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**C-C-C-Changes and Headphone Warnings**

These three episodes were a TRIP! The first half were heartbreaking and harrowing...and then...KIYOSHI TEPPEI appears and we're onto a new journey!

What a way to switch gears towards the Winter Cup, with Kiyoshi arriving! He's SUCH an interesting character and I love him already! He definitely has in mind to help Kuroko and Kagami's bond grow stronger...lucky for him, he doesn't need to talk to them -- our boys are figuring things out for themselves! This show gets BETTER and BETTER, y'all! I can't believe we're almost done with the first season!

LINK TO REACTION: https://share.vidyard.com/watch/7qoQzjieDV9dRYGHdP1T1M?

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Kuroko's Basketball: Episodes 18-20 Reaction! ON TO A NEW CHALLENGE?!

LINK TO REACTION (starts at 6:21): https://share.vidyard.com/watch/7qoQzjieDV9dRYGHdP1T1M? **C-C-C-Changes and Headphone Warnings** These three episodes were a TRIP! The first half were heartbreaking and harrowing...and then...KIYOSHI TEPPEI appears and we're onto a new journey! What a way to switch gears towards the Winter Cup, with Kiyoshi arriving! He's SUCH an interesting character and I love him already! He definitely has in mind to help Kuroko and Kagami's bond grow stronger...lucky for him, he doesn't need to talk to them -- our boys are figuring things out for themselves! This show gets BETTER and BETTER, y'all! I can't believe we're almost done with the first season! Thank you for watching with me and for all the support! Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RomaniaBlack My Anime: https://myanimelist.net/profile/RomaniaBlack Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/RomaniaBlack You can mail me a letter or anything (except food, please) at this address: Romania Black PO Box 768 Harrisburg, IL 62946 USA



Best boi


the best boy Kiyoshi Teppei has finally arrived! 💖💖💖💖💖

The truck

First time watching the show. I wasn't really a fan of Kiyoshi, and later on I'm thinking HOW? He's such a weirdo, and I love that! Kyoshi's existence though is pretty much the reason why most people don't really ship Riko with Hyuuga, which is sad since... multishipping is the best right??? Or even better, an OT3 ;) Cant wait for you to meet him better though!!


Kiyoshi and Riko actually did date. Im pretty sure it was either mentioned in the manga or the mangaka mentioned it in like an interview or something.


