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Y'ALL -- well. Well, well. "Beware the Ides of March," eh? Eren just became ten times SCARIER than I've given him credit for being...Isayama laid the groundwork since season 1 with this character, and re-watching, I know I'll have more to say in future reactions, but this video's long enough, isn't it?   

Our protagonist reveals (part of) his hand to Zeke, who continues his journey as one of the more tragic characters Isayama's written, and the dots are connecting, the tables seem to be turning, and things are ramping up in this second "act" of the final season! (I'm convinced they'll do a part 3 or movie to conclude the series, which would be the "final act" in my opinion). I hope you all enjoy my ramblings on this one. Wine-chan and I had fun.   

Thank you for watching with me and for all the support!


Attack on Titan Season 4: Episode 20 Reaction! "MEMORIES OF THE FUTURE!"

LINK TO REACTION: https://streamable.com/26t74m **HEADPHONE WARNING!** Y'ALL -- well. Well, well. Eren just became ten times SCARIER than I've given him credit for being...Isayama laid the groundwork since season 1 with this character, and re-watching, I know I'll have more to say in future reactions, but this video's long enough, isn't it? Our protagonist reveals (part of) his hand to Zeke, who continues his journey as one of the more tragic characters Isayama's written, and the dots are connecting, the tables seem to be turning, and things are ramping up in this second "act" of the final season! (I'm convinced they'll do a part 3 or movie to conclude the series, which would be the "final act" in my opinion). I hope you all enjoy my ramblings on this one. Wine-chan and I had fun. Thank you for watching with me and for all the support! Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RomaniaBlack My Anime: https://myanimelist.net/profile/RomaniaBlack Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/RomaniaBlack You can mail me a letter or anything (except food, please) at this address: Romania Black PO Box 768 Harrisburg, IL 62946 USA


Maia Brodsky

OOF still waking up, then I'm gonna watch the crap outta this reaction.

Trung Ta

Remember when you were saying Grisha manipulated Eren? Yeah… Good times.

Maia Brodsky

Good choice using the T pose of doom as the thumbnail.

Maia Brodsky

Couple things in Porco's defense: Marcel didn't actually believe that Porco couldnt cut it as the Jaw titan. It was the opposite. He had to talk badly about him to their superiors in order for Reiner (apparently the worst candidate of the bunch) to surpass Porco and get chosen instead. Secondly, the Jaw titan's fighting style is not suited to being rock sniped from on high by a very accurate monke. Ymir would've been messed up too, maybe even more easily (she wasn't as fast as Porco, according to Mikasa). Zeke is just so ridiculously deadly when he has throwing ammunition. There was even a quick scene when Zeke threw a pitch like a full second before Porco ran full speed out from behind a house, and it nailed him perfectly the instant he emerged. Final side note: his persistent ankle-biting did slow Eren down for a few precious seconds.

WuXian Suibian

Grisha's VA nailed it in this Episode!!

Be Happy

Alright here it is!!! MY FAVORITE EPISODE OF AOT to this point and maybe ever!! This episode is a total mind fuck!! Eren, the protagonist , the attack titan has been the one since the very beginning to whisper in the ears of his father, to influence every attack titan that came before him ( Kruger said the Attack titan push forward for freedom whatever era it has been on, well that was all Eren from the start) … total mind blown 😅😅 Also with this episode, you understand why they replayed the whole conversation between Zeke and Eten, the ball drop was important sure, but it was the part talking about the Reiss family that was the most important to remember before diving in this episode !! It s heart breaking to see Zeke watch Eren ´ life and his relationship with his father .. what a difference between what he lived and what Eren lived.. he tought he is going to open Eren’s eyes , but it was his eyes that were open to how his father changed .. and I loooove that poor Zeke got that moment of closure with Grisha although I am certain Eren allowed it because he could have interrupted it whenever he wants.. God I love this episode !! And Grisha 💔💔💔 what a performance. When Grisha is in an episode, you know that it is going to be mind blowing!! And mind blowing it was!! As someone said there are before Grosha episodes and after Grisha episodes !! Loved your reaction Romania … I am going to listen to the discussion and come back with more ramblings of my own 😁


Someone NEEDS to give Hiroshi Tsuchida, Grisha's VA, an award. He owns absolutely every episode he's in. That Day, Sole Salvation, and now Memories of the Future. Absolutely heartbreaking performances.


