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NOTE: I accidentally watched the Season 2, 16.5 OVA without realizing it until I went to find the link again...oops. Luckily, I don't feel spoiled, but *facepalm*

Oh, where do I even START?! The multishipper in me is SO torn between Kagami and Aomine with Kuroko -- while VERY similar, there are definite differences between the two and I hope that Kuroko can realize and emphasize that as we're about to face their team in the Championship League it seems! Also, don't let Momoi's...assets...get you down, Rico! You're still amazing as a coach! 

This set of episodes and the OVA were like a fever dream, and aside from the shipping frenzy, we got the conclusion of the Qualifying Finals and Midorima's duel with Kuroko and Kagami...AND A DOGGO APPEARS! These episodes were almost too much to handle! ...Almost. >:) 

LINK TO REACTION: https://share.vidyard.com/watch/fHtXrJvv6aD6yheMTDAJ4g?

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Kuroko's Basketball: Episodes 13, OVA, & 14 Reaction! I BELIEVED IN YOU!?

Link to Reaction (starts at 5:51): https://share.vidyard.com/watch/fHtXrJvv6aD6yheMTDAJ4g? **SHIPPING HEADPHONE WARNINGS - I DO YELL IN THIS, YE BEEN WARNED** NOTE: I watched the wrong OVA. Dear Lord. LUCKILY...It all worked out thematically, but dear god. This is my lesson that Patreon will have to help me in the future, haha! Oh, where do I even START?! The multishipper in me is SO torn between Kagami and Aomine with Kuroko -- while VERY similar, there are definite differences between the two and I hope that Kuroko can realize and emphasize that as we're about to face their team in the Championship League it seems! Also, don't let Momoi's...assets...get you down, Rico! You're still amazing as a coach! This set of episodes and the OVA were like a fever dream, and aside from the shipping frenzy, we got the conclusion of the Qualifying Finals and Midorima's duel with Kuroko and Kagami...AND A DOGGO APPEARS! These episodes were almost too much to handle! ...Almost. Link to OVA: https://www.bilibili.tv/en/video/2049767742 Thank you for watching with me and for all the support! Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RomaniaBlack My Anime: https://myanimelist.net/profile/RomaniaBlack Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/RomaniaBlack You can mail me a letter or anything (except food, please) at this address: Romania Black PO Box 768 Harrisburg, IL 62946 USA



Haha shame you watched that ova this quickly, but luckily you weren’t spoiled on too much besides some character traits and dynamics and minor plot points. Also might be a blessing in disguise as you seem to love discussing their particular dynamic. Fun discussion.


For what it's worth, I think the slight slip with the OVA worked out really well. Not too spoilery, and led to a really fun discussion. 😀

