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Okay, so going into these volumes I was NOT expecting that we'd be getting to the Toji storyline THIS SOON. So to say I was floored is an UNDERSTATEMENT. 

I enjoyed the first three volumes, but this was EVEN BETTER! So many beautiful characterizations, especially with Shinji, Toji, and Aida -- Asuka's "new" introduction (maybe my favorite so far), and the way that Sadamoto illustrates with such emotion and...romance? I am absolutely LOVING the manga journey with NGE so far!

But man...what a bummer of an ending... T_T

LINK TO REACTION: https://share.vidyard.com/watch/fv6uBkFBuwQnfxjL9ZkPRr?

Thanks for reading with me and for the support!


Neon Genesis Evangelion: Manga Volume 4-6 Reaction & Review!

LINK TO REACTION (starts at 7:43): https://share.vidyard.com/watch/fv6uBkFBuwQnfxjL9ZkPRr? **HEADPHONE WARNINGS** Okay, so going into these volumes I was NOT expecting that we'd be getting to the Toji storyline THIS SOON. So to say I was floored is an UNDERSTATEMENT. I enjoyed the first three volumes, but this was EVEN BETTER! So many beautiful characterizations, especially with Shinji, Toji, and Aida -- Asuka's "new" introduction (maybe my favorite so far), and the way that Sadamoto illustrates with such emotion and...romance? I am absolutely LOVING the manga journey with NGE so far! But man...what a bummer of an ending... T_T Thank you for watching with me and for all the support! Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RomaniaBlack My Anime: https://myanimelist.net/profile/RomaniaBlack Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/RomaniaBlack You can mail me a letter or anything (except food, please) at this address: Romania Black PO Box 768 Harrisburg, IL 62946 USA


Alex Kornejo (edited)

Comment edits

2022-12-31 00:29:00 Toji might have lived in the show because of Anno's producer friend and his 'no dead children rule'. But those safeguards are off in manga form, we're at the mercy of wherever Sadamoto might want to take Anno's story. I've seen some fans think the First Impact might have been the Chicxulub impact that killed the dinosaurs, but learning that it's actually the theorized impact that split a chunk of Earth and created the moon really puts things in perspective how how traumatic the Second Impact was if the thing that killed the dinosaurs doesn't get a number. It also makes me think of the World Wars, when there was only one it was called The Great War, then a second one came along so it retroactively got named the First World War. Similar to the Impacts, in real life it's called The Giant Impact but in eva's world whey had a second planetary event so the original one gets renamed First Impact. Manga Rei getting it her head that maybe she should organize a father and son get-together and Rebuld Rei actually trying to do so shows Kaworu is not the only one whose consciousness can keep continuity in between timelines. Adam & Lillith finding common ground trying to make this human boy happy. It's a small hill but it's the one I'll die on: OT3! P.S. Shinji ALMOST figuring out how tsunderes work was endearing.
2022-11-24 18:23:46 Toji might have lived in the show because of Anno's producer friend and his 'no dead children rule'. But those safeguards are off in manga form, we're at the mercy of wherever Sadamoto might want to take Anno's story. I've seen some fans think the First Impact might have been the Chicxulub impact that killed the dinosaurs, but learning that it's actually the theorized impact that split a chunk of Earth and created the moon really puts things in perspective how how traumatic the Second Impact was if the thing that killed the dinosaurs doesn't get a number. It also makes me think of the World Wars, when there was only one it was called The Great War, then a second one came along so it retroactively got named the First World War. Similar to the Impacts, in real life it's called The Giant Impact but in eva's world whey had a second planetary event so the original one gets renamed First Impact. Manga Rei getting it her head that maybe she should organize a father and son get-together and Rebuld Rei actually trying to do so shows Kaworu is not the only one whose consciousness can keep continuity in between timelines. Adam & Lillith finding common ground trying to make this human boy happy. It's a small hill but it's the one I'll die on: OT3! P.S. Shinji ALMOST figuring out how tsunderes work was endearing.