Could you imagine being 15 years old and seeing this all go down? I would be depressed like hell just as Eren was at the end of S3. Must have been hard not to mention traumatizing to hold all that in and keep that a secret. Zeke and his shocked Pikachu face... I love the reaction, analysis, and what your theory is for what's to come. Do you plan on watching the OP on EP 82 or 83? I can't remember.

Matthew B

Zeke: Im playing 5D intergalactic chess, you're playing checkers. Eren: lol hold my beer.


AHHH You’re finally here!! I LOVED this episode and I could not wait to see your reaction to it — so many truths revealed, and yet obscurity somehow remains (as per usual with AOT) 🤣🤣 A theory that I have (and I don’t know how much sway it has) is that Eren is the way he is because he was conceived whilst Grisha housed the Attack Titan. It was almost in his blood from the moment he was born to search for Freedom and to oppose those who stood in the way of said Freedom — for me it explains so much of his character and his journey. I cannot wait to see/hear your thoughts on what is to come!! Thank you for the reaction!!


Omg yay Whiteboard Kun has an Eraser Kun now🙌🏽😂I ship it lol jk but omg I was not expecting a 3 hour reaction but do we really expect anything less when Grisha is involved😂That's when everything goes down of course. One of my all time fav episodes this season. Zeke & Eren I never thought I'd love there dynamic so much especially with Zeke trying so desperately to hold onto that hope & care that he has for Eren to protect him as his older brother. Trying to be that for him as if Eren needs saving. I felt bad too when he sees that crack before him. Eren saying he's been this way since birth. So many layers to that alone & hearing Eren admit this means so much for me. Zeke's face was literally me this whole episode😂just pure shock. The facial expressions especially the focus on the eyes was beautifully animated. Poor Grisha, let's add more unknown trauma to the list we already have with him. It's crazy to know that Eren & Zeke were with him this whole time with EP 1 & the killing of the Reiss family. The reveal of Eren manipulating Grisha. Insane. My mind broke at that point lol this was the first time I was actually terrified & scared of Eren😭I'm like hold up what is this eerie feeling I'm getting with my main character like this ain't right😂😂😂😂😂Zeke finally hearing those words from Grisha my goodness tears😭Also Grisha walking screaming to Eren "Are you happy now" chills like the haunting & discomfort of that scene is just....I have no words. Favorite scene but then again this whole episode was amazing. We all need therapy after this. Also just to clear something up, Eren kissing Historia's hand & we realize that he saw his father freeze & not be able to kill the Reiss family as well as his future self & zeke there, Eren's look was of disgust for his father not being able to do his mission which is crazy cuz I always was stunned by that face he makes so to know the context now is cool to see. I'd also like to believe that Eren didn't influence all of Grisha's actions specifically him writing his story for a "fellow patriot" to our future scouts because it's so personal to him & his character especially with the first page being his first family. Him getting ready to do his mission & hopes that his knowledge reaches someone which we know is confirmed with future Eren. I just like him coming to terms that he will die one day when he does his mission & is just preparing for the worst but before that here's his full story & his regrets. I just feel like that's so personal with him & that Eren didn't have influence on that part. It's possible tho but I like the thought of that being Grisha's decision. Eren's influence is rare but a huge part of Grisha's story as well with him killing the Reiss & a few hours later he gives kid Eren the Attack Titan & Founding Titan. Ep. 4 down yay⭐

