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This show continues to LITERALLY knock it out of the park and the training camp was all I could have hoped for and MORE -- I was expecting to simp for Mei and Miyuki interactions, but SHUNSHIN SIMPING HOURS ARE OPEN, y'all!

We not only get dreams from season 1 coming true, but surprise reactions and character interactions, our sunshine boy getting his own intense aura, and the fight for the ace is ON! Furuya's back in action and I'm so excited for the episodes to come! This set was WILD and I can't wait to talk to you all about it!

Thanks for watching with me and for the support!


Ace of the Diamond Act II: Episodes 33-35 Reaction! "BECAUSE HE'S AWESOME!"

Link to Reaction (starts at 6:35): https://share.vidyard.com/watch/P6eF628fG7FAwWtVQcEkoy? **TRAIN YOUR EARS FOR THE HEADPHONE WARNINGS** This show continues to LITERALLY knock it out of the park and the training camp was all I could have hoped for and MORE -- I was expecting to simp for Mei and Miyuki interactions, but SHUNSHIN SIMPING HOURS ARE OPEN, y'all! We not only get dreams from season 1 coming true, but surprise reactions and character interactions, our sunshine boy getting his own intense aura, and the fight for the ace is ON! Furuya's back in action and I'm so excited for the episodes to come! This set was WILD and I can't wait to talk to you all about it! Thank you for watching with me and for all the support! Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RomaniaBlack My Anime: https://myanimelist.net/profile/RomaniaBlack Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/RomaniaBlack You can mail me a letter or anything (except food, please) at this address: Romania Black PO Box 768 Harrisburg, IL 62946 USA



Ahh there’s just so much to love with this set of episodes! The character interactions all around make it one of my favorite mini arcs haha, from furuya and sawamura continuously developing and them verbalizing their respect for each other while still being cuties going to send off miyuki, to miyuki and mei and yuki and SHUNSHIN at the invitational!! And it’s not even over yet! Lol but also, seeing miyuki away from the team even in just this capacity of a 3 day training camp and how everyone is acting like he’ll be gone for ages always makes me laugh because the DRAMATICS but on the other hand omg… my heart hurts already because I literally cannot imagine seidou without him!! His character and presence has grown so much over the course of this year and it really shows. And I love yui and okumura but as these episodes show, they still have quite a ways to go yet! And speaking of the first years, I’m so proud of yui’s perseverance and determination, he’s just such a good hearted kid, like if furuya had rejected me like that I probably would’ve been too intimidated to approach him again easily lol (even though we as the audience know he didn’t mean it like that), but no! He doesn’t hold it against furuya at all and actively seeks to improve and work with him instead, what a good little bean haha can you tell I adore him xD And okumura!! When he bowed to sawamura I was like aww! I admittedly did NOT have the most favorable impression of him at first because his bluntness verges on abrasiveness sometimes, but then other times he’s so direct with his feelings and I can’t help but admire that. He and miyuki are so interesting because they’re both super competitive, great strategists and catchers dedicated to supporting their pitchers, but they’re so different in almost everything else. Okumura is blunt to the point of rudeness sometimes and can be very standoffish, but he’ll also lower his head to an upperclassman and can be surprisingly sensitive at times (sticking up for asada for example). I really like that he stands up for what he believes in, but then again when he told kataoka, HIS HEAD COACH that he wouldn’t accept playing any position other than catcher I was like ?!??! The guts on this kid lmao but also woah, not even when he’s telling you it’s for the betterment of the team?? I still have mixed feelings about that tbh haha, but I appreciate having all these different personalities in the mix too. Meanwhile I agree that I cant really see miyuki lowering his head for anything unless he MAJORLY messed up, but not out of a place of ego, just that his personality would never allow him to be so vulnerable. Or I guess if it was to an upperclassman in this same situation I could see it, but he’d do it in a cheeky way with that insolent little grin on his face lol. He prefers to tease and cajole and only gets serious when something is going Down, but he’s improved on communicating so much since becoming captain. And furthermore, despite us never getting to see how his and chris’ rivalry for the main catcher position would’ve played out, we see in these episodes that he’s like yui and furuya in that he’ll play another position and try to do it well if and when it’s asked of him. “Optimistically” too, he just likes baseball that much. Just, such interesting parallels and differences between those two. Although I must say, if both of them came up to me and told me they were going to steal my spot on the team, I’d rather it be miyuki with his dumb little smirk lmao, at least that way I can play it off good naturedly and be like sure bring it on! whereas with koushuu, if he got all wolf boy up in my face when I hadn’t even said two words to him yet I’d be like um okay?? Can you back up a bit and chill LOL who are you again?!! I hate confrontation lmao, so glad that miyuki is a troll who can handle all these crazies coming after him! — HAIKYUU SPOILERS — Your little haikyuu tangent at the end made me laugh but I was nodding along the whole time! I love haikyuu so much but in a very different way from daiya. Haikyuu tells such a beautiful and inspirational story with its various themes and life lessons embodied by its characters, and I think it’s about as grounded as such a feel-good (almost idealistic?) story can get. Everything was set up so that karasuno/hinata could go far even as such huge underdogs, it’s that one in a million perfect culmination of events (that does sometimes happen irl don’t get me wrong), but we don’t get to see too many raw moments of desperation and struggle because of that (except for the few moments you talked about with hinata. Like even in terms of roster positions, suga was too much of an angel/kageyama’s skill was too uncontested to get any feeling of true rivalry - but we DO get glimpses of that with oikawa, which is one of the many reasons why he’s my favorite haha). I would’ve LOVED to see more hinata development after nationals arc during the rest of his high school years/Brazil before becoming OP, but that would’ve been a pretty drastic tonal shift and the realism probably would’ve bogged down the momentum it had running up to the final BJ/AD showdown, so I can understand the reasoning behind it. We’re shown just enough to know that they’ve all worked hard to get to where they are so it does feel deserved, but the story also has so many beloved characters for whom volleyball WASNT the end all be all, not even during their high school years when they were all playing it, so the difference between a series like daiya compared to this is palpable. Haikyuu feels like a literal celebration of the game of volleyball, not necessarily all the competitive aspects of sports itself, and there’s nothing wrong with that but yeah, very different story xD hinata is still a great sunshine boy for never giving up when everyone told him no, but I also would’ve loved a spin-off where he joined the volleyball club at a powerhouse school and had to climb his way up from there! Daiya though, it has its beautiful moments for sure but it is NOT afraid to get into every single aspect of the nitty gritty that can happen in sports when you’re all truly out there FIGHTING for it and that’s what I appreciate about it the most. It truly shows the day to day grind and struggles an aspiring athlete might have (injuries, mental blocks, team dynamics and even unpalatable toad assistant coaches that may have tried to sabotage you once upon a time but are slowly, VERY slowly getting their own development too LOL), and it’s all the more satisfying when we get to see that slow burn pay off! It truly puts the SPORTS in sports anime?? While still having a great balance of in between moments and dumb high school shenanigans. Truly the best of both worlds! And so much greatness still lies ahead for you, I’m excited for you to see it all play out!