Anime Annie

This show really likes to just wallop you with feels. Baby Aomine is so damn precious but it hurts because he no longer has the same drive or fun with playing the game as he once did. Yeah we've got a childhood friend trope for Kuroko no Basuke. Makes it hurt all the more with how Momoi acts and worries about Aomine because she really has been there through it all at his side. Also makes it a lot more understandable why she stayed with Aomine over following Kuroko to Seirin. Yes the parallel between Momoi and Kise's characters is so intriguing. They really do both have this other (somewhat cutesy) persona that they put on almost as a cover. And then their serious side bleeds through, mostly when it comes to basketball or those they care a lot about. Your "Bitch, no!!" made me think of the episode title for 18 being No!! 🤣 Aomine is an ass that scores even in a situation where he's just been fouled by the other team. Middle of the game Aomine finds time to call out his boy from the bench. Like you said earlier though, why does Suwabe Junichi have to have such a damn suave and sexy voice! 😍 But this moment I really felt like Aomine thinks very highly of Kuroko. Honestly Aomine catching that first Ignite Pass gave off such jealousy vibes! Especially with him basically bringing up that he's known Kuroko longer than Kagami. But yes he's incredibly self-destructive. Your little pondering on "could such-and-such be a ship?", my answer is "yes to all". It's the beauty of Kuroko no Basuke. And, at least my own personal experience with the fandom, there isn't any discourse of "well this is a better ship" or "you shouldn't ship that" like I've seen in multiple other sport anime fandoms. Conspiracy Board-sama will look crazy by the end of this series. Also, if you can believe there are actually three works with the Aomine/Kiyoshi ship in AO3. One's in Spanish, and there's one that's just a drabble. But yeah, it is there on AO3. I *love* Riko in this moment. She's basically putting her player before the team having a slight chance to win the game. Very rare in sport anime have I seen a coach take a hard stand and force a player off because they know they're too injured to play. Kuroko getting you in the heart strings with that comeback to all Aomine's sh*t-talking (though like you I feel like it's Aomine's way of trying to push Kuroko to strive for better). But it shocks Aomine because he's never played a team that haven't given up when he's played them 😭 Kuroko no Basuke knows how to give you feelings for the obvious end to a game. Just something as simple as the framing becoming smaller as it goes through a montage of plays makes it hit harder than if they showed each play or just skipped to the overall score. And the choice to end the episode there? Just makes the defeat and how they tried really hit all the harder 😭😭😭 Aomine getting defensive on Kuroko's behalf just hit different. Whilst I don't love Aomine getting physical in this moment, I do love it. Shows that he still cares 🥺 You're one of the few reactors I've seen pick up on the importance of that single word. So many I've watched took it as Kagami going the same path as Aomine and discarding Kuroko. But like you said, Kagami isn't about that. He's looking for ways for them to improve individually so as together they have a better chance at taking down the Generation of Miracles. I just want to give them all a hug. And that is such a fake smile Kise! He needs to be included in the group hug for definite. Also, I'm evil but I was giggling every time you theorised about how Seirin could beat the next two teams, but then Inter-High would go into Season 2's territory. So glad no-one spoiled you on this outcome. KIYOSHI TEPPEI!!! 🥳🥳🥳 And yes to the colour co-ordinated flip phones! Love you picked up about that little detail. Yay for no-one having spoiled you that there was another original member of the Seirin team. Especially that no-one pointed him out in either the OP or ED. Kawahara asks what kind of person Kiyoshi is and the next thing we basically see is Nigou getting belly rubs from him. Feel like that helps answer that question. Always trust a dog's sense of a person! "You're just inexperienced." Kiyoshi talks like an old man, and I love it. I knew he'd be a character you'd like. I love his dynamic with Hyuuga. Kiyoshi is such a seemingly free spirited and scatter-brained, yet quite inspirational and insightful. Whereas Hyuuga is a bit more rigid and slightly abrasive at times. Their characters go so well together. And yes it is yet another ship of mine, though Hyuuga/Riko is higher, as is Hyuuga/Riko/Kiyoshi. Oh god Romania, now I can't unsee it. Kiyoshi really is the Paul Rudd of Kuroko no Basuke! 🤣 Takao doing research; love that little bit into his character. Also him approaching a senpai to ask shows he feels close enough to his teammates to be able to ask such questions. And it's a great way to give us a bit more information on Kiyoshi and how Seirin's team played previously when the current second years were all first years, as well as Kiyoshi as a player when he was in Middle School. Also love Takao calling Midorima out on going to watch Seirin's game. But Midorima really gave the same lie he gave Kise about being nearby at the time, and neither fell for it because they both know where exactly he lives. Episode 20 being called I Don't Want To Be...as a 90s kid any time I see that the theme tune for One Tree Hill by Gavin DeGraw starts playing in my head 🤣 The animation of that pass in the flashback from Kiyoshi to Hyuuga was so clean. Especially for such a little scene. But I love that it's Hyuuga who helps Kuroko realise that Kagami isn't breaking up with him like how things went with Aomine. Give me more of Hyuuga being a Captain/senpai like this! That imagery of the Generation of Miracles all facing inwards when they trusted Kuroko to them turning away from him when the trust went away is just perfect. But it's interesting that in that moment Kuroko is the light creating their shadows. And when they walk away, each of the Generation of Miracles walks through their own shadow. Very much like saying they no longer needed Kuroko as their shadow. Also that he was their centre that kept them together as a team, but when they stopped trusting Kuroko each of the Generation of Miracles went their own separate way from each other. This whole speech from Kuroko might be the longest we've actually seen him talk but the growth it shows in our boy is so wonderful. And once he's got all his words out and makes that same alley-oop with Kagami, the clouds dissipate from covering the moon. Show really hitting us with all the imagery. This ED is one of my favourites. The story the little extra scenes paint is fantastic and I love it. Also it's by OLDCODEX (Suzuki Tatsuhisa's [i.e. Takao's seiyuu] band), who also did all the Openings for Free!


