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Masa-san proves to not only have the best fit of the series so far, but is a very intriguing coach for our crew! As Kaito and Minato react to having him as a coach, we get more into Kaito's relationship with Nanao, Seiya's failed attempts to communicate with Minato off the range, and see just how disconnected our boys are at the moment!

Can the secret training camp of Masa-san bring the power of the Nakama to them? Is Ren actually Masa's brother? Is Tommy-sensei's back okay after that STOMPING in the mock tourney?! All these questions and more this episode! ^^

LINK TO REACTION: https://share.vidyard.com/watch/9P91E878YkPtqQkVqxhGhG?

Thank you for Watching With me and the Support!


Tsurune: Episode 4 Reaction! A POOR FIT!?

Link to Reaction (starts at 4:24): https://share.vidyard.com/watch/9P91E878YkPtqQkVqxhGhG? **SERVANTLY HEADPHONE WARNINGS** Masa-san proves to not only have the best fit of the series so far, but is a very intriguing coach for our crew! As Kaito and Minato react to having him as a coach, we get more into Kaito's relationship with Nanao, Seiya's failed attempts to communicate with Minato off the range, and see just how disconnected our boys are at the moment! Can the secret training camp of Masa-san bring the power of the Nakama to them? Is Ren actually Masa's brother? Is Tommy-sensei's back okay after that STOMPING in the mock tourney?! All these questions and more this episode! ^^ Thank you for watching with me and for all the support! Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RomaniaBlack My Anime: https://myanimelist.net/profile/RomaniaBlack Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/RomaniaBlack You can mail me a letter or anything (except food, please) at this address: Romania Black PO Box 768 Harrisburg, IL 62946 USA


WuXian Suibian

Kaito is all bluster and prickly edges but he cares underneath it all. Maybe he thinks he will be seen as weak if he shows he cares,puts up his prickly walls in order to to be seen that way. He loud but he not really out going like Nanao. Nanao seems to get along with anyone, while Kaito has his smaller circle of people he accepts. Nanao knows the other side of Kaito, the truer/private side of Kaito and picks at him in order to break down those "wall" Kaito has put up. Minao, is definitely more introverted and his trauma (target panic and the loss of him mother) has caused him to withdraw from those around him, especially Seiya. Seiya wants to re-connect but is struggling with how to do it without pushing Minato further away from him. I think Seiya has his own walls he puts up and own issues that are preventing him from actually re-connecting with Minato. I think Nanao and Ryouhei are the only ones with out major issues that are impeding them in the group right now. And yes Ryouhei just wants everyone to just get along.


I love that Kaito gets more focus now -- he's clearly a cactus; prickly, but with a soft interior? I love that Nanao is such a good foil to him -- they remind me of Nagisa and Rin from Free! only if Rin and Nagisa hung out more together and were the same age, haha! Though Kaito is much more "prickly" than Rin! And yes, Nanao has seen that Kaito puts up a barrier and knows what's underneath! Seiya definitely fascinates me because he's trying to edge on this balance of dealing with his own insecurities about his and Minato's relationship while trying to mend it at the same time...which is no easy feat. Their relationship is the one I'm most curious with at this point. Hopefully, Ryohei and Nanao can be the "glue" and thread to tie everyone together with the "power of Nakama." ;) Thanks for the comment! I love these boys!

Floor H

Also about Nanao's injury, i don't think it's roadrash from rubbing against the bowstring, but more likely you should more see it is as a whipping mark. When the tension of the bowstring releases when you release the arrow it snaps back in place and might hit the arm holding the bow (think of the injury you'd get by being hit with a whip, or when you're jumping in a polyester jump rope and it accidently hits your arm, or even a rubber band that snaps and hits your hand but than much harder of course). That's why archers tend to wear bracers (historically leather ot (rarer stone or ivory) arm guards) on the inside of their bow holding forearm. (Also to protect from getting cut by the arrows feathers, but that is not the point here). So i find it curious that they don't seem to wear that in Japanese archery.

Floor H

Also disclaimer everything i said is purely from memory and due to studying history in Europe very much ba based mostly on Europe.


Oohhhh, that makes sense! Thank you for that information -- I was curious, but the physics of that check out, haha! I appreciate that and the comment!

Toni simi

I've watched this series like 3 or 4 times and everytime it flew over my head that Nanao and Kaito were cousins? Well.. maybe I do not ship it. XD And I agree that Minato and Seiya definitely give of the platonic vibe. I really enjoy the dynamics between Nanao and Kaito and also Minato and Masa. It's always interesting to watch them. I think from all the characters Seiya is most intruiging to me. I never seem to understand what excactly he's thinking. It's weird, he reminds me a lot of Hiyori from free but at the same time they act completely different with their best friend. Well, let's see what the training camp will give our team. Wish you a wonderful day!!


People keep saying they're cousins, but are they?! I don't know if it's a novel moment that hasn't been translated into the anime? I'm not sure, either! I love the dynamics of these boys, either way, and definitely want to see more of them! I agree, Seiya is INTERESTING in that he's the one we've spent the LEAST amount of personal time with; have we even seen his room? The comparison to Hiyori is interesting, but oddly enough, I can totally see it, especially in the Hiyori x Ikuya and Seiya x Minato dynamic! Thanks so much for the kind words and comment and have a wonderful day, too!