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This episode was SO much fun and thrilling -- and had SO much going on! We get backstory fun and insight into Thorkell's character, Askeladd and Thorfinn teaming up to take him down, and then Canute showing up to enlist Thorkell and everyone else to his next conquest...

"Canute's Coup" has a nice ring to it, doesn't it? 

Link to Reaction: https://share.vidyard.com/watch/EWHkKEvdNGunnqaqFAuX2M?

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Vinland Saga: Episode 19 Reaction! UNITED FRONT!

LINK TO REACTION (starts at 6:24): https://share.vidyard.com/watch/EWHkKEvdNGunnqaqFAuX2M? **JOMSVIKINGS-LEVEL HEADPHONE WARNING** This episode was SO much fun and thrilling -- and had SO much going on! We get backstory fun and insight into Thorkell's character, Askeladd and Thorfinn teaming up to take him down, and then Canute showing up to enlist Thorkell and everyone else to his next conquest... "Canute's Coup" has a nice ring to it, doesn't it? Thank you for watching with me and for all the support! Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RomaniaBlack My Anime: https://myanimelist.net/profile/RomaniaBlack Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/RomaniaBlack You can mail me a letter or anything (except food, please) at this address: Romania Black PO Box 768 Harrisburg, IL 62946 USA



This is first episode where i felt Thorkel was not some anime archetype but he actually had layers , regrets and was being contemplative about his life . He was insightful beyond the strong warrior ideology (tho it was still tied to it) It just felt right and earned. Tho my fav part was Askelad admitting he killed Ragnar. I think that was a moment where he dropped all pretenses and schemes and was a genuine about serving Canute . He was prepared to die on the spot . To his eyes canute is a person who is worth following and pleding allegience . Which is kinda crazy considering we followed askelad for 18 eps and he barely dropped his guard .


YES, I love that Thorkell suddenly gets more fleshed out and has more personality, motivations, and layers to him! :) While still being tied to his character; it's great! And yesssss, my favorite part was seeing Askeladd confess to Canute (HIS FACE -- Canute got some great facial expressions in this episode). It's exactly as you said; that and Askeladd laughing his head off -- because he's finally found his mother's wish in the flesh. It's a fantastic moment! This episode as a whole was wonderful! Thank you for the comment! I'm so excited to see where it goes to from here!


Fighting just for the fun of it is not important and doesn't make you a real warrior, protecting that ones that are important to you is what's truly important and makes you a real "warrior" I assume something like that is what Thors understood after his daughter was born. Thorkell saying those things to make fun of Thorfinn are actually true which is why it makes Thorfinn so mad but he just wont admit it. Crazy how strong Thors is, beat Thorkell (who is already insanely strong) with no weapons and on one hit. A little bit of cheating in that 1v1 but oh wells, anything to stay alive right? the funny thing is even though Thorkell is already on the floor Thorfin turns into a savage beast and goes straight for Thorkells eyes lol wtf chill kid, the only reason Thorkell didn't go fully blind is because Thorfins broken arm couldn't grab the other eye lol. It was nice to see that Canute understands his situation so well. Also nice to see that Thorkell is not just a battle brute and realizes how much the prince has grown since the last time he saw him and decides to follow him, but in the end what stills fuels his decisions is his battler hunger since following Canute will give him a chance to fight the king. This moment where he looks at Canutes eyes and remembers Thorss and kind of wishes he had followed him back then to learn what a true warrior is, although is good moment I personally think that it wouldn't have change anything in him since Thorkell is fueled by war and chaos and even if he had understood Thors I think he would had leave the island behind at one point and head back to wage war. At least that's how i see the Thorkell character. That maniac laugh of Askeladd as not only things evolved the way he wanted/envisioned but Canute also managed to get Thorkell under his belt along with his 500 men. I was really surprised when Askeladd just went ahead and told Canute that he killed Ragnar, I was like what are you doing why?? but Canute understands that there is no point in dwelling on the past which also ties to what Thorkell says "I killed all your men, but that's water under the brige right?" no point in holding grudges if your men die when you go to war, it was gonna happen at some point. What matters is what you do after and how you honor/remember them.


Yes, I love that idea with Thors in this episode that he truly only “fought” to defend those he loved – not for fun or revenge, which is what he tried to impart on Thorfinn, who has lost that meaning in his quest for revenge. It’s almost ironic, then, when Thorkell mocks Thorfinn for not knowing, since for all we know so far, Thorkell is mainly fighting for the fun of it. And yeah, for Thors to beat Thorkell with one hit and his fist…crazy strong, indeed! Though the contrast of calm, chill Thors and feral child Thorfinn, hahaha! And yessss, Canute is not dumb; he knows his place in all of this and is finally speaking up about it and I agree, I like that Thorkell understands the strategy in all this, even if she’s battle hungry. And it’s a win-win for Thorkell; he gets to follow someone he sees the same light as Thors in his eyes, and fight the king like he’s wanted. Why not?! I do think that while Thorkell says he wanted to follow Thors back then, I agree – he may not have followed through with that desire; I see your point and agree with you, there! That’s a fantastic point that Askeladd just witnessed the man he’s putting his life on the line for live up to his expectations, but put Thorkell under his belt, too. WIN WIN! :) I honestly LOVE the moment Askeladd confesses that he killed Ragnar – you can tell Canute is MAD but at this point…he lets go of that revenge…something Thorfinn has struggled with for ELEVEN YEARS. It’s a great contrast! :) I’m so excited to see the rest of the season! Thanks so much for the comment!