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Hey all! As we get closer to the end of Attack on Titan Season 4: Part 2, I'm going to be starting reactions to Death Note on Saturdays!

I love Miyano Mamoru as a VA, but I've heard the English dub is good as well for this series...which do y'all prefer? 


Be Happy

I just screamed my head off when watching this publication !! OMG YES YES YES!! Death Note was my very first introduction to Anime (I watched pokemon, Yugi oh and staff , but as an adult it was DN) and God what an introduction it has been!! When you start with DN and right after begin AOT, it just sets the bar very high for next shows.. I watched it in dub first and loved it and rewatched it in sub and love it!! So no matter what wins I would enjoy the hell of this experience with you watching it!! I am so exited!!💃🏽


I watched similar to you growing up -- adding Sailor Moon, DBZ, and some other Toonami shows, but oooh, the fact that it's up there with AOT has me REALLY excited!! Thanks for helping me get even more hyped, haha!!


I haven't watched the dub but I've also heard it's really good, but still Mamoru is just ICONIC. There are some famous scenes that are that iconic because of Mamoru's voice acting. Maybe a good idea is to watch it sub but considering you like to rewatch some episodes, you can watch them dub and let us know your opinion kinda like how you did with sk8?


I think that's what I'm going to do! :) It looks at this point that the sub will win and in between reactions, I'll watch the dub and let you all know how I feel about it! :)