Toji might have lived in the show because of Anno's producer friend and his 'no dead children rule'. But those safeguards are off in manga form, we're at the mercy of wherever Sadamoto might want to take Anno's story. I've seen some fans think the First Impact might have been the Chicxulub impact that killed the dinosaurs, but learning that it's actually the theorized impact that split a chunk of Earth and created the moon really puts things in perspective how how traumatic the Second Impact was if the thing that killed the dinosaurs doesn't get a number. It also makes me think of the World Wars, when there was only one it was called The Great War, then a second one came along so it retroactively got named the First World War. Similar to the Impacts, in real life it's called The Giant Impact but in eva's world whey had a second planetary event so the original one gets renamed First Impact. Manga Rei getting it her head that maybe she should organize a father and son get-together and Rebuld Rei actually trying to do so shows Kaworu is not the only one whose consciousness can keep continuity in between timelines. Adam & Lillith finding common ground trying to make this human boy happy. It's a small hill but it's the one I'll die on: OT3! P.S. Shinji ALMOST figuring out how tsunderes work was endearing.


I forgot about "no dead children" rule that producer invoked -- that's likely the reason why; it definitely carries some weight in this manga, though. That's a really cool note about the Great War being renamed World War I and where the First Impact lands in comparison to something like The Ice Age aka The Giant Impact; I like that distinction, there, too! Ooohhhh, now, I had not considered the OT3 of Shinji/Kaworu/Rei, but you are selling it hard, here! Lilith and Adam trying to make Shinji happy in all versions of this story is there and I'm not opposed to it. And I do like that this Shinji is making an effort and getting more emotionally involved with his fellow friends and family in this -- so close to figuring out those pesky tsunderes! Thanks for the comment!

Christopher Pettersson

I was going to say how this manga felt much more humorous and focused on romantic pairings... and then that last volume reared it's head. I for one did not know Toji died in this one, all the way up to the end your reaction made me go "does she know something i don't?", and yes turns out you did. Quite the gut punch, perhaps even more so after we have seen the possible future of the rebuilds. It's interesting now that we have three different official versions (or timelines, iterations or cyclical permutations of reality, whatever you want to call it) of NGE. It's like you can take what you want from each version and let them inform and enhance each other, and with the weird ways this world works that might literally be what's happening. There are some very nice moments between character that we don't get in the other versions, but would they be there if we didn't have the original? Perhaps this is some complementary views into these character that hadn't been there if this was the first version. I think Shinji is the one that feels most different to me, more assertive and contemplative, although with how things ended here we might get a more familiar Shinji in the next volume. 😢 Your entusiasm for the Asuka/Aida pairing has won me over, now they are probably the best romantic pairing in all of NGE, in all its forms. All the other neurotic, damaged, forced and doomed relationships can take a hike. 😂 Also i like the Misato/Kaji pairing better here compared to the anime, not entirely sure why, it's just seems cuter to me. The first impact would by far be the worst of the impacts if it infact was when Earth collided with Theia and forming the Moon in the process. It's theorized to have been an object the size of Mars and it would have instantly vaporized the entire crust of Earth and made the whole planet a molten ball of lava for millions of years. The 2nd and 3rd impact is straight up pleasant in comparison. So confirmation that Longinus originally refered to the Roman soldier and later (maybe) changed in the rebuilds... but in the end it might just be Seele trying to self-grandiose and making it self seem more mysterious, arcane and important than it really is.


RIGHT?! This manga seemed so much more fun and "shippy," and then we get to Toji's storyline and OOF. And while I am sad I was spoiled on this fact that Toji died, it's still so crazy that it STILL hits you like it does; the lead up to the moment is a gut punch, indeed, especially knowing that he COULD have been happy. For all Anno seems to derive from Sadamoto's manga into the Rebuilds, I'm glad he deviated with Toji, at least! I do love that this series offers you a new complimentary "take" to support the OG series and each other -- it's really nice, as it doesn't feel like I'm recapping, when there's this new telling taking place! :) And seeing Shinji be more engaging -- you'd think the people who hated him in the OG series would maybe appreciate this version? I agree that Kaji and Misato are much more fleshed out here and I love them and Sadamoto for it -- and yesssss -- that I've possibly converted someone to the Asuka/Aida pairing is a WIN. But yeah, Aida and her seem to have potential for a MUCH less toxic relationship than her and Shinji. Hmmm...so yeah, the first impact, by comparison does seem....worse, doesn't it? And HA! Seele trying to make itself more arcane and mysterious than it already seems? WHAT?! THEM?! Nahhhh, couldn't be! :P Thank you for the comment!