Anime Annie

Great reaction and discussion! I got wordy again 🤣 But you've now met two of my favourites (Aomine and Nigou) so let's just blame it on that, right? I love Hyuuga's character. He's really not the kind and caring senpai. And he doesn't hide his somewhat darker side. He's definitely a captain you don't want to piss off. I love that Midorima thinks about Kagami getting punched in the head by Kuroko, because they really did it out in the open. But there was nothing in the previous episode to suggest anyone but Seirin saw. Though it makes me laugh like you at how Midorima takes Kuroko punching people as something completely normal. I like that the limit on their 'abilities' is very much a physical one. They're still growing teenage boys and that has an affect on their play. Also stamina and simple exhaustion from playing so hard being such key factors are one part of why I love the matches in Kuroko no Basuke. Only Kuroko would come up with the idea of punching a basketball to pass it. I *love* that there's no tone of jealousy with Kise when he talks about Kagami being able to catch the pass that was *their's*. And instead there's worry in his voice for Kagami's physical condition 🥺 Sweet moment between Kagami and Kuroko...sudden switch to my favourite Aomine!!! Your face was a picture for his introduction. Also he's voiced by Suwabe Junichi 😍 so yes Aizawa's seiyuu. And Momoi? Her seiyuu is Orikasa Fumiko who also voiced Rukia from Bleach! And hello to another ship/more ships too! 🤣🤣🤣 [Just note *both* call Kuroko Tetsu/Tetsu-kun whilst Aomine uses Midorima's surname, and Momoi uses a nickname version of his surname] Hyuuga showing how it's done!!! I do love Shuutoku's captain, Otsubo. He's a great captain and senpai. Especially as he thinks of *all* those on the team as part of the team, not just those that play or those on the bench, but also those up in the audience basically relegated to being their cheer/support squad. But Hyuuga managing to get that three?? So damn proud. Welcome to Kuroko no Basuke's intense matches! This show had my heart rate up in the 150s at one point. And it's still as adrenaline-filled with subsequent watches. Is it a sport anime without a dramatic scene in the rain? 🤣 Baby Miracles!!! 🥺🥺🥺 Can I just say that "we met on the first day of Fall" gives me such Given vibes! Aomine being the one to encourage Kuroko when he was ready to quit 🥺 Your face as the parallels just keep piling up was hilarious! Kuroko may have a type 🤣 Romania: Ooh, he got moves! Me: Yes, yes he does! Even as a baby. I'm avoiding any comment on purple-haired guy and red-haired guy so as not to spoil. Just know I did giggle at the vibes both gave you. I love the way they portray Aomine's change of state. He's already several levels above anyone else he's come across, and if he keeps training it'll just widen the gap. As a result basketball wouldn't be fun for him any more, and if he plays that way long enough he could come to hate the sport he's loved so much. The affect this has had on his mind and the way they show it is so good. They never come out and tell you he's depressed, but so many of his actions are well-known symptoms of depression (lethargy, sleeping issues, low mood, lack of interest in activities, slowed speech). It's such a great way of show don't tell. Episode 14 is just pure giggles. I love it. Really helps bring you down from the adrenaline rush of the previous game. Okonomiyaki is one of the things I wanted to try when in Japan but the wait for the restaurant was too long so we got tonkatsu instead. But when I go back I might try and find one. My only issue is I'm a really slow eater so some of it could end up getting burnt before I get to eating it if I have to leave it on the teppan. Okonomiyaki is kind of like a savoury pancake. You can have whatever toppings you want (which Kagami basically orders everything on the menu). That whole skit with Midorima and Takao entering and then exiting and then entering the restaurant again just kills me every time. Takao was not impressed getting soaked only to have to come back in. Makes me think Takao being sly in getting all four of them to sit at the same table could be his subtle way of getting revenge on his Miracle. But he's damn good at it. Especially considering Kasamatsu is a third-year, yet Takao manages to easily drag Kise's keeper away from him. Your comment that Kuroko fixed their hearts made me think Kuroko's the Wizard of Oz and the Miracles are all the Tin Man. But with that analogy, does that make Kagami Dorothy (because it's also him playing them that leads them to the change Kuroko is trying to create in them)?? That moment though with MidoTaka and the cart? Just take my shipper's heart you two! Best boy is here!!! NIGOU!!! 😍 I'd be Riko too. I cannot empathise with Kagami's fear of dogs, but holy crap is Kuroko a little sh*t. That chasing after him, whilst semi-comical, is such an evil thing to do. Just shows another side of Kuroko that we don't see too often. Momoi's entrance really has that stereotypical female character in a sport anime feel to it. I personally don't ship Momoi and Kuroko, mainly because from how Kuroko talks and the way he treats Momoi does show they are close but it's a very one-sided love. The little sneak peek of Kagami and Aomine going head to head 😍 Fills you up with so much anticipation for when they'll play each other in an actual match. Especially because like you said, Kagami *is* still injured and not at full strength in this moment. Well Kagami's summary of the Generation of Miracles is not wrong. They all do have personalities that don't gel all that well with Kagami's straight-forward 'basketball is fun' approach. The fact that it was Midorima saying that Aomine is the strongest light, and Kuroko is a shadow that plays to his greatest potential when he's working with a strong light...love it. Bet you weren't expecting to get the answer on who Kuroko's past light was in this set of episodes! So glad no-one spoiled you for that. Sakurai!!! I think I mentioned it in the discord when you were talking about these episodes, but it's kinda crazy that his seiyuu is Shimazaki Nobunaga (i.e. Haru from Free!). Also The blonde guy on Aomine's team is voiced by Toriumi Kousuke, the same seiyuu for Szayel Aporro from Bleach and Sakusa from Haikyuu!! "your light is too dim" gives me shivers. But ooh pain for Kagami. Episode 14 we got a new OP and ED. The ED is by OLDCODEX, which is Takao's seiyuu Suzuki Tatsuhisa's band. The moment you went "aww" for the ED with Nigou and the little kids, that's the specific scene that changes each episode for this ED. I do have the compilation video you can watch after you're finished the entire series if you'd rather not watch the Ending for every single episode, but still want to see these little extras the animators added to them. As a rather big AoKuro shipper the end card for Episode 14 is definitely one of my favourites. "What's a shipper to do?" The only thing we can do...board the multi-ship!