The thing I loved the most about this set of episodes is the amount of emotion we got from Kuroko. He’s been this stoic but hilarious character, who didn’t show on his face how he feels, and even the show itself has been pretty mysterious about him, for example when he tasted the bread they got in school and it was hinted he showed a happy face but he was facing backwards to the camera lol but these couple of episodes we just know this situation hits him really hard. The whole thing about losing Aomine and wanting to get him back, him telling him those harsh words, losing the game, breaking the promise and then Kagami tells him that and he could only think about history repeating itself, first with Aomine and now with Kagami. That’s why I love so much this last conversation between the two of them. He has always put everyone before himself, always prioritizing everyone while he stays in the shadows, but now he’s finally thinking about himself, finally thinking he doesn’t want to just make anyone else the best player, he now wants to become the best player himself along with the team and his boyfriend, i mean, his development as a character its amazing and wholesome.


I dont have much to say with these episodes honestly lol. I do like how defensive Aomine got about his teammate talking shit about Kuroko. It really feels like Aomine is being pulled in different directions mentally. He puts up this cocky wall that everyone sees but he still cares a lot about Kuroko and their past friendship. Everything he says to Kuroko is for a reason and to see someone so flippantly insulting him just got him so worked up. I also give a lot of props to Momoi for following Aomine still. She wanted to go with Kuroko in high school but knew Aomine needed someone who understands him and who supports him unconditionally. I love their friendship a lot.


I really like Riko and Hyuuga, and honestly, I've never cared if anyone's shipped the ships I like or not, so I'll probably keep them as an OTP, but mayyyybe and OT3 with Kiyoshi! I love him!!! :D I can't wait to get more with him as well! Thanks so much for the ocmment!


I haven't said this in the discussions yet, so while I appreciate this info, I'm going to ask to please not give any information from mangas or interviews until I'm finished with the series! I don't want it to influence my views on characters -- basically, if it's not in the anime itself, I consider it a spoiler for now, so please spoiler tag! Thanks!


Ahhhh, I will mention this in a future discussion, but please don't comment without a spoiler tag on any information regarding the manga or things outside the anime -- I might react to the fanbook and extra manga chapters in the future, but not if people spoil what's in them and I don't want outside information from the anime spoiling me on characters and their backstory and history, in case it comes up later in the anime. Out of courtesy, please spoiler tag any future manga or interview info so I don't read it. Thank you for the comment!


Momoi worrying about Aomine and staying with him because she knows how he’s self-imploded mentally, despite leading his team to victory, is so sad to see! I would love to see Momoi and Kise be shopping BFF’s – they both can model, maybe, haha! And ahhhh, Aomine’s just THAT GOOD. Oof. And yesss, he seems a bit jealous that Kuroko has Kagami, now, and clearly thinks highly of him…but he’s also self-destructive, so….*sigh* I’m AMAZED there’s so FEW Aomine/Kiyoshi fics on A03 – someone should get on that! But seriously, Conspiracy-board sama is going to get a WORKOUT with this series! I admire Riko, too; she’s thinking “long game” instead of “in the moment,” and I’m glad they actually made a point to show that Kagami did not need to be on the court. Good for her being the badass coach she is! At the time I was very angry with Aomine’s words, but oddly enough, it took Kiyoshi to make me re-contextualize what Aomine was saying; quite “tsudere-ish” in his dialogue now that I think about it…don’t let Midorima know! ;) And then right after it showing that Aomine in fact DOES care about Kuroko, still. Oof, my booooyyyyy…. Kagami thinking of ways of working with his team, even if it requires him to get better – it makes me love his character SO MUCH because it definitely separates Kagami from Aomine. But YES, they all need hugs! And thank you – I’m SO glad I wasn’t spoiled about this as well! What a shocker! @_@ There went my theories, but in walks KIYOSHI TEPPEI! <3 Kiyoshi is just a character that checks off a LOT of boxes with me and his quirky personality and big heart. <3 Him and Hyuuga already have a great dynamic going and YES – OT3 time with Hyuuga, Kiyoshi, and Riko! LET’S GO! Paul Rudd of Basketball Anime! 😛 And Hyuuga helping Kuroko to realize that no, Kagami is not going to be the same with you as Aomine was – *chef’s kiss*! Midorima is canonically a terrible liar – Takao was great in this set of episodes, too, and HAHAHAHA – I never watched it but I have a set of friends that are DIE HARD One Tree Hill fans (I feel you either barely know that show or have watched EVERY episode), so I know what you’re talking about! XD I do love the light and shadow symbolism we’re getting with Kuroko and the GoM and Kagami so far! And yes, this ED is great! Good to know Takao can sing! ;) Thank you so much for the comment and kind words!


