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So...how is it the episodes are getting THIS TENSE already? Kuroko proves he can handle Tsugawa, but Midorima equally showcases that he's no slouch, and Takao? Takao may actually be the most TERRIFYING of all so far...at least our boys are doing their best to keep up, right?!

These episodes were super stressful, especially with Kagami getting a little full of himself on the court! But Kuroko has a way to solve the problem, and sometimes it involves your FISTS! 

LINK TO REACTION: https://share.vidyard.com/watch/SMqCPsDFBLdL8zgqAD3jPQ?

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Kuroko's Basketball: Episodes 10-12 Reaction! WHAT IS 'VICTORY?!'

Link to Reaction (starts at 8:44): https://share.vidyard.com/watch/SMqCPsDFBLdL8zgqAD3jPQ? **DESPAIR-FILLED HEADPHONE WARNINGS** So...how is it the episodes are getting THIS TENSE already? Kuroko proves he can handle Tsugawa, but Midorima equally showcases that he's no slouch, and Takao? Takao may actually be the most TERRIFYING of all so far...at least our boys are doing their best to keep up, right?! These episodes were super stressful, especially with Kagami getting a little full of himself on the court! But Kuroko has a way to solve the problem, and sometimes it involves your FISTS! Thank you for watching with me and for all the support! Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RomaniaBlack My Anime: https://myanimelist.net/profile/RomaniaBlack Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/RomaniaBlack You can mail me a letter or anything (except food, please) at this address: Romania Black PO Box 768 Harrisburg, IL 62946 USA


The truck

My memory of the OVAs is shady,(someone may correct me if I have mistakes here) as I haven't seen them in a long time. But you may wish to watch one of them once the season ends. Since one of the Audio dramas (that I was promising to make. 7th one in progress) is based on the same chapter as one of the OVAs. And the ova is smt you should watch for the reason that it was, based on an actual chapter of the manga, that wasn't animated due to the fact that anime had only a certain amount of episodes they can make for a season. (which kinda ties to WHY they made an audio drama out of it and then later an ova ) About Hyuuga and Riko, I think the ship is very cute. Might be my fav Hyuuga ship, but it's complicated. I'll explain in some other episode when it's relevant. The Shuutoku coach? Is one of my favourite coaches. Dunno why, but I really dig his aesthetics. >:D And yeah, Midorima's team is my favourite team. I think. Maybe. MIght change but like, It has Midorima, Takao, the coach, the captain is sexy, and they have another knockoff Light Yagami and stuff.

Anime Annie

We share the same taste in regards to Seven Deadly Sins. Ban is best character in that anime, but yes lets not go further into the discourse on it 🤣 Same for TVs in schools here. Typically one of those big blocky TVs on a rolling table. Though the schools I went to about 70% of the classrooms had whiteboards with projectors so we could play DVDs through them...*theoretically*. Because of the height the projectors were at from the ceiling, unless the teacher was over 5' 9" and stood on the table, they wouldn't be able to get the DVD into the little slot that came out for it. Kuroko's resting face is just wonderful. We do not get enough anime protagonists that are so delightfully blank faced. Definite Hyuuga/Riko shipper here. But honestly I have (too many) ships for Kuroko no Basuke. I love Riko's talk in the locker room between games. I don't know many sport anime that even mention the importance of keeping limber, and what your food/water intake should be between games like this. Romania: His *new* light?? Who was his old light?! Me: 🤭 Hyuuga's "pep talk" is just too damn hilarious and too damn relatable. I love it. Poor man's literally just played a top team and now has to go play another one that also have a frigging once-in-a-lifetime prodigy on their team. But then to follow it up with such power and great words to pump up his team proves how capable our captain is. Yup, Takao's got a nickname for Midorima. And, from what we've seen so far, the ultimate tsundere hasn't told him to not call him Shin-chan. This show is like Pokemon, only we're collecting ships as we go instead of creatures 🤣 MidoTaka is a *very* popular ship in the fandom, and one of my faves. Your reaction to Kuroko's full court pass was hilarious! Kuroko has to have some guns to be able to pull off a pass like that. Takao's passes are just chef's kiss. And the animation they use for him 😍 Riko out here just breaking men like Hyuuga. Sorry I just couldn't break my beloved figurines because of missing a shot. Why? Midorima gotta flex. So of course he *had* to pull off a full court shot. He's not going to let Kuroko be the only one getting the ball from one end of the court to the other. That little flashback to Kise, Midorima, and Kuroko's interaction is so good. But I do feel for Midorima considering Kuroko is someone he respects, yet he told him he has the same mindset as a child when it comes to the best method of scoring in basketball. And yes, Kuroko no Basuke is all about not properly revealing characters we haven't met yet, except in the OPs and EDs. Yes the couple's tanuki!!! Kuroko no Basuke definitely feeds us shippers. So so good. As for Episode 11's end card it reminds me so much of Mafuyu and Ritsuka listening to music using one set of headphones. Your shock at Miyaji suggesting that they break the tanuki right after you telling Seirin to break it had me in stitches 🤣 Kuroko's wild thoughts on potential outcomes for a game crack me up. Our little bluenette has been reading too many fantastical novels methinks! But I love Hyuuga being the voice of reason and immediately shooting down such thoughts. Romania: Kuroko slap some sense into him honey. Kuroko: Okay *punches Kagami* Romania: 😲 Kagami: *punches Kuroko* Romania: 😲😲😲 Great reaction as always! Looking forward to next week's.