Ah I love Aomine so much lol I got so hyped seeing him pop up again. Its an interesting way that you took Aomine skipping practice and some games. Personally I don't think it was done as a way of being conceited but he's being disappointed by basketball all of a sudden because he's playing all these guys that just give up. Him not going to practice is him saying "if I stop improving, they'll have a better shot at catching up so I can have real competition again". It sounds a little cocky but he's not wrong. I think it would be very hard to love a sport that much that you work your whole life at it to improve and then you hit a point where it's not fun anymore because you just know you're gonna win constantly unless you hold back or don't play. I don't really think it's about winning 1 title that had him like that it was winning every single game by such a massive margin and as soon as he actually starts to try and have fun in a game, the other team gives up. Honestly I don't think there's much else he could've done at that point. He could've quit basketball all together but he still loves it so that's the next best thing you know. I dunno it's just sad seeing how jaded he became so young.


Thank you so much for the kind words and comment! I'm glad you all enjoyed it! And SURPRISINGLY, it didn't turn out to be that bad of an OVA for being so out of "whack." :)


I feel INCREDIBLY lucky that this OVA didn't spoil much of anything out of context and ACTUALLY had to do with Aomine -- WHAT are the odds! I agree with you, maybe a blessing in disguise!? Thank you so much for the kind words and comment! I'm glad you all enjoyed the discussion as much as I did; this series is too much fun to talk about!


Hahahaha, how can you NOT get wordy with this series?! Thank you so much for the kind words and comment, though! Hyuga is such a fun character and I’m happy with how dynamic he is in this series so far! And he proves himself as captain FOR SURE! It makes you wonder how OFTEN Kuroko has punched people, if MIDORIMA is not surprised hahaha! And Kuroko punching a basketball as a pass…I’m seeing a pattern. The aspect of the “real world” and physicality is a smart one to add into this show, I agree! I have a feeling these games are going to be RIDICULOUS and I’m ready to be on the edge of my seat! 150 heart rate, though? Oh no!! KISE being that OT3 anchor out there! I love his concern for BOTH Kuroko and Kagami! YESSSSS, I KNEW that had to be Junichi voicing Aomine! His voice is ICONIC! That’s awesome that Rukia is voicing Momoi, too! Hahaha, what an introduction, though, right? AND YES – OMG - SUCH GIVEN VIBES WITH Aomine and Kuroko – show, why we doing this?! Uhm, but yes, Kuroko has a type! Thank you for not spoiling me on the two GoM’s we haven’t met yet! I’m excited to eventually get to know them! I’ll be honest, I didn’t catch the signs of depression! Yikes, I hope you’ll all forgive me next set of episodes, because I’ve recorded ahead and I was a little hard on Aomine’s attitude, but knowing the symptoms of depression…that changes things a bit. @_@ Episode 14, though, is a straight up fever dream! That makes sense with the Okonomiyaki – I’m more sweet than savory with foods, but it still sounds really interesting! I love that Takao was ALL about getting the GoM’s sitting together! ;) SUPER SLY, SIR. So much shipping with him and Midorima this episode! Hmmmm, the Wizard of Oz metaphor could work! I’ll have to think on that! Hahaha! Player 2 COULD be Toto! Kuroko is DEFINITELY more mischievous and lets that side out around Kagami with ease, I’ve noticed! Poor Kagami, though! I do agree 100% with your thoughts on Momoi and Kuroko being super close, but not romantically. And the hype surrounding Kagami vs. Aomine is PALPABLE! I was NOT expecting the “old light” to show up this soon – but it’s interesting in that even though Kuroko, by Midorima’s logic, should shine brightest around Aomine…he doesn’t seem as interested in him anymore? Or he does and doesn’t want to admit it? I guess we’ll see on that one! I have known Sakurai for two seconds and already love him! Hahaha, thanks for that info on his VA! And I definitely love the little endings and enjoy watching them but yeah, at the end of the series, I’d love to see that video! :) Thanks! And yes, ALL ABOARD THE MULTISHIP, Y’ALL! ^^ I can’t wait to see more!


