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After that whirlwind of an arc last volume, the roller coaster doesn't stop! We segue into the "Blue Forest" where we get some more lore tied to our sweet, cinnamon bun Blue Dragon, and then...more water tribe shenanigans? 

Soo-Won's bachelor woes? Hak and Yona just needing to confess their feelings? A cliffhanger and our girls possibly in danger yet again?! Oh, Kusanagi-senpai, you know JUST how to reel us in deeper into this story!

Thanks for reading with me and for the support!


Yona of the Dawn: Manga Volume 19 Reaction & Review!

Link to Reaction (starts at 5:23): https://share.vidyard.com/watch/JrwadXopLaHUGrjEnXue23? **HEADPHONE WARNING** After that whirlwind of an arc last volume, the roller coaster doesn't stop! We segue into the "Blue Forest" where we get some more lore tied to our sweet, cinnamon bun Blue Dragon, and then...more water tribe shenanigans? Soo-Won's bachelor woes? Hak and Yona just needing to confess their feelings? A cliffhanger and our girls possibly in danger yet again?! Oh, Kusanagi-senpai, you know JUST how to reel us in deeper into this story! Thank you for watching with me and for all the support! Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RomaniaBlack My Anime: https://myanimelist.net/profile/RomaniaBlack Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/RomaniaBlack You can mail me a letter or anything (except food, please) at this address: Romania Black PO Box 768 Harrisburg, IL 62946 USA


Be Happy

Yay! My weekly dose is here!! Let’s goo 😁

Be Happy

Yes Ma’am ! It is gonna be hard to beat Hak!! I absolutely, wholeheartedly agree!! 😄😁😁 #besthusbandoever Now then, this volume!! I thought it was a sweet , albeit a bit scary, transition from the traumatic last one!! The blue forest segment is considered a semi filler by many readers but I disagree !! Sin-ah is always the quiet, shy and introverted dragon that almost never speaks so to have a full mini arc about him (kinda) is great. And having a spirit took over him with the confident, arrogant and condescending demeanor is wonderful !! So totally not Sin ha :) The camaraderie and bond between the dragons is more under the spotlight and what touched me a lot is the kindness Yona showed to the Blue dragon spirit, hugging him and reassuring him while being honest , it is so precious!! Our girl sure changed a lot since that sixteenth birthday when all what she thought about was her hair and marrying Su Won !! Speaking of ! That segment with Guen tea harassing Su Won to get a queen was hilarious and it s like Kusanagi used the fourth wall technic to assure us that : yes! Everyone is asking about Su won sexuality but you ain’t gonna have an answer!! I love Guen Tae , he is a riot! And poor Ju Doh always getting the burn about his bachelor status!! Savage 🤣🤣 We are going back to the Water Tribe, such a great setup for what’s to come. I loove that Yona gets to have girl talk with Riri, she must crave those moments with all the testosterone around her😉 not that I will mind, but yeah , having a friend to confide to is so precious to her and this friendship between the two of them is so beautiful !! Well let’s tackle the best for the last!! This romance is a slow burn if I ever read one!! It is so slowly building but so convincingly too! My God, the interaction between Yona and Hak this volume are OMG!! That discussion with Riri was SOOOO IMPORTANT : The fact that she acknowledged that Hak is special to her, that she talked about Su Won without blushing but stating facts, that she isn’t feeling vengeful is illuminating because if she was still feeling something for Soo Won she would have been suffering still and wanting to retaliate, but no , she understands his motives and isn’t going to intervene unless she thinks it is necessary. It is the maturing of feeling, the fading of the childhood love, and the birth of the adult true love !! *sigh* now if she only can be more open to Hak !! The guy suffered enough dammit!! I am soo waiting for when all this will boil and come to surface 🤞🏼🤞🏼🤞🏼🤞🏼

Be Happy

Thank you for mentioning my recommendation, I am so happy you had fun and it was worth it !

Be Happy

I forgot to mention that the little interaction between Yona and Hak in the OVA was taken from the bonus chapter in this volume as you saw!


Hak is a major contender! :) And yessss, this volume picked up RIGHT where the last led off! @_@ Ahhh, I guess I could see how someone would consider it filler, but I agree, I like that we get a side story with Shin-ah, and it’s a nice continuation of the idea of the dragon warrior “spirits” living on in future generations. And yeah, seeing him acting different was SO fascinating! Yessss, Yona’s growth and bond with the dragons is so great to see! And HAHAHAHA, “You ain’t gonna have an answer” – I love that Soo-won just casually ignores the question! :) Guen Tae is hilarious and Ju-Doh, poor man, being the brunt of all his antics. Guen Tae is bound and determined to be a matchmaker! It IS great for Yona to get “girl talk” moments with Riri – it’s a sausage fest in Yona, so having Yona get some one-on-one time with another female character is always welcome. :) Especially if it’s Riri! :D And yessss, Yona and Hak’s slow-blooming romance has been so genuine in its development, but Kusanagi knows JUST how to tease us with it! I love how you describe it, the fading of childhood love and birth of adult true love! Yesssssssss, Hak needs some openness, as long-suffering as he’s been, but we’re just. Not. There. Yet. Ahhhh, I’m so ready for it all to bubble over, too – the wait will be worth it! Thank you for the kind words and comment!! :D

Be Happy

Well , I should be more clear . The interaction inside the tent is from this bonus chapter in volume 19. The rest of the drinking game, and outside interactions are from a future bonus chapter 😄😅

Toni simi

"The only thing I need to be happy is for you to be happy." And she's happy when you are so let's all just be happy again. XD We needed that conversation between Riri and Yona, her talking about how precious Hak is to her and how Yona thinks about the situation with Soo-won. I'm so glad we finally get confirmation about these things. Yun being the canon mom brings me so much happiness. I often talk about how much I love our main groups dynamic but I also adore the dynamic of Soo-won and his "group". Seeing Geun-tae "teasing" Soo-won about him needing to get a Queen, Soo-won being for sure NOT straight and Ju-do being completely annoyed and done with them is giving me life. They're so fun to watch. About the romance, it for sure is a slow burn and I'm a sucker for them. And I especially love them when it makes sense as to why it needs so long. They've been through so much so they first needed/need to heal and now they are doing so many important things that there isn't much time for romance but it still slowly evolves and it's just so wonderful to watch them getting closer and closer. Wish you a wonderful day!!


Yesssss, Yona getting to talk with Riri about her feelings is SO important! Girl talk that was much needed! And yes, Yun is the mother of these monsters and I love it, too! And HA, yeah, Soo-won for sure NOT straight and the group dynamics are so great -- and yesssss, I love a slow burn when it's done like this and the slowness is necessary. I love that we're seeing Yona and Hak get closer and closer as they go...it's so great! And it has me so excited for what's to come with the series! Thank you for the comment and have a great rest of the week, toO!