I agree that Aomine is being pulled in a lot of different directions and it's sad that he just seems so apathetic -- BUT he still wants to defend Kuroko, so that's SOMETHING! And yeah, Momoi deserves props for realizing that Aomine would self-destruct without someone there to anchor him that was familiar and her unconditional care and support is SO sweet! :) I definitely ship them...but then again, Aomine is shippable with EVERYONE in this series, haha!! Thank you for the comment!


Yeah! It's great that Kuroko is showing all this emotion already! And it's good to know that when he gets emotional, he really lets it show -- much different than I anticipated, but I appreciate it! And I love that idea that he's always put others before himself and NOW he's starting to think about improving himself ---ahhhhh, it's so wonderful!! I LOVE IT! Thanks for the comment!


It's really not surprising, at the end, that Seirin lost to To'o. It perfectly fits with the trope in sports series of losing the first major tournament. And Aomine pretty much oozes "final boss" or something near it. It's also the moment I went from simply being in awe of Aomine, but not really liking him, to sort of liking him. I mean he can't be all bad if he comes to Kuroko's defense against some benchwarmer. They may not be able to communicate anymore, but there's clearly affection there (look out Kagami! :D). I think Aomine also knows that Seirin, and in particular, Kagami, aren't at their best. Maybe that's why we don't have a long period of existential angst like we do with AotD (for which I'm eternally grateful!); but we do have a period to rethink and rebuild because it's not as intense a schedule like Seido has in AotD, with one tournament after another. What surprised me though, was that Kagami took it much better than Kuroko - and I literally just thought of this now: maybe because Kuroko hasn't lost since being a part of the GoM... And I'm glad Kiyoshi came around and helped to pull him out of it. And speaking of Kiyoshi, he is such a breath of fresh air, and pardon my rambling... One, I can't believe you made it through the opening without ever noticing him! XD Now I know you, and every other AotD fan loves Chris, but in my opinion, Kiyoshi is the guy Chris needs to aspire to be. Fundamentally, it's because Kiyoshi - mostly - lays it all out for Kuroko on how he needs to move forward, otherwise we might have had a long period of angsty development like Sawamura in Act I. Chris makes Sawamura work for it, and it sets Sawamura back. And maybe it's just me, but I don't see any value in the teaching style of learning everything for yourself, including the direction you need to take. The fundamentals should be laid out and drilled, and exploration saved for later. (Look what I'm saying to a teacher! *sweats*). It's also why I think that Hyuga is a better captain/leader than Miyuki in how he interacts with Kuroko. Honestly, I could go on and on, but won't. :D Finally, in what series do we see such open and honest communication between main characters like this? Kagami and Kuroko lay it all out for each other (Kuroko says "I don't want you to be a rebound anymore", LOL) and now, no one is going to stop them! This is the type of relationship I wish MiyuSawa had! SS KagaKuro is ready to sail!


That is true; I’m not overly surprised they lost to Touou, but them losing the next two games SO quickly was a shell shock! And yessss, Aomine definitely has those “final boss” vibes, doesn’t he? I do love how he defends Kuroko in the locker room, though! Hahahaha, I’m glad Kuroko is a ray of sunshine and we move through the motions with our loss – and Kuroko taking it worse than Kagami is so interesting; that’s probably true that Kuroko is experiencing his first loss, similar to Kise earlier in the season! But I’m glad Kiyoshi came, too! Hahaha, I honestly have had SO much trouble remember and differentiating the first and second years, that I just assumed he was one of them I had tragically not been able to remember, haha! But ahhhh, Kiyoshi and Chris parallels! HAHAHAHAHAHA – I mean, I like Kiyoshi’s methods a lot, as a teacher, and I think it’s great how clear he is to Kuroko! That’s a very interesting perspective comparing to Chris! And ahahaha, it will be VERY interesting to compare the two pairs when the series has ended! XD Ahhhh, I agree, I do absolutely LOVE how the two of them communicate SO well! I can multiship, but after this season, I may be partial to KagaKuro! :) Thanks for the comment!!