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Wow, we start out the third season - aka Act II - with a bang, don't we? I officially LOVE our new, badass rival pitcher, Masamune and his No-F's-Given attitude towards pitching. He is NOT here to make friends, for the record. 

He's definitely a breath of fresh air starting out this season as we're ALREADY to the National Quarterfinals, and our sweet sunshine boy is now dealing with his jealousy at the attention Furuya is getting while still trying to support him and his team. I FEEL for Sawamura in these episodes...and I'm not quite sure where this game is going to take our team, but it's going to be interesting, that's for sure! LET'S GO, ACT II!

LINK: https://share.vidyard.com/watch/yEoHbZ3LL8yqDcdQim8FA4?

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Ace of the Diamond Act II: Episodes 1-3 Reaction! NATIONAL QUARTERFINALS & ENTER MASAMUNE!

Link to Description (starts at 3:45): https://share.vidyard.com/watch/yEoHbZ3LL8yqDcdQim8FA4? *HEADPHONE WARNING* Wow, we start out the third season - aka Act II - with a bang, don't we? I officially LOVE our new, badass rival pitcher, Masamune and his No-F's-Given attitude towards pitching. He is NOT here to make friends, for the record. He's definitely a breath of fresh air starting out this season as we're ALREADY to the National Quarterfinals, and our sweet sunshine boy is now dealing with his jealousy at the attention Furuya is getting while still trying to support him and his team. I FEEL for Sawamura in these episodes...and I'm not quite sure where this game is going to take our team, but it's going to be interesting, that's for sure! LET'S GO, ACT II! Thank you for watching with me and for all the support! Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RomaniaBlack My Anime: https://myanimelist.net/profile/RomaniaBlack Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/RomaniaBlack You can mail me a letter or anything (except food, please) at this address: Romania Black PO Box 768 Harrisburg, IL 62946 USA



We're finally here 🎉🎉 Firstly, that narrator is actually Tetsus voice actor not Chris' but I can hear why you thought it was Chris lol Its so embarrassing to watch Sawamura fall on the mound lol. Every time I see it I cringe. He was so excited to be there and fell and then let it affect the entire time he was in that game lol. Poor boy. Its actually hilarious to see Miyuki and Kuramochi getting along infront of the team. I think when they're in their class they generally get along fine but infront of the team they fight and bicker more often. Hongos pitches I swear invoke some different type of intimidation than Furuyas do. Furuyas pitches are faster but Hongos seem so heavy. The actual sound of his pitches sound like bombs going off. And his theme music is so deep and dark lol an actual villian in daiya? 😭 Also that 171 km/hr pitch was absolutely a mistype lol. Its not physically possible for a highschooler to throw 171 km/hr. That's 106 miles an hour and that's still faster than the fastest pitch ever recorded. I think the translations meant 151 but they just hit the wrong key lol I love seeing Furuya and Sawamura talking so much. Even Furuya just telling him to shut up is so different from the past seasons where he would've just ignored him lol. I also LOVE seeing Nori get some development. Even just the mental development for him is huge. Being able to come in, screw up a little bit and work himself down to normal where he can see Miyukis glove clearly again is so sweet to see. That stability and confidence in his throws that we haven't seen up until now. I think Kataoka and Furuya were standing on chairs or boxes while they were being interviewed lol. They're tall but those people would've all had to have been like 4 foot 5 for that to be a thing 🤣 I think they just put them up a bit so all the journalists could hear and get good quality recordings. Yakushi belongs at koshien and I'm so glad they got invited. Raichi is so crazy he absolutely belongs there. There's so many amazing batters at Nationals and it wouldve seemed like such a waste for Raichis talent to disappear in Tokyo like that. Ah I love Mima. So glad you get to see him. He's not actually a pitcher but he's such a good character. His on base percentage (OBP) is 0.800 which is honestly godly lol. In MLB even the best hitters have OBPs of at max 0.3 or so, so doubling it is unheard of. Hes an amazing batter with a ton of talent for running. The concept of dual aces is more of a spiritual one actually. Since they can physically only have 1 of every jersey number, only 1 pitcher can hold the ace number jersey which would honestly make that pitcher the actual ace. Any "dual ace" teams use the phrase "dual aces" to indicate that both pitchers are on par with eachother and both lead the team but personally I think it cheapens the idea of an ace lol. I understand the concept and the feeling behind it but there should only be 1 ace in my opinion. The pitcher on that team who doesn't have the #1 jersey probably has #10 or something. Furuya and polar bears is a fan favourite connection for this show lol. People draw him with polar bears all the time as I'm sure you've seen already lol. I've been waiting for you to get to this inside joke. Seeing Furuya emotionally develop in these episodes was so nice. His talk to the team and him being so genuine about his feelings of getting better and improving is just the sweetest thing to hear honestly. Night and day from Furuya in season 1 who went into the first year game, threw one pitch, got put on the first string and then left right after because he got what he wanted. And also what a hypocrite Miyuki talking about Furuya finally learning to express himself lmao. Speak for yourself. Its so nice to see Sawamura thinking about his pitching strategies more. Him coming up with scenarios like Chris did just to test himself and try to figure out where he would be mentally in those situations. It's so cool to see our bean growing. I would've loved to see him witness Furuyas development while he was speaking to the team but I understand why he was separated off trying to practice. The embarrassment and disappointment he must've felt for his shot at pitching at Koshien would've driven him to anything honestly and he was not prepared to let it happen again. Furuya always gets these rivals that he doesn't even know about lol. He started acknowledging the Hongo rivalry getting into the game more but Hongos literally had this rivalry since middle school and Furuya doesn't even know who he is 🤣 I'm with you on Shirakawa. I dont really like him much. Sometimes he's fine but good lord he's got such high expectations of Miyuki for no reason and then gets pissed off regardless of if Miyuki does what he wants or not. Also, it's Kariba, the catcher you always forget 😂 The Taurus empathy was too strong for these episodes lol. Can't wait for next week 😊


