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Ohhh, this volume DELIVERS on the heartache as Yona and Riri fight to survive in captivity and Hak and our Happy Hungry Bunch work to find where they are...but they aren't alone in trying to rescue our girls...and that's where it gets even MORE angsty, as Soo-won enters the fray again for ROUND TWO!

Hak's turmoil as he comes to grip with his relationship with Soo-won, Riri's courage to protect Yona, and Yona's determination to save her friend make this volume SO GOOD, but so heartbreaking! Kusanagi, why do you do this to usssss? 

LINK TO REACTION: https://share.vidyard.com/watch/PMW6fvHMKPmYt6Fgpbmr5w?

Thank you for reading with me and for the support!


Yona of the Dawn: Manga Volume 20 Reaction & Review! ALL OF THE ANGST AND WALLS BETWEEN US!

Link to Reaction (starts at 6:58): https://share.vidyard.com/watch/PMW6fvHMKPmYt6Fgpbmr5w? **ANGSTY HEADPHONE WARNINGS** Ohhh, this volume DELIVERS on the heartache as Yona and Riri fight to survive in captivity and Hak and our Happy Hungry Bunch work to find where they are...but they aren't alone in trying to rescue our girls...and that's where it gets even MORE angsty, as Soo-won enters the fray again for ROUND TWO! Hak's turmoil as he comes to grip with his relationship with Soo-won, Riri's courage to protect Yona, and Yona's determination to save her friend make this volume SO GOOD, but so heartbreaking! Kusanagi, why do you do this to usssss? Thank you for watching with me and for all the support! Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RomaniaBlack My Anime: https://myanimelist.net/profile/RomaniaBlack Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/RomaniaBlack You can mail me a letter or anything (except food, please) at this address: Romania Black PO Box 768 Harrisburg, IL 62946 USA


Kotaro 14

One thing I love about the way Kusanagi writes her characters male or female, romantic or platonic, it's the openness to showing love and concern. I love that the male characters can freely share emotions of vulnerability and receive support from the people that love them. Especially characters that you wouldn't expect that from in most media such as Hak. A lot of times it feels like people swing too far in one direction either you’re only vulnerable or 'strong' to the point where you can never be vulnerable. All of the characters in this series have their moments to be vulnerable and for that not to equivocate as a weakness but instead something that someone needs support for. It’s something that I’d like to see in other anime too.

Toni simi

Volume 20 is definitely one of my favourite volumes. Riri and Yona, Soo-won and Hak, My two favourite characters, Soo-won and Kija, meeting for the first time. This amazing Kija cover. Just so many things are happening and I love every single one of them. Seeing that Hak trusts the others more and more is great to see. When Riri put Yona in the bushes it reminds me of the start of the series when Hak did the same thing to fight the fire clan. Hak and Soo-won talking through the wall and them both knowing it's the other is always so emotional to read. Still one of my favourite moments between them. And the symbolism of the wall between them. Just so good. Hak reuniting with the wind clan was really nice to see and pretty funny. Kusanagi-sensei just knows when and how to put in Comedy. I want to say so much about the conversation between Kija and Soo-won but at the same time I can't get a sentence together. It was just a really good scene. Getting confirmed that Soo-won doesn't care about being a king is good and also that Kija and Shin-ah get that told is going to be interesting. I've seen a lot of people that want the series to end with the dragons getting freed from their powers and as much as I want that I also hate the Idea of it. Because why would suddenly no more people with the dragon god's blood be born? It doesn't make sense to me. At least at this point of the story. Maybe in the future it will make sense but right now I can't see it happening. Wish you a wonderful day!!


It's SUCH a good volume!! And yesss, Hak trusting more and more is so great! And oooohhh, I hadn't thought of that comparison with Riri and Hak and Yona, but you're so right! UGH, that wall between them -- I want it gone, haha!! The comedy was SO needed after all the heartache and angst of this volume. I'm VERY interested in seeing how the relationship with Soo-won in this series goes, but I'm so nervous, too! Hahaha! And I agree -- if they were the last to have the dragon's blood and powers, and were allowed to grow old and live a long life, I'd be fine with that at leat. At least Zeno not being immortal any longer...but I'll be curious to see how Kusanagi handles it all! :) Thank you so much for the kind words! I'm sooo ready for future volumes! :)


YES! The love and concern ALL characters show in this is just amazing throughout! I love it as well! And yes, Hak is SO badass, but h's able to be vulnerable and show romantic love and it's not cheesy or forced. I love how Kusanagi portrays him in such a developed and complex way, and it's not just love for Yona, but also Soo-won as well. I wish other series would take a page from Kusanagi as well!