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LINK TO REACTION: https://streamable.com/68eily

I 100% LOVED this episode! It was BRUTAL; the tension is at an all time high, the symbolism and thematic elements on full display, and yet somehow, the show still manages to have some hilarious (even if unintentional) moments of "WTH?!" that only Attack on Titan can pull off!  

We now have one foot on the landmine that is Nile & Co. possibly turning into pure titans, and the other foot on the landmine that is Zeke & Eren joining together...it feels like we're running out of time. The question is: Running out of time...until what?   

Thank you for watching with me and for all the support!


Attack on Titan Season 4: Episode 18 Reaction! "SNEAK ATTACK!"

LINK TO REACTION: https://streamable.com/68eily **GUARD YOUR EARS IN THIS ONE! HEADPHONE WARNING!** I 100% LOVED this episode! It was BRUTAL; the tension is at an all time high, the symbolism and thematic elements on full display, and yet somehow, the show still manages to have some hilarious (even if unintentional) moments of "WTH?!" that only Attack on Titan can pull off! We now have one foot on the landmine that is Nile & Co. possibly turning into pure titans, and the other foot on the landmine that is Zeke & Eren joining together...it feels like we're running out of time. The question is: Running out of time...until what? Thank you for watching with me and for all the support! Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RomaniaBlack My Anime: https://myanimelist.net/profile/RomaniaBlack Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/RomaniaBlack You can mail me a letter or anything (except food, please) at this address: Romania Black PO Box 768 Harrisburg, IL 62946 USA



Yelena made that face because Armin slipped up and she realized that he'd lied to her in the dungeons in episode 16. After she told them about the euthanization plan Armin fake cried and told her how moved he was by their noble goal. But in this episode, he says "we don't have much choice" when referring to who they have to side with to save Eren. Yelena knows he lied to her before but she has no choice but to let them assist.

Maia Brodsky

The Ackermans don't have to disobey the King, they are simply able to and eventually chose to. Just wanted to clear that up because it seems like you maybe thought they automatically oppose the King or something.


Yes, I don't think they automatically oppose the king -- we just know that they aren't affected by the Founding Titan's powers and years ago the Ackerman's split from serving the King for "reasons." I hope that makes sense. :)

Maia Brodsky

Oh ok, I thought you put "reasons" in quote because you didn't remember that he said that, but you're basically saying you don't know how that all went down?

Maia Brodsky

Sorry, this was meant to be a reply to the other comment lol, my bad.

Be Happy

I just Loooove how the music from Perfect Game was playing when Zeke was throwing rockw at Marleyan soldiers !! It gives such a sad reminder of how ruthless he is with his pitches 😢 RIP ERWIN, I automatically remembered him charging when I heard that music 😢


Love the comparisons of Falco & Eren, the contrast in those scenes was cool to mention too. One that chooses to tell the truth & guilt while the other chooses to be alone & not share there thoughts. I can see why Eren wouldn't want them to help especially after what happened to Sasha. Jean said he put them at risk by bringing us there to fight & now he chooses to keep them out of the fight. I do wish Eren was in the scenes with them to hear there views too. The reveal that Jean thought Eren was cool & doesn't want him to die😭 I was shocked by that confession awww I never knew Jean thought he was cool lol Eren would be so sly with hearing Jean say that to him lol Conny deserves to get his punch in with Eren😂🙌🏽Poor Mikasa & Armin. They are in a confliction indeed. This pains me to see them like that. Omg that scene of Magath & Pieck hanging on the side of the wall & incoming our scouts lol I was so excited clapping & everything until I saw Floch come in like oh no😂😂😂😂😂I think Jean & Conny were shocked about Zeke coming in because it was like confirmation that something happened to Hange & Levi, they were basically upset because they fear that Eren knows about this & that's really unsettling. Just as unsettling as Yelena's face😂😂😂😂I screamed in horror lol Isayama really wants us to have nightmares & of course the memes were endless😂Nile saving Falco such an amazing moment. Our boy Keith is hanging in there🙌🏽Colt, Gabi & Falci what a moment. Beautiful & heartwrenching scene. The shots in this episode were really nice especially with how Mappa makes the inside of the Titans look like a red glow. Omg & Eren's scream. We haven't seen much emotion out of him until now & wow that scream was powerful. Reiner asking Eren why he keeps fighting is more of like what is motivating him. Freedom of course but yes they both want it to end but Reiner doesn't want to live anymore whereas Eren does. He can't understand why Eren hasn't given up or faltered in the slightest but with Reiners he's had that point with him almost taking his life. That shot of Yelena of the Thumbnail was everywhere because it was in the Part 1 trailer😂😭Which little did we know we would wait a year to see that scene play out. Until next episode⭐