Something so small that gives me AAAAAALL the satisfaction is Miyuki describing Sawamuras fastball as having "deadly accuracy". HOW FAR TO COME FROM SEASON 1. I love it. Also Ochiai mentions a stat here where he says against the national level schools like Hakuryuu, Narata and Kume, his ERA is 1.17. That stands for Earned Run Average. So basically, against the really difficult and famous teams, generally Sawamura only gives up a single run. It's pretty crazy. I love seeing Furuya open up in this set. Especially with Koushuu. That whole conversation, as I said on discord, is so important to me lol. Furuya finally calling someone by their first name 🥲 and it's Eijun 🥲 Something I think is quite important to note about the slight shift in Furuyas character already is him saying he wants to be the best in Japan WITH this team. Not just "the best pitcher in Japan". I love the change. Poor Sawamura lol. Always trying to support his teammates and his words get twisted and made to mean something condescending 😂 he's just trying to support Furuya and Koushuu. Poor boy lol We don't see much Sawamura/Haruichi interaction in season 3 but I really love the tiny scenes we do get. Them cheering together was adorable. I also love seeing the non starters get to play. Its always fun seeing Kuramochi and Haruichi and Miyuki out there but seeing the benchwarmers fired up and ready to play is also so nice. They exist too and it's nice to be reminded 🥲 With Miyuki and Noris battery I actually love that they're in this really comfortable place. Nori is the pitcher that Miyuki has caught for the longest. I think they have a different kind of bond. Miyukis always understood and respected Noris boundaries (like when he banned the sinker after he hit 3 people in an inning) and waits until Nori himself changes them or removes them. They joined the team together. I think that counts for something. I think Miyuki saying "it might not count for much coming from me" was more because they're in the same grade. There isn't that senpai/kohai respect thing. They're on the same level so maybe he doesn't think Nori would revere his opinion as much as Furuya or Sawamura would. But I'm so glad Miyuki acknowledges how hard Nori has worked to fill his role. Yui has some balls of steel I'll tell you what. If I was rejected by Furuya once, I would not have tried again lol. I commend him for sticking to his guns and really going for what he wants. He's such an interesting character for a sports anime. A "prodigy" but he's hustling and working like he has so much to prove. Usually the prodigy characters have a pretty easy ride as far as getting praise and attention goes. Not our young Yui. Koushuu realizing how intensely Sawamura and Furuya play is just ugh *chefs kiss*. It's so good. We as the audience don't really see it since we've been right in Sawamuras story from the beginning but an outsider pointing out that they play on a different STRATOSPHERE is just so cool. Polite wolf boy bowing to Sawamura. So good. Definitely deserved head pats lol. You know that first session for them was probably so exciting for Koushuu. I know you talked about how Miyuki would never bow to anyone (definitely not Sawamura I agree there) but he actually does bow to Chris when he first gets to Seidou lol. He bowed and introduced himself and said he was gonna steal his position. He's also bowed to the entire group of 3rd years when they left the retirement game. He can be polite when needed, just like Koushuu. That girl in the classroom saying "they treat him so well" and "they adore him", oh ma'am. You don't even know. They do adore him 😂 Miyuki walking up that hill to Inashiro really was the gate of hell opening up lol the only good one is Yamaoka (that big guy who didn't say anything) lmao Shirakawa spends entirely too much time judging Miyuki lol "some nerve you have to show your face" bruh he was invited you troll. Shirakawa also sounds like an ex sometimes lol. The ex that ending things badly vs Mei the ex where things ended amicably. Mei holds aaaaaall the grudges. My capricorn king lol of course he would. He's not letting go of the fall tournament until he beats Ugumori. He will die with that grudge. One of the major differences I find with this Sawamura and season 1 Sawamura is his focus level. He's still thinking of a million different things but now they're all the right things to be thinking about. Its not just random crap that he shouldn't be thinking about in that moment anymore. It's so refreshing and satisfying to see the change. Also I made this EXACT same mistake when I first watched it, but Miyukis actually coming back every evening from Inashiro lol. Hes not sleeping there. That's why we got 2 of those scenes of him walking up on the gang. I also thought they were just doing this weird fast forward and then reverse thing lol but no he's just coming back from the day. I find it funny that a few reactions ago you wondered if we'd see Chris at the All star weekend because of the American teams showing up but alas, it was Tetsu instead 😂 I adore seeing Tetsu and how proud he must be of how far Miyukis come. Purple is a great colour on our captain. Koushuu taking notes on Sawamura is so good. Has to note in his brain that Sawamura is happy and smiley around literally everyone. File that away in the Sawamura files 🤣 Its funny that you can tell that Miyukis never played first before cuz he's playing infield with a catchers glove 😂 no one had a glove to lend I guess lol I missed Umemiya man lol. His chaos is everything. He's such a goof and I really do love him as a character. Mei has to point out Miyukis twisted personality lol. Its what attracted him to Miyuki first I'm sure so he has to brag about it and show it off 🤣 they're both so twisted. Something that bothers me so much in this set is Shirakawa saying about Miyuki "you brag about your ability in the clutch. Then prove it". WHEN HAS MIYUKI EVER BRAGGED ABOUT HIS CLUTCH HITTING. Not once lol. Shirakawa really got a whole alternate Miyuki living in his head. Sawamura and Furuya continue to be THOSE rivals lol. Best friends and rivals at the same time. Him provoking Furuya as his way of cheering him on is so good. I definitely agree with your rant about Haikyuu vs Diamond no Ace. Something to add is that they both came to the team with something special and interesting to add to the team but Hinata was getting praised to high heaven before he was even a "good player". He couldn't receive or serve for anything but his ability to jump and run and spike made people revere him as a player and the audience loved him, the opponents loved him, everyone loved cheering for him. Sawamura had his moving fastball and a weird form but the audience would jeer and taunt him and put him down and wouldn't care about him at all. That's why seeing the audience cheer for him now is SO GOOD. Sawamura really was a comeback story for the ages whereas Hinata really got 1 hard lesson getting sick and went from there. Their individual growth has both been amazing to watch but watching Sawamura SLOWLY climb up and gain the respect of his team, the crowds, and the other teams is just a different type of satisfaction. It's unmatched in my opinion. Anyway, I'm glad we've made it to the all star weekend lol. May chaos rain 🎉🎉