Moth (GreenAppleSause)

Everyone always talks about how Kagami is basically a member of GoM, but I fully believe that Takao should also be put with them. He is a menace, and is also a very capable player. Also the GoM doesn't have an orange character to finish the rainbow, so I think it should be him. I forgot they start bringing up the Kuroko's Ex Arc this early. I will just say it is a good arc for seeing how different the GoM is to Serin for Kuroko. Kuroko and Kagami are violent with each other, this is not the first time we've seen it. Some must have told them at some point "sometimes you need to smack some sense into people" and they took it very seriously. Discount Light Yagami, aka Miyaji Kiyoshi, aka Pineapple Guy. I just like that he threatens people (Midorima) with pineapples.


I wonder what Midorima does with his lucky picks once the day is over. Like, does he have a shrine in his room with all of his previous lucky items? Does he give them away? So many questions!


Why would you bring Ochiai back into my brain this way 😫 I thought I escaped that toad. Also, nothing will ever convince me that the audience, mostly Kise, wasn't just staring at Kuroko and Kagami as they punched eachother in the face lmao. Like this is a big audience watching you why didn't we see any reactions to it 🤣 I would be shocked watching teammates assault eachother like that.


So happy to watch your reaction after a long week :) I love the Shutoku game so much because it's so thrilling! It's definitely one of my favorites of this season! I agree Takao is an amazing player who should not be taken lightly. As for Midorima, I truly respect his skill. He does everything he can to ensure his shots go in, including bringing his lucky items. There's a saying known as "luck comes to the prepared." And that's basically what defines how Midorima works, which increases the chances of victory by how well you prepare for it. This is why he trains so hard, takes good care of his nails, keeps his shooting on point, and tapes his fingers to avoid injuries. On the contrary, I'm glad Kuroko was able to knock some sense back into Kagami. I understood why Kuroko did what he did because what Kise told him was coming true, and Kagami definitely wasn't in the right mindset. From here on out, I guess we'll find out how the rest of the game goes! I am so excited and looking forward to next week's episodes! I know this may sound weird, and without trying to give any spoilers, but for the next episodes you will be watching, I'd HIGHLY recommend that you watch episodes 13, 14, and THEN 13.5 because 13.5 takes place after episode 14 *based off from the events that happen in the manga.* Also, in 13.5 there are spoilers that can spoil you if you watch that before episode 14. It's just what I would advise, but either way I'll be happy of what you decide :)


Oohhh, I really hope he has a shelf with them all on it! Maybe they "repeat" lucky items and he plucks out the one he needs? I'm curious, now, too! XD


Hahahaha, ahhh, I'll probably poll about 22.5 when we get to it, but that is great to know about the OVA's and how they fit into the season! :) I'm excited about the audio dramas you're making, though! That's awesome! Thank you for not spoiling me! I am excited to see all the ships to come, but for now, Hyuga and Riko are such a flagship for me! I do love Midorima's team; the coach is smart and intimidating and Midorima of course is such a diva, but a fun one -- gotta like him being Tsundere and Takao keeping him level! :) And they have a discount Light Yagami -- what's not to love? Thanks for the comment!


I honestly would totally love Takao as part of the GoM like Kagami and the ORANGE SKITTLE! YES! I think that would fit perfectly! <3 And I wasn't prepared for an "ex" arc, but I'm here for it! And Kuroko and Kagami being physical in this? Insanity -- but I'm here for it! And oooh, Miyaji Kiyoshi -- threatening Midorima with pineapples?! In this series, I'm not surprised. ;) Thanks for the comment!