Oohhhh, I didn't catch that! UGH....my memory has clearly blocked out any connection to Erwin's death, hahaha! T___T Ugh...the sadness....Zeke is definitely ruthless with that throw!

Be Happy

This is one of the most touching episodes for me in AOT. So many touching and emotional moments. Something that touches me every time I watch this episode is Zeke referring to himself as Big Brother when talking to Eren!! The man craves human contact with family, recognition, being important to someone he loves, and I believe Zeke genuinely cares about his little brother… and man does that battlefield changes when he showed up!! Gabi!! Oh girl!! What Isayama did with you was perfect.. the little by little changes, seeing things, living with the ‘devils’ and being cared for from them.. Mr and Mrs Braus, God bless them, worrying about her and Falco… After all what went down!! And finally, seeing herself in Kaya that desires to perpetuate the cycle of hatred!! It is pieck character development.. no 180 flip or some unrealistic thing!! No.!!! Everything guided her to that moment when she realized how wrong she was and confesses it!! Setting her head and ideas free from the brainwashing and stubbornness she carried since apprearing!! I love it!! And I thought about you Romania when I watched it first time, I told myself, she will finally get 2 seconds of romance in an AOT episode, a tragic romance yes, but a love declaration nevertheless 😁 And Jean, our king, may long he reign!! That moment of self confession, pulling the rivalry layers to show the true friend underneath, the one able to look over the mistakes and sins to be there for his friend! He took my heart with that scene.. Armin, when hit with that memory of Eren, was soo shocked to believe that this is maybe Eren plan’s that he changes the subject quickly so Mikada wouldn’t notice… And Yelena, the chaos agent as another person called her on YT and I find this description on point. That moment of her on the edge of the building watching the airships crashing and all hell break loose is orgasmic for her .. they really did it justice! They also nailed her nightmarish face 🤣🤣😱 I just love watching you going through it all .. and may I tell you how impressed I am with your understanding of the characters and their emotions!! Brilliant!! Yeah sure sometimes you can miss it but overall you are accurate most of the time and for a story and characters as complex as this one, it is really a wonder job!! Ok I rambled enough!! Have a nice evening 😁


