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The Rebuilds continue to be SO much fun but also soooo interesting in what is changed, altered, added, and left out from the Original Series. After thinking about it, though, this may be my favorite one so far! 

This movie is basically all new material, but there's DEFINITELY a familiar face involved and my fangirling could NOT be contained! Basically, anything that Kaworu touches turns to gold on my watch, but man -- there's a lot to discuss in this movie: The good, the frustrating, and some befuddling choices that are made with the new content! Regardless, though, I did NOT anticipate the discussion for this movie being this long...must mean it was a fun time, right?! 

LINK TO REACTION: https://share.vidyard.com/watch/iYiGsccKvYitqZpzss7Dym?

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Neon Genesis Evangelion: Rebuild 3.333 Reaction! YOU CAN (NOT) REDO!

Link to Reaction (Starts at 9:28): https://share.vidyard.com/watch/iYiGsccKvYitqZpzss7Dym? **MELODICA HEADPHONE WARNINGS** The Rebuilds continue to be SO much fun but also soooo interesting in what is changed, altered, added, and left out from the Original Series. After thinking about it, though, this may be my favorite one so far! This movie is basically all new material, but there's DEFINITELY a familiar face involved and my fangirling could NOT be contained! Basically, anything that Kaworu touches turns to gold on my watch, but man -- there's a lot to discuss in this movie: The good, the frustrating, and some befuddling choices that are made with the new content! Regardless, though, I did NOT anticipate the discussion for this movie being this long...must mean it was a fun time, right?! Thank you for watching with me and for all the support! Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RomaniaBlack My Anime: https://myanimelist.net/profile/RomaniaBlack Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/RomaniaBlack You can mail me a letter or anything (except food, please) at this address: Romania Black PO Box 768 Harrisburg, IL 62946 USA


Christopher Pettersson

The start of this movie was not what i had expected but i really like it, just being thrown in to things we don't understand works for me. Though i agree that we wanted (and needed) a few more answers somewhere in the movie. I agree that there were a few things that felt a bit generic anime and somewhat beneath NGE, the beast mode turning into an animal (i like EVAs going "berserk" or awaken so Mari's beast mode in the last movie worked for me), Wunder looking like a sky fortress bird hybrid and Kitakami, when i saw her i thought, this character looks to much anime and one whose aesthetics don't quite gel here. What i really liked is Asuka getting to do a ton stuff... and succeeding, good for her. Now, as with much in these movies one can wonder how much things would work on their own if you hadn't seen the original series... but i have so i don't care, it's interesting to see how they change, contrast and completly subvert things from what came before. Now what i disliked the most was the "curse", oh these people nearing their 30s are stuck in the bodies of 14 year olds? yeah, there was no need for that trope. Everyone being angry/distrustful of Shinji makes total sense to me and i like Misato in boss mode. She told him to go do his thing and he basically ended the world, i'd be miffed to. I do think we could have gotten some more of that crew at (or before) the end besides just Asuka and Mari coming down to fight. I can understand missing the Misato Shinji bond, but again for me it works as a contrast to the original. I won't have my final thoughts on it until the last movie, because of course they are not in the emotional place i want them to end up, we will just have to wait and see. I questioned how the logistics and economics of it all worked on the original, how anyone manages to do anything here at the end of the world i have no idea, i just have to let that go. How many survivors are there? WILLE has new crew, many said to be civilians. So there must people out there, or is most people left alive flying around with Misato and her crew? There was things i liked and disliked in this movie, things i wanted more of and things i wanted less of, but i think there was very little stuff i was frustrated with. I know you said you wanted to put things down as "frustrating" instead of bad but i wonder if you consider some of those things "good" frustrating. I might be endlessly frustrated with Floch, but i wouldn't want to change a thing. 😂 I don't have the same... infatuation you have with Kaworu so there was certainly things around him that frustrated you that didn't bother me. I'm not sure how i feel about the collar and his death, for the story i think he needed to die. I'm not sure how contrived his death felt to me but with all the religous connotations and Messiah parallels, self sacrifice makes sense. And something extra was up with that collar when Kaworu died, there was angellike geometric forms revolving around his neck and it seemed the collar itself was glowing in a way that it wasn't designed for. It doesn't seem that anyone else detonated it but it was Kaworu himself that ended (?) his life. I didn't mind Mari getting on Shinji as the end (even if i don't agree with what she said), it seems in line with his abuse from Asuka in the original and i don't think Mari literally meant what she said, we have seen her prodding and goading people (and i'm not sure how much of what Shinji just went through she knew about). There was no "princess" to save just her ineffective tries to bully Shinji into action. Also in my mind there is nothing that shows that they are trying to force Asuka and Shinji together, with all the Kaworu "romance" scenes we have, the contentious Asuka/Shinji relationship doesn't seem to be heading romantic... unless they want them to end up in some weird Dom/Sub relationship with Shinji wallowing in his own misery all the time. Also is something up with Asuka? She called humans lilin and i think we saw some weird light eminate from behind her eye patch in her fight scenes. The last we saw of her last time was her being put into quarantine because she might have been infected by the angel. Now i really love the ending scene, Them all walking through that red apocalyptic wasteland, Asuka angrily dragging Shinji with her, wanting to hit him but at the same deep down care for him, Shinji himself utterly depressed and borderline catatonic and lastly Rei timidly tagging along, lost, not knowing who she is, or even what she is. Can it get more Neon Genesis Evangelion than that? Had more notes but for everyone's sake i think that will have to do. 😆


