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I can't believe we're ALREADY to the end of Sasaki and Miyano (for now)!

Y'ALL DID IT! These are the narrowed down choices to replace this series, and it's...all over the place in terms of genre! But you all get to decide what I watch next! 

Please vote for ANY and ALL series you'd like me to watch!

* I have read the Fruits Basket manga and watched the original anime, but it's been a while.

** Back in 2020, I started watching this series with my brother; we were binging it and I made it to the Chimera Ant arc, but never finished it. It's been about a year since I last watched an episode.

Poll will end April 22nd, 2022! 


Be Happy

Where are you all the little Monsters there ? 😂😂 love the wide range.. I watched several shows from this poll but the 86 one is intriguing me as I see it in the poll 😝 position !! Anyway, I m sure any show will be fun, because in this channel we watch quality things 😁 And where is the waifu/husbando video Romania, I m getting white hair here 😝😂😂


I'm definitely excited to get to the new show as well, whatever it is! And....**NERVOUS LAUGH** I have the results of the next round of Waifu/Husbando figured out, but I just haven't had time to sit down and record! 😭😭😭 I'm hoping to have the next round out in a few weeks at the latest...deffffffinitely going to have to plan ahead next year! Hahaha! I'm glad y'all are patient with me. It definitely gave me more white hairs going through it, haha!


HEY ALL! Soooooo, the poll has ended, but I've noticed that someone got on the last day through multiple accounts and tried to vote multiple times. :) So, I'll be deleting the extra votes and the winner of the poll will be a SURPRISE! See you all on May 4th with the winner! >:D