✨Pick your figher✨ Would you rather play Floch’s lil shit eating shh face grin OR would rather play Yelena’s ‘I will shank you when you least suspect it’ face? 😂 “He had to come up with a lie. Once this is all over, we can ask him” Firstly the music that plays as we go from Mikasa’s and Armin’s run up the stairs to what’s going on outside is absolutely breathtakingly beautiful. When Sawano stepped down as music composer for AOT for season 4 (he is still helping out though) and it moved to Yamamoto I was pretty nervous as Sawano’s tracks are absolutely imbedded into the fabric that is AOT for those first 3 seasons. However, Yamamoto has truly shown this season that they are an exceptional talent themselves 👏 that music gives me chills every time I listen to it. What I love about this basement scene is how everyone has every right to be nervous about Eren’s intentions. But they can all agree that they do love and care about their friend and comrade and they can at least try and put faith in him. It’s like “Eren is a bastard but god dammit he’s OUR bastard!” They put faith in that he is still the same friend and that they KNOW he wouldn’t side with Zeke because what else can they do? Although Armin is choosing to put his faith in Eren, his smart brain can’t help but think of an alternative. As we flashback to one of my favourite scenes in all of AOT… the beach scene. It’s interesting that he chooses not to share this with anyone, especially Mikasa. Is he doubting himself for thinking that? Or is that he simply can’t stomach it and won’t speak it into existence. It’s a decision of his that I find incredibly fascinating. Louise: “I’m glad. To think we’d be fighting for similar goals again…” Mikasa : “yeah?” It’s so clear in this exchange and in their conversation in 4x11 that Mikasa does not like Louise. Mikasa is very clear that she does not believe in any of this Jaegerist rhetoric and is genuinely disgusted by them as they are basically the terrorists of this island. She doesn’t owe this girl any kindness. It’s also the fascination that this young girl has for her. Mikasa saved her when Louise was a lil girl and she may be seeing a parallel of herself. She is very uncomfortable with seeing a ‘mirror’ of her younger self and the ‘devotion’ she had to Eren. I always love this lil exchange in this episode as it’s incredibly layered for how Mikasa is feeling currently. She wants to believe in Armin but she can’t ‘bring Eren with her’ on this mission to save him. A lot of damage has been done to her foundation as a person and I think its very important for her to put away the scarf (for now at least). “The moment which shall change history is at hand” What I love about Yelena’s character is how she is a late player in the story but she has effortlessly carved her way into it. She quite literally in the AOT universe wants to be a remembered player in this world. She wants to be one of the chosen witnesses of the event that will change everything and be right along side the ‘gods’ that will do it. ‘Be on the right side of history’. She really bring theatricality to the cast and there’s some very strong ‘Chrollo from HXH’ vibes when she has her arms outstretched and embraces the chaos. Her glee and her passion is hard to look away from. There’s many parallels to her and Floch but I love that both of them are scene stealers. AND THAT FACE OF HERS TO ARMIN. True nightmare fuel and was honestly scarier than the manga panel which is saying something. It’s the moment that she realises that Armin has been a lil liar “We don’t have much choice”. Armin slipped up for a second and outed that they are only doing this because they have no other options (and are trusting Eren) and not because they truly believe in Zeke’s plan and find it ‘noble’. It’s one line but the damage is done and now Armin will never sleep at night again 😄 You have been outmatched my boy! “On this island … they were just people” And here we come to my favourite scene of the episode. Where Gabi and Falco finally fly free. The birdcages were actually an addition that Mappa put in and honestly elevated this scene greatly. In a meta sense I always knew that Gabi was going to get to this point and that this was Isayama’s plan with her and it’s honestly beautiful and so worth the wait. The final nail in the coffin is that she created another version of herself in Kaya and she can’t take it back. Just like Reiner created Eren, Eren created her, and she created Kaya. The cycle of violence is hard to break free from and I love that a lot of attention in that theme for this story is giving to our cast of children in the forest. Gabi really is an exceptional character and I will not hear any differently. People who still hate her for stupid reasons can argue with the wall for all I care. Also my boy Falco! Love that one of the few confessions in AOT is given to this sweet, sincere boy. It’s incredibly sweet and soo sad that he washes away all his worries and guilt and accepts what will happen to him as an inevitability. It’s so unfair but again this IS AOT and nothing is fair. I do feel I should mention that Colt isn’t being completely stupid to think that they could try and talk to Zeke. As the anime does cut a few scenes of Zeke bonding with Colt and it’s clear that Zeke in a way did and does care for his fellow Warriors. Is it a foolish idea? Maybe. But with the escape route gone due to the zeppelins crashing they have run out of options. And when you are desperate you will latch on to whatever you can. When you love someone it really does make you a fool. Also the tearing of the armband moment *chefs kiss* so happy that you had a strong reaction to that in the moment. - few things Eren in particular looked very pretty this episode I agree. Loved that you had a whole bit in your discussion about his face when he sees that Zeke is here. It’s an interesting expression indeed… I believe that Mikasa, Connie and Jean were shocked by Yelena’s words not because Eren and Zeke had a plan to meet but mostly because since Zeke is here it means that Hange and importantly Levi are MIA. Which is pretty scary and also means that they are alone to deal with all this. I’ll leave it here for this instalment of Sacha has too much to say! 😄 Really glad you enjoyed this episode even though there’s a bit of recap and you can tell they are stretching it out to end at a certain point. Also don’t forget the ridiculously long recaps we got ALL the time in season one!