The idea of Fuyu-chan doing everything is absolutely hilarious -- though, it's definitely a plot hole to have no one around -- I like it for the atmosphere, FOR SURE; it just reads weird for a series that's been SO realistic in its design up until this point. I do like how it plays out in the first half, going from confusion to a big OH! moment! :) But yeah, the fact that you all had to wait so long is INSANE. @_@ And that is sad that Anno went from being stressed in the OG series, to getting to make the movies the way he wanted, to being stressed again. That is tragic! :( Thank you so much for the comment!


I didn’t mind starting out in the middle of a battle, it reminded me of Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith, oddly enough, but 30 minutes is a long time, to me, to go without any context of what’s happening. But I give it props for committing! Kitakami’s design definitely does NOT feel NGE at all, so I agree, and yes, I liked that the Berserk mode in 2.22 made more sense with Mari, but here it felt too Shonen-battle-esque and like you said, “Beneath NGE” and the standard we’re used to with it! And The Curse – agreed, not on board with that! I liked that Asuka had things to do; I just miss how developed as a character she was in the original series – here, it’s heavily reliant on the audience knowing Asuka as a character from the original series in order to appreciate her character here, so it’s hard to me for her to stand on her own, but I’m glad she isn’t over shadowed by Mari in this one! :) That’s a fair point about Misato and it makes sense why they are all miffed at Shinji (“You had one job!”) hahaha, I agree, I definitely want to see the last movie before passing judgment on her and Shinji, or Mari, in addition. But seeing more of the crew would have been great, too! One thing I’ve always loved about NGE is how “realistic” it plays up the economy and logistics of the apocalypse and how things get done – here – I guess it’s the end of the world, so who cares about money? But I thought the same thing about the civilians maybe being all that’s left? As for the “frustrating” being a part of the good – I guess the Frustrating was that middle ground for me – I wasn’t made or “befuddled” with it, but left wanting more. It’s NOT the frustrating that Floch is, though; he’s a special kind of that! ^^ Ahahaha, I definitely have an infatuation with Kaworu! I’m still salty about his death because it feels a bit contrived and “forced” especially if Kaworu was responsible for his own death. I was frustrated with Kaworu TRYING to talk Shinji OUT of getting to the lances, and Shinji, who’s listened to Kaworu up to this moment, suddenly decides to ignore any advice he has; it felt too forced for me, but what can we do? #letKaworulivepastonefilmplease That’s a really good point about Asuka – I thought her calling humans Lilin was weird, as in, “Is this something that everyone does now?” and I saw the eye glowing blue behind the eye patch, too, so….eh? Is she still infected? I guess we’ll see – maybe, hopefully – in TUAT! I feel Mari didn’t “earn” her yelling at Shinji – if it had been Rei or Asuka, I wouldn’t have minded, but Mari’s barely been in the film and suddenly she’s shipping Asuka with Shinji, which in THIS version (compared to the OG series) doesn’t feel earned to me, either. I love that she goes to comfort, drag Shinji out of his misery upon the red wasteland (like you, I love that ending shot – very EOE and NGE), but Asuka is no “princess” for Shinji, to me. And yeah, I’m not sure I can be on board with them as a couple, as they have barely any chemistry in the Rebuilds – and I’m not on the bandwagon for the Dom/Sub – our boy’s suffered enough! Hahahahaha, feel free to add more notes but thank you for the comment! :D