I definitely agree that's his attitude -- it's a shame to see how far he's fallen from loving the game -- y'all will have to excuse me as I've told Anime Annie -- I'm pretty harsh on him in the next set, but that doesn't mean I don't like him! I just want him to get better -- but he does do some things I'm like, "BRUH," but then Anime Annie pointed out, like you have, about his personality -- my initial impression of him is pretty strong, but that just means he has my attention! Hahaha! And yes, you can tell he still loves the game, or he'd quit already! But YES, it's so sad to see him so jaded at this point...*wrings hands nervously* I like Aomine a lot and I'm rooting for Kuroko and Kagami to come through to him...but y'all will have to forgive me for next week, bwhahahahaha!!

Anime Annie

Oh no worries about not picking it up. Personally I'm more sensitive to picking up on early signs of depression because I've went through it with several friends (some even trying to hide the signs). And you know I'll never mind if your opinions or take on a character differs from mine. Usually your takes on characters just make me giggle. And I've seen other reactors also go "who, wait a moment" and be hard on Aomine too. Whilst he might be one of my favourite characters in this series, he's not a perfect individual and does have flaws.


Great reaction and discussion! I'm pretty sure Aomine's va is also Sukuna from JJK! Excited for next week episodes😁.


I definitely am harder on him, but that could be because of that OVA and seeing how he was before now. I like that perspective you brought out, though -- that definitely adds a HUGE layer to his character and makes me appreciate him more, so thanks for that! :)


Thank you so much for the kind words and comment and OH! SUKUNA! YESSSS thank you for that clarification! :) I'm very hyped for next week, too!


Well, that turned out better than I feared. I won't say that seeing Aomine's "soft" side before seeing him in the present is great, but it does kind of work in the context. My fear of you being spoiled on the other GoMs has happened though. Since you've seen them, I suppose there's no reason not to see 22.5 in order. Going back to the end of the match, I just loved that episode. My favorite part is the "I believed in you" moment at the very end; not just with Kuroko, but with Midorima acknowledging Kagami as a worthy opponent by faking. The other interesting thing is that, unlike Kise, Midorima does not seem to have gone back to his old self (or maybe he's as he always was...). But man, that table at the okonomiyaki restaurant was awkward! :O By the way, just from looking at it, I want to agree with Midorima, but I'd still give it a try... As for the introduction of To'o, after Aomine himself, my favorite character is the captain -basketball!Miyuki- Imayoshi. He really played a psychological game to get Aomine to come to his school. But I feel he's not actually wrong about Aomine; but to him, the victories Aomine can bring are more important than Aomine himself. And in regard to Aomine, the similarities between him and Kagami are through the roof! Aomine is basically a Kagami who lost faith in there ever being a worthy opponent. But the attitude was kind of there in Kagami too, at the very beginning, when he said "baseball is the same everywhere in Japan". And at the same time, not only does Aomine give "ex" vibes, but Kuroko all but *looks* at him that way. -I-kind-of-want-them-back-together...- Lastly, Momoi comes off way, over-the-top, shall I say. But there's obviously hidden depths there. Oh, one more thing: Takao's VA sings the new ED. Crazy, eh?!


Ahhhh, gotcha! I've been avoiding paying "too" much attention to them until we see them "proper" in the series, so if 22.5 features them, I may just do that and avoid them until we really get into their characters. :) But that's good to know! Thank you! I do like the idea that Midorima has ALWAYS been that way, haha!! That kind of tracks with his character, though, that he wouldn't change just with the team like the others. Hmm...and I do like Imayoshi, too! He's very sly and I can see how Aomine's personality isn't what matters -- it's the talent he brings; a very different vibe from Seirin already! Aomine and Kagami have SO much in common and I agree with you on the similarities and ex-vibes! I don't want Kuroko to leave Kagami for him, hahaha, maybe they can be an OT3 together? :P And yesss, I can tell there's probably going to be more to Momoi -- I just feel bad for Riko. She didn't ask for that! Hahaha! And Takao singing the ED -- is there anything he can't do? :P Thanks for the comment!!