Be Happy

Now we know Why the attack titan Shingeki no Kiyogin is the name of the show 😁 Zeke ended causing what he wanted to change , his biggest miscalculation at all.. he was so blinded by his grudge toward Grisha and his savior complex toward Eren that he didn’t see what was under his nose.. and for Zeke , after he didn’t find any endoctrination of Eren, bringing him to the Reiss family murder was the ultimate proof of Grisha ´s ‘twisted’ ideology !! Little did he know that he was walking through Eren’s trap and exactly where he wanted to go from the start. Because up until the moment Grisha waked up and saw Zeke in the basement, Eren didn’t know he could intervene.. and that’s why he was so shocked in that memory.. Eren saw his future self in his father memories when he touched Historia in ep 22 season 3 , that s why he was that shocked face.. Grisha doesn’t see Eren, he see himself in a third person eye, because he saw through Eren’s POV. And whenever he saw Zeke, It was through Eren’s eyes, as he always stands behind him in those moments .. Another point also , is that Grisha (that poor traumatized man😢) gave the injection to Eren even after what he told Zeke and what he saw in Eren ´s future memories.. One could ask, so why did he do that if he wanted Eren to be stopped ?? Well the logic answer is that Eren didn’t show him Carla’s death specifically because that will spur him and the reminiscing restorationist glimpse inside him to give Eren the shot and titans so he can fulfill what’s already written.. he was a broken man and learning of Carla ´s death finished him and it’s out of vengeance that he gave Eren the power… So all in all Eren has been the slave of the future memories, because he saw what is going to happen, he knew that it was set in stone and he can’t escape it or change ( or has he tried??!! We don’t know, there still a chank of timeline missing for things to all click into place )) which means he lost all freedom of choice… thus his anger toward Hange when asking her if she has something up her sleeve… it hits harder now I can’t gush enough about all the repercussions of this episode throughout the series, since ep 1. And Isayama the Goat, he drawn Grisha watching outside of the door in the first chapter.😱😱😱😱 crazi when you know that this chapter was published in 09.09.2019 , 10 yrs day for day from the 1 st chapter … the amount of planning and organization is sick and unfathomable … and what’s more wild is that there are so many more mysteries to unfold … You get it, I love memories of the future 🤣🤣🤣 You can’t imagine the shockwave that it has been , especially it was published like 2 months or so from the episode THAT DAY in june 2019 so I can tell you , that summer people were in shock , manga and anime both .. Wonderful discussion Romania.. I loved every minute of it.. can’t wait for ep 21 the third act of the ultimate Holy trifecta


Why is that every single time Grisha Jaeger appears prominently in the narrative the whole story tips on its head. Every single time there’s a before Grisha and after Grisha and the story changes dramatically. The power this man has. Also yes to all the other comments praising Hiroshi Tsuchida because this man deserve all the awards. 👏 Every single time he steals the show. I’m a bit late for this comment this time round as real life is certainly a bitch but really glad I could catch this just before 4x21 drops tomorrow. Still don’t have a lot of time so I won’t make this an essay … I hope 😂 It’s easy to see the nature vs nuture discussion in this story and I agree with a lot of the points you made about it with Zeke and Eren. It’s like Eren is calling out Zeke for being built from the outside in. As if Zeke is a shadow of a person who has no actual individuality for himself. Personally I fully believe an individual is built through both nature and nuture so I don’t fully agree with what Eren is trying to say about himself or about Zeke. I mean he certainly changed when Armin showed him the book when they were little kids. From a bored boy looking up at the sky to a boy who shared a passionate dream about freedom with his best friend for just one example of this. Nature vs nuture is one of my favourite themes in stories (*cough* Monster *cough*) in general so I do love that this one can’t be as simple as Eren is nature and Zeke is nuture. In the cavern there’s some wonderful pararells. One of my favourites being almost a direct one to Mikasa in 1x24 when she is on Eren right shoulder and demanding him to get up and fight Annie. Reminding him of what she has done. Looks familiar now doesn’t it with Eren to Grisha. Also that Grisha stabs his hand and it’s the same one that reaches for Faye’s hand that ‘started this story’ YIKES Isayama. Grisha really did take Kruger advice to heart and loved someone within the walls (Carla and Eren) and look what that lead to. That unconditional love for his son and what happened? It was returned to him by that very boy using him and manipulating him. Again YIKES Isayama. Although I don’t think it’s the story saying that Grisha did wrong by choosing this way of bringing up a child at all but it’s a funny irony nonetheless. I think it’s important to note that Grisha never saw 19 year old Eren. Because it’s Eren transferring his memories to Grisha, it would be through Eren’s eyes. Think of it like Eren is a camera. So Grisha can see himself in front of him but he slowly over those 10 years clues into that it’s through Eren. That’s why anytime he saw Zeke it was because Eren was behind Grisha and Zeke was in front of him. There’s a great Twitter thread that explains the bootstrap paradox to this chapter. Also Eren was surprised when he first saw Grisha react to Zeke in the basement. This would have been the actual moment that he realised ‘Oh. This is how I can pass memories to Grisha’. Isayama really did think this through . What a mad lad. Also I wept like a child at the Zeke and Grisha scene at the end. There’s nothing happy about this reunion (the music certainly conveys the doom about the situation) but it’s cathartic. And that’s all I could ask for these damaged souls. And for the only time in AOT (so far) to hear a character say ‘ai shiteru’ which in simple terms is the heaviest and most intense sentiment to say I love you in Japanese…. I think these two deserve it. When you were talking at the end about 3x12 and 3x22 and how Mikasa is the past, Eren is the future, and Armin is the present you got me super emotional. How Armin focuses on the trivial things about the present and how that is freedom … okay I’m starting to cry just writing this I’m not even lying. You were wonderfully eloquent and described a lot of why I love EMA soo much. “The world is cruel but also very beautiful.” Okay I’m gunna stop there this time. It still feels surreal even after a couple of weeks discussing this content with anime onlys! It’s really crazy shit but I’m soo here for it!


