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This episode was WILD! Askeladd backstory! Thorkell showing up! And Thorfinn so hell-bent on revenge he'll forego rescuing his Prince Charming to help make sure an aging warrior doesn't prematurely bite the dust! 

There was so much happening in this episode; I can't wait to talk about it with you as we near the final act of this first season! And an upcoming duel? I'm not sure I'll be able to wait a week to watch the next episode...

LINK TO REACTION: https://share.vidyard.com/watch/iqS4zoVopkJt3vMHCbjWHw?

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Vinland Saga: Episode 17 Reaction! SERVANT!?

Link to Reaction (starts at 6:52): https://share.vidyard.com/watch/iqS4zoVopkJt3vMHCbjWHw? **AVALON-WORTHY HEADPHONE WARNINGS** This episode was WILD! Askeladd backstory! Thorkell showing up! And Thorfinn so hell-bent on revenge he'll forego rescuing his Prince Charming to help make sure an aging warrior doesn't prematurely bite the dust! There was so much happening in this episode; I can't wait to talk about it with you as we near the final act of this first season! And an upcoming duel? I'm not sure I'll be able to wait a week to watch the next episode... Thank you for watching with me and for all the support! Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RomaniaBlack My Anime: https://myanimelist.net/profile/RomaniaBlack Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/RomaniaBlack You can mail me a letter or anything (except food, please) at this address: Romania Black PO Box 768 Harrisburg, IL 62946 USA



Watching the first time thought Askelads gonna die, due to his flashbacks , just finally saying whats on his minds and using the bows and arrows . Like you said, Thors died in a similar fashion too. Would be symbolic . Theres was an uproar from the manga community when this episode was released. When Thorkel stood against Torgrim and had this menacing look/frame . People were up in arms that it did disservice to the manga , director even apologized later on , i think. Here the direct comparison for the panel/shot https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EJG1f0sX0AEppWk.jpg Also just speaking about manga art, Aot has a more rough/scratchy art style compared to vinland . Since its kinda semi horror, at least thats my understanding . Vinlands art on the other hand is a lot more defined . Its not as shiny and smooth as anime tho. Also if you hear mario sound with mushroom Bjorn, does that mean Canute is princess Peach?


Right?! "Sudden Backstory" Syndrome was kicking in and then suddenly: A WILD THORFINN appears! But yes, it WOULD have been quite symbolic! WOW, that manga panel is INSANE! Yeah, I can see why people were up in arms about it -- that artwork is insane! I am planning to react to the AOT manga this fall, so it'll be interesting to see the art style of Isayama -- I've seen a few panels and it does look "rougher" than that panel you shared. And ahahaahahahahahahaha! That comparison of Bjorn to Canute is perfect...does that make Thorfinn Luigi? :P Thanks for the comment!


We are still not out of the water, Thorkell just barely arrived and that man loves chaos, anything can happen.


Yesssss, we still have so much to go with this season and I'm so excited to see where it all goes! :D


Sorry for the extremely long comment. For me this episode is so good just for the fact that Thorkell mind breaks Torgrim and even better the way he punches the horse and sends it flying, that is how I got a friend of mine to watch the show the horse punch. I LOVE Askeladd, his looks, his armor, how decisive he is, with out a doubt he is the best character of this show, at least for me (Thorkell the best waifu is second). I told you this last time, Thorfinn doesn't care about Canute at all, the only thing in his mind is Askeladd and revenge. -Bjorn takes out mushroom- Romania: Super Mario Bitch! That made me laugh pretty hard lolol. "A mere 50 men" says Askeladd like its not big deal if it wasnt for his age lol. Cutting that helmet and person in half with one hand just goes to show how strong and skilled is Askeladd with the sword and why he was confident enough to accept Thors challenge and also why someone like Bjorn who is pretty strong, calm and collected follows him with out doubt. Right after cutting that person in half the traitors realized they stood no chance and pulled out the bow and arrows lolol damn cowards. "You really are tall..." they call him Thorkell the Tall for a reason you dumb dumb. Poor thorkell was so mad and disappointed when he saw them drop their weapons when he arrives even though he ran all the way there when he saw them fighting from afar. The fool traitors thought Thorkell was gonna let them join or be free after they turned on their leader? who is gonna let a traitor join their group after they just turned on their previous leader at the first sign of defeat, at least he was nice enough to let them die fighting so they could go to Valhalla. Now we know a bit of Askeladds past and in my opinion, based on this episode, all this time Askeladd has been a slave to his moms dream/wish but the situation he is in right now made him realize that he can no longer wait for his moms king because he is getting old and can barely handle a 1v50 lol and now that he has a crown prince that is basically a white canvas and can color/shape to the image of the king his mom was waiting for or one that he wants and its worth serving. I like that bit of you thinking that maybe Askeladd thought of Thors as maybe the king to follow if only for a brief moment but then he realized that Thors had no ambition and backtracked. I'm pretty sure Bjorn was just sighing because Askeladds suspicions were correct and everyone is turning on him. Everyone, every religion/culture has their own interpretation of a heaven/king and they all end up having similarities, but I'm not expert in religions/cultures. Thors had ascended past beliefs like Valhalla and fighting, he saw war/fighting as useless, that's why he left the the army and decided to live with his family away from wars. Using the term "father figure" when talking about Askeladd is a bit of a stretch. I see it more as a pray you been tracking for a long time and then you see someone else getting the kill? wouldn't that make you mad, specially if that prey killed your loved one. I don't know japanese but I believe it could be a mistranslation, in the manga they used prey but to be fair I don't know if its the official translation. I'll be waiting for the next episode.