YES! The character interactions in this part of the season are SO GOOD! As someone that loves character development, this season has been an all-you-can-eat buffet, hahaha! I really don’t want to imagine Seido without the current third years, so just seeing how everyone is doing without Miyuki for three days is simultaneously funny and heartbreaking! Let’s just stay in denial that they’re graduating after this year. :’) And yes, our first years growing, but still having a ways to go! I do love that Yui is keeping on fighting and working hard! He’s such a good bean, indeed! Koshu, too; his little bow to Sawamura and how he’s standing up for what he’s working towards – He has that guts and grit that Miyuki has – as well as the hardheadedness, too! But yeah, I think a big difference is that Miyuki has never really thought he wasn’t “worthy” of something, whereas Koshu has the mindset that he needs to “deserve” to be partners with Sawamura, which is interesting. Our wolf boy - he really grew on me in this set! HAIKYUU SPOILERS – Oh, Haikyuu, hahaha! I’m glad you were on the same page! It’s one of my favorite series but yeah – it’s designed to be idealistic! And yeah, Oikawa gets a lot of the “struggle” storyline in that series, which is (SAME) why he’s one of my favorites as well! I do agree, I think the “realism” of Hinata having that development would have been a tonal shift for the series and kudos to Furudate for sticking to their guns and telling the story they wanted to tell – I love Hinata from the Kamomedai game to the end, but it would have been neat seeing more of that development – what we DO see is such a tease in the Brazil arc. Haikyuu is definitely a celebration of sports and volleyball, but it’s not about the hardships and struggles like Daiya is! Can we get an AU where Hinata joined Shiratorizawa? He and Tendou would have been besties, just saying. – END OF HAIKYUU SPOILERS I love Ace of the Diamond for how much it gives us in terms of the sport and characters playing within it! It’s definitely rose to be my favorite because of that! :) Thank you so much for the comment! :D