I couldn't help but bring Ochiai into this -- I will refrain from speaking the name of he-who-shall-not-be-named too much! ;) I also love that everyone wasn't paying attention as Kuroko and Kagami duked it out on the bench! Kuroko has so little presence, the audience doesn't even notice him get decked. XD

The truck

Ah yes, and to clarify something. (Otherwise ill forget it myself.) We understood due to the mess in discord, but the OVA with an audio drama that I talked in this comment is the ep 13.5


Oh thank you for the kind words and comment! :) The Shutoku game has been SO much fun! Takao is such a fun character as well and Midorima, how can you not respect his skills? "Luck comes to the prepared" is such a fun phrase! I love that and how it works for his character! I'm glad you recommended I watch 13.5 AFTER 14 -- it somehow....worked out that way! Hahahaha, so hey! At least I won't be spoiled before Episode 14! :) Probably! ^^


Oohhhhh, okay! That's good to know! When I get to listening to the Audio Drama's I'll probably ask about them again (because my memory) but that's good to know for now! Thank you!


Ahh, that is true – we did watch movies from a projector onto the dry erase board, too, so that’s a fair point! Oh, technology of the public school system! XD I love how “delightfully blank faced” Kuroko is – it’s comedy gold when contrasted with how exasperated and diva-esque some of these monologues directed at him can get! I have a feeling there will be many ships for these characters throughout the series, but I do love Hyuuga and Riko so much! :) Riko is so good at making sure these boys stay on their game! And Hyuga being the most relatable captain in the middle of a hard game is wonderful! But her making Hyuuga break his figurines – oof. The power she has over them all! And the “old light” — ooooooooooh, **next week set of episodes intensifies** “Shin-Chan” is such a Pokemon name! But YES, this show “collecting ships” is hilarious! I can see why MidoTaka would be popular! <3 And the couple’s tanuki! I cannot! But seriously, it’s one thing for the “enemy” team to knock over the tanuki, but your OWN team! Miyaji, nooooooo! He cursed them! Takao and Kuroko passing their hearts out and the animation being so well for it – *chef’s kiss* – with Midorima, it’s not just that he’s flexing with this skills, but walking away as he shoots? INSANE! BLUENETTE – omg I love that title for him! But seriously, him and Kagami have a quite…physical…relationship, already! @_@ I’m really looking forward to more with these two as well as the other Generation of Miracles players! Thanks for the kind words! I’m so excited for the weeks to come!


I got you! You tripped up and said Midoriya! :P One of the things I like about the fast pace of this series is getting away from games I'm not really invested in, such as the Seiho game. Other than a few funny and interesting moments, there's not much for me between the end of Kise's match and the start of Midorima's. Like you said, Takao might be one of the most "broken" characters in terms of special powers. How do you even get around someone who can see the entire court? However, I still think Midorima's full-court threes to be more "broken". The body strength necessary for that must be extreme! He doesn't seem to have a good rapport with his team mates though, big surprise. The only ones who put up with him seem to be Takao and the coach (who is my favorite opposing coach up until now). When it comes to rivalries, I think my favorite are the twin rivalries of Midorima/Kagami and Takao/Kuroko. They also aren't too bad for shipping (especially Takao/Kuroko for me, what better for Kuroko than someone who always sees him :D). :P But Hyuga/Riko might be the OTP right now for me too. :) Honestly, seeing Kuroko become angry enough to punch Kagami is quite startling. Maybe if he'd done that to the GoM, things wouldn't have turned out as they are; and hopefully, it keeps Kagami on the straight and narrow. As for the OVA's, I still feel 22.5 spoils a character introduction, but it's up to you whether or not you want to risk it.


Ahhhh, I said Midoriya?! Noooo -- it was only a matter of time, haha! Yes, I think the pacing works in the show's favor for sure! I do love Takao and Midorima in this series, despite their OP-ness! And I may need to go back and re-watch with their coach, now that you mention that. Ooooooh, and Takao and Kuroko as a ship?! Ooh , the possibilities! I do love Takao too much with Midorima to not ship him with our green skittle, but I'm glad I'm not the only one that sees the Hyuuga/Riko supremacy! haha! And I feel maybe Kuroko knows that he CAN punch Kagami without it ruining their friendship -- I can't see Kise or Midorima handling a Kuroko punch well,haha, as for the others...I guess we can see, eh? Ah, thank you again about 22.5 -- I'll probably put it up for Patreon to see what we do with it when we get to that moment but I really appreciate you looking out for me spoiler-wise! Thanks for that and the comment!


Midorima? Definitely not. But Kise? He'd totally be "oh, Kurokocchi hit me!" *swoon* LOL I do want to look out for you, especially after the whole AotD thing. But I'll leave it up to you and/or democracy. ;D


Thank you for the lookout -- oof, hopefully nothing like THAT happens again, but I appreciate it! :) Hmmm, Kise could find a playful punch from Kuroko swoonworthy, true. I just picture Midorima with a spray bottle spritzing Kuroko if he gets near him, haha!!