comment! :D