Seriously, Grisha is definitely a catalyst for so many things in this series and Tsuchida does an AMAZING job as his VA – stealing the show, indeed! ^^ I wonder back in Season One when he signed on, if he knew his character would have THIS ROLE in the series?! That’s something to think about! And no worries – I TOTALLY understand getting busy and not getting to these until whenever y’all can! 😊 And the idea of Zeke “built from the outside” with no individuality vs. Eren “has always been this way inside” is fascinating. And I agree – he’s very harsh to Zeke in that moment and Ooooohhh, I’m excited to eventually watch “Monster” if that’s a theme in it! Yeah, Isayama’s given us four seasons of complex characters to show that basic themes don’t “Just” apply to them. 😊 Ooohhhhh, I hadn’t thought about the Grisha and Mikasa parallels with Eren! Interesting! And YES, Isayama loves to “punish” good intentions in this show, and Grisha is DEFINITELY a case in point…he learned from his mistakes in the past and gets…well…this in return. Yikes, indeed. And thank you! I’m glad y’all have helped clarify these scenes with Eren and Grisha and how he “sees” Zeke and Eren (or doesn’t) in these scenes. Isayama is a mad lad, indeed! And yeah, Zeke in this episode was SO TRAGIC! That hug is just….oof. And Ooooohh, I know there are “various” ways to express love in Japan, but I didn’t realize that Ai Shiteru is the most intense! @.@ Wow, no wonder Zeke had such a reaction! EMA is such a wonderful trio, and it breaks my heart to see where they are at this point compared with how they were during Season 3 and before. But….”The world is cruel but also very beautiful” so I guess we will see where it all goes from here, eh?! Ahhhh….so….onto the next episode! *nervous laugh* Thank you for the comment!

Toni simi

This was such a fast episode. This series keeps on making me feel bad for Zeke. I don't blame Zeke for wanting Grisha to still be that horrible person. After all he had to suffer because of his father to then see that he was a good father to your half brother must be horrible. Yeah Grisha learned but that doesn't change that he made Zeke suffer a lot. Isayama's writing is amazing. All the little things from the start are now coming back more than ever. This man. "Accept the hatred" how is anyone able to accept anything they don't know about? You can't think they're gonna accept the hatred if they don't even understand why Marley hates them. XD The irony of Eren hating people who are not free but technically forcing his father to do all those things. Wish you a wonderful day!!


I honestly DO feel for Zeke; he's a terribly flawed character, but the more we get on him, the more tragic he becomes. And it makes perfect sense why he wants Grisha to be that terrible person he's built him up to be all these years, and the sheer TRAGEDY when Grisha laments, apologizes, and tells Zeke what he's wanted to hear his entire life? WOOF. The ties to Gabi and Kaya stand out for me in this -- especially with accepting the hatred, as you point out. And yeah, everything has been tying up to this point...it's so good. And YES, Eren is all about freedom and hating those without it, and yet does actions that strip others of their freedom and limit his own freedom in turn. What a paradox. @_@ Thank you for the kind words and have a great day, too!