Masamune is built different for sure xD he remind me of a Shigeno Gorro from Major with his intensity


Oooh, interesting! I have Major on my list for future sports anime, so that is good to know! I really like Masamune, though; such an interesting character so far! Thanks for the comment!


Yessss, and Hahahaha, OH! It’s Yuki! Well, that is fitting, since he was the former Captain. 😊 I hate that Sawamura’s first nationals moment was falling on the mound…maybe he’ll get SO GOOD that he’ll look back and laugh on that moment, right? RIGHT?! *nervous chuckle* And OH! Good noting the 171 Km/H was a typo! I was GOING TO SAY! Hahaha, that was way too fast for a high school kid! Still 151 is crazy! And I like that Furuya is talking more! 😊 Especially the communication between Sawamura; slowly but surely with those two! And NORI getting development is great, too! That makes more sense that Kataoka and Furuya were on boxes; I thought, “MAN, these people are so short around them!” XD Ohhhhh, so Mima is a batter! INTERESTING….hmmmm…I’m excited to see more of him! And the dual aces – okay, I gotcha. And yeah….that’s….odd. We could just solve Seido’s problem right now, hahaha! Story plotline OVER! 😊 I do love the character development Furuya has received – I’m so proud of him and his talk to his team! And him learning to express himself; it’s very sweet! I do love that Sawamura is doing the “Chris strategy” – it reminds me of Raichi envisioning the batters! I wish that he could have seen Furuya’s speech, too, but hopefully he has a moment with Furuya where he gets to see basically that as well. I do find it hilarious that Furuya is oblivious to any other rivalry except that with Sawamura on his own team. And yeah, Shirakawa is not one of my favorites. He’s clearly jealous that Mei’s all about Miyuki. :P And THE TAURUS EMPATHY WAS STRONG! So….Yui, the new boy, is a Taurus too? If he rooms with Sawamura and Kuramochi, #bullpen is a GO! I can’t wait to see how the new 1st years get along (or don’t) with the current team…but we’re not there, yet! I haven’t watched the next set yet, but I’m REALLY excited! Thanks for the comment on here! :D

Vongola Flame

One thing to note though, about the discussion between Furuya vs Sawamura. I don't think it's a case of the team forgiving Furuya because sure he gave up 2 runs early but it's also the teams fault for not being able to hit off Masamune's pitches. Seido's offense is struggling this game their only hit so far is Miyuki. If anything, they should commend Furuya since remember their facing the defending champions here. If the game ends 2-0, Furuya did his job by just limiting the champion team to 2 runs and it's more of a fault for the batters for not stepping up to the plate. Remember, this is the team to beat Mei last year so they had to score runs off him meaning their batters are no joke and Furuya holding them to 2 runs is already commendable. This problem of Seido's offense was mentioned back at the beginning when the new team was forming that compared to when the 3rd years were here, their team lacks someone who can spark the offense as also noted by Masashi when he watched them in practice and stated that this team lacks offensive power. We see this highlighted by the fact that Zono was removed in the starting lineup meaning he's in a slump, and Haruichi is 1-7 (OPB: 0.143) in his stats at bat. Compare that to someone like Mima who has OPB: .800 - meaning he gets on base 80% of the time. Anyways, since you already saw how the game ended, they did lose 2-0 and Miyuki is the only one who had a hit. I think this shows that the batting of the team is not yet up to stuff and a wake-up call too that they need to be able to do well so that they can help the pitchers too. No matter how good Sawamura or Furuya pitches, if the team can't score, they will still lose after all. Just like here in the game, Furuya was shutting Komadai down in the 2nd half and had Seido scored 2 points and took it to extra innings, then it becomes anyone's game since Furuya was really pitching well in the 2nd half so it was not a guarantee that Komadai would have still won the game. Defense and offense both are very important and needed when one slips a bit after all. Anyway, great reaction again!!


Holy smokes, Mima's OPB is like THAT?! Well....that's terrifying! I do like that point, that the batters for Seido are an issue; I like to put a lot of the pressure on the pitcher, but you're right, it is the batters that present the potential to score, so a lot rides on them as well. I like how this show is presenting that it's not just your pitching and defense that need to be up to snuff to win....you have to be able to score, too. Thank you for the kind words and comment, and for adding that insight here! I've recorded ahead a little bit, but I'll have to remember that when we get to it in future episodes! :)