No worries about long comments – y’all know how long I ramble in these videos! :) That horse punch was EPIC – I feel for the horse – and just establishes what a threat Thorkell is! Best Waifu indeed, hahaha! I do love Askeladd as well – and your comment about not caring for Canute does make sense – maybe he cares a “smidgeon” for him (playing devil’s advocate as always), but it’s nowhere near his mind of Askeladd and Revenge, so good point! And if Bjorn is Super Mario, does that make Canute Princess Peach…girl can levitate in Mario 2, so we’ll have to wait and see! :D I love how Askeladd proves that even though he’s aging, he’s still a threat. Askeladd in his prime would be something to see if we get a flashback of that! I’m keeping my fingers crossed! I agree that he’s realized he can’t wait for his mother’s dream to happen – he has to make it a reality himself…I’ll have to bring that up in a future discussion, so I’m glad you mentioned it! Thors could have been the kind he was looking for, but here we are with Canute. :) I do agree that the traitors were not the brightest for thinking that Thorkell was going to take them in; he’s a warrior, so cowardly acts like mutiny would not sit well with him. That makes sense with Bjorn! And yes, I’m no expert on religion either, but I agree that every culture has their own interpretation as well. It’s fascinating that Thors ascended beyond that…more on that in a future discussion, too. And yessss, I was hesitant in the discussion to use that term, too, but he has “monitored” Thorfinn all this time; maybe that’s more accurate, haha! Thanks so much for the comment! Very excited for the next episode!


Hi, I really love your reaction and analysis! I've read up to the latest volume of the manga, and I love how it incorporates some religious concepts. I appreciate that you explained how the death of Jesus Christ became the embodiment of love. I was born and raised in Japan where about 2 % of the population is Christian, so I feel like I hadn't really articulated the idea of love spoken by the priest and the religion. It was also interesting to me that Canute started projecting his anger toward God instead of simply quitting believing in him. But really, his reaction probably reflects how religious people's mind works especially in the old time, which adds more reality to this series. There are some series I would love to see your reaction to if you don't mind. Golden Kamuy- Historical fiction in the Seinen genre. The stage is set in Hokkaido of Japan about 120 years ago. Hokkaido is the northernmost of Japan's four main islands if you don't know. I just read the manga and watched the anime recently, and it quickly became one of my top 3 favorites. The story, characters, history, culture, and comedy, everything is exquisitely described. I love both manga and anime although the anime has a bit of negative reviews on the art quality. But it's really not that bad in my opinion. Besides, it gets better as the story goes. Red River (Anatolia Story) - Historical fiction in the Shojo genre written between the mid-90s and early 00. This is the story of an ordinary 15-year-old girl caught in a struggle for power in the kingdoms of ancient Anatolia, her growth, and influence on society and people through her act. This series really got me into the culture and history of ancient Anatolia and Egypt. There is only manga for the series as far as I know. Odd Taxi- Contemporary suspense in Tokyo. It is an anime original, so there is no manga, I think. The story progresses with the mystery surrounding the main character, the taxi driver, and his passengers and related people..but the people are all animal look. While I enjoyed and was surprised as the mystery was getting solved, I also loved side stories that many people in modern days can relate to. Sorry if you have already known these series, but I'm curious about how you would react to them if you haven't. Thank you for reading A long comment!


Thank you for the kind words and the comment! I do appreciate that Canute isn't applying blind faith or giving up -- he still seems to have his beliefs, but he's wanting to question and work through the challenges presented before him. :) Definitely adds a layer of complexity and reality to the story! And thank you so much for the suggestions!! I've had Odd Taxi and Golden Kamuy on my radar and to-watch list, but I've added Red River now, thanks to your recommendation to my manga reads list! :) Thanks so much and no worries about the long comment -- you see how long I ramble! :)