Be Happy

The episode begins with the cells being opened, but it was a wonderful symbolic for so many freeing moments in this episode : Mikasa leaving the scarf behind!!💔 it is like she sets herself free from her weakness towards Eren, just like Gabi is set free of her endoctrination, Falco from his secret of loving Gabi, Jean from pretending not to care for Eren … thoses birds cages were just sooooo on point this that scene.. so many emotional and psychological shackles for all the characters in this show.. each one his prison !!


The reason for the recaps in these episodes is to adjust the pacing as you will find out in the coming episodes but still, I love this episode as well and with AOT it’s the little things sometimes - whilst you can call it another tension-building and set up episode, the Gabi/Falco scene was great and much needed in the ongoing havoc. I love how much character development she gets and can’t wait for your thoughts on her for the remainder of the series. The animation in some moments was absolutely gorgeous as you say, Part 2 for the most part has been amazing with the manga adaptation and the increase of quality. I also really like your Falco/Eren parallels and it’s good to see someone that really understands these characters and their motivations, at least up until this point. Some theories though *internally screaming* - won’t say much but will refer back to this discussion at an appropriate time in the future 😁 And of course Yelena - the thumbnail scene with the airships is great and I’m sure you will like its manga version, as well. The face expression did become a meme immediately and Twitter was blowing up, so you are correct about that, too - it originally allegedly became a meme when the chapter came out in 2019 and was given new life this year 😀


There have been so many beautiful moments with our cadet crew that I wish Eren could have witnessed! And Jean thinking Eren was cool **sniffles** Our KING, y'all. And Connie trying to mask his care for Eren saying he wanted to punch him. Okay, Connie. Sure. :) There were so many great, heartbreaking, and terrifying moments in this episode with these characters! It's pure chaos! And I love that contrast of Reiner giving up on life and Eren actively pursuing it! Yelena DEFINITELY had her moments this episode; I thought about the nightmare fuel image as the thumbnail, but then...I'd have to look at it all the time, and...no. XD Instead I went with the more symbolic shot, and it's SO GOOD. I can't wait to see it in the manga! Thank you so much for the kind words and comment! Oh. Saturday will be fun. :)


The recap doesn't bother me, but it is more noticeable than in Part 1 but it's still fine, haha! And this episode was SO good! I'm VERY intrigued to see where their characters, especially Gabi, go the rest of this season! And yessss, the animation was just *chef's kiss* And hahahaha, y'all will have to remind me when we get to those parts where my theories were...off...unless I recall it in the moment! :) And man, I thought about making that expression the thumbnail, but it was too freaky...and I liked the symbolism with the airships on fire, more! :) I can't wait to see both eventually in the manga, though! Thank you for the kind words and comment!

Maia Brodsky

I would like to argue that Hanji fangirled over titans (including Eren in seasons 1 and 2), and Reiner fangirled over Historia, albeit only internally.


Yes! Definitely Hange (I forgot to mention Eren with that, haha) and Reiner did fangirl over Historia, too! That's a good point!


I do love that they all decide to put faith in Eren because he’s their friend; the doubt with Armin is so heartbreaking…I’m so curious what his character will do with the rest of this season… Oohhhh, I LOVE the idea that Mikasa is seeing her own devotion to Eren represented in Louise! Wow, that’s a great observation! I will have to bring that up in a future discussion! Wow, yeah, MAJOR Chrollo reference with that pose of Yelena’s! Does that make Zeke, Hisoka? 😉 Eren, Gon? Levi, Killua? Armin, Kirapuka? I’ll stop now. I will agree that Yelena and Floch terrify me because of how dangerous they are, but I love them as characters in this story. Ahhh, it makes much more sense that it’s Yelena realizing Armin lied to her. Our poor boy – I hope he can sleep after this. While still being alive, of course. @_@ The scene with Gabi and Falco is definitely my favorite of the episode. I love the addition from Mappa (it DID seem a little on-the-nose for Isayama, so that makes sense). The slow change within her is so worth the wait…though it is sad that she’s created another version of herself with Kaya, too. ☹ I have come to like Gabi’s character a lot and I’m VERY intrigued to see where her character goes from here…same with Falco! Isayama gives us a minute of love in this series from our Cinnabun boy and it’s sad, sweet, and well done. The tearing of the armband connecting them together was just PERFECTION. I do agree that Colt is desperate but not dumb. I’ll look forward to seeing those additional moments from the manga, but I agree – he loves his brother insanely, so it’s the last ditch effort he has, right? Eren looked beautiful in this episode…I’ve watched Episode 19, and Whoooo…they went all out on him in THAT, too. @.@ And yessss, not happy that Levi and Hange are still MIA. ☹ I just want them to be safe. Hahah, thank you for the kind words and comment – wow, that IS a good point about the recaps in season one. That seems like FOREVER ago, doesn’t it?