Man, Sawamura coming SO far to having control and accuracy with his pitches?! I LOVE IT. <3 And wow, that is so awesome seeing how Sawamura comes to the plate against these big name teams. Our sunshine boyyyyy! <3 And the fact that he’s more focused now? YES! I love how much Furuya has grown over the course of these last several episodes and especially in this set. The fact that he calls Sawamura by name says so much! And yessss, now it’s the best in Japan WITH his team; that is a BIG step! :) Koshu, take a chill pill, my wolf! :P I love that he’s always onto Sawamura about SOMETHING but simultaneously wanting to appease him…and taking notes on him! Bwahahahaa, #tsunderelife And Koshu seeing the work that Sawamura and Furuya put in with Miyuki; it’s great. But Yui proves he’s just as gutsy as Koshu in this set! He’s definitely an insanely hard worker and I love to see how both Koshu and Yui are working so hard in their own individual ways. I agree, any time we get Haruichi content, especially being cheerful with Sawamura, is a moment I shall take! :) And yes, the other players getting screentime is wonderful, too! :) I love that Miyuki and Nori are comfortable with each other at this point. They definitely have a bond that’s unique for a battery with Seido. It’s really sweet how Miyuki phrased that to Nori. ^^ That is a good point about Miyuki bowing to Chris (and then adding in the trolling of wanting to take his spot, hahaha) but also bowling at their graduation. That’s a good point! “The gate of hell opening” Ahahahaha! And I just saw in the next set that his name was Yamaoka – that’s so great! Shirakawa is so petty – bruh, indeed. He even has this impression of Miyuki in his head that probably puts Koshu’s to shame…I wonder if we’ll ever see that?! I fully believe that Shira wishes Mei liked him, but it’s just not working for him, and now he’s jealous of the ex who “had it all” and chose Seido instead. :P And yes, Miyuki and Mei are SUCH gremlins. Speaking of Mei, YES, Capricorn Goat King WOULD hold a grudge against Umemiya and his team. OHHHHHHH, so Miyuki is coming back and forth?! WOW, that would be a TRIP! Every night, Miyuki comes back and it’s like the Community meme where he’s holding the pizza and everything around him is on fire? That’s actually kind of hilarious! I was FLOORED by Tetsu being there! :) And seeing Tetsu being proud? It’s so wonderful; yes, purple looks good on our former Captain! :) Also, no one loaning him an infield glove is both sad and humorous. Maybe Miyuki refused to take it, haha! And seriously, Sawamura and Furuya’s rivalry is just so perfect at this point; it’s everything a good rivalry should be and I love it. I can’t wait to see how it develops as we go further into this season! I agree, this series has made us the audience fight alongside Sawamura as he’s fought to gain respect from the audience, the team, and himself. It’s so rewarding to be at this point where we’re starting to reap the rewards of all that patience and hard work! ^^ And it makes me love this series all the more! Thank you for the comment! Man…chaos raining next week for sure! @_@ But I’m here for it!