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OKAY, so I actually went to the correct OVA this time around, and I'm so glad that I did! This one DEFINITELY was the right episode to watch after Episode 13 and 14. 

But MAN, Episodes 15-17 are WILD -- this game against Aomine, even when he's not on the court, is TENSE! Plus, Kagami and Aomine trying to test one another, outdo one another, all the while Kagami is trying to nurse a bad leg and keep Kuroko's emotions in check? AND there's Momoi to deal with on top of it?

I'm not sure our boys at Seirin are going to be able to win this one...  

LINK TO REACTION: https://share.vidyard.com/watch/QrVum7wiBSGjSMtj8SHjiQ?

Thanks for watching with me and for the support!


Kuroko's Basketball: Episode 13.5 OVA & 15-17 Reaction! YOU'RE ALL RIDICULOUS!

LINK TO REACTION (starts at 9:47): https://share.vidyard.com/watch/QrVum7wiBSGjSMtj8SHjiQ? **MAJOR HEADPHONE WARNINGS** OKAY, so I actually went to the correct OVA this time around, and I'm so glad that I did! This one DEFINITELY was the right episode to watch after Episode 13 and 14. But MAN, Episodes 15-17 are WILD -- this game against Aomine, even when he's not on the court, is TENSE! Plus, Kagami and Aomine trying to test one another, outdo one another, all the while Kagami is trying to nurse a bad leg and keep Kuroko's emotions in check? AND there's Momoi to deal with on top of it? I'm not sure our boys at Seirin are going to be able to win this one... Thank you for watching with me and for all the support! Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RomaniaBlack My Anime: https://myanimelist.net/profile/RomaniaBlack Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/RomaniaBlack You can mail me a letter or anything (except food, please) at this address: Romania Black PO Box 768 Harrisburg, IL 62946 USA



I dunno what it is but I was laughing about "apologetic mushroom" the entire reaction after he said that lmao poor kid. Something about Aomines entrance there really gets me lol. After such a sweet moment with Riko, you now have a DEMON hanging over your shoulder 😅 he looked great though Also I think its super cool to see Kuroko like this. He's always so cool and calm that seeing him so PASSIONATE about wanting to help his friend is amazing. Like Midorima and Kise, Kuroko knows he is absolutely needed to beat Aomine. It doesn't surprise me that he would fight back about it. He's desperate to bring his friend back and if he knows him playing is the best chance to beat him, damn straight hes going to be bullhead about it. I would be too lol.


Poor Sakurai, right?! Him being the "apologetic mushroom" is hilarious -- I feel for him! And SERIOUSLY, that jumpscare of Aomine just BEING THERE. Yeah, he looked amazing in this episode and you can tell the animation team loves him with the time they dedicate to his movements. SO fluid! *swoon* And yessss, Kuroko wanting to help his friend and be so determined; adding layers to our quiet boy! And seeing him be bullheaded, even if he's not thinking the most logically -- but like you said, it's hard when you "know" you're needed and are so determined to help your friend. *sigh* I felt for our blue-haired boy in this episode set!


I don't know...on one hand the the Burger "Queen" crown might have been a little much; and on the other, well the OVA clearly showed "41.5" in the video. But it turned out fine in the end though, more-or-less! Oh, and I did check, and a Shigaraki statue like that on Amazon Japan is much more expensive, so you found a good deal! This is actually the first time I've seen 13.5 myself (it's only licensed streaming and BD/DVDs for me!), and it's a nice bit of silly fun. I totally would have expected Riko to be near the top of her class, but my props are for Koganei being so high when he comes off as such a goof! And Kagami learning while playing basketball, because of course! In regard to the main episodes, though: oof! Aomine is definitely a beast (and an a*****e)! And yes, it has nothing to do with arrogance or confidence; he's just such a brat!. "Superpowers" aside, the most unrealistic thing about Aomine (and the series generally) is that anyone would put up with him on their team, even one as individualistic as To'o. (He makes Furuya look like the greatest team player ever). But he does achieve in what I think is the central theme of the series so far: results versus fulfillment. It seems that no one can beat him. And because of Aomine, these are probably the most hyped episodes of the series so far. You can also see how similar he really is to Kagami. Back in earlier episodes, Kagami said things like "it's better if I can't win" and "it's no fun being on top". It's really easy for me to see Kagami being just like Aomine if he had been in Teiko along with the GoM. The real broken character here is Momoi, though. To'o could have well beaten Seirin without Aomine because of her; especially with Kagami's injury acting up. And I agree with you now that I think about it that it's her planning that allows To'o to be as good as they are. As a couple of side-notes: I love how the "defeated" GoMs are progressively becoming the commentary of the next match; first Kise and now Midorima. It's such a laugh! XD That KagaRiko moment totally sold me on the possibility of them being a couple, but I'll stay loyal to HyugaRiko! And if you're looking to ship Sakurai with someone, look no further than Wakamatsu. ;) See you next week!


IT'S MORE EXPENSIVE ON AMAZON?! Oof -- guess I'm not getting a lucky raccoon anytime soon, but thanks -- I saw that 41.5 on the OVA when I started watching and my "red flag" senses were tingling...should have been a sign! Ah well, it worked out for the better in the end, eh? The OVA is super cute; nothing special, but I'm glad I watched it, if only to have stereotypes be damned and Kagami make it to 10 ranks higher than Hyuuga in the class. Poor Hyuuga. It's SO interesting to think of Kagami being like Aomine if he'd been on the GoM's -- would he have given up on Kuroko, though? Or pushed away like the others did? I'm not sure -- there's so much "what if's" with that (and Kagami in general is a hot head, but not a jerk, heh heh), but there are somany parallels between him and Aomine; it's a lot of fun to think about, especially if you start comparing ships. :) But I like the idea of "results vs fulfillment" getting brought up in this series...lots to ponder about! The defeated GoM players are like the ghosts of Kuroko's past, narrating as we go, haha! Will Aomine eventually join them? Hm. But YES, for a hot second KagaRiko invaded my shipping, but I still like Hyuga and Riko a bit more! But ooooh, Sakurai and Wakamatsu could be FUN! :D Thanks for the comment and YES! Next week should be some fun episodes! *nervous laughter*