God I can’t wait for next episode 🙂

Maia Brodsky

The shock on their faces and Armin gritting his teeth is because what Yelena just told them means that Levi and Hange are probably dead (in their minds).

Maia Brodsky

I forgot to mention, I saw you noticed the weird half-second of what looked like Eren giving in/Eren-Reiner titan hug. I'm convinced that imagery was done on purpose. If you pause on that shot, it really does look like they're hugging it out. Not sure if you remember the moment I'm talking about, but you said 'oh' when it happened, so I'm pretty sure you saw what I saw.

Maia Brodsky

Also it was immediately after Reiner said "You've suffered enough already", not that Eren can technically hear him saying that, but it almost seemed to be in response. Like for that half a second, Eren wanted to give in too. He really is more similar to Reiner than Reiner himself can see at the moment.

Maia Brodsky

I could be wrong, but I think the statue in that one shot in the ED (the one you thought was Trost) is Helos in Marley, the statue that Willy and Magath looked at from the balcony the first time they met.

Trung Ta

I know you don't want us to bring up details in the manga because you'll read it eventually , but I cannot help myself because it is such a great line from Gabi that is cut out from S4 part 1 and it has came around perfectly. So if you wanna know what it is, you have been warned (it is a line that Gabi told Reiner in the S4 part 1). She said to Reiner when they were just walked by the hospital where there was the suicided soldier: "I want to understand you Reiner - After inherited your titan then, you'll probably live on inside of my memories- We'll both understand even the things ...that are too painful to put into words." Imagine my disapointment when I didn't see it in the anime. Now that Gabi says she understands Reiner, it just came full circle.


Oh wow….that IS a beautiful line, and so friggin’ sad, because knowing Reiner’s mental state at this point — and symbolically walking past the soldier who committed suicide, and then finding out how Reiner wants to die later in that same episode — that’s SO SAD, and probably reinforces his feelings towards not wanting her to become the armored titan. So yeah, wow, I love that without that actually having to happen, Gabi was able to come to terms with what Reiner meant. Dang, Isayama! Thank you for pointing that out!! ;)

Toni simi

The humor is so dark but really funny. And here we have Yelena's legendary expression. It's so damn creepy. I love her character but she scares me since it's hard to read her. Pretty much the same with Floch. The confesion scene reminds me of that one sound where the Girl is like 'don't you like me?' And the boy answers he does and the girl then goes 'what is wrong with you?' It seems like this fits with them a lot. XD Gabi starting to finally make big progress. You got this girl. And all the symbolism with the cages?! Chef's kiss. Nile my guy. Being amazing. I don't want him to die but but it seems like it's unavoidable at this point. This comment seems really messy, I apologize for that. Wish you a wonderful day!!


Isayama's humor is probably the 'bleakest' I've seen in a show...but at least it's there! Heh heh -- Yelena is a great character but she is SCARY, for similar reasons as Floch, yes! Hahaha, that's a great note about the confession scene; I can't help but love Falco for stepping up and telling her his feelings! And yes, Gabi taking a step forward -- the symbolism, too? **chef's kiss** indeed! And seriously, how dare Isayama give us Nile this WHOLE SERIES and only now make me realize his greatness? The shame of it. And no problem! Have you seen my ramblings? Is there coherence?! Who knows! :) Thanks for the kind words and comment